BloodMoney Oneshots (Billy X...

By NediaYuno

2.4K 45 8

just a collection of random BloodMoney stories because they're cute and I also need to practice writing More

Focus On Me
Wanna Share a Drink?
Openly Flirting
Saving Grace
Battle Scars
you just need a hug
old friends
I miss you
he will never love you
Just a few headcannons
nowhere generation
Eternally yours
Hang In There
Somewhere I Belong

Fighting side by side

88 2 0
By NediaYuno

Albert tapped his fingers on his scalp, the hot water pouring off his skin in tiny rivers. He sighed, smiling and closing his eyes as he raked his thin fingers through his mousy brown hair. He hated the feeling of dirty, greasy hair, but he was so busy with killing zombies and trying to convince the others that he was innocent that he didn't have any time for himself to care for his own hygiene. It felt nice, the water soothing his aching muscles and joints after running and being thrown around.

The chalky prison soap of course, didn't feel very clean. It probably wasn't, it had been used by every prisoner after all. But that didn't matter in the moment. Reluctantly, Albert turned off the shower and dried himself off. He slowly dragged his freshly washed clothes back on his body, missing the warmth of the shower. Maybe I'll go take a nap. He thought as he walked up the shower room stairs.

Weasel was already feeling drowsy as he approached his cell, yawning as he lay down on his little cot and threw his coat over himself. He curled into a ball, enjoying the weight and warmth of his coat.

"Al, where are you?" Yelled a voice. Albert jolted slightly as he heard it, already annoyed that his nap was cut short before it had even started. He sat up, not bothering to put his coat back on, and walked out of his cell just as Billy rounded the corner. "Hey, freaks are comin'!" He called. Albert sighed and grabbed his Ray gun from his bed, jogging out towards Billy to help him with the hoard nearby.

"I was worried they'd catch ya with your dick out, if you know what I mean." Billy said, glancing over to the arsonist.

"Well it seems they almost did, I only just got out of the shower." Albert replied blankly. He started to shiver now that his body was cooling off from the hot water.

"That was the first place I checked, wanted to make sure something didn't bite it off!" Billy laughed, standing back to back with Weasel as he fired his scar-H into the crowd.

"Where are the others?" Albert asked as he reloaded.

"I don't know, probably somewhere on the other side of the prison!"

"Then let's go find them!" Weasel pulled a grenade and tossed it into the crowd, shooting at the ones that came too close with his snub nose python. The explosion splattered blood across Albert's face and uniform, causing him to sigh with annoyance. The two pushed forward through the hole that Albert's grenade made, shooting zombies as they went.

Albert was still drowsy as he ran, adrenaline seemingly not enough to overpower his exhaustion. His eyes stung with the need for sleep as he struggled to aim through his blurry vision. He tripped, Ray gun flying from his hand as he caught himself, landing on his hands and knees. He seemed dazed, even as he quickly stood and stumbled for his gun. Billy yanked him along by his arm, firing into the horde and shoving Weasel behind him.

"Wake up, Weasel!" He yelled, turning to run again as he reloaded his heavy weapon.

"Im tired, Billy, we've been fighting non stop!" Albert jogged backwards as he made headshot after headshot with his revolver to cover for the hitman.

"I know..." Billy mumbled.

One zombie got passed Albert, pinning him to a wall as it clawed and screeched wildly. Albert struggled for a moment, trying to shove the barrel of his gun in its mouth, but then Billy stabbed it, his back turned to them both as he held his scar-H in one hand to shoot the other zombies. It was awkwardly leaning against his arm, Billy pretty much just hipfiring. He glanced back only to rip his knife from the corpse's skull and free Albert from its dead grip. Billy backed up, hoisting his gun back into a normal hold and continuing to mow down any walking dead that came through the door. Albert stood behind him, making sure his wounds were all just scratches and not bites before he quickly reloaded his own weapon.

The pair searched the whole prison but found no sign of the other two mobsters, other than the dead bodies. "We're just running in circles, they're probably trying to find us too!" Albert yelled over the gunfire and screams. "We should find somewhere and hold up, wait for them to come to us!"

Billy nodded, frowning at the set of scratches going down Albert's cheek. "We could pen up in the gondola. If we get overrun we can always just ride it down to the docs, and back up again if we get overrun there!"

Albert nodded, that was actually a good idea. Together they sprinted around and up the stairs to the gondola, Billy taking first stand. He stood just inside it, Albert farther behind, only providing covering fire with his python if it was needed. When Billy reloaded they switched places, Albert pulling out his wonder weapon.

Dispite all this, Albert was still cold, and he started to regret leaving his coat in his cell as he shivered. Slightly distracted by the cold and still exhausted, he let a zombie get a little too close. The backsplash from his Ray gun burned his hand as he shot the corpse. He hissed, ignoring his instinct to drop the gun. Billy finished reloading his gun, quickly pulling out his own revolver to shoot at the ones closest to Albert. "Don't try to kill them if they're that close, dumbass!" He yelled. Albert didn't respond, but he didn't ignore him either, focusing on the screaming demon spawn farther away and letting Billy handle the ones clawing their way up the wall beside them.

The gondola bell rang and the gates closed, startling both men. They looked at eachother as the gondola started moving, silently questioning if either of them had started it. They quickly ran over to the back, peering over the edge to see Sal and Finn shooting into a crowd of zombies, struggling to all fit into the space between the fences.

"You called?" Billy smirked as the gondola came to a stop.

"Jesus, you scared me!" Finn said, glancing over a few times. The clip in his mp40 ran out, and he backed up, dragging Sal into the gondola.

"What were you two doing in the gondola?" Sal asked.

"Camping." Albert replied, readying his Ray gun again as the gondola neared the cell house.

"Have a whole system going." Billy said, also readying his revolver. "Sal, could you check over Al when this is over? Idiot keeps getting himself hurt." Sal nodded laughing as Albert flipped Billy off over his shoulder.

"Sure are getting along well, ain'tcha boys?" Finn prodded. He smirked as Billy shot him a dirty look.

"I guess he's okay.." Billy mumbled, a slight blush creeping up his face.

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