That Time I Got Reincarnated...

By Isekai_Maker

65.7K 963 475

You died from sleep deprivation, working in a 9 to 5 company rarely getting any sleep or days off. You rememb... More

Waking up
Meeting Rimuru's fated one
Waking up and Meeting Orges
Naming the Ogres
Meeting Gabiru and a Dryad
Announcement 2
The Battle of Satisfaction
The King appears and A new Nation arises
A Loli Appears
The Kingdoms of Falmuth and Blumund
Charybdis - A truly BRUH moment
Meeting and Saving the Children
Beach Chapter
Delegation Time pt 1
Delegation pt 2 - Dwarven Kingdom
The Wrath of Y/N pt 1
The Wrath of Y/n pt 2
The Wrath of Y/n pt 3
Old Friend + An unexpected people
The Meeting among Leaders
Meeting among Leaders pt 2
Clayman's plan
The Discussion of Battle - Walpurgis is near
Walpurgis is set
Walpurgis - The fight
Not a chapter just a vote
Walpurgis - Ending
Christmas in Novus Roma
Confessions (Lemon)
Is it a rematch or a war? pt 1
Is it a rematch or a war? pt 2
(Side Chapter) - Farming
(Side Chapter) - Summer
Y/n's Bio
The 7 Celestials
Relaxation before Diplomacy
The Current map of the Tensei World
The Dungeon
More Dungeon Stuff
(Side Chapter) - The Spirit of Shizue-san
The Meeting of Races
The Meeting of Races pt 2
A Good Misunderstanding
Benimaru's Unintended Rivalry
The Founder's Festival is Ready and Open
The Hero & The Kids - pt 1
The Hero & The Kids - pt 2
The Hero & The Kids - Finale
Title.exe has stopped (Lemon kinda)
The Tournament - Quarter Finals
The Tournament - Semi-Finals
(Inter-Chapter) - Money
The Tournament - Finals
Chating with the Hero
Cooperation pt 1
IDK what to name this...
Cooperation pt 2
Side Chapter - How did Janemba get here?
Diablo's Reward
The Western Union - Invitation
The Western Union - Meeting Day
The Western Union - Idiots
Multiversal Stake
The Western Union - Beat Down
Assassination Plot
Union Memberstate
The Finale

An Upgraded Slime Rises

1.1K 17 10
By Isekai_Maker

Y/n pov

I put Rim at top of the fountain in the center of the plaza, while still transferring Ki to him (output 17%).

(A/n: Y/n's in ssj2 now)

Za Warudo: "Notice. The Harvest Festival has begun. The individual's physical constitution will be rebuilt, and will evolve into a new race."
Once that voice stopped speaking, Rim moving a lot and his normal blue color began to change into a semi-rainbow color. I can sense that his Ki is rising exponentially. 'Evolving to a D.L is no joke. Rim's power increased to my estimate, 10 times than his pre-evolution. He just slightly above my 100% base form.'
Za Warudo: "Notice. The individual Rimuru Tempest's Harvest Festival is complete. Now beginning the bestowing of gifts upon those connected to him."
After that announcement, everyone began to suddenly fall, almost to a deep slumber. "O-oi! Are you guys alright?" I get no response. But the response I get is Rim's slime body rising and showing a human Rim. But somethings different, his Ki... I don't know how to describe it. It's the same yet different? It's almost like it switched souls? When, Rim's human body touches the ground his... eyes. Their different, instead of it's yellowish-brown eyes, their a light velvet color, is that part of the evolution? "Brother?". Rim looks at and speaks differently.
Rim(?): "Notice. Things are going to plan. Please rest and save energy."
That's not how Rim talked before, his voice sounds more feminine and a bit robotic. I grab Ri- no I don't know if this is even Brother, regardless I grab it's hands. "Who are you? I know for a fact my brother doesn't sound like that."
Rim(?): "Notice. I am the sentient skill, known as Raphael. I am currently helping User known as Rimuru Tempest in resurrecting the dead citizens". It stares into my eyes with no emotions.
"*sigh* I'm still skeptical on that but, our priority is resurrecting the dead citizens. I'll trust you on this." I let go of Raphael's hand and walk behind her just in case she tries something.
Raphael: "Notice. I order you in the name of Raphael. Beelzebub, devour all magicules within this barrier. Do not leave a single fragment of a soul behind."
'N-nani?!' The whole barrier and Ki inside the barrier is being sucked up into the thing called 'Beelzebub'. After that's done I can see compacted Ki? No that's not Ki. Is that magicules? Raphael dispersed the compact Magicules to one of each of the dead bodies, she waves her hand down but gets interrupted by the demons Rim summoned, throwing what I assume is the survivor of the wrath of mine and Rim's.
Butler-demon: "I've returned, my lords. Under normal circumstances, I should wait until this is complete, but forgive my insolence in saying this but... it appears you do not have enough magicules to fully resurrect these souls."
"I can help with that." I walk behind Raphael and place my hand on her back. "[Ki transfer - output 50%]. Is that enough?".
Raphael: "That is enough magicules." She glances at the demons to leave.
Butler-demon: "Ah. Forgive us." They all walk backwards to let Raphael do her thing.
Raphael: "The required amount of magicules has been reached. Beginning the Secret Art of Spirit Resurrection."
All the compacted magicules entered all of the dead bodies. All scars, injuries, and blood has been reversed. 'Are... They all ressurected now?'. Raphael leans backwards and turns into a slime. "Gotcha." I place Rim on my lap and wait for him to return.

(A/n: Y/n's in his base form)

Time skip to 3 days

I feel some shaking on my legs and look down on Rim. His dark blue color changed into his signature light blue. "Yo! Brother! How's your sleep?"
Rimuru: "M-morning Brother. Did everything go as planned?".
"Hehe. Yep, look around you. Everyone's been waiting for you."
The goblins who've been resurrected have gathered in the plaza to show that everyone's been brought back to life. "Everyone, listen! My brother who has now awoken and brought all back to life is happy to see you all here!"
The resurrected goblins: "We, who have been all resurrected are here with no soul left behind!"
Rim: "Yeah. I'm happy to see you all alive and well."

(I don't feel like writing it in text form. It's funnier if you see it, in my unpopular opinion.)

'Well it seems I'm not involved in that. Though eating her food will give my zenkai boosts. Hmmmmm...'
Benimaru: "Anyway, we have a serious matter to attend to."
"A serious matter?" Me and Rim say.
"Ohhh. Right, right. I remember now. TLDR; The Animal Kingdom of Eurazania got destroyed by Milim and a other D.L who battles Carrion. And we their refugees."
Rim: "What?!? Ok, first let's discuss this in my private quarters. (A/n: Think of it as the Oval office in the White House that Tempest has.)

(A couple minutes later)

Rim: "I see... But still, 2 D.Ls especially Milim teamed up and destroyed Eurazania."
"I thought the same as well at first, since Milim doesn't seem the type to team up with some one. Like a certain prideful person I know."
Phobio: "Also the direction they flew was in the direction of D.L Clayman."
Suphia & Albis: "What?"
Suphia: "I gotta go there quickly!"
Albis: "Stop, Suphia! If you're thinking about revenge, we'll do this together."
Rim: "Now, now. Hamg on, you guys. As much as this may sound far fetched. I think D.L Carrion is still alive. Also Milim has to be pissed if her fight got interrupted by her partner. Somethings got to be pulling strings here."
"I think I have the answer to that. 'Cause if memory serves me right, this is similar to the Buu saga, where Vegeta let Babidi put the Majin symbol on his forehead to battle Kakarot. Milim could be doing something similar here. But instead for being controlled for a fight its more like for spying."
Rim: "That's plausible. Since Milim is ridiculously strong. Alright, I want you guys to stay here and be ready for when we battle Clayman. Also Y/n, I want you to unlock their Ki, if possible."
"*sigh* Fine. [Unlockment - Ki]. There, now here's the basis, Ki is a life force that can be turned into energy unlike magicules. So only use Ki if absolutely necessary. With that out of the way I'm going outside."

(A couple of minutes later)

Butler-demon: "I'm glad to see that you have awakened, my lord. I offer my sincere congratulations on your successful evolution to becoming a D.L."
Rim: "Um.... Who are you?"
"*whipsers* He's one of the 4 demons that you summoned here."
Rim: "Oh. Well, I heard you helped the town while in my sleep, thanks for that!"
Butler: "Please, there's no need for thanks. On that note-"
Rim: "Well I'm sorry that I've kept you for too long. You can go home now."
Butler-demon: "Go... home...?"
He looks like he's about to cry. He's a weird demon if I ever seen one.
Butler-demon: "As I asked previously, I wish to become your most humble servant!"
"I mean, I don't see a problem as to why not. Can you tell your brethren to also come here?"
Butler-demon: "Of course, my lord. Please wait."

(A few minutes later)

Butler-demon: "My humble apologizes for making you wait my lords."
Rim: "It's fine. Now that your all here, I want confirm that do you all wish to serve under us?"
They all nod. "Well if that's your wish. Then we shall provide. But first do you all have names?"
Butler-demon: "We all don't have names. But we are content to remain nameless even serving under you."
Ru: "No names huh... Then why don't we give you one?"
The 4 demons are in shock. They all await our naming for them. "Hmmm... Well for you *points at Janemba* I'll name you Janemba. And for you two *points at the demons that aren't Janemba or the Butler-demon* Your names will be said when I tell you to do this." I get up and walk to the 2 demons. "I'm going to teach you the fusion dance. After that, I'll name you. Now repeat my moves and do it to each other but note that the fingertips most touch each other for the fusion to work correctly."

"Now repeat it". As the 2 demons repeated my movements they succeed on the first time. Once they touched tips a bright light came after revealing a fused demon.

(Ignore the weapon)

"Wow. Your Ki has risen by 5 times. Anyway I'll name you 'Xapan'. 'I can feel my Ki being drained as I named them. It's a good thing ssj3 boosted my base form by 1.75x twice.'

(A/n: Xapan will not have a timer, like Gogeta. Since demons are the opposite of angels, meaning they posses some amount of God Ki or godly magicules that'll allow them stay fused forever.)

"Hey, Rim have you finished giving your demon I name?"
Rim: "Yep. His name is Diablo. Now that the naming is settled... Y/n, I want you to come with me for something... nostalgic. But first, Ranga tell everyone to prepare a feast for the time being. Also-"
Way ahead of you, brother. Kanchō is currently gathering information on that bastard Clayman's territory."
Rim: "Alright. Now then we're heading out. Y/n follow me with your I.T".
"Alright. *pop*"


That's the end. Also, I know that this is overdue but, thank you for almost 600 reads on the first part of this book, and thank you for almost 3k reads on the book in general. From the bottom of my cruel heart, THANK YOU!!! Also, Happy Thanksgiving :)


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