Save me (Max Thunderman Love...

By AllNewProblem

58.5K 1.6K 297

"Everyday is just another struggle not to end it all"-Maggie Maggie Pieterson is just another loner in everyo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
A/N: Q&A
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

5.9K 150 15
By AllNewProblem

I woke up to my alarm clock the next morning. I hit the off button or whatever it's called and looked beside me to see that my sister was gone. I sighed, knowing she had probably gone to work. 'Or she just wanted to get away from you,' I heard the voice again. 'That's not true' I thought but then I felt a sting on my wrists. I pulled up my long sleeved pajama shirt and saw the bandages around my wrists. 'You know it is. She is sick of you and all your stupid little problems. Why don't you just end it all right now and rid the world of you,' it said. I felt my eyes start to sting as the tears threatened to spill. 'Maybe I should just give up already,' I thought to myself. NO! I wasn't going to give up, at least not now. I pulled off the covers and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and wrapped fresh bandages around my wrists. I brushed my teeth and looked through my clothes for something to wear. (The picture) I made sure my bandages were covered before grabbing my books and bag before heading out.


As I walked into the school, I could feel all eyes on me. It felt like they were looking daggers at me, which they probably were. I could hear people whispering and laughing, all of them pointing at me. I just kept my head down and held the books in my hand close to my chest as I made my way to my locker. I put the combination in and when I opened my locker, a whole bucket of water was dumped onto me. I gasped as everyone around me started laughing. 'Don't you see that nobody wants you here. All of them just want you to go away' I jammed all my stuff inside my locker, being sure to grab what I needed before walking off, trying to block out the world around me. I went into the girls' restroom and dried off best I could and made my way to homeroom. When I entered the classroom,  everyone went silent and stared at me like I was some kind of deadly disease. I kept my head down and went to sit at the back of the room. After a moment, everone went on with what they were doing before I came in as if I wasn't there anymore, which in their eyes, I wasn't. The second bell rang and the teacher walked in, with two people entering close behind him. It was a boy and a girl.  "Students, we have two new classmates joining us today," he said, earning everyone's attention. 'Great, two more people to tell you just how worthless you are.' "Why don't you introduce yourself," the teacher said. The girl stepped forward first with a huge smile on her face. "Hey everyone," she began and waved awkwardly. "My name is Phoebe Thunderman and I am super psyched  to be attending this school with all of you!" The room was dead silent until Cherry jumped up from her seat and fistbumbed the air and screamed, "Yeah! You go girl!" All the eyes in the room turned to her. I could see she was uncomfortable as she slowly began to sit down again. All attention turned to the boy who stood next to Phoebe. He was kinda cute. I looked at him and took in every little detail I could see. He had brown hair that was slightly spiky and he had chocolate brown eyes that made me melt when I looked into them. His skin actually looked flawless.  Weird. He currently had a smirk on his face. Now that I think about it, he and Phoebe looked alike, they must be siblings. "Hey, I'm Max Thunderman." Yeah, I was right. "I'm cool, incredibly good looking, very smooth. So basically, the exact opposite of my dear sister Phoebe," Max said, which earned him a slap on the arm from Phoebe. "Ow," he wined and Phoebe just glared at him. I giggled slightly which, thankfully, nobody heard. They seem really nice. Maybe we could become friends. 'Ha! That's really funny. Who the hell would want to be friends with you!' I looked back down at my notebook, the smile wiped completely from my face. "That's probably true," I mumbled under my breath. "Ok you two, that's enough," the teacher said. "You can sit anywhere you like." I looked up to see where they would sit. Max took the open seat at the front of the class. I looked around and saw that the only other open seat was next to me. And, as expected, Phoebe came and sat next to me. I looked back down, not wanting to make eye contact. "Hey, I'm Phoebe. What's your name?" I heard Phoebe say but it took me a second to realize that she was talking to me. I looked up from my notebook where I was currently drawing a picture of a chained up girl. I looked at her and saw she had a smile on her face and had her hand extended for me to shake. I forced a smile and shook her hand and said, "I'm Maggie." I let her hand go and expected her to turn away from me but to my surprise she didn't. That's a first. "So, would you mind showing me around, since I know I'm going to get lost," she asked. That caused me to smile. And it wasn't forced, for once it was sincere. "Sure, I wouldn't mind. What do you have next?" She looked at her schedule and smiled. "Math," she said. I nodded and said, "Me too. I'll show you." She smiled and nodded. We were interupted by the bell. I stuffed all my stuff inside my bag and so did Phoebe. As we were heading for the door, I heard Cherry yell Phoebe's name. Great, just what I need. "Hey, my name is Cherry," Cherry said once she was next to Phoebe. "It's nice to meet you Cherry," Phoebe said. Cherry glared at me when Phoebe wasn't looking. I took that as my queue to leave. "Hey, where are you going?" I heard Phoebe yell after me. I didn't say anything and just kept my head down. "Trust me Pheebs. You don't want to be friends with that freak," I heard Cherry say to Phoebe. 'Don't you see nobody wants you in their lives. Why don't you just vanish?' I just ignored it and made my way to Math.

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