Fairytails stongest mage: The...

By Li_min_Ling03

11.3K 187 3

Jion Riozawa Stark and her exceed Draco in many adventures with her family in Fairytail. Natsu x Oc Slight Z... More

Coming home
New members
My Adventures
The S-Class promotion trials
Boat ride to Tenrou
Meeting Zeref
The 7 Year Gap
The council's summon
The new Wizard Saint
The Guild
Celestial Party
Second Origin
The Chosen Team
Crocus the flower blooming capital
Taking my spot
Day 1
Running into Sabertooth
Day 2
Mystigon's Fail
Day 3
The battles
Day 4
Battle of four dragons
A Cave of Dragon Bones
Was I just taken?

Waking up

374 5 0
By Li_min_Ling03

Zeref and I were talking for a while before we were interrupted by Natsu and Happy. Natsu immediately wanted to fight Zeref which caused him to release a wave of his black magic, I was caught in it and was nocked unconscious. The last thing I heard was Zeref's voice in my mind asking for forgiveness before everything became completely black.

I started regaining my senses and am trying to open my eyes, but so far no luck, I could hear a lot of muffled voices
"Will she be okay?" Someone asked
"I don't know, but I'm trying. Whatever that guy did wasn't good." Another voice answered sounding more feminine and younger than the first
"Don't strain yourself too much Wendy." And older female voice said.
"I won't, but I want to help as much as I can." The younger voice said back
"How about you take a break you've been going at it for too long child." Another female voice said. I heard shuffling and voices getting further away. I tried opening my eyes again and this time it worked but I shut them almost immediately after from the bright rays of sun. I tried again now knowing what to expect, I slowly opened them and blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted well to my surroundings. I looked around and saw all my guild mates hurt and bandaged up. I sat up without anyone noticing untill I felt something crash into my stomach
"RIO!" I looked down and saw Draco who was hugging me as tightly as he could. His cries were heard and everyone looked my way to see I was awake
"Hey buddy... What happened?" I asked patting his head in a comforting manner. Erza, Mira, Gramps and Natsu instantly moved closer to us smiling contently but I could see a hint of worry in their eyes.
"What do you remember child?" Gramps asked me.
"Well... I remember talking to Zeref before Natsu came around... After that I don't know what happened..." I answered him making everyone pale a little
"What happened afterwards?" I asked looking each one in the eyes
"A dark guild Grimore heart attacked the guild because they were looking for Zeref..." Erza told me. I nodded then turned to Natsu
"What happened after I got hit with that wave of magic? I remember Zeref kept saying sorry and you yelling before everything went black..." I said making Natsu look down
"Nothing good." He said before going away again making me really worried about him. As I'm about to get up and go after him someone stops me, I look to see Draco and Gramps trying to keep me down. I sigh and let them do what they want with me as I keep Natsu in my mind.

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