My brothers best friend ||STI...

By Fgdrlover

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Scott McCall's twin sister moves back to beacon hills after moving to live with their dad in 5th grade, but n... More



1K 34 6
By Fgdrlover

I'm so so sooo sorry for how long it's taking me to put these chapters up hang in there with me thank you too everyone still reading (I made this one extra long  Bc of the wait😏😏) 🙏🙏

The sun was setting and the crowd was fading until eventually it was just us sitting on the swings. I kicked my feet making the swing go back and forth slowly, I felt stiles looking at me. I embarrassingly fixed my posture and lifted my chin.

"You know I notice every time you do that" he cleared his throat.

"Every time I do what?" I said acting like didn't already know the answer.

"Every time you realize I'm looking at you, you change how you look, why?" He said sternly.

"I don't know it's something I've always done" I shrugged.

"I wish that one day you get comfortable enough to not feel the need to do that around me, because I hope you know I think you're fine just the way you are." I looked at him with a cheesy grin on my face as my face got astronomically hot.

Im seriously blushing right now.

"Not to Ruin our moment or anything but we should probably head back" stiles said standing up from the swing and walking in front of me. He reached his hand out for mine helping me up.

"I really hope Derek and Scott haven't come back yet" i said as we walked out of the park, the only sounds other than us being the leaves crunching underneath our feet.

"Yeah it will be more my problem then yours if we get caught, Derek will kill me" he nervously laughed.

"It'll be fine".

stiles reached down and held my cold hand as we continued our way back to Dereks building.

It had been at least 5 minutes of comfortable silence until I just had this overwhelming feeling someone or something else was near us. I know that sounds so cliche but I've always been right about stuff like this. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I stopped without warning to look around us to see if anyone was following us.

"What's wrong?" He looked down at me confused.

"Nothing we should probably just walk a little faster if we wanna get there before Derek and Scott" I shrugged it off, But he knew that wasn't it I could tell by the look on his face, he still continued to walk anyway.

I grasped the weapon Derek had given me inside my pocket and looked around for a second time.

"Aurora seriously what is it you're freaking me out" he stopped and looked at me.

"Stiles!" I yelled grabbing his arm.

I heard a screech from a tire then a loud gun noise and flash. I felt something thick and Liquidy splatter all over me.

My ears were ringing so bad It made me want to just fall over and not get back up. I looked up at stiles he looked like he was about to throw up there was splattered blood all over his face and shirt, it wasn't ours though.

At our feet laid something dead I'm not sure what because it was blown into pieces. I looked at my hands and arms there was three deep claw marks dug into my skin, which is strange because I didn't even feel it happening, but it hurts. There was also blood all over my shirt and hell probably my face too.

"Aurora!" A voice sounded in my ears but the ringing was so bad I could hardly hear it. I turned my head and it was Scott and Derek rushing out of the car.

Then finally my ears popped and I came back to reality. There was literally guts all over the ground on my shoes I think there was even a piece in my hair.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit" I said looking around.

"Aurora are you okay" Scott said grabbing my face examining me to see if I was hurt, which he soon figured out I was. Lifting up my arm looking at it in shock. "Derek" Scott called Derek over from talking to stiles.

"Is this gonna hurt her or is it just a scratch?" Scott asked.

"She should be fine it was just a werewolf it's not poisonous or anything, I bet it hurts though" he shrugged. Well no shit it hurts Derek? I can see my fucking bone. "Give me your arm" he demanded. I looked at him confused. "Give me your arm or I'm gonna cut it the rest of the way off" he said annoyed.

I lifted my arm and rested it in his palms, he shut his eyes and began to focus.

"Dude what are you doing summoning a genie?" Stiles said confused.

"Will you shut up" he rolled his eyes and closed them again. Seconds later the veins in my arm turned black and transferred to Dereks arm turning his veins black as well, but my pain was going away? It wasn't healing but it didn't hurt anymore. He let go of my arm and fake smiled at stiles.

"Ok gross but what did it do?" Stiles asked.

"It took away my pain" I said shocked. Stiles' annoying look dropped off his face into an amazed expression widening his eyes.

"No way Scott you didn't tell me you guys could do that" Stiles said with his jaw nearly on the floor.

"I didn't know we could do that either" Scott said with the exact Same look Stiles has on his face. Me stiles and Scott all turned our head to Derek. "Why didn't you tell me we could do that?" Scott asked.

"I don't know it just didn't come up, we need to leave there's probably more of where that guy came from and I don't want to wait and find out" he said leaving and getting in the car. We all trailed behind him getting in the car.

Scott got in front and me and stiles climbed in back. Derek drives many cars but I've never seen this one before. Its big boxy and black it's like the cars FBI agents drive.

After me and Stiles showered and changed clothes, and Derek wrapped up my arm he sat us all down in the living room to ' talk'.

"So" Derek said sitting on the couch whilst Scott and stiles sat on the other couch across from us. "Would you two like to explain why you deliberately disobeyed my only rule when all I said was not to leave" he said sounding like an upset father.

"I'm sorry-"

"You better be because you too would be dead if me and Scott weren't just so happen to be driving by" he said shaking his head.

"I know-"

"Do You have a death wish Aurora?" He said cutting me off again.

"Derek please just let me talk" I pleaded.

"I'm listening" he said looking straight in the eye.

"We just wanted to go and do something normal for once Derek, not that you know what it's like because you've been doing this you're whole life, and I'm sorry I really am but I just want to know what it feels like to be a normal teenage girl, I want to take 10 minutes to put on mascara, I want to go to the mall, I want to go on a date, I wanna go to the movies, I want to cry over a book but instead I get shit blown up in my face" I spat out in defeat. The three of them stared at me as if I just hit their cat or something.

"Aurora that's great you want to do all of those things, and I'm sorry that I can't let you. It's unsafe for you right now and it probably always will be there are people right now that have a top priority of killing you because it heals them" Derek said in the same strict tone he's been using with me all day.

"And how do I know you're not just putting up an act to keep me here so you can kill me?"

"Because I'm not".

"Oh and I'm just supposed to trust that?" I rolled my eyes.

"Im not gonna kill you Aurora".

"Why not".

"Because I won't".

"Tell me why" I demanded. "then I'll trust you".

"Because I care about you Aurora, you could maybe even say love, and stiles before you say anything no not like that" Derek said glancing at stiles then back at me. "I don't love you in a friend way either so don't get that mixed up. You remind me of my sister, and letting anything happen to you would be like watching my sister die all over again and I won't let it happen" he looked at me not breaking eye contact.

"Derek I'm sorry I didn't mean—"

"It's fine Aurora you're just a kid" he said getting up and walking to his room shutting the door behind him.

I plopped my body down onto the couch and looked up at the ceiling.

"Am i the biggest asshole in the world or what?" I huffed.

"I'm sure he didn't take it to heart Aurora he's a tough dude" Scott said walking over to me. "I'm gonna head home so I'll be there when mom gets home".

"When are you gonna tell her about all this Scott?" I looked up at him while laying down. "We can't keep telling her I'm spending the night at Allison's for ever".

"I think I'll tell her tomorrow"he said looking off at nothing.

"Do you want me there?" I asked.

"Do you mind if I handle it on my own?" He asked "I just think she'll be freaked out, and if you're there while I'm telling her she'll feel betrayed by both of us and have nobody to talk to but if it's just me she'll come to you".

"That's fine" I sat up and gave him a hug. "I love you" I don't tell him a lot but after what Derek said he made me feel the need to tell Scott I loved him.

"Love you too be safe" he hugged me back. He patted me on the back pulled out of the hug and gave me a soft smile then got up and headed for the door.

"Later stiles, don't do gross stuff on Dereks futon" he shut the door not giving stiles a chance to respond.

"Wanna do super gross stuff on this futon" I winked sarcastically.

"Oh absolutely" he laughed.

"Stiles I'll kick you out!" Derek yelled from his bedroom.

I forgot he has super hearing. We're definitely not doing anything.

Stiles' cheeks turned bright red as I burst out into laughter.

"That's so not funny" he said walking over and pulling out the futon and making it a bed.

"I think it's just a little funny" I smiled at him. He laid down next to me and pulled the string to the lamp turning the lights off.

" you know what I think is just a little bit funny" he whispered in my ear giving me a cheeky smirk that makes my heart skip, and before I know it he's grabbing my legs a pulling me towards him while I'm still on my back. It all happened so fast he's now all of a sudden hovering over me with his legs in between my own and his hand rested on the top of the couch.

When I said let's do some gross stuff on this couch I didn't think he'd take it so literal.

My heart is about to beat out of my chest he's hovering over me with that smug look on his face and his arms flexing from holding up his body weight over me. He always seems like the less dominant one but it's all a trick so you don't see all this coming when you're in bed with him.

"stiles" I swallow the lump in my throat "what are you doing?"

"Oh wouldn't you like to know"

"Yes, yes I would like to know" I said about to melt into pieces. He smiled at me and started kissing my neck. "St-stiles we're literally on Dereks couch".

"He's passed out can you not hear him snoring". I listened and He was definitely snoring.

"That was fast-" I got cut off by getting kissed. God I shouldn't be feeling like this right now this is not the place, but god do I want him.

Stiles leaned down again kissing my lips with his own as he squeezes my wrists as he shifts his hips into me sending heat throughout my whole body. he's never done this but I'm definitely into it.

He already has me panting and adjusting my hips as between my legs start to throb. He lets go of my wrist and continues to kiss me everywhere. He smooths his hands down my body letting out a groan  pulling his hips back away from mine, sliding his hands down my pants, pushing the fabric of my underwear aside sliding his fingers inside me collecting the dampness he caused there.

He pulls his lips off of mine, lifting himself up looking down on me.

"You know I'm tired, we should probably call it a night" he says knowing exactly what he's doing.

"Stiles please be joking right now" I panted.

"Now you know what it feels like every time you leave me like this" he grinned.

"You're such a dick" I groaned.

"Last time I checked you're pretty fond of my dick so I'll take your insult as a compliment" he pulled my pants back up right and fixed my underwear and pulled the blanket over me.

He rested his hand on my hip and laid his face in the crook of my neck and shut his eyes.

He likes to act tough but at the end of the day he still cuddles up to me and I hope he never stops doing It.

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