The New destroyer of Universe...

By Eyeofcreation

21.1K 234 39

You are a Saiyan named Ager and you have become the new destroyer of Universe 6 after killing Champa in battl... More

Bio: You/Ager
Bio: The legendary super Saiyans.
Meeting a God
Meeting Goku and Vegeta.
The God Born of Thunder
A Visit to Sadala
When you realize you just dissed a god...
Meeting Kale and Caulifla
A God's defeat...
Meeting of Destroyers
Into the Past
His name is Yamoshi
Assembling An Army
Birth of a Super Saiyan
Back to the Future
Hit! The Legendary Assassin!
Welcome, To Planet Sadala
Kelfa! The Might Fusion!
A long-awaited reunion...
A God And A Legend Fashion Show?
The beginning Of The End...
Bio: The Villains
The Controlled of Universe 7:
The Controlled of other Universes:
The Assassin Of Gold
Green vs Rose
Don't Piss Off Beerus
A New Power, And A New Enemy
6th God vs 0 Titan
The Final Confrontation
Brother vs Sister, Instincts Clash!
Legend Vs Legend: Awaken the Power Within!
Titan vs God! The Birth of Existence!
Ager vs Magnac! The Battle Ends!
Book 2 Teaser!

Broly! The Legendary Super Saiyan!

568 5 0
By Eyeofcreation

Vados held her staff over Broly waking him up, Broly's eyes snapped open immediately but they were unfocused and wild. "RRAAAHHH!!!" Broly charged at me without hesitation and knocked me out of Cabba's house and gave Cabba a new window in the process. I screamed as I pushed Broly away from me sending him crashing into a mountain. "Ager!" Shouted Goku, I raised my hand "No, this is my fight, Only interfere If I'm about to die, understand?" I didn't even look at them before Broly was on me and we were fighting. 

Broly launched punch after punch trying to break my guard but I broke his guard, I kicked Broly in the stomach and as he stumbled back I spun roundhoused him. Broly yelled as I knocked him back, I stayed battle-ready as Broly roared at me, then he beefed up and I mean BEEFED up, Broly then appeared behind me and knocked me down to the ground before sending a barrage of Ki blasts at me, I screamed in pain as I felt the attacks batter me but I turned that Pain into anger. "rrrrrRRAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!!" My hair began to stand up and turned Blue as I went Super Saiyan Blue. Broly didn't seem surprised by my new transformation and attacked without missing a beat. 

I grabbed Broly's fist and uppercut him back before I flew after him and fired a Ki Blast "Tyrant Lancer!" I shouted as I advanced. Broly took the attack head-on but I wasn't done yet, as Broly charged at me I cloaked myself in Ki and charged at Broly meeting him head-on "God Of Destructions Rampage!"

Broly stumbled back from my powerful attack and I continued to beat him up, I hit him in a flurry of attacks before sending him flying then I flew behind him and kicked him which sent him again flying I then flew above him and Knocked him into the ground before drawing my hands to my side, "KA....ME...HA...ME!!!" Broly stood up and roared as he unleashed a green beam from his mouth "HAAA!!!" I fired the beam I had learned from Goku to counter Broly's attack but my beam didn't meet much resistance, In fact, the resistance came from Vegeta? I heard Broly appear behind me, I turned around too slow and was nailed in the stomach by His Ki Beam. I screamed in pain as I was sent flying into Sadala. Broly roared triumphantly but I wasn't done yet "AAAHHHH!!!" My scream could be heard for miles, I felt my power spike and my hair grow. Lightning crackled around me.

P.O.V Goku 3rd

"What the? What is he doing?!" Shouted Caulifla in shock, Cabba stumbled back in fear as Ager's power rose higher and higher, "He... he's even stronger than Kefla!" Said Kale in terror as hundreds of thunderbolts struck Ager, Vegeta scoffed "This, Is Super Saiyan Thunder"

P.O.V Ager

I looked at Broly as he stumbled back, then moving too fast for him to see I teleported behind him and pointed a finger at him, and shot him with God of destructions Anger thus breaking his guard completely. I then attacked Broly again and again until I forced him into Super Saiyan. But even this wasn't enough as made apparent, I knocked Broly back and held up my hand. A thunderbolt struck my hand and I grabbed it, Then I bent it into the shape of an axe and pointed it at Broly, "You lose warrior", I charged at Broly when "AAAHHH!!!" Broly screamed and his Ki lashed out causing me to stop, Broly began to grow in size until he entered a new form. My eyes widened in shock as Broly quickly overwhelmed me. I jumped away and fired a sphere of destruction, but this attack was nullified by Broly and sent back. I landed on the ground snarling before I decided to do something risky but possible, "RRAAAHH!!" My power began to grow "KAIOKEN!!" A red aura began to encase my Blue aura "X25!!!", I felt much stronger and attacked Broly and for a short amount of time I actually overcame him, but it didn't last long. Broly grabbed my neck and began to punch me repeatedly in the chest, with each hit he knocked me down a transformation, first SST, then SSGSS, Then SSG until I was in base. A Ki sphere then appeared In Broly's hand and he tossed me back. I struggled to my feet but already the finishing blow was on its way.


My eyes widened as a golden Ki blast knocked Broly's attack away. "What?" Suddenly a warrior appeared in front of me and said "Leave this to us Ager"

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