Cat Saves Dog {DSMP}

By MoonGazer215

81.4K 3.7K 3K

Neko's. Cat people. Many think them to be lazy, dumb, and not very helpful. But they were coveted for their b... More

Sold! To the man with the scar!
A New Home
What Is Freedom?
Learn How To Love
Doctor Visit
Burning Memories
Nightmare Casino
A Glass Prison
How The Most Dangerous Thing Is To Love
Dance Break
Happy Ever After

How You Will Heal And You'll Rise Above

3.5K 186 78
By MoonGazer215

Dream felt fuzzy, stuck in the state of not being asleep, but not quite being awake. He couldn't really feel anything. All the sounds he could hear were muffled, like he was underwater.

The Inu felt someone gently pet his head. The way a mother would play with her child's hair when they had a fever. Slowly, the muffled sounds cleared. He could vaguely make out a hushed conversation.

"... Wake up soon?"

"... Call a nurse?"

"No, let him re...."

"...and George..."

George? An image of a terrified Neko flashed through his find. What about George? Was he okay? Did he escape?

The hand in his hair stilled. Dream slowly pried his eyes open. It was Karl. Karl was the one petting him.

The human was looking at Quackity, who sat across the bed from him. Next to Karl, Dream could see Sapnap. They were all talking in hushed voices.

What had happened? Dream closed his eyes again as he tried to remember. He remembered the ring, Tommy, the human with the gun.

That's right... Dream jumped in front of Tommy as the human pulled the trigger. He got shot.

The hand in his hair continued petting, turning Dream's thoughts to mush. He just wanted to lay there and be comforted.


The Inu opened his eyes again. Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity we're watching him. He smiled softly at them.

"Hey..." Dream whispered.

"Dream!" Karl hugged the Inu.

Dream winced, a sharp pain starting in his chest where he got shot. But regardless, he hugged Karl back.

"Oh my god," Quackity grabbed his arm, "we weren't sure if you were going to make it! How are you feeling?"

"I don't hurt..." Dream mumbled.

Sapnap laughed lightly, "well you're on some pretty strong drugs right now."

Dreams eyes went wide, "what? Why?"

"So you don't feel any pain." Karl chuckled.

"Oh..." Dream relaxed slightly, "where's Tommy? And George?"

"Tommy's in another room." Quackity explained, "you saved his life."

"I couldn't let them hurt him..." Dream said quietly.

"We know." Karl said, continuing to pet his hair.

"Where's George?" Dream asked.

"He's okay." Quackity told him, "he's with Puffy right now. She'll bring him here when they're done."

The door opened. A blonde harpy with large black wings paused in the doorway. He gave Dream a soft smile.

"Ah, I see you're awake." He laughed lightly as he closed the door behind him, "I'm Phil. Tommy's father."

"Oh." Dreams eyes went wide, "is he okay?"

"He's fine." Phil told him, "though it could have been much worse if you weren't there. My entire family is very grateful."

Dream looked down, "I just did what I had to..."

"You saved my son's life." Phil said, giving him a deep bow with his wings spread, "I am forever grateful."

"Phil..." Quackity gasped softly.

The black winged harpy stood up, "if you're okay with it, Tommy would like to see you?"

Dream smiled softly, "I wouldn't mind that."

Phil nodded, "I'll get him then."

Phil walked out. Tommy had been going on nonstop about Dream, constantly asking how the older Inu was doing. The boy couldn't sit still with his worry, much to the panic of his brother. Wilbur had threatened to sit on Tommy if he didn't stop moving. Techno went through with it.

Luckily, Tommy's injuries weren't as severe as Dream's. Dream had been shot point blank in the back. It was powerful enough to go completely through Dream and hit Tommy. The bullet, having lost most of it's momentum, lodged itself in Tommy's arm.

"Dad!" Tommy yelled as Phil walked in, "is Dream okay!?"

"Quiet down." Phil chuckled, placing a hand on the boys head, "I think Ranboo is sleeping."

Sure enough, the black and white Neko was fast asleep in the other bed. He was exhausted after three days of almost no sleep, and then having a minor surgery to take the electrodes out of his wrists.

Tommy's huffed, but lowered his voice, "yeah, but is Dream okay?"

Phil nodded, "he just woke up."

Tommy's tail started wagging as his face lot up, "Really!? Can I see him!?"

"Oh my god dude, shut up..." Tubbo, who had been sleeping in one of the chairs, said, "I know I said I missed you but god, you're so loud..."

Tommy winced, "sorry Tubbo..."

"Where's Wil and Techno?" Phil asked, noticing two of his son's missing.

"They said they were getting McDonald's." Tommy told him, "can we see Dream now?"

"Okay, okay." Phil laughed lightly, "are you two going to be okay?"

Tubbo nodded, laying his head back down on the arm of the chair. Within seconds, the boy was asleep again.

Tommy and Phil walked out of the room. Tommy's tail hadn't stopped wagging since he got the news Dream was okay. Phil just hoped Dream had the energy to deal with Tommy. He was sure they'd be fine.

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