Love is Tough

By RonnieTassyisI

2.1K 65 12

Steffani Jenkins is an ordinary teenager who has awesome friends and family. She has a strong passion for act... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Part One
Chapter 13 Part Two
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 15

54 2 0
By RonnieTassyisI

A few minutes later, Phillip took his hands off and looked at me.

"Now that you know where I live, you're probably thinking about my parents... It's Saturday and they aren't home."

"Um, Danny told me the basics. Your mom is in jail... And your dad..."

"He died. From a heart attack. Since he smoked... A LOT."

Phillip looked at the floor, and rubbed his neck.

"I was really close to him. But he's gone. Now I'm the man in the house."

"Look, Phillip. Today has been a ruff day. Why don't you freshen up. And we go down to eat."

He shook his head. He opened the door.

"Mandy! Can you bring food up here, please."


He closed the door, and walked to his bathroom. I shook my head trying to think we can have fun a little bit now. I started looking at his room.

I got to his desk. Pretty normal room for Phillip. My foot then hit a book. I picked it up.

The notebook was filled with insanely amazing drawings. They were so perfect. Every little spot was filled with wonder. The bathroom door opened and he smiled and looked at the book. Phillip took the book out of my hand and closed it.

"Did you draw all of that? They are amazing!"

"Yeah, I stopped drawing a couple a years back. Not going back there."

"Phillip, you have a talent! Well, other than swimming; Phillip, you're a talented artist."

"Stef, please. I don't do art anymore..." He threw the book back down on the floor and kicked it under his desk.

"Knock, knock! I bring you food!" Mandy said coming in. Danny follows her.

"How you doing buddy?"

"Fine. I guess I just need to push the feeling away for a while."

"What? What feelings?" Mandy asked

"You know Jeremy's older brother, Bobby's apartment. Some people are going to destroy it."


"They need room, to make a park, or something like that."

"That's stupid!" Danny said.

"Well, I'm going to talk to my dad, seeing if he could do something about it."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Stef's dad's like a business dude!"

I chuckled.

"Um, well, we will leave you to eat!" I said getting up.

"Stef. I got another plate for a reason..." Danny said smiling. Mandy and Danny left closing the door.

"I'm not that hungry." I said.

"Please. For me." He said begging. I sat down.

"We should play a game. I asked you a question about you, and you give me your answer, and then it's your turn. Okay?" I said

Phillip nodded. "Go first."

"Uh, favorite color?"

"Orange. Yours?"

"Green... No one really says orange. It's so alone, but it's an awesome color. Orange would be my second."

"I totally agree. Your turn."

"If you can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"


I laughed. "What your only food be?" He asked.

"I'd have to say spaghetti." I smiled.

"You asked me something? You're always asking my question." I asked.

"What's one thing you really wanna do, before you die?"

"I wanna this the world. Not just America. But i wanna see Europe, Australia, all the continents and their countries!" I said playing with some grapes on my plate.

"I would want to go zip-lining, or something crazy!" He said.

I smiled. "Would you join me?" He asked. I looked up at him and he was looking at me, looking for a straight answer.

"Well, one of the things on my bucket list is zip-lining, so sure. I would join you... If you invite me." I said smiling.

We continued asking each other questions. After we were done eating, and I put the food away, we started asking each other, would you rather questions. It's was so hilarious!

Danny came and joined us with Mandy, and Mabel. We had to make it PG, since Mabel was here which meant not too gross and not inappropriate.

Danny had to leave. I then got up to leave with him, but Mandy and Danny asked me to stay. They said that Phillip smiles and gets his mind off of the sad story when I'm around.

I got to his room and he smiled at me. His hair was combed, he cleaned as much as he could around his room.

"I, uh, didn't thank you for coming over to ask about me. It meant a lot."

I smiled. "You can come in, if you want." I smiled and sat next to the window.

"I thought you didn't want to see me after yesterday. I'm sorry I, uh, pulled you away from the movie..."

"It's alright."

"But, I'm not sorry about what I did to you. That kiss-"

"Uh, Phill-"

He sat down next to me. He took my hands and held them as tight as he could.

"If you didn't like that kiss, then you wouldn't have been here. So, it does mean you have feelings for me."

My heart was beating so fast. I can't think. Right now all I could think about was that kiss yesturday.

"Phillip. Before that kiss, before you interrupted me. I was rambling about how I didn't want a guy in my life right now. I'm leaving at the end of this month. I can't-"

"Why? I said that we'll work it out. We'll talk about us the few days before you leave. You came running over here to make sure I was okay. You care this much. I know you feel something about me. I know that you're going to miss me, but we will get through this together."

I was going to say something when he interrupted.

"But if this is just a friendship concern, and you still have feelings for Randy. You should tell me right now, and I'll back off."

"No. Danny helped me understand. He got my act together."

I saw Phillip blushing a little but it went away.

"Your little sister is so cute. I loved playing would you rather with her."

He laughed. He started telling me stories about Mabel.

I must've fallen asleep as he was telling me his stories, because, I woke up having Phillip's arm around me. I felt his heartbeat, then I realized my head was on his chest. I lifted my head and saw Phillip looking at me.

"Have a nice nap there?"

I smiled. "How long was I asleep?"

"Half and hour."

"That's so weird. Today I woke up at 1, and came running here. How could I still have sleep in me?

"Maybe I'm boring."

"Oh, no. That's not it. You're always an adventure." I smiled.

Phillip was rubbing his finger on my arm. He took his free hand and pulled my chin and moved forward.

My heart was racing, but the moment was ruined by my phone ringing.

"Second time that's happened with your phone interrupting us. But it's the 4th time it went off right now."

I got up and took it. It was all by the same unknown number. But the number looked familiar. I know I seen it somewhere.

I checked the time and it was 6:43. I should get home, it's getting dark.

"It's no one important. But I should get going. It's getting dark." I got my bag.

"You can stay the night." He said smiling. The same smile he had when he acted like a jerk.

"Yeah, no thank you, Mr." I smiled and went for the door.

"Let me at least give you a ride home. You came here by bus right? And you said it's getting dark." Phillip said.

"I'd like that." I went down while he was getting his keys.

"Bye Mandy and Mabel. Nice meeting you guys. I had fun."

"Please come back! And this time it'll be me and you having fun only!" Mabel said

"Of course! I had so much fun playing and talking to you today." She came hugged me.

"Yeah, you should come again. And we can talk. Maybe go shopping." Mandy smiled.


"Are you too trying to take my girlfriend away from me." Phillip said coming down the steps. He put his arm around me. Girlfriend. I blushed. "I'll be the one who gets to hang out with her the most." He kissed my forehead. I blushed.

"Hey! I love to hang with you all!"

I nodded and waved bye to both Mandy and Mabel.

The ride home, we were talking about music, and random things.

He stopped the car in front of my house.

"I guess, I'll see you Monday." I said

"Unless, i have something planned for us." He smiled.

I chuckled. I tried to open the door, but he locked it.

"Phillip, really." I said smiling.

"What it could be our thing."

"Open the door."

"Well, you won't get in without your key!" He took out my house key from his jacket.

"How'd you get that out of my bag!"

"It fell out." He got out of the car and so did I. He was dangling them from his side of the car.

I ran towards him, but he walked backwards to my side.

"Phillip! It's dark." I said walking up to him.

"Fine... Here." The key was placed on his palm. I walked towards it. He snapped his hand closed and took me by the waist and our lips met. We moved in motion. I put my hands around his neck. It felt like his other hand with the key was behind his back. I moved one of my hand on his chest, and the other on his arm. He stopped pulled away, but our foreheads touching.

"Here." Phillip dropped the key in my hand. I pulled away and smiled.

But he then pulled me back, and kissed me.

My heart was beating so fast. Our lips meeting and moving together was so magical... I felt sparks. I was floating on a cloud and when I looked up all the clouds were shaped like a heart, or said Phillip.

I came back to reality, and remembered that it was dark. I pulled away.

"Phillip. I have to go." I said

"Why don't we meet up tomorrow?" He asked. He didn't want me to leave yet, that would explain why his hands were around my waist stiffly.

"I don't know."

"Stef... Come on. Where should we go?"

I didn't know where to go.

"Oh! I've got a place." He said smiling.

"Where?" I asked

"I can't tell you. But you'll love it!" I smirked.

"Okay... But I have to go now. It's really dark."

"Stef, it only like 10." He said whining.

"Well, I need sleep."

"Don't be such a downer." He said smiling. He took my hand and he walked me to my door.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Well, I got to stay longer with you. That's what I want... You." I blushed.

"Goodnight Bruce."

"Miss.Jenkins." He said nodding. He kiss me on my cheek and I walked in.

I closed the door behind me. My head fell on the door. I sank down to the floor.

"Please tell me you were Phillip!" Daisy said running in.

I nodded like one of those girls that think about the guy they are dating all day. I'm not one of them, i'm just acting like an idiot right now.

"Oh. My. God! Stef's got a boyfriend! Stef's got a boyfriend!!" Daisy was freaking out. I got up and got a hold if her. "Calm yourself! What about you and Andrew!" I said singing.

we walked to the dining table. "We have out date Friday! I'm super excited, but nervous."

"What! You're Daisy! Daisy Jenkins! You're the one that told me never to get scared, nervous. Stand tall and you conquer the world!" Daisy smiled.

"You're gonna have fun!"

"Okay... Back to you and Phillip! What's up for tomorrow!?" She put her hands under her chin, like those girls when they hear each other gossip. I chuckled.

"He's taking me somewhere... But I don't know where."

"Have you guys kissed? I mean other than the one in front of everyone, the one that's online."

My blushing must of been very noticeable, because Daisy freaked out.

"Why are you so interested in teen romance!? You have your own romance going on..." I smiled.

"Shut up and spill!!" She is such a kid! I laughed

"We kissed yesterday at the School Movie Night. I didn't intend it to happen, but because I was rambling, he did it. Then we kissed again outside right now, when he dropped me off."

"Oh! Tell me about yesterday! You woke up late and had to go fast that we didn't talk about yesterday!"

I didn't know if I should tell her everything about the Randy things. But then again she is my sister, and I did pick Phillip which everyone wants.

I told her everything that happened yesterday. She had so many questions but I just wanted to eat go to sleep. I also wanted to finish Tuesdays With Morrie.


So what did you guys think!? Did you like how these two chapters were just about Phillip, you guys got a little back story about him.

The next few chapters are gonna take a huge turn in Steffani's friends and her life, so get ready!!

TELL YOU FRIENDS to read this story, they can still catch up.

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