Daughter of a pterodactyl

By ArielCornell

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Trent finds out that Ariel is his daughter and Kira never told him. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

37 0 0
By ArielCornell

I don't want to talk to anyone. I can't believe that Cassandra spied on me. I got a call from my foster father and he told me to come back home like right now. I was at the youth center in town. I went back home and Cassandra told me that she didn't tell anyone. She also apologized to me for spying on me. I'm not exactly ready to forgive her, eventhough I said apology accepted. A few days have gone by and one day at school Virginia came up to me while I was at my locker. "Hey girl." Virginia said. "Hey, I'm not in the mood to talk." I said. "Still mad at your sister?" Virginia asked. "Yeah, I don't want to talk about it." I said. "Okay, if you need to talk to any of us you know where to find us." Virginia said. A few weeks later I was at my locker when John came up to me. It was at the end of the school day. "Hey, I have something to tell you." John said. "What's up?" I asked. "Well, I think that you should know that we caught the people that did the bank robbery that your dad witnessed. They went back to the house and they are getting stuff set up right now for when you go back home with them." John said. "That's the thing. I have lived with my foster family my whole life. I never got to know my real parents." I said. "Well, we'll have to get into contact with the social worker and your real parents. Then we can talk to your foster parents about where we should meet each other." John said. "That would be okay." I said. "Really, you don't sound so excited about it." John said. "I'm just not in a good mood today." I said. "Hey, everyone has their off days. You just had an off day today." John said. "Yeah, I know. I just need some time to think about this. Is it okay if I live with my foster family for a while?" I asked. "Yeah, that's fine." John said before walking away. The next day I went to the lab to talk to Tommy. "Hey." I said as I walked into the lab. "Hey, what's up?" Tommy asked. "Well, I wanted to talk to you about something. You knew my real parents, right?" I asked. "Yeah, I have known them ever since they were teenagers." Tommy said. "And you were a power ranger with them, right?" I asked. "Yeah." Tommy said. "Okay. I just wanted to make sure." I said. "Anything else?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, I know that if you're a power ranger, you have to keep your identity a secret from everyone, even your family." I said. "Except if you're mom or dad was a power ranger before you in which case, your family should know." Tommy said. "Are you saying that Cassandra should have known that I was a power ranger?" I asked. "Yeah, but instead of telling her you kept it a secret from her." Tommy said. "I had a reason to keep it a secret, well that was until she found out. I was afraid that if she knew, she would tell everyone she knows that I am a power ranger and my life would be so different." I said. "She didn't tell anyone. It's like she knew how different your life would be if a lot of people knew." Tommy said. "Yeah but she shouldn't have spied on me." I said. "You should have told her so that she wouldn't have spied on you." Tommy said. "I guess you're right." I said before going back home. The next morning Virginia and I went to the youth center for our gymnastics team meeting. We have a gymnastics competition coming up. Later that day we met with the others. "How was your gymnastics team meeting?" George said. "It was good. We have a gymnastics competition coming up so we just practiced our routines." Virginia said. "Yeah, it's about two weeks away." I said. A few days go by and Virginia and I had one last team meeting before the competition. After a few more days go by I was talking to Virginia, it's two days before the competition. "Hey Virginia, I'm going to do some extra training for the competition." I said. "Okay, just don't overdo it." Virginia said. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." I said. "Okay." Virginia said. Later that night I went to the youth center to do some late night training. I was going to practice my balance beam routine. My routine consists of a full spin, a pivot, a small hop, and a back handspring. After the back handspring was a pivot and a roundoff. While I did the full spin I went a little too far. It was supposed to be a full spin and nothing more. I backed up and tried it again. When I did the spin the second time I lost my footing and fell off the balance beam. Luckily I landed on my feet. I got back onto the balance beam and practiced my routine again. I did the spin perfectly and did the small hop. Then I did the pivot. I went forward a few steps then I did the pivot again. Then I went to the middle of the balance beam and got ready to do my back handspring. After that was the pivot and the roundoff. Meanwhile outside Virginia remembered what happened to her the last time she got a head injury. "Ariel, oh no. What have I done?" Virginia said. Then she tried to get my attention by banging on the front door and calling my name but that didn't work. The front door was locked so she went through the delivery entrance which was unlocked. After I did the bank handspring I lost my balance and fell onto the ground. Virginia saw me lose my balance and fall. "Ariel, no!" Virginia said as she saw me fall. I hit my head really hard. Virginia came over to me and knelt down by my head. "It's all my fault." Virginia said. Then she called 911. The paramedics came and took me to the hospital. When they got me to the hospital they took me in. "What have we got?" Doctor Jacobs said. "Her name is Ariel Fernandez-Ford-Mercer. This is her friend, she saw it happen." One of the nurses said. "She was practicing on the balance beam and she fell and hit her head really hard." Virginia said. "Alright, call up to radiology. I want a full series of pictures cat scan, EEG, MRI, the works. Let's hurry people. She's a very lucky girl. It's a good thing you were able to call for help right away." Doctor Jacobs said. I was able to open my eyes a little bit but I really couldn't see much and my vision was blurry. I closed my eyes after a second or so. "Actually, it was all my fault. Is she going to be alright?" Virginia asked. "We won't know anything for a while. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." Doctor Jacobs said. Virginia went out to wait. "Ariel, can you hear me? I'm doctor Jacobs and I'm going to take good care of you." Doctor Jacobs said. As one of the nurses was walking out Virginia stopped her. "Can you tell me something?" Virginia asked. "As soon as we hear anything we'll let you know, we promise." The nurse said before walking away. The next day George, John, and Virginia were walking around town.

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