Siren || Afterdeath ||

By WerewolfSoup

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Geno is the Captain of one of the most feared pirate crew in the seven seas along side his Quartermaster, or... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.

Chapter 1.

2.4K 108 359
By WerewolfSoup

The waves quietly crashed into to the ship as it swayed side to side. The crew walking around and doing their assigned jobs.

The captain of the ship was standing near the railing of the ship, looking out to sea as he remembered his old friend. Only when he had left the cave did he realise he'd never gotten the sirens name. Those void eye sockets always haunting his dreams. And that black tail...

The captain was a white boned skeleton with one pearl white eye light being seen in only visible eye socket, the other being covered with a black leather eye patch with a red lily embroidered in the middle. He also had a noticeable read bleeding slash mark on his chest, going from shoulder to hip , as well the blood dripping from his mouth and down his chin occasionally. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a dark blue vest. His pants being black with red stitching. His boots where made from slightly dark leather and had black leather straps with red design on them and red leather straps with black designs wrapped around the base. Along his waist was his beloved crimson red scarf with a belt holding his weapons on top. Over all this he wore a red  leather coat with golden yellow sleeve and collar edges. And to top it all off he wore a black leather captains hat with two fluffy feathers on top.

Looking down at the sea shell necklace in his hand he twisted the Cristal in the middle and watched as the the sun glistened off of it. After all these years he's kept it in pristine condition. He sometimes wondered how his friend was doing.

"ᥫ𝞉ᒆꞎ𝞉ΐИ ₲트𝟆𝜃, ᙢ𝞉¥ ⌶ ん𐌀ᕓ트 𝞉 ⨈𝜃℟ᵭ"

He didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. "Error, you don't need to address me as captain"he said not looking at his younger brother as he continued to look at the Cristal.

Error was a dark boned skeleton with red eye sockets and miss matched eye light's, blue streaks like tears ran down his face. He wore a slight unbuttoned red dress shirt and a dark red vest on top. His pants where made from a black fabric that was slightly fading to blue and looked to be sown with blue strings in some places. His boots being made from a dark brown leather with golden edges and having blue strings with beads wrapped around them. He coat was made of leather like his boots but black. It was long and faded to lapis blue at the ends, The sleeves being folded up with golden yellow edges like the collar. And to top it all off he had lapis blue scarf wrapped around his waist with a belt on top that held his sword and guns, similar to Geno's.

Error was fairly tall compared to Geno, or most people on this ship for the matter.

"¥Ҽ𐌀廾, ɮն⏉ ⌶'ᙢ ꕷꞎΐᢺℓ ₲𝜃⌶Иဌ ꞎ𝜭" He said standing next to him.

Geno gave a light laugh as he looked at his brother. "Of course you will" he let go of his necklace, letting it hang around his neck as the shells clacked together and looked back at the sea. " So what did you want to talk about, dear brother of mine" he sked in slight joking tone.

"Ha hA" error faked a laugh but still smiled at his big brother." BuR On a sEr-IOus NoTe, wE'lL NEeD tO sToP aT tHe nEaREsT isL-aNd Or lANd In gEnErAl TO rEstOCk foR oUr SupPlieS aRe rUnNiNg loW" He said in his glitched voice.

Geno hummed in acknowledgement. He thought for a bit until answering "The nearest land would be the Strafway Island or The Fall Reef"

"StraFWaY IslAnD sHOulD Be clOSeR, bUt We'lL N-eEd tO cHEcK The MaP To Be fULly sUrE" Error noted to which Geno nodded.

He stood up and started walking to his cabin. "Could you get Nightmare to my quarters?" he asked to which Error just nodded, but before he could fully leave Geno said." Oh, and get Fresh too." Error grumbled a 'fine I'll get the parasite too' and walked off.

Geno entered his quarters and went over to his desk. His cabin was bigger then the other cabins on his ship and had more windows. There was a bed in the corner with white and red blankets and pillows, in the center near the end wall was his desk, it having a bunch of papers , feathers and a few ink bottles with candles and books, near the desk in the corner was a big bird cage with its doors opened for his dear pet. In a corner near the side wall with windows was a round table with some chairs and on top of it was a vase with some flowers and a bowl with some fruits for guests. There was also some book shelves and a closet, its doors being dark red with drawn white flowers.

Opening one of the drawers he took out a map and a compass, laying it out. A white raven flew in through an open window and landed on the table. "Hello Wildoe, how you feeling?" The crow cawd happily and nestled its head in Geno's hand. Wildoe was like there mascot of sorts or a messenger. They'd always fly over the town or island they where going to raid as a warning. If they left on time, there life's would be safe and if they didn't, well.... A Genocide wouldn't be stretch of an explanation of what happens. Kinda ironic that a white raven simbolizes bad luck and is something called the carrier of bad news.

The door to his cabin creaked open and in walked Nightmare." You asked to see me?"

Nightmare is a short white boned skeleton with one purple and one icy blue eye light. He usually wore a white or black dress shirt with dark pants and a belt over a purple and icy clue cloth. He's shoes are mostly black with a golden moon buckle similar to the necklace he wears. By the way that he usually talks and his knowledge Geno knew that he was from a wealthy family before joining and Cross, another crew mate who joined at the same time as Nightmare, was something of a bodyguard and lover.

"Yes, I did." He said and beckoned him over. "Error and Fresh should be here any moment." And as if on cue in walked in his younger brothers.

"Sup my homecicle, Error brah said you needed my radical assistants" Fresh then looked at Nightmare." Sup, Nighty Night!"

Fresh was the youngest out of the three and the loudest. He was like the odd ball out of the family always talking in his "lingo" and dressing in bright colours. But even if he was always a goof ball, he was really smart. He knew how to make bombs of different kinds, how to make paints, how to make his explosions be colorful and there was no secret that was safe from him. He mostly wore a pink dress shirt slightly unbuttoned and the collar unfolded. Around his waist was a red cloth with orange stripes and a dark red belt that had his weapons and a few bags filled with explosives . His pants where a lime green with white dots tucked in to his boots that where blue, their edges orange and had red white and purple straps wrapped around the base. On top of all this he wore a light blue coat with white wavey pattern, the ends of his coat going to purple in a similar wavey pattern, the sleeves ends being purple with the same white wavey patterns, the collar of the coat being red with light orange outline. On his head he wore a red and yellowy orange scarf tied in the back and a pair of "YOLO" glasses he "found" when he was young.

Geno smiled at him motioned both of them to come near." So as you may already know, we have some supply shortages and will need to stop at an island to get them, now the question is, which one will we go to." He said gesturing at the map.

"First things first what supplies do we need the most.." Nightmare started then looked over at Fresh." Fresh, you know?"

Fresh only smiled and nodded." We are running really low on food supplies, it'll last us a almost a week if eaten sparingly, two weeks in a half if not eating a few days." He answered.

"⨈Ҽ ⨈𝜃И'ꞎ ɮҼ 𝞉ɮᢺҼ ꞎ𝜭 ဌ트ꞎ ⏉𝜭 𐌀𝟆¥ ཥΐ℟𝞉⏉Ҽ ⌶ꕷℓ𝞉Иᵭ 🝃⌶ꞎ廾𝜭ն⏉ 𝚛ᕫ𝟆ИΐИဌ 𝜃ᕫꞎ  𐌀𝟆ᗫ ꗟꞎ𐌀-𝞉℟ᕓ⌶Иဌ  բ𝜭𝚛 ꕷ𝜃ᙢ트 ᗫ𝞉¥ꗟ." Error said thoughtful.

"Indeed." Geno said and looked back at the map and at the little rock resembling their ship." The nearest islands is a week away, less then a week with good weather but not a huge difference." He seemed in thought." Are there any more supplies that we're running low on?"

Fresh nodded and answered." Yes, were running low on gunpowder, medicine, bandages and other medical stuff for Sci,   felt, yearn and other craft supplies for Error brah and you." Fresh said ignoring the glare thrown his way by his elder brother. He then proceeded to list everything they where running low on. When he was done they all eliminated some islands for not having the supplies they where low on and for being to far.

"So now we're left with two options" Nightmare said.

"⏉廾Ҽ ͼℓ𝜃ꕷҼꕷꞎ ɮ트ΐ𝟆₲ ᥫん트ℓᥫ𝜃𝜭ꝅ ⌶ꗟᢺ𐌀𝟆ᗫ." Error finished and Fresh marked the island on the map.

"So that's where we'll go, Nightmare, you'll steer the ship during night so get some rest for now, Fresh you'll steer now, when you get tired Error will and then I, Nightmare if you'll be too tired at night tell me and I'll put someone else to do the job." Geno said sealing their next destination." Go tell the others " they all nodded with"yes captain" and left.

When they left he patted Wildoe as they came closer." Your a good raven Wildoe." He then opened a drawer and took a small biscuit and gave a peace to his white raven. " Have a cookie, you deserve it." He watched as the white bird ate happily, sometimes cawing.

When they where on the second day of their travels something they really didn't want to encounter happened...

A storm.

The waves crashed into the sides of the ship as everyone ran around making sure everything is secured and as they sailed through the waves.

Geno was yelling out orders  with Error and helping out while Nightmare was steering the ship and Fresh was below deck securing canons and what supplies where  down there so that they wouldn't get wet with some of the crew helping out.

"EVERYONE GRAB ONTO SOMETHING AND HOLD TIGHT!!" Geno yelled out when he saw a giant wave about to crash in to the ship and everyone held on to the nearest sturdy thing they could find and held for dear life as the wave crashed down with immense force. Geno held tight to the railing (or gunwale not sure what it's called).

When the wave Seattled back to the sea they all took a deep breath. "GET READY FOR ANOTHER ONE!!" He yelled noticing another wave coming. This one though was a bigger one and when it came down it hit with far stronger force, it being able to knock Geno off his feet and as his hands slipped the ship made a sudden move making him fall over board and in to the water.

"₲트И𝜭!" He heard Error yell out before being immersed in water. He quickly swam up to the surface to breath. Taking deep breaths he spat some water out that got in his mouth. He saw some crew mates, and most likely Error, drop a latter down for him to grab on to, but when he did and was about to climb up, he noticed that his necklace was missing.

"₲트И𝜭 ₲⏉ ɮ𐌀ᥫꝄ ᕫᒆ 廾트℟!"  Errors glitched voice rang out through the storm and rain, yet he couldn't see him through the rain.

Geno looked back down at the water and spotted a dim light." NOT YET! MY NECKLACE FELL IN!" He yelled out.

"၂ᕫꕷ⏉ ᢺ트𐌀𐌞트 ⌶⏉!! ⌶⏉ꕷ И𝜭⏉ ⨈𝜭℟⏉廾 ¥𝜭ᕫ℟ ᢺ⌶Ӻ트!!!" Error yelled but Geno didn't listen and dived back in swimming towards the light of the Cristal.

When he was getting closer and closer to the point of touching it he saw a siluet that looked like a person. He couldn't make out any details but he knew it it was a person. When his hand grasped the necklace he swam back up as fast as he could to get air.

He took deep greedy gulps of air and coughed a bit.


"I SAW SOMEONE DOWN THERE!" He ignored his brothers comment and looked back down. He put the necklace in his pocket for safe measure and closed it.



"G€NO IT$ $€A MADπ€$$!! T#€R€$ NOT#IπG T#€R€!! JU$T G€T B∆CK UP!!"

Geno held tight when a wave hit the side of the ship he was hanging on, almost knocking him off. He then looked back and without thinking he jumped back into the water with a big breath.

He swam down holding his breath and looking for the person he saw. When he saw them they where pretty deep but he was surprised to see the a bit closer. Yet he still didn't take a good look at them as he swam closer and closer' I knew I saw someone!' he thought snatching their hand he started to swimming back up while pulling the other person with him. According to the feeling of their wrist he guessed it was a skeleton.

When he was a bit halfway up, he felt the person's other hand wrap around waist and he heard humming, his body suddenly paralyzing. The hand on his hip started to move around his body and going in his pocket where the necklace was. the other hand twisted out his hold as the person swam in front of him, yet still touching him in one way or another, and took out his glowing necklace. Now that they where face to face, he could confirm that he was indeed a skeleton.

The skeleton had black void eyes and wore a vest with its food up. He felt like he's seen him before but couldn't put a finger as to where or when at the moment.

The unnamed skeleton wrapped the necklace around his neck and tied it at the back. He then cupped his face in his hands and kissed him.

This took Geno by surprise and unknowingly he opened his mouth, forgetting that he's underwater. He only realised it when this person  slipped their tongue in his mouth. He started to squirm when he felt something driple in his mouth and towards his throat, the weird substance having a weird taste. Metallic and deadly... He gaged a bit and wanted to spit it out but couldn't, not even when the person pulled away, for they put their hand over his mouth.

"No no no~, wouldn't want to get a gulp of sea water,now would you?~" they said and went towards his neck. They loosened his dress shirts collar and bit down hard, sinking their teeth and sharp fangs in to his bone.

Geno released a muffled scream at the sudden pain. He squirmed even more trying to get away as he gripped, but his oxigen was running low and he got more and more tired and he couldn't swim up, for his legs where being restrained by something wrapped around them. He felt as his consciousness faded away and when the  pressure on his neck was released.

"I'll see you around... My water lily~" and the person swam away, his tail coming to view for a split second as the smoke like fins brushed against his fave.

Through his blurry vision he saw some one coming towards him. They got ahold of him and swam up.

The moment they broke the surface they both took in the air greedily and Geno coughed some of the water and weird substance, though most of it still went down his throat. The person climbed a later while carrying Geno. Once back on the main deck they both collapsed as the crew surrounded them asking questions.

"Gods Damn it G€no! ¥ou ok!?" Error fussed over his elder brother looking over him for injuries as he still coughed, trying to get as much of the weird tasting substance as possible out of his mouth. He looked at his hand when he rubbed some of it off his mouth and squinted through the rain. Not hearing anything round him. The substance was a black colour with mixes of red from his own blood.

"I N€€D TO G€T YOU TO $¢I NOW! €V€RY¥ON€ K€€P WORKING!" Errors glitched voice rang out when he picked up his brother and bolted to the medic of their ship. He gripped his brothers shoulder to stop the bleeding Even if only a little, whom in return winced and tried to get the hand off of his shoulder. " I kNoW iT hUrts, BuT I C∆nt taK€ it Off oR y0uLl bl€€d Out!" Error said not letting go of his brothers shoulder as the blood got on his hands and clothes.

Once he saw The medic rooms door he almost kicked it off its hinges." $¢I!! G€N0 N€£D$ M€DI¢∆L ATTNTI0N!!" He yelled out and spotted the white boned skeleton  in a white coat.

"O-Oh dear, Is captain ok!?" Sci went over  to check on the captain.

"廾Ҽ'ꗟ ҍℓҼҼᵭΐ𝟆ဌ.𝜭Ӻ ᥫ𝜭ᕫ℟ꕷ트 廾트ꕷ И𝜭⏉ 𝜭-𝜭Ꝅ!!" Error said annoyed.

"R-Right, bring him over here!" He gestured to a bed for wounded. Error did as told and set Geno down. " I-im going to need you to take his shirt o-off" he said as he got the Bandages, a first aid and a bucket with water and cloth.

Error carefully took off Geno's coat and set it aside. Het then proceeded to take off his belt and scarfs, when they where off he unbuttoned Geno's shirt that was drenched in blood by now and took it off, putting it with the rest of his clothes. His old wound had reopen and started bleeding along with the new one. "ꕷんΐꞎ" Error said and waited for Sci.

"O-ok, now move a bit I need some space to work." Sci said and Error scooted a bit but still stayed by his big brother and watched as the medic cleaned the blood while using magic to heal the most severe wound on the chest, even if it won't fully heal. The bleeding had slowed down to the point of not bleeding at all and Sci could fully clean the blood from his captain. He drenched the cloth in water, washing the blood from it, and then applied it to the captain and cleaned the blood slowly. "What exactly happened to him?" He asked and observed the blood a bit.

"⨈Ҽℓℓ, 𝞉 ҍΐဌ 🝃𝞉ᕓҼ ͼ𝚛𝞉ꗟんҼᵭ ᵭ𝜃🝃𝟆 𝞉𝟆ᵭ ꝅ𝟆𝜃ͼꝅҼᵭ んΐጣ 𝜃բբ ꞎんҼ ᵭҼͼꝅ, ҍնꞎ 🝃んҼ𝟆 🝃Ҽ ꞎん𝚛Ҽ🝃 んΐጣ 𝞉 ℓ𝞉ꞎꞎҼ𝚛 ꞎ𝜃 ͼℓΐጣҍ նཥ, んҼ ꗟ🝃𝞉ጣ ꗟ🝃𝞉ጣ ҍ𝞉ͼꝅ ᵭ𝜃🝃𝟆 ҍҼͼ𝞉նꗟҼ んΐꗟ 𝟆Ҽͼꝅℓ𝞉ͼҼ ဌ𝜃ꞎ 𝜃բբ んΐꗟ 𝟆Ҽͼꝅ, 🝃んҼ𝟆 んҼ ဌ𝜃ꞎ ΐꞎ ҍ𝞉ͼꝅ んҼ ͼℓ𝞉ΐጣҼᵭ ꞎ𝜃 "ꗟҼҼ" 𝞉 ཥҼ𝚛ꗟ𝜃𝟆 ΐ𝟆 ᵭҼҼཥ ΐ𝟆 ꞎんҼ 🝃𝞉ꞎҼ𝚛, 🝃んΐͼん ⌶ ͼ𝞉ℓℓҼᵭ ҍնℓℓꗟんΐꞎ 𝞉𝟆ᵭ ꗟҼ𝞉 ጣ𝞉ᵭ𝟆Ҽꗟꗟ, ҍնꞎ んҼ ꗟꞎΐℓℓ 🝃Ҽ𝟆ꞎ ҍ𝞉ͼꝅ ᵭ𝜃🝃𝟆. ⨈Ҽ 🝃𝞉ΐꞎҼᵭ ꞎんΐ𝟆ꝅΐ𝟆ဌ んҼ'ᵭ ဌҼꞎ ҍ𝞉ͼꝅ նཥ ҍնꞎ 𝞉բꞎҼ𝚛 ꗟ𝜃ጣҼ ꞎΐጣҼ んҼ ᵭΐᵭ𝟆'ꞎ ꗟ𝜃 ⌶ 🝃Ҽ𝟆ꞎ ΐ𝟆 ꞎ𝜃 ဌ𝜃 ဌҼꞎ んΐጣ, 🝃んҼ𝟆 ⌶ ཥնℓℓҼᵭ んΐጣ նཥ 𝞉𝟆ᵭ ͼんҼͼꝅҼᵭ んΐጣ նཥ, んҼ 🝃𝞉ꗟ ҍℓҼҼᵭΐ𝟆ဌ. ⏉んҼ𝟆 ⌶ 𝜃ҍᕓΐ𝜃նꗟℓɏ 🝃Ҽ𝟆ꞎ ꞎ𝜃 ҍ𝚛ΐ𝟆ဌ んΐጣ ꞎ𝜃 ɏ𝜃ն." Error explained and Sci looked at him shocked.

"Error, it wasn't sea madness... I really did see someone, or something." They both turned to look at Geno. And Geno slightly blushed remembering what had happened. Luckily for him they didn't question it or didn't notice.

"⌶ꞎ'ꗟ ꗟҼ𝞉 ጣ𝞉ᵭ𝟆Ҽꗟꗟ ₲Ҽ𝟆𝜃! ꞎんҼ𝚛Ҽ'ꗟ 𝞉␢ꗟ𝜃ℓህꞎҼℓɏ 𝟆𝜃 ⨈ん𝞉-"

Sci sighed and looked back at the new wound and said before Error could continue." I believe he did actually see something."

"ꕷͼΐ ɏ𝜃ህ ͼ𝞉𝟆'ꞎ ␢Ҽ ꕷΐ𝚛ΐህꗟ!?"

"I'm not saying that he saw a person but something, and that something bit him" he pointed at the clear bite mark on his captains shoulder.

Error stared wide eyed at the bite mark. noticing that Error wasn't saying anything he continued." I'm guessing that whatever bit captain, is also responsible for the changes in his blood" this caught both of their attention. They both stared at cloth Sci was cleaning the blood with and indeed, it wasn't the normal Red it used to be but instead a dark nearly black red with a few lighter or even darker spots.

"⨈-🝃ん𝞉ꞎ ΐꗟ ΐꞎ?" Error asked shocked and scared for his brother.

"I'm not sure, I'll have to do some tests on it, but whatever it is, it's mixing with captain Geno's blood. Are you feeling any different captain?" He asked looking in his one eye. Geno shook his head." Good , that means it's not doing anything but mixing with your blood... But that doesn't mean something won't happen over time so I'll need to check up on you more often untill I can determine and confirm that it isn't dangerous or deadly."

They both nodded and Sci went back on cleaning the wound and wrapped it with bandages. He put the bloodied cloth with water separately to do some tests and took some of the black stuff that was smudged on Geno's face along with some saliva for the tests as well.

"You should stay here till the storm dies down and you regain your energy, Error will be able to take care of the ship with Fresh" Geno nodded and layed down on the bed. Error thanked Sci and left Geno with him, knowing nothing will happen. He went back to the main deck and pouring rain and gave out orders while also helping out.

"Ink! There you are friend!" A siren with a black tail fins like smoke cornered a mermaid with a rainbow tail and constantly changing eye lights.

"R-Reaper!? H-how nice to see you!" The mermaid named ink stuttered out. "D-do you need something?"

Compared to Reaper, Ink was a small merfolk. He had a beautiful iridescent rainbow tail that had some black splotches many who'd see his tail would immediately say it looks like a koi fish. On his white bones he had black swirly tattoos that ended at his his tail and neck. On his face he had a mark that resembled an ink smear. Like other mermaids, Ind had no venom, didn't eat meet and had a land dweller form. Along the merfolk, he was known as a collector, since he and his fathers would collect treasures of the sea and land,He'd always carry a setchal with him to put the things he'd find before bringing them back home.

He was exactly what Reaper needed." Yes, as a matter of fact, I do need something" Reaper began. "There's this interesting little thing I've heard, that you have an itsy bitsy crush on a land dweller~"

Inks face flushed when he heard that."W-WHAT!? H-HOW!? WHEN!? I NEVER TOLD THAT TO ANYONE!?"

"Oh~ you do~"

Ink quickly shit his mouth and stared at Reaper realising what he just said. "P-please don't tell anyone."

Reaper looked to be at thought." I my be able to keep it on a down low..." He said watching Ink relax." If! You help me out"

Ink gulped a bit." W-what do you n-need help with?"

"I need something that'll help me turn in to a land dweller,." Reaper said to his "friend". He could tell that Ink slightly scared of him, but he was the closest thing to a friend he's made in his life apart from... His water lily... Geno.

Ink stared at him trying to see if he was joking. He was not."A-And If I help you, what will I get in return.?"

Reaper thought of it for a bit." Well one, I won't tell anyone about you having a crush on a certain pirate~ and I'll help you get with him~" he said smirking, knowing he won't be able to turn his offer down.

"HOW'D YOU KNOW ERROR WAS A PIRATE!?" He quickly put a hand over his mouth." Also why do you need to become a land dweller?"

"I have my ways~ and for my reasons, you'll find out if you help me, but you better decide quickly, or I'll go ask someone else~"

Ink thought about this for a bit and started to panic slightly when Reaper started to count down. "I'LL HELP!" He quickly said." I-I have just the thing, fallow me" he started to swim in a seemingly random direction as Reaper smiled and fallowed close behind.

He couldn't wait to see his water lily again.

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