Kraving Kovacs (Vexing Vamp #...

By nikkilarousse

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A MEETING ON A VACATION Gabriel Kovacs was so tired that he decided to go on a vacation with his beloved cous... More

Author's NOTE
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

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By nikkilarousse

BIANCA was tossing and turning before she opened her eyes, looking around at the unfamiliar room that she was sitting in. She was alone on the bed as she was feeling the luxurious covers against her skin. She looked under the covers only to find that she was wearing a hospital gown.

Bianca didn't know where she was and the only thing that she remembered was her name which was Bianca Belmonte. She furrowed her eyebrows as she was looking at the one-window room before she heard footsteps outside.

Suddenly, the door of the room was opened, revealing to her a man—a very handsome man—that was wearing a lab coat as he carried a tray of assorted food and a pitcher of water.

He smiled when he saw that she was awake, only wearing the hospital gown and nothing else. "Ah, you're awake," the brunet handsome man said as he was carrying the tray that was smelling delicious, making Bianca's stomach growled as she saw the sight of bacon and omelet. The brunet man laughed.

"Here, I thought you might be hungry," he said as he put the tray in front of her. Bianca was waiting for this stranger to go away as she didn't want to be rude. He just chuckled as he saw that she was licking her lips, wanting to eat the food already.

Then, he sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me with his brilliant blue eyes. "What are you waiting for? Dig in," he said as he was pushing the tray toward her. Bianca smiled at him before she went to stuff her face with the food. It was unladylike but Bianca could care less about her appearance now. She was famished as Bianca moaned when she tasted the flavors all over her mouth.

So, this is what heaven feels like, she mused as she was eating more and more of the food that was on the tray. Bianca did not care if this man was thinking how she messed up the bed or anything. To her surprise, the brunet man just chuckled softly again.

"Take it easy. you can have it all," he said as he laughed at her behavior. Who was this person and what he wants with me? Bianca thought as she was stuffing her face more with food as she was munching and chewing them.

After a moment, she finished eating and Bianca was drinking the orange juice. She gave the glass to him before the stranger put it on the tray, then moved it to the night table beside the bed. He turned his blue eyes on her, searching her face as Bianca was wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

The stranger smiled. "Are you satisfied?" he asked her. Bianca nodded before she belched loudly. She closed my mouth with her hand as Bianca did not expect her to be lack manners. Now, she was ashamed of her action but the handsome man just laughed at her.

"Huh, it's like you never slipped away," he said as he took my hands. She hesitated before Bianca just let him—a stranger—hold her hands. "I'm so glad that you are okay," he said with a breaking voice. If Bianca didn't know any better, the stranger was crying—a man was crying in front of her!

She hesitated but then, Bianca just ignored her insecurity as she was squeezing his hands. "Hey," she said as her voice was hoarse, not used in a very long time. The man looked up at her as Bianca cleared her throat before she speak again.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm here," she said as Bianca was looking at him. The brunet handsome man looked at her before she smiled at him. Then, Bianca wiped his tears away with her hands as his brilliant blue orbs were staring at her face.

"I know, I know. We cannot dwell on the past now," he said as he smiled at her. Bianca smiled at him before she composted herself to ask the dire question that she had been waiting to know at the moment.

"Just one tiny question," Bianca said as she looked at him, smiling weakly.

I have to show that I am not scared of him and maybe he will be giving me some answer, she thought as Bianca was sitting closer to him. The stranger smiled at her before urging me to ask him. It would seem that he was eager to answer her question. Bianca took a deep breath and spoke her mind.

"Who are you? Where am I? What the hell is going on and can I go now?" she said in one breath before Bianca was breathless. She didn't know what the stranger's reaction would be to her question. He seemed sweet and nice to her. Bianca also felt like they have known each other for years. His perfect eyebrows shot up as he thought she was joking.

Then, the stranger chuckled as he was leaning closer to her. "Bianca, it's me, your husband. Gabriel Kovacs. Don't you remember me?" he asked her as she just shook her head. Bianca slipped her hands out of Gabriel's before she got out of bed and went to stand near the window to look outside.

Amazingly, her room was facing the lake that seemed familiar to her but Bianca forgot the name. Am I near somewhere that I know? She mused before she turned to look at Gabriel.

"Where am I?" Bianca asked as she put her hand on the window, looking far and wide at the blue water that was swayed by the breeze. She wanted to get out there and perhaps a skinny dip in the water but Bianca knew that it would be impossible. Not when she was trapped inside the room.

I have to find my way out of here, she mused as she waited for Gabriel to answer her. She heard him sigh.

"We're in Sicily, my love. Your hometown, don't you remember?" he said as Bianca turned to look at him. She arched her eyebrow at him as she stepped away from the window. Her head ached as she was holding her temple.

"My hometown?" Bianca asked as her head was throbbing in pain. She rubbed her temples to ease the pain before Gabriel came to her side. She cannot feel but melt at the kind gesture that her supposed husband showed to her.

Not that Bianca remembered ever getting married before she was waking up in that room. But it was nice to know that someone was caring about her health other than herself.

Gabriel grabbed her by her arms as he pulled her near the bed again. "Please, you need rest, my love," he said as he went to tuck her underneath the covers again.

Bianca looked up at him as Gabriel smiled. He touched her cheek, caressing her cheekbone with his thumb as she was leaning against his touch. His hand was warm and Bianca never knew that she would want his touch that much.

Gabriel was about to leave but Bianca knew that she didn't want to be alone in her room right now. She wanted him to stay with her for a while. And considering that Gabriel was supposed to be her husband, maybe Bianca can persuade him in another way.

The way that they both would enjoy themselves together and be free.

Bianca grabbed his hand, squeezing it as she was looking into his brilliant blue eyes. Gabriel was staring back at her. "Please," she said as she pulled his wrist. His eyebrows went up for the second time. Bianca licked her lower lips.

"Don't leave me, I'm... I'm scared," she whispered before Gabriel pulled her hands into his. His hands were bigger than hers and more calloused as if he had been working hard with her hands for as long as his existence.

Gabriel smiled as he was squeezing her hands. Bianca looked at his face, searching for honesty. Her husband leaned closer as he was focusing on their intertwined hands.

"I won't leave, my love. Here, let me warm you up," he said as Gabriel was warming her hands with his. Bianca chuckled before she looked into his blue eyes.

How... brilliant they are, she thought as she leaned closer to his face. Gabriel held their gaze. "Sleep with me," Bianca whispered huskily as she was holding his eyes.

His blue eyes were blinking a few times before Gabriel chuckled, perhaps shocked to hear that she would like to sleep with him on the first hour they have met again.

Then, Gabriel shook his head as he sighed. "I don't think that would be best for both of us, my love," he said as Bianca was pleading at him, desperate to feel his body against hers. Her core was tingling with need as something was burning inside her. Bianca knew that she had to sleep with Gabriel or she would go mad.

She just had to try harder.

"Please, Gabe, my love. I want you by my side," she said quietly, smoothing her hand against his hard chest. Gabriel was staring at her, biting his lower lips before he sighed.

"Alright, my love, but until you fall asleep. I have some work to do," Gabriel said before he went under the covers and Bianca was snuggling against his warm chest. It felt familiar and it was nice. She wondered why she felt that way in his arms.

Gabriel leaned his chin on her head as he kissed her hair. "Sleep, my love," he whispered to Bianca, but something was stirring inside her stomach as she went to look at his eyes again. Gabriel arched his eyebrow at her, wondering why she was staring at him as if Gabriel was a stranger to her.

"What is it?" he asked her. Bianca was looking at him as she took his appearance in. His tousled brunet hair, his sharp, yet gentle blue eyes, his pointed nose, his high cheekbones, and his full, kissable, and pink lips.

That last feature has been taunting her ever since he came inside the room.

"Are you my lover?" Bianca asked him as she was trying to figure him out. Gabriel's eyes were unreadable as he was silent. She licked her dried lips as Bianca was trying to say something before Gabriel acted first, leaning closer as their hot breaths mingled together.

"Fuck it," he said before he pulled Bianca closer and kissed her squarely on the lips. Gabriel was so rough that she kind of liked it.

I don't think my husband would be so rough and handsome, Bianca mused as she was hooking her arms around his neck, pulling Gabriel closer against her body.

"Hmm," she moaned as Bianca was playing with his hair. Gabriel pushed her against the bed as he was on top of her. Bianca gasped as he was kissing her jaws and neck, trailing his hot kisses against her exposed skin as her hospital gown was riding up against her thighs. Gabriel broke the kiss as he leaned back and looked at Bianca for one more time.

"Are you sure about this, Bianca? There will be no turning back from now," he said, trying to warn her as he stared at me. Bianca was in a daze, knowing that her husband can satisfy her needs that were coming from the inside of her stomach. She smiled at him.

"We're married, aren't we? I am yours and you are mine. Now, stop talking and do what you must, my love," Bianca said before Gabriel roughly tore her hospital gown. She was laughing before Bianca went to rip his button-down shirt and went for his pants.

In a second, they were naked as the day they were born on this world. Gabriel was kissing Bianca as she was arching her back, shoving her hard nipples against his chest.

She moaned in their kiss as Gabriel was pushing his tongue inside her mouth, tasting her around as she was gripping his nape. Gabriel sighed as he was inhaling her scent which turned Bianca even more.

Her husband was breaking the kiss as he was kissing her jaws and neck, sucking on the sensitive spot that Bianca never knew she had.

She loved it when Gabriel did it. "It's been forever since I have you in my arms, my love," he said before he was trailing his kiss toward her stomach.

Bianca was looking down on her husband as his brilliant blue eyes were twinkling with mischief in them. She breathed hard as she was gripping his hair with her hand.

"Then, take me to heaven, my love," she said before Gabriel smirked at her and had his wicked ways with her for the first time as Bianca could remember that she had a husband.

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