The Miller Twins (1)

By Totally_Twins2

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The story begins as follows Twins Eddie and Charlie were separated from their father as to protect them from... More

House of Who
House of Frauds
House of Chance
House of Divides
House of Crushes
House of Vertigo
House of Pressure
House of De Ja Vu
House of Hoods
House Of Deceit
House of Sibuna
House of Pendulums
House of Impasse
House of Help
House of Isis
House of Curfews
House of Dead Ends
House of Webs
House of Fronts
House of Keepers
House of Hacks
House of Stings
House of Double Cross
House of Wires
House of Envy
House of Names
House of Evidence
House of Genius
House of Slander
House of Hasty
House of Sorry
House of Hex
House of Silence
House of Warnings
House of Status
Character Boards
House of Heists
House or Alibis
House of Siblings
House of Reflections
House of Stooges
House or Zodiacs
House of Reckoning
House of Magic
House of Whispers
House of Duplicity
House of Hauntings
House of Collections
House of Speculation
House of Sabatoge
House of Nine Lives
House of Forgeries
House of Timeout
House of Reflectors
House of Illusions
House of Dreams
House of Pitfalls
House of Phantoms
House of Surrender
House of Strategy
House of Pretenders
House of Trouble
House of Traps
House of Stakes
House of Missions
House of Captives
House of The Chosen Ones
House of Freedom

House of Payback

246 11 6
By Totally_Twins2

Nina's POV

After the near-miss with Fabian, we return to the study to get upstairs before Victor realises we are missing. I like to think that it's nearly curfew but I feel like it could be more than that, we all put our amulets back on the table and then I shushed everyone, I peered through the hole to the cellar, it was Victor he was flipping the numbers then moaning and getting angry with himself when he couldn't get it right, when he finally left and I saw him disappear up the stairs.

Nina" It was Victor but the coast is clear now"

We all headed upstairs quietly to bed.



Charlie's POV

I was sitting with my brother, we both sat at the same desk. We had spent a lot of time last night looking at photos and just talking about our other classmates.

Charlie" So how are things going with Patricia, made up yet?"

Eddie*sighs* No, we haven't said anything to each other since yesterday when she dumped milk all over me"


Eddie" I just don't know what to say, even though I bet Jerome and Alfie I could get her to dance with me, I would have danced with her anyway"

Charlie" Just tell her that"

Eddie" I can't she won't believe me anyway"

Charlie" Oh, heads up here she comes with Joy"

I watch as Joy and Nina have an awkward conversation about each other and Fabian before sitting down in their seats, I then look and my brother is holding chocolates.

Charlie" Ooo, are these from Patricia, told you, you guys could make up"

Eddie" Not really?"

Charlie" What do you mean not really?"

Eddie" These are not French chocolates, they are snails"

Charlie" Ewwwww, well she is quite clever I've got to hand it to her"

Eddie" Well if Yacker thinks she can pull one over on me, she is totally wrong"

Charlie*smiles* Oooo, what are you going to do?"

I smirk as my brother tells me his plan, maybe we shouldn't but I do love a prank, that was always the reason I got in trouble at my previous schools, yep Schools.

-Lounge Room-

Amber's POV

We are all sitting in the lounge room after class while Fabian was explaining how we are going to bridge the chasm.

Fabian" Okay, okay so I think I've worked this out, we rig a counterweighted boom system that lifts up the beam and sets it into place. So we simply lift it, swing it, and set it down."

He was describing it with many pens and then he flicked them up. We all looked at him like he had just spoken a foreign language

Amber" Why don't we just lift the beam on its end and drop it down in the chasm like that?"

Patricia" Well that does sound easier"

Fabian" Yeah, well that could work too, I guess"

Well after my brilliant idea we decided to try it out, we decided to go to the clearing where we have our sibuna meetings.

Fabian" Okay, lets do this"

We all give it our best shot and for the first time we miss it but the second time we get it completely perfect.

Nina" Okay, so we just have to get it perfect every time"

We are all unconvinced and it confirms it when we only manage to get it right once, all the other attempts end up with the log on the grass.

Nina" So out of ten times we have got it right perfectly once"

Patricia" What if we practise it more again tomorrow"

I watch Nina I know she can hear the spirit, I know her face.

Nina" We can't wait that long, we should sneak down during lunch, while Vera's on a shopping run"

Fabian" It will have to be later tonight, Joy asked me to, well I've got to be a study buddy."

Nina" After lights' out then"

Fabian*sighs* Nina, wait"

The rest look at Fabian and sigh before leaving, I give Fabian a long hard stare before I walk off.  

Charlie's POV

I was sitting on my bed looking at my maths homework, none of it was going in, I was never good at maths and probably never would be, when teachers talked numbers to me it just went straight over my head. I threw it at the end of my bed in frustration and groaned loudly. My brother then stuck his head around the door.

Eddie" Hey, what's going on in here"

Charlie" I'm stuck on my maths homework, I got frustrated so I threw it at the end of the bed"

Eddie" Thats something else we have in common then, I'm terrible at maths, I always used to skip the classes"

Charlie" Me too, I got stuck in a class where the teachers hated me and the students hated me so I just ditched the class, Jason was never impressed"

Eddie" Neither was my Aunt, she grounded me a lot, I always snuck out though"

Charlie" Yeah Jason was never like that, I want to say he was a soft touch, he let me get away with a lot"

Both twins sit on the bed and cuddle, like they had been doing since they met each other.

Eddie" So are you still on board with my plan?"

Charlie" What your plan to give all the students and Eric snails?"

Eddie*nods* Yeah that plan"

Charlie" Of course I am, it will be hilarious to see the look on Eric's and Patricia's faces, wait how did you know they were snails"

Eddie" I may have been rubbish at maths, but I paid attention in French class"

Nina's POV

The wait until lights out is agonising, I couldn't wait to get down to the tunnels to hopefully get the beam over the chasm, all day I have had the spirits voice whispering to me all day. It was a sort of a huge relief when eleven o clock rolls round and we both head down to the cellar door.

Nina" "He's left it unlocked."

Patricia" Why would he leave it unlocked?"

Fabian"It's okay. Come on."

When we reach the chasm we all reach to pick up the beam and with teamwork lift it up on its end.

Nina" Okay, ready we only have one go at this, everyone ready?"

Everyone chorus yes and on the count of three we let it go. We all then cheer as the beam lands perfectly on the ledge.

Amber" So who is going first?"

Patricia Wow, don't all jump at once"

We all start arguing and exchanging conversations, then I see that Patricia has attempted the beam and is now walking across it.

  Patricia "I don't know what all the fuss is about,"I mean, it's a piece of cake."

  Nina" Patricia be careful"

Then we all gasp and jump back as swinging pendulums with very sharp edges begin swinging very very fast across.

Patricia" Okay, yeah well this complicates things"

Story Notes

So the Sibuna gang have managed to get the beam across the chasm but now face a new challenge with the pendulums, will they figure it out?.

And since Eddie knows French both twins now have a plan to get back at Patricia.

Authors Notes

Let me know what you think. I hope you liked it.



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