His Favorite Piece Of Art

By _ColorMePurple_

61.9K 1.7K 228

"πΏπ‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ 𝑖𝑠 π‘’π‘Žπ‘ π‘¦ π‘‘π‘œ π‘™π‘œπ‘£π‘’, π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘€ π‘šπ‘’ π‘¦π‘œπ‘’π‘Ÿ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘˜π‘›π‘’π‘ π‘ " - 𝑅. 𝑄𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑛 ____________... More

Author's Note
Main Character's Aesthetics
Chapter 1 | Alexander Hart
Chapter 2 | Stop crying, yeah?
Chapter 3 | Call me
Chapter 4 | A little wine won't hurt
Chapter 5 | You again
Chapter 6 | The contract
Chapter 7 | Look at me
Chapter 8 | I can help with that
Chapter 9 | Skilful fingers
Chapter 10 | Late night messages
Chapter 12 | Dance with me
Chapter 13 | Nude
Chapter 14 | Piece of me
Chapter 15 | Taste of you
Chapter 16 | My drug
Chapter 17 | Date night
Chapter 18 | Dream of you
Chapter 19 | Under the stars
Chapter 20 | Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus
Chapter 21 | Dramarama
Chapter 22 | Fate?
Chapter 23 | Let you in
Chapter 24 | Fireworks
Chapter 25 | Shape of you
Chapter 26 | Final goodbye
Chapter 27 | Machiavellian
Chapter 28 | Handcuffs?
Chapter 29 | Karma is a bitch
Chapter 30 | Bella Moore

Chapter 11 | Hot sexy pants

1.8K 54 28
By _ColorMePurple_

It's Saturday. Both girls slept in, finally getting some rest from a couple of hectic months. Bella is currently taking a long relaxing shower while Caroline is munching on her breakfast.

As she was about to take her empty plate to the kitchen, Bella's phone rings and makes Caroline stop in her track. She takes a look at the phone and smirks when she sees who's the caller.

"Bella! Mr. hot sexy pants is calling!" She walks towards the bathroom and doesn't even knock before coming in.

"Who?" Bella asks confused as she opens the glass door of their shower, thankful that the steam from hot water engulfed their bathroom and is hiding her body from anyone's sight. Caroline gives her the phone and Bella's lips form an 'o' shape in realization. Mr. Hart.

Caroline came up with that nickname for the famous photographer, finding it completely fit for him. Bella answers the call as a smirking Caroline leaves the bathroom, giving Bella some privacy, but totally staying outside to hear what's going on, preferably something that she could use to tease her best friend with.

"Mr. Hart? Hi." Bella says as she wraps a towel around her. She has to admit that she is a bit shocked that he's calling. Usually, they converse only through text messages.

"Hello, love. How are you? I hope I didn't catch you in a bad time."

"No, no you didn't I was just taking a shower. And I'm good, thank you for asking. How are you?"

There is a long pause after Bella's reply. The first sentence that Bella said so innocently, repeated in his mind a couple of times, making him imagine her in that setting. He shook his head as he felt his manhood twitch at the thought of both of them taking a shower together, but he quickly threw that thought away at the sound of her voice.

"Mr. Hart? Are you there?"

"Uh yes, yes I'm here, sorry. I'm doing good as well, love. I was wondering, if it's okay with you, we can have the photoshoot tonight?" He clears his throat.

"Yes, that's fine with me. At the usual time?"

"Yes, at the usual time."

"Okay. I'll see you tonight Mr. Hart."

There was another pause. He didn't want to end the call there. He wanted to listen to her voice but he didn't know how to continue so he gave up on the thought of them talking more.

"See you, love."

After they hung up, Bella finished her morning routine and walked towards the bathroom door. She narrowed her eyes at Caroline when she saw her run quickly towards the couch.

"What are you doing C?"

"I'm just watching tv."

Bella holds in her chuckle. The tv was off and it took a second for Caroline to realize before she turned it on and coughed awkwardly.

"It must be something interesting." Bella walks towards her and sits next to her.

"Mhm." Caroline avoids her eyes, knowing that she got caught.

"Or at least more interesting than the call I had. Just in case you were wondering, we only talked about the next photoshoot. But that's only if you were wondering." Bella smirks and Caroline sighs in defeat making Bella finally let out her laugh.

"You know I would tell you if something was happening, so no need for eavesdropping." Bella chuckles before she continues. "Anyway, I'm going to tidy my room a little bit, and then we can go grab a coffee or something if you want."

Caroline nods in agreement and waits for Bella to come out of the room. In the meantime she looks at the phone she left in the living room, unlocked. Caroline smirks and goes in her contacts to change his name to Mr. hot sexy pants.

"There, now his name is not boring anymore." Caroline puts the phone back and nearly jumps at the sound of Bella's voice.

"What's not boring anymore?" She puts all the necessary stuff she takes when she goes out in her little shoulder bag and looks over at Caroline.

"Oh, nothing. It's just this show is boring." Caroline turns the tv off and walks towards their front door so they can go out and spend some time together.


"Hello, Toby!" Bella smiles when she walks into the building where one handsome man lives, a man she can't stop thinking about, a man she's been working with for three months now.

There were a couple of pauses included in their schedule because Bella still needed to focus on her studies and with exams and all kinds of different assignments, sometimes they had to take breaks from working on Alexander's project in these past three months.

But since winter break is just around the corner, she finally has time to go back to being his model, hence why she's here tonight.

"Hello, darling. Can you come here?"

Bella walks towards his desk and he hands her the keys from Alexander's studio. "Mr. Hart will be a little late today. Something came up so he told me to give you the keys and wait for him in his studio."

"As far as I remember, he is a very punctual man, but now he's the one being late?" Bella speaks jokingly, making Tobias laugh.

"Ah...it's a rare occurrence and a rare opportunity to tease him about it. I've been waiting for this for too long." Both Bella and Toby laugh as they joke on account of the photographer.

"I'll get going now. See you, Toby."

The older man waves at her when she steps into the elevator before he continues reading his book. When Bella comes out on the last floor, she opens the studio door and makes her way inside. She puts her phone on the little table and leaves her backpack on the couch before she walks towards the shelves filled with his cameras.

She examines each and every one of them, counting almost twenty different cameras to kill the time while she waits for Alexander. Not a lot of time goes by before the door opens and reveals a frowning Alexander.

The second his eyes fall on her, he feels calm, and when she smiles sweetly at him, he feels like all his worry disappeared, making his frown disappear too.

"Hi." She quietly greets him.

"Hi, love." He sighs when he hears her voice but can't find it in him to smile. The place he just came back from still holds a gloomy mood over him, and worry comes back in just a second.

"Is everything okay? Are you okay?" Bella noticed that he doesn't feel so good, but doesn't push any further when he nods. If he's not ready or doesn't want to talk about it, then she won't make him. She already told him she'll be here if he needs her, and she won't force him to talk if he doesn't want to, even though she sees that something is wrong.

"You can change into this and we'll begin." He gives her a bag and she walks towards the folding screen so she can change her clothes.

She takes out a long lacey dress that has high slits on both sides of her legs and the upper part completely see-through except the chest area. She puts it on and walks towards the center of the room, capturing Alexander's eyes that follow every step she takes.

He tells her how to sit on the same armchair they used for the last photoshoot. She leans her back on one armrest, almost laying in the chair, while her legs are bent over the other armrest making her legs completely exposed because of the high slits.

They work for approximately two hours with taking a few breaks to just talk and rest before he tells her they are done for the day.

When Bella is done changing, she takes her backpack and checks if she got everything. When she doesn't feel her phone in her pockets, she checks her backpack, but it isn't there as well. She forgot where she put it.

"Are you looking for something, love?"

"Yeah, my phone." She turns to face Alexander who is putting his camera away. "Wait, I'll call it." Bella nods as he grabs his phone and dials her number.

Soon the ringing of her phone is heard and Alexander walks towards the table where he put his jacket. He lifts it up and finds her phone. A small smirk plays on his lips as he looks at it. He is surprised to see what name she used for his contact.

"I'm flattered, love, but I must admit that I didn't expect that nickname to be used for me." He looks at her as he hangs up the call so it doesn't ring anymore.

Bella frowns at his words, utterly confused. She has no idea what he's talking about and is even more confused as she watches his amused face. "W-what are you talking about Mr. Hart?"

He doesn't answer her question and slowly walks towards her, making her walk backward. There is a small smile on his lips that only makes her mind race with questions as to what the hell is happening right now?

A small gasp leaves her lips when her legs hit the couch and she falls on the soft cushions. He leans closer to her, putting one hand on the back of the couch next to her head, and the other hand on the armrest, caging her in the corner of his couch.

"So... I'm Mr. hot sexy pants?" He smirks when he sees her eyes widen.

"W-what?" She stutters.


"Well, that's how you saved me as in your contacts."

Bella's eyes nearly bulge out of her sockets. "W-what?" She can't believe what's happening right now. She doesn't have to wrack her brain to know that Caroline had something to do with this. She can't believe that she would do that and put her in this situation where she burns from embarrassment.

"Is that really what you think of me? That I'm hot and sexy? Hm, love?" Alexander's eyes run all over her face, finding the bright blush coating her cheeks adorable.

"No, no... my best friend did this. She um...I didn't know that she did that..." Bella doesn't even know what to say to get out of this situation, but she is sure to get revenge on her best friend for this. You better run Caroline.

"So, you're saying your best friend named my contact like that?" His eyebrows furrow but he still finds this amusing.

"Y-yes. I really don't know why she did it..."

Alexander bites his lip, enjoying Bella's flustered state a little too much. But he wants to continue and ask her something, unsure if he should. But he still does it.

"So you don't find me sexy?" Alexander leans in, so close that their noses are almost touching. His lips pull a bit when he sees her avoiding his piercing gaze. As she looks everywhere but on him, he focuses on her red cheeks before his eyes fall on her rosy lips that she's bitting out of nervousness.

He has the urge to kiss her, and being this close doesn't make it any easier for him. When he looks up he sees that her eyes are now focused on his lips as well, and he purposely licks them, making her cheeks redden even more.

"Hmm?" He hums, waiting for her answer that she for some reason can't utter. She keeps opening and closing her mouth but nothing comes out. She finally gives up and keeps quiet, hoping that he'll just let it go.

I mean how can she answer that. Pretty simple, with a yes, because she does find him sexy and utterly handsome. But you're crazy if you think that she's able to just outright say it.

She nervously licks and bites her lower lip, making his eyes focus on them again. "God, you'll be the death of me." He whispers lowering his head before he looks directly into her eyes. She looks at him as well, feeling like her heart will burst any second now from their closeness and intensity.

They both keep gazing at their lips before they look into each other's eyes again. Taking that as a positive sign, Alexander starts leaning in. His lips brush ever so lightly against hers, not kissing her, just feeling each other's skin.

He is glad that she isn't pushing him away and when he can't take it anymore he goes to press his lips on hers, but the door of his studio opens abruptly, making Bella gasp and Alexander reluctantly pull away.

"There you are! Oh...did I interrupt something?" A man of Alexander's age stands near the door of his studio, smirking at the two flustered faces. Bella looks down, hiding her red face with her hair. She feels so embarrassed right now and just wants to disappear into thin air.

She tries to collect herself and quickly speaks. "I um...I should get going." Bella says shyly, avoiding the gazes of both men as she walks towards the door. Alexander moves away from her, giving her space to stand up and leave. His jaw clenches as he throws a glare towards his friend before he focuses on Bella's retreating figure.

"Wait! Your phone." Alexander walks towards her and gives her her phone. "You don't have to go, love." He whispers.

Bella nods, still not meeting his gaze. "Yeah, I do, bye." She walks out and almost runs for the elevator. Alexander watches her, disappointed that she didn't stay but he can't blame her. He closes the door, frustrated at his best friend that keeps smirking at him.

"You couldn't knock Jake?" He glares at him as he goes to sit on the couch.

"Ah sorry for ruining your first kiss man." At that Alexander throws a pillow at Jake who only chuckles. "I swear if I knew you were with someone here I wouldn't have bothered you."

"That's why you text me to see if you can come here, you idiot." Alexander shoots daggers at his best friend, mad that he didn't get the chance to do what he wanted to do for quite a while now.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. I bet there will be another opportunity for you to do it. It can happen even tonight. How about we go out, get some drinks, find some ladies?" Jake wiggles his eyebrows.

"I'm not in the mood."

Alexander isn't so fond of clubs. He doesn't like crowded places, especially the ones filled with drunk people. And those kinds of places would be the last to look for someone, that is if he even wanted to look for someone, which he doesn't. The only person he wants is the one that ran out of here just a few moments ago.

"Come on man, I can't go alone. Please."

Alexander sighs as Jake gives him puppy eyes. He would always do this and Alexander would always give in because he doesn't want his best friend going alone. That's why in the end he agrees.

"Let's get going then. You need to freshen up before we leave." Jake points at Alexander's state before he walks towards the door. "By the way, who was that girl? She's cute." At that Alexander glares at him again.

"Stay away from her. She's mine."


Hey guys!

I hope you're doing well

Tell me what you think about this chapter in the comments

Also, if you notice any spelling or grammar mistakes, please do tell me

And please vote vote vote I would really appreciate that

Have a good day/night 💜

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