๐ƒ๐ˆ๐•๐”๐‹๐†๐„๐๐‚๐„ ใƒผ sabigi...

By rihoitex

8K 182 1K

๐ƒ๐ˆ๐•๐”๐‹๐†๐„๐๐‚๐„. ๐’๐€๐๐ˆ๐†๐ˆ๐˜๐”๐” ห„ฬปโ€‰ฬŠหƒฬดอˆเถธเฉˆเฅ†โ‹† โžจโฅโžค๐”…๐” โง๐Ÿ‚ถ หšเฎโ‚Šโ˜พ โŸฟ โœง โ€ˆุ”โอ‹เณขโŽโบหณเฎเผš ๐ŸŒŠ โ€ ~ โœง.* โ—Œฬ–*ยทโ†ทWH... More



2.6K 36 195
By rihoitex

Chapter one; 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐘.

Sabito watched sharply as Urokodaki shuffled violently to his feet, sitting down cross-legged atop a cotton white dining seat as he'd faced him with a rather infuriated expression from their quarrel.

"Alright, I get it! You want me to marry a rich ass girl so you can get yourself a shit-ton of money!" Sabito scoffed, rolling his eyes obstinately, "I'm not marrying some girl I don't know, I'd rather die."

Urokodaki pinched his forehead in frustration, letting out a grumble; unable to fume at him, he sighed and faced Sabito firmly; looking at him quite formally in the eyes.

"Just—think about it, Sabito. If you combine our riches with another's, along with your power and a young woman's smarts, you two would be in no position of downfall. You don't have to worry about your futures, or the futures of your children—"

"Don't go on lecturing me again!" Sabito stood up, pushing his chair away aggressively. The vigorous impact had left a loud, ear-splitting screech that sounded just like nails on a chalkboard. He stormed up the ivory-white staircase.

Once he had finally reached his room, Sabito slammed the door; infuriated. Bottling up all his anger and resent drove him mad. He couldn't box it all up and just try to hide it anymore.

'I wish I was never born!' He thought to himself, anger rushing through his entire body. He couldn't take this. Why was his father so egocentric?!

Sabito sat on his bed; his fingers running through his hair while his face was agitated. He processed the argument that occurred earlier. He contemplated over his life choices for about seven times. Then what? What was he supposed to do next?

He was disoriented,,

And he just couldn't take it.

"I'm sorry, Giyuu. She is dead." Giyuu's nearly empty eyes had filled with a blink of pain in them as a response.

"Dead?" He'd blurted out. His tone sounding rather bewildered.

"Yes, dead. Her funeral's this Wednesday. I can drive you the-"

"I appreciate it, but no. I'll go myself." Giyuu's eyes slightly narrowed at the last word. Was it sadness? That part is unknown.

"Ah- I understand, Yuu. Make sure you stay safe when going by yourself. There might be ghosts lurking around town." Tsutako held her index finger to her cheek, making a moderate wondering expression. Giyuu knew she was such a tease.

"That's just dumb. They don't exist, Tsu-nii." Giyuu mumbled, clearly disturbed with her taunt.

"Yeah, alright! But remember~ It's better to be safe tha—"

"Please, no.."

Giyuu walked across the sidewalk,
He was in a dark and austere choice of clothing. He didn't enjoy how prickly and itchy the suit was. But, he knew this was the appropriate wear. He'd just have to endure it.

He decided to pick up a few flowers. He was just two minutes away from the Flower Shop. He assumed he wouldn't be too late.

Finally, he made his way to the tidy, sunlit store with beautiful, varying flowers stored throughout the mini greenhouse.

He walked in. Frail, delicate chimes dinging softly like a sweet melody in his head.

He wanted to give just the slightest mellow beam at the tune, yet couldn't. His lips didn't budge one bit. He couldn't even force— nor a smile, so why even try?

"Ah! Tomioka Giyuu, the so-called Flower Boy in town! So nice to finally meet you!" A lady with a somewhat welcoming aura had greeted Giyuu warmly.

He was confused. Wasn't it always Kanao Tsuyuri who would stay at the front counter? Who was this? And why did she have so much similarities compared to her?

"Ara, ara~ You must be confused! My most sincere apologies Tomioka-san. My name is Kanae Kocho. I'm the owner of this Flower Shop and is the older sister of Kanao Tsuyuri!" She clasped her hands together and bowed politely. Giyuu was too confused to speak.

"Err-.." He murmured, unable to utter another word.

"Oh goodness, I must be talking too much! A-are you searching for any specific flowers? You could have a discount since it's your grandmother's funeral! Please, forgive me!" She bowed once again, she looked desperate in Giyuu's eyes.

And... A little too desperate.

"No, no it's quite alright. I'm wondering if you have any... Delphiniums? I know I might seem out of the circle, alt-"

"Oh, exotic? Mm, yes. I suppose we have some! Right over there, sir!" Giyuu was a bit uncomfortable with her way of formalities. He didn't like being called "sir". It made him feel like an old grandfather.

"...Thank you." He muttered, heading over to the selected flowers and plucking out at least three of them. He felt eyes on him and swished his head around.

Kanae smiled at him affectionate and enthusiastically, which made him give off a quiet, faint whimper. He was a bit bothered by such cheerfulness. Maybe he should try and make some friends for once. That could possibly melt down his anxiety, right?

"Are you ready yet, Tomioka Giyuu?"

"Ye-yeah..." He stuttered, still a bit unnerved by her joyful aspects.

Giyuu stumbled to his feet once he'd walked out the door.

'That probably took me longer than it should have....' He huffed.

He did not enjoy socializing at all. The entire situation made him so uncomfortable, he felt like dying right then and there. The girl's warmth was too warm, it burned.

Giyuu crossed the street, that was until he heard a loud honk. The ear-splitting sound overwhelmed him and left his hands trembling a bit. It startled him. He didn't like it at all.

He'd only flinched badly at the sudden shriek produced by machine. His heart pounded heavily. His stomach swirled and twirled. It felt like he's just gotten punched in the gut.

"Gah-! I'm so, so so sorry-.." A man stuttered from the car, his tone being frantic and worrisome.

Giyuu huffed. His breath shaking heavily.

"Do you-..."

The mysterious man tilted his head.

".....Do you know how to properly drive?" Tomioka Giyuu stared straight into his soul, petrifying the life out of the anonymous individual.

"Wh-?! Was that an- insult?!..."

"Do you have a drivers license? Probably not. Did you not see the lights go red, or what?" He crossed his arms. Leaving the man in complete silence.

"Listen, I have no idea who the hell you are but you're starting to piss me off. Now, can you move? We're in the middle of th-.." Both boys' eyes widened. Giyuu's expression having a small pessimistic vibe to itself.

"Tomioka Giyuu..." The once before unknown person with peach pink, messy yet quite fluffy hair; bearing rhinestone, periwinkle— no, perhaps pale crocus eyes covered with gleaming warmth had spoken softly. He knew the voice was familiar. He knew it from the start.

"....I don't remember asking you to drive me there. I was fully capable of traveling on foot." Giyuu crossed his arms, his navy blue irises wandering and searching the town as he gazed out the window.

Sabito's mouth curled into a perturbed grin.

"Um, walking on foot to a place nearly a kilometer away.. Isn't such a good idea...." Sabito half-lied. He was technically telling Giyuu why he wanted to tag along. Although, that was merely twenty per cent of the factual truth.

"....Mm." He shrugged it off. Sabito wondered of the boy in the seat beside him really was the one he'd befriended and sadly had to leave a small while back.

Come to think of it,
Since when had he started acting like this?
Obviously, he still trusted Sabito enough to tell him where the event was being held.

Although, he acted far more cautious and quite more colder than before. Had something happened?

"Alright.. We're here."

"Oh? Okay. Farewell, Sabito." Giyuu was nearly inches away from grabbing the handle and exiting the car, before being held back by Sabito.

Giyuu swiftly pulled his arm back, alarmed.

"Oh-.. Sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"No, no it's all good. I'm just wondering if I could have... Your number?....."

Giyuu's eyes widened slightly. He let out a small smile. His face giving the "Are you kidding me?" vibes as he let out a snort. Sabito did find it quite cute. He found it attractive, actually. But that, he didn't know. Why?

Because for some reason, Author-kun made him a dense bitch.

"What-... What's so funny?" Sabito felt like the atmosphere was intense and awkward.

"Nothing, I just find this humorous. Here, put your number in and make it fast." He slid out his phone and handed it to Sabito.

He waited for half a minute before being given his device back.

"Alright. See you!" Sabito waved, hoping they would meet again.

Giyuu waved back; bidding him goodbye. He sighed of relief that he could finally exit the vehicle; hopping off the moving machine and gazing at the funeral entrance with an emptied, dull expression.

"'Hope this'll pass by fast." He murmured to himself.

Giyuu opened the door to his house, taking his shoes and jacket off as he made his way to the bathroom.

The event had finished. Giyuu supposedly shed at least half a tear. It wasn't that much, and he barely even noticed. He was a bit more devastated than he's actually thought.

He splashed his face with water. Unable to get rid of the pink tint in his eyes, he grumbled. Giyuu grabbed a mini-cloth and wiped his face dry. Storming into his room. He sighed, leaning onto his desk and pondering his life decisions.

He attempted to visualize what he would do next. The old lady was the only one who he would talk to. Sure, she would never quit pestering him and it did annoy him for sure. Although— he was never really cross with her at times. She was the only one who could speak to him without being coldly pushed away.

He knew what he felt was weak. He wasn't allowed to be weak. He's a man. He can't cry. He can't show signs of weakness. He can't do this, he can't do that. He's a man.

This was ridiculous.
Giyuu let his raven hair down from its ponytail. Leaving the thin, splintered hair tie on the desk he was now sitting on. His messy hair gently swishing and flowing from the vesper breeze. His window slightly open.

His phone dinged loudly. Startled, Giyuu jumped in surprise.
He glanced at his phone.
New Notification!

       r u awake??


Giyuu hesitated, before picking up his phone and beginning to type.


r u awake?


sweet, just wanna talk to someone rn but if ure busy no need 👍


So how was the funeral?

it was ok, ig

Damn, sorry for ur loss
Seen 1s ago    [❤️]


Giyuu knew he was tired. He was on the edge of passing out because of how exhausted he was. Too much has happened today, he needed a rest.


im tired, i'm going to go sleep now.
i'll talk to you again in the morning

Oh, alrighty then. Cya tmr.


I meant see you tomorrow 😅

Oh ok.. goodnight

Seen 1s ago


Giyuu immediately shut his phone off; throwing it whoever the fuck knows where.

He slid into bed, forgetting to slide the window shut. He didn't mind the soft gust of wind, though.

The caliginosity of the midnight filled the room like it everyday would. The only thing lighting up the space was the bright, cotton-white satellite that circled the planet called Earth.

Giyuu averted his gaze from the bright moonlight, shutting his eyes and falling into a deep slumber.

Sabito sighed as he put his phone down. Giyuu was even cold on text.

What makes it worse, he's the type to hit people with the so very infamous "K"!

Whatever, he shouldn't worry about that.
It's nearly 1:00 in the morning! This wasn't good, his father's going to kill him!

Sabito then stripped out of his clothes he had wore from earlier, changed straight into new ones that were more suited for sleepwear and rushed into his bed; tucking himself into the thin blankets while looking up at his ceiling as he soon fell asleep as well.

🃟 ❧Author's Note❧ 🂶
🜲 ⭢ Thank you for reading this story,
once again this is a remake so I suggest you read the last chapter if you are confused with the dialogue or anything associated with the story.

Anyway, have a great day and enjoy your life. Thank you.
Sincerely, Killian/Author

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