haikyuu oneshots

By -chasingneptune

44.1K 375 52

"i will love you even after the universe falls apart." - where i write a series of short stories about the b... More

bokuto k. | i love you
oikawa t. | shower talks
ushijima w. | you know me
iwaizumi h. | lost and found
tendou s. | making it right
miya twins | surprises and sleepovers
miya a. | let you go
hinata s. | one unforgettable summer
sakusa k. | within every lifetime
suna r. | sleeping beauty
akaashi k. | yours always
seijoh four | to be loved
kageyama t. | self care king
miya o. | livin' the dream
kuroo t. | go my own way
hirugami s. | memories to share
hinata s. | stolen wisdom
konoha a. | promiscuous
miya a. | always been you
oikawa t. | learning to walk

semi e. | dancing in the dark

1.2K 12 0
By -chasingneptune

x fem!reader
word count: 1450

everyone that ever told y/n that her college years would be the best time of her life, had been lying straight through their teeth. she was only in her second year and her workload was already piling up far beyond what she thought was possible. never would she have imagined that her chosen career path would stack multiple different assignments all due within rapid succession of each other. the week before she had to submit two research papers and take two exams, all of which happened before thursday. now, the end of the semester approaching and she spent almost double the amount of her usual time at the library, either by herself or with study groups they made within each class, making sure that she finished all of her assignments on time and knew the material well enough to get decent grades on all of her final exams. despite all of that, she knew herself well enough to know when it was time to call it for the night and go home before she made herself sick from the stress of overworking.

at around eleven-fifteen on a friday night, y/n had finally gotten back to her apartment after spending the afternoon at the library with her biochemistry study group. usually she would have been home sooner had her normal bus been on time but either way, she couldn't wait to get into bed and sleep until noon the next morning. unlocking and opening the door as quietly as she could, y/n made her way into her two bedroom apartment and navigated her way around in the dark, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness that filled the home. walking into her bedroom she smiled at the lump underneath the covers on her bed. it made her happy to see her boyfriend, semi eita, resting after having a long day of his own. more often than not, she would find him awake waiting for her to get home. while it warmed her heart knowing that he cared about her enough to do that, she couldn't help but worry that he wasn't getting enough rest just to make sure that she was doing well.

y/n didn't waste anymore time getting into the shower after seeing him so comfortable in bed. her desire to go to bed and cuddle with semi far outweighed eating a meal. after all, she would just end up eating a bigger breakfast the next morning to make up for it. her shower didn't take long, having only washed her body because she had washed her hair the day before and she wasn't a fan of washing her hair multiple days in a row. so she quickly put her pyjamas on ––an old shirt of semi's and plaid cotton shorts––, washed her face, and brushed her teeth before making her way back to her room and climbing into bed. only this time she found that semi wasn't there and heard soft music playing from what she assumed was the kitchen. walking softly into the kitchen in her mismatched-sock-clad feet, y/n was pleasantly surprised at the sight that greeted her.

standing in front of the stove in only his plaid pyjama pants that matched her shorts, semi was pouring boiling water into two mugs that she assumed already had tea bags placed inside of them. she smiled to herself before walking up behind him and wrapping her arms softly around his waist. resting her forehead on the base of his neck, she gently caressed semi's strong chest with her fingertips. semi finished making both cups of tea and grabbed both her hands in his to place soft kisses across her knuckles. he unraveled her arms from around his body long enough to turn to face her and wrapped her back up in a loving hug once he did.

"hi, my love," he whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"hi, my darling," y/n smiled, "what are you doing up so late? i thought you were asleep."

semi laughed quietly, "i heard you walk in but don't worry, you know i can't really sleep without you next to me."

knowing she wasn't going to win if she told him he should have tried to sleep regardless, y/n let the conversation end there and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck. it wasn't long after that they found themselves dancing slowly in the dim glow of the soft lamp in the corner of the room. y/n had only then realized the music playing was a playlist the two of them had put together throughout the four years they had been together. each song on it held a different meaning, whether it was a song they danced to at a school event or one they heard on the radio that reminded them of each other, every one of them made its way onto the playlist for a reason. she pressed a kiss to the underside of his well structured jaw and moved her head back to look semi in the eyes.

"i don't think i ever want this moment to end," she smiled softly at him while using her left hand to brush stray strands of his ash blond hair out of his face.

semi hummed in agreement, "i want to marry you."

"wh-what?" it hadn't been the first time he left her speechless but the complete seriousness in his expression left her in a state of shock. the topic of marriage had never come up between them and while she knew with all her heart that she wanted to marry him one day, she couldn't imagine he had been thinking the same.

"i want to marry you," he repeated himself without a moment's hesitation, "i don't have a ring yet and this isn't how i planned on asking you but it'll have to do for now, i guess. i don't even care when, after we graduate would be ideal, i just know that i want to be with you for the rest of my life."

semi unwrapped his arms from around her waist and created enough distance between them to lower himself onto one knee in front of her, "so, l/n y/n will you marry me?"

with tears in her eyes and her heart ready to jump out of her chest, y/n sank to her knees in front of semi before pressing a kiss onto his lips, "i would love to marry you. besides, what's two years when we've already been together for four years anyways."

he enclosed his arms around her waist again and sank his head into the crook of her neck. letting out the breath he didn't realize was caught in his throat, he moved both of them back onto their feet. the music in the background now held a whole new level of significance as the two danced in their kitchen as newly declared fiance's. after a couple more minutes of swaying, an afterthought made its way into semi's mind.

"oh and don't you worry, when i finally do get that ring i'll make sure to propose properly."

y/n went to protest, telling him that she didn't need a ring to consider his proposal 'proper' but the look in his eyes told her that nothing would be able to change his mind. so with a smile she told him that she would gladly wait as long as it took, whether it be months or years, as long as it was him she got to marry when it was all said and done. with the tea long forgotten and cold sitting on the countertop, they made their way to bed at half past midnight and settled under the covers entangled in each other's embrace. drowsy kisses and soft repetitions of 'i love you's quickly turned into fluttering eyelids and smiling dreams as the two finally fell asleep after their long, eventful day.

never would y/n have thought that she would be falling asleep on a random friday night next to the man she now called her fiance. despite all the hardships, stress, and disappointment that came with being a student in university, knowing that she could go home at night to the person she loved most in the world made it all better. the more she thought about it, the more she realized that maybe it wasn't a complete lie. college might not be the absolute best time of her life, but she sure had people and things that made it worthwhile. and dancing in the dark with semi eita on random weeknight was surely at the top of the list.

as we get closer to 100 reads i want to say a quick thank you! i never thought this book would get 10 reads let alone 100. to those who stuck around and those who didn't, i want to thank you anyways. i don't like to ask for votes but knowing that people read this and like it enough to vote/comment makes me happy! so once again, thank you and i hope you keep enjoying these stories :)

p.s. i want to interact with my readers more so leave some questions, comments, or stories!

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