
By Lyoungs

164K 2.8K 399

Ben seemed to shift around in his seat and his eyes focused on what was going on outside the window. He could... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Quick message!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Thank you
Sequel Update :)

Chapter 11

3.3K 50 7
By Lyoungs

I started to shake as I read the text again and again. Who could it be? I hadn't pissed anyone off and no one really knew about me and Calum! We had hardly started dating really. I didn't know how I was going to tell Cal when another text came through.

"Still guessing who I am bitch?! You'll pay for taking Cal. I wonder if he would still have you with a bashed up face? You will pay!" I started to cry when I heard voices coming through the flat. The boys were back.

"Hey babe, I missed......... Amy? What's wrong?" Calum came running over to me and scooped me up in his arms and placed me on his lap as he sat down. I nestled into the crook of his neck and cried.

"Shhhhhhhh babe its fine. Tell me what happened?" Cal rubbed my back and placed a kiss on my head. I composed myself and rubbed my eyes before looking at him.

"Look at my phone" I whispered.

He bent forward and scooped up my phone in his masculine hands. He swiped the screen across to read the 2 messages I had received. I felt him stiffen up in anger and his jaw became tight.

"Do you have any idea who they could be from?" I whispered

He shook his head "I dunno babe. The only person who I can think of who I've pissed off lately is Jenny but I'm not sure she would be this vindictive! And we haven't told anyone about us. A handful of people know!"

He looked at me and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. My hands tugged at his shirt collar wanting him closer to me. He leaned into me strengthening the kiss. I pulled away breathlessly

"Where's Shane?" I asked

"He went to bed. Do you want me to go get him?"

I shook my head "no, I just want you Cal" I whispered

"I'm right here baby. I'm not going anywhere ok?" he pulled me to him tighter. I shifted my body so that I was straddling him on the sofa. He smirked at me "now this position I like"

"Just make me forget what happened tonight?" I asked quietly

His hands held onto my hips as he made patterns with his thumb on my side. He pushed up the hem of my vest top revealing my stomach. He bent his head down to leave a trail of kisses along my tummy. I gasped as he lifted my vest top off as his trail of kisses came up my abdomen and landed on my chest. His hands grasped each one of my breasts as he rubbed them through the material of my lace bra as he kissed all over my chest, claiming it as his. I bent forward so he had better access as he began to softly suck my neck. Kissing lightly and then sucking. I didn't care that id have a mark there tomorrow, I just wanted him to keep going.

As he nipped my earlobe causing me to moan, he grabbed my bum and picked me up. I giggled as he took me through to the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed as he climbed on top of me and looked into my eyes as he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. His hand cupping my chin as he tilted me up to reach his lips. He kissed me slowly until I playfully bit his lip causing him to moan out.

"Damn it Amy. You're just so damn sexy" he kissed me harder this time as his tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entry, I gladly opened my mouth to let him in as he grasped my hips. I arched my back to meet him and I could feel his excitement. I moved my hand to his jeans button when he stopped to look down at me.

"Amy what are you doing?" he whispered

"I believe I owe you a little something?" I giggled

He looked at me seriously "only if you want to babe. I didn't do it, to get something back I promise" I could see the sincerity in his eyes right then.

"I know Cal. I want too" I whispered

He nodded and removed his jeans and boxers for me. In one word it was huge! I nearly gasped when I saw it but instead I knelt down on the floor and showed him exactly what I could do.

That night as we lay in bed with him behind mine. I had never felt safer. His arms were wrapped around me keeping me warm and safe and every now and then he would place a kiss on my bare shoulder, sending shockwaves through me.

"Goodnight babe. I'm right here if you need me ok?" he told me

I nodded and squeezed his hand "thank you Cal. That means the world to me, trust me"

That night I slept well considering what had happened. Being with Cal just put it all to the back of my mind.

The next day went by quickly as we were both at work. He couldn't see me tonight as he had things to do and Shane was busy with friends. Shane was beyond angry when I told him about the texts but I think he was more pissed off because I hadn't come and told him last night. I filled Sarah in at work and her first reaction was that it might be Ben, just trying to scare me but I'm pretty sure he was too busy with his skanks to bother with me to be honest! Her next thought was Jenny. I told her that Cal also had said her name. We agreed that I would go round hers after work as I didn't really want to be alone and that Shane would walk me home when he got back from his mates. I was starting to feel like a burden but I really didn't like the thought of being alone in the flat and I could really do with some girl time with Sarah! I hadn't really spent time with her lately and she said that she had some news to share with me!

Calum's POV

I hated telling Amy that I couldn't see her tonight. I really wanted too but I had to find out what twat was doing this to her! What kind of person sends death threats to someone's new girlfriend? If I found out it was Jenny, there was going to be trouble! I left work early so I could make it to Jenny's not too late; I wanted to get back to my girl.

I pulled up outside her house. Last time I came here the lawn was well kept and the house looked good but now it looked a mess. There were even wine bottles strewn across the grass. I got out the car and locked it quickly as I strode up to her front door where I knocked once.

"Coming!" a voice shrieked. A few seconds later the door was flung open "Cal?" Jenny asked

She looked awful. Her hair which was usually glossy and shiny was now greasy and gross. She had no make-up on and her clothes seemed to hang off her like she had lost weight.

"Jenny what's happened?" I asked almost afraid of the answer

"Come in and I'll tell you" she whispered as she opened the door wide to let me through. I walked into the lounge and took a seat. I looked around the room, my gaze landing on the shelf full of alcoholic bottles.

"Have you started drinking?" I asked

"Well Cal that's what happens when someone you love leaves you especially when they leave you for another girl!" she screamed at me

"Wait what?"

"Don't act like it's not true! You've been shagging Amy!!! I know all about it"

"Me and Amy haven't slept together. Who told you this?"

"You haven't? He told me that you had!" she whispered

"Wait have you been sending the texts?!" I stood up and shouted the question at her

"He told me you were together. He said that you were all over each other and that you didn't care about me! I felt betrayed. You must have cheated on me if it's true!" she downed her glass of wine in one mouthful.

"You sent Amy those texts?"

"Yes I did! You and that bitch cheated on me and I loved you!!!!"

"You stupid girl! I could go to the police with those texts! Who told you?!"

She stepped forward and slapped me hard around the face. I grabbed her wrists and pushed her onto the sofa. "If you come near me or Amy, I will tell the police what you've done. I don't love you and I'm with Amy now" I turned and left the room. I just wanted to get back to Amy and tell her that everything was going to be ok.

Amy's POV

"So what was the big news you had for me?" I asked Sarah as we sat in her lounge with a glass of wine. Jake had gone out to leave us to it bless him.

"Me and Jake have found a house to buy and we've put an offer in!" she squealed excitedly

"Really? Oh my god no way! Whereabouts?"

"About half a mile from work so I can walk to work and were near a school for when we start a family" she beamed at me

"I'm so happy for you Sarah! Any wedding plans yet?" I asked

"We've looked at a few places but just getting ideas for how much really! And of course you're going to be my maid of honour!"

I grinned at her "well of course! Who else would there be?!" I heard my phone ping. It was Shane telling me that he was outside waiting. "Well Shanes here so I guess that's my cue!" I laughed

We said our goodbyes and I took the lift down to find Shane. As the lift doors opened, there he was flirting with some poor girl. I smirked as a plan formed in my head. I marched over there to him "baby who's this girl your talking to?!" I screamed at him. Shane was surprised and started to try and answer when the girl simply said "jerk" and walked off. I burst out laughing at his face.

"What the hell Amy! I was well in there!" this just made me laugh more and in the end he couldn't help but join in. eventually he slung his arm around me and walked me home. As we got there Calum was stood by the door waiting.

"I'll leave you guys to it" Shane said as he walked into the flat.

"Hey" I grinned up at him as he pulled me close to him "I thought I wasn't seeing you tonight?"

"I have news and I wanted to stay again if that's ok?" he asked

"Of course. Come in" we walked through to the lounge and we sat next to each other on the sofa. "so whats your news?" I asked

"I went to see Jenny" he turned to face him and I felt myself stiffen up

"That's why you couldn't see me because you went to see your ex?" I whispered starting to feel tears in my eyes.

Noticing these Cal pulled me closer to him "no babe not like that! I wanted to find out who sent you those texts! I would never go and see another girl instead of you!"

I sniffled "well? What did she say?" I whispered

"Someone told her we were together and she was upset about it. I told her to back off or I would involve the police. She's a complete mess right now. She's drinking and she's lost weight. I contacted her parents to let them know so they could help" he looked down at me and smiled

"I told you id be here for you babe and that's exactly what I plan to do. I don't want anyone else but you Amy" he placed a kiss on my lips "you look shattered. Let's go to bed hey?"

I nodded and held his hand as I led him through to the bedroom. That night we just lay together with my head on his chest as I felt it rise and fall with each breath he took. He held me close to him the whole night and I can honestly say I've never felt happier. I heard the faint ping of my phone as I turned over to read it.

"Sorry I've not been in touch for a while. I just needed some space I guess. Always here if you need me. Hope you're doing ok Amy. Miss you. Liam xx"

"What's up babe?" Cal asked sleepily as he pulled me back towards him.

"Nothing Cal" I kissed him slowly and then laid back down "go to sleep bub"

Now what was going to happen?!

Authors note

Another big thank you for all the reads and votes. I really do appreciate it so much! It really does keep me going :)

Much love

Leanne xx

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