That Time I Got Reincarnated...

By Isekai_Maker

65.7K 963 475

You died from sleep deprivation, working in a 9 to 5 company rarely getting any sleep or days off. You rememb... More

Waking up
Meeting Rimuru's fated one
Waking up and Meeting Orges
Naming the Ogres
Meeting Gabiru and a Dryad
Announcement 2
The Battle of Satisfaction
The King appears and A new Nation arises
A Loli Appears
The Kingdoms of Falmuth and Blumund
Charybdis - A truly BRUH moment
Meeting and Saving the Children
Beach Chapter
Delegation Time pt 1
Delegation pt 2 - Dwarven Kingdom
The Wrath of Y/N pt 1
The Wrath of Y/n pt 3
An Upgraded Slime Rises
Old Friend + An unexpected people
The Meeting among Leaders
Meeting among Leaders pt 2
Clayman's plan
The Discussion of Battle - Walpurgis is near
Walpurgis is set
Walpurgis - The fight
Not a chapter just a vote
Walpurgis - Ending
Christmas in Novus Roma
Confessions (Lemon)
Is it a rematch or a war? pt 1
Is it a rematch or a war? pt 2
(Side Chapter) - Farming
(Side Chapter) - Summer
Y/n's Bio
The 7 Celestials
Relaxation before Diplomacy
The Current map of the Tensei World
The Dungeon
More Dungeon Stuff
(Side Chapter) - The Spirit of Shizue-san
The Meeting of Races
The Meeting of Races pt 2
A Good Misunderstanding
Benimaru's Unintended Rivalry
The Founder's Festival is Ready and Open
The Hero & The Kids - pt 1
The Hero & The Kids - pt 2
The Hero & The Kids - Finale
Title.exe has stopped (Lemon kinda)
The Tournament - Quarter Finals
The Tournament - Semi-Finals
(Inter-Chapter) - Money
The Tournament - Finals
Chating with the Hero
Cooperation pt 1
IDK what to name this...
Cooperation pt 2
Side Chapter - How did Janemba get here?
Diablo's Reward
The Western Union - Invitation
The Western Union - Meeting Day
The Western Union - Idiots
Multiversal Stake
The Western Union - Beat Down
Assassination Plot
Union Memberstate
The Finale

The Wrath of Y/n pt 2

1.1K 17 8
By Isekai_Maker

(Hey, you. Go asleep and read this later)

Y/n pov

'How could this have happened? Was this all a consequence of existing? Why didn't I choose to stay here, rather than go train? These emotions, I haven't felt them in a long time. When was the last time I felt such angry and sadness?... Ahh, that's right, 3 years ago. My parents died, I didn't go to their funeral because I had to cover someone elses shift. *tears fall down* Oh, I'm crying, I haven't cried since that time.'
Rimuru (monotone voice): Y/n. I'm going lay them all to rest peacefully... inside me."
???: "Wait!"
I turn around and see Eren and her companions. "You shouldn't be here. But since your here, this won't take long. Rimuru is going to give them a peaceful death."
Eren: "L-listen! There's a fairy tale about bringing the dead back to life, but the chances are low... in fact, it's almost zero."
(ssj3 voice) "Look, as far as I know bringing back the dead isn't cheap nor easy, you need to sacrifice something in exchange for something as valuable as life. If what your saying is true, I don't particularly ag-".
Rimuru (monotone): "HAHAHAHAHA".
Eren: "R-rimuru?"
Rimuru: "Sorry. I was just happy to hear that. Reviving the dead, huh? Well, as long as the chances aren't zero, that's enough."
"You can't be serious! You don't know the price to bring them back is!"
Rimuru: "I know... but I want to reverse the damage I've unknowingly done."
"*sigh* Well. I should've known that was your answer. Fine, lets do this!"

Time skip to the next day

Kanchō: "The Western Holy Church's forces are camped around the city. Each of those camps are protecting a magic device. I believe those devices are the power source of the barrier surrounding the town."
(A/n: Btw, Y/n is still in ssj3, for plot reasons.)
"Can they be neutralized?"
Kanchō: "On one of them, perhaps, if we perform a sneak attack."
"Understood. Don't engage, I don't you to do something that will end up in costing your lives, got it?".
Kanchō: "... *smiles* Hai, Y/n-sama."
*Looks at Rimuru* "Everything is being monitored. We can proceed with this fairy tale." Eren begins to do something close to her ear. I can sense Ki being taken away in that area. What shocks me is that after the Ki is can, her ears turn long and pointy.

"I'm sorry, what? You a elf?"
Eren: "Hai. What I'm about to tell you is a fairy tale passed down in the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion *proceeds to tell the tale*"
'*clutched fist* Milim had to endure all that... Lost her loved ones, fought to avenge them, but, in the end it only led to more pain. Milim...'
Rimuru: "Hmmm... But there's no point in doing that if they come back like zombies."
Eren lifts her fingers and states, "This city is surrounded by a barrier right now, right?"
*realization* "*smirk* so this damn barrier is a blessing and a curse. Now that you mention this barrier is similar to Vegito's; it allowed him to be protected by external threats, like with his fight with Buu."
Rimuru: "So if the souls of the dead are trapped here by the barrier then... Eren thank for telling us this. But, by you telling me this, your implying I become a D.L."
Eren: "I'm aware. But to tell the truth, my real name is Eryune Grimwald. My blood connects me to the royal family of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion."
"So, your royalty?" 'Monarchs... I hate them.'.
Eryune: "Hai, I'm from royalty. But, I left because I wanted the freedom of adventuring. Also, by me telling you all of this, im aware that I'm bound to cause something I can't control. People from my country, will realize that I had a part to play in what is most likely going to happen. *smiles* But that's fine. I want to save the people of this city, too."
Kaval: "You're always doing so much for us. So now it's our turn to do all we can for you!"
"Thank you". Rimuru and I say in unison.
Rimuru puts up a third barrier, saying it was a safety measure.
Kanchō: "Y/n-sama, Rimuru-sama."
"What is it, Kanchō?"
Kanchō: "I have a report from one of my men. The combined forces of Falmuth and the Western Holy Church are marching in this direction. They're combined forces equal to 20,000."
Rimuru: "*evil smile* That's perfect."
"That's perfect?" Me and Kanchō asked at the same time.
Rimuru: "I think it's time for Mjurran's 'trial'."

(A few moments later)

Rimuru: "Mjurran. I've decided what to do with you. You need to 'die'".
Youm: "B-but! *looks at me* Master, you can't let Rimuru do this!"
"Youm. We have already talked about this. Our decision was this, it's the only way to make pay crimes that can't be irreversible. Death is-". Grucius quickly transforms into his beast form and dashes toward me. "Very poor choice of action".
Grucius: "I don't care! I'll buy as much for you Youm! Take Mjurran and get out of here!".
Youm: "Mjurran, lets g-". Youm gets interrupted by Mjurran kissing him.
Mjurran: "I loved you, Youm. You were the first man I ever fell in love with. But, what I did was evil, not out of motives or my own conscious actions. My perceived actions can't be overlooked, I know it will pain you but understand the consequences I've brought to myself. I knew sooner or later, my actions will catch up to me. This is goodbye forever Youm. *walks to Rim*".
Youm: "W-wait! Mjurran!"
"[Ki bind]".
Youm: "Wait! Please! Master, I beg you! Don't let your brother do this! I'll take her punishment along side her! Please! Don't kill her!!"
'I feel like im the villain now.' "*sigh* Youm. I admire your resolve but, sometimes you have to let thing play out. Know that things can be blinded by emotions to reveal the hidden and knowing truth. Just... look."
Rimuru gathers Ki into his hand and forms a small Ki blade, piercing Mjurran at her heart.
Rimuru: "There. Looks like it worked."
"If your confused on what just happened. Here's the basis, Rimuru created a artificial heart, that would function as a real one. We did say we had to kill you, but never intended to actually give you death. Or in happier terms, your now free."
Mjurran: "Rimuru-san... no, Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama... Words cannot express my gratitude for what you have given me. If you desire allegiance, I will freely give it."
Rimuru: "Nah, there's no need for that. I just want your help with something."
Mjurran: "What is it?"
I look at Rimuru, he looks back at me. We nod. "In the same way Rim, brought you back from death itself, there's a chance we might be able to do the same to Shion and the citizens who lost their lives."
Mjurran: "You... can... do that?"
"In a sense yes. But in practice, maybe not."
Rimuru: "Well, I am going to increase that chance to as much as possible. Will you help us?"
Mjurran: "Yes. I will help you any way I can."
"Quick question. What are you going to do after all of this is done?"
Mjurran: "Well. I finally gained the freedom I desired for so long... But *looks at Youm shyly* if it's only for the short lifespan of a human, I wouldn't mind being held again."
Grucius: "hmph. Youm's only human. He'll live for a century or so. After that it'll be my turn *smug face*."
Youm: "Well since you said that. I hate to break to you but Ki makes the user live longer than their normal lifespan. Ha! Suck it!"
Rimuru: "So, Youm, I have a favor to ask?"
Youm: "Sure, what is it?"
Rimuru: "Will you be the new king for the Falmuth Kingdom?"

That's the end.

Here meme:

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