Fix You (DabixOC)

By nikkidijock

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Yui Homura was born with a quirk that people saw as a blessing though in her own view, she saw it as more of... More

Author's Note & OC Information
Chapter I: Routine
Chapter II: What am I?
Chapter III: Traitors
Chapter IV: Debut
Chapter V: Mixed Messages
Chapter VI: You're Not Weak
Chapter VII: A Promise
Chapter VIII: Eri's Hero
Chapter IX: Villains Can Be Nice Too
Chapter X: Sweet Revenge
Chapter XI: Just a Hookup?
Chapter XII: Fuck Me, Right?
Chapter XIV: Addiction
Chapter XV: Things Are Not Looking Up
Chapter XVI: Empty Threats
Chapter XVII: Mind Your Business
Chapter XVIII: Not So Different After All
Chapter XIX: Drunken Thoughts
Chapter XX: Whiskey and Wings
Chapter XXI: Desire
Chapter XXII: Only You
Chapter XXIII: An Unexpected Secret
Chapter XXIV: Regrets
Chapter XXV: More Similar Than I Thought
Chapter XXVI: Time for Some Fun
Chapter XXVII: Tetsuya vs Yui, Clashing Swords
Chapter XXVIII: Old Scars
Chapter XXIX: Memories
Chapter XXX: Yui Homura

Chapter XIII: Why?

263 7 2
By nikkidijock

"I watched as my memories burned..."

   (Yui Homura)

Fifteen Years Ago~

"Come on Yui honey, it's time to go."

Walking out of my room I was surprised to find my dad and mom all dressed up, looking at them in confusion as I rubbed my eyes sleepily.

"Mom? Where are we going? It's so early--"

"I know honey, but we really gotta get going okay?  Get dressed into something nice and we'll go. We can get some breakfast on the way, does that sound good?"

Hearing my stomach grumble at the mention of food, I nodded excitedly, not really caring about where we were going anymore. 

"Yay! I'll get ready super quick!"

Picking out my favorite dress and brushing my hair, I looked at myself one more time in the mirror, the thought of a fresh breakfast making me run out of my room excitedly. 

If only I knew that would be the last time I'd be home.

The last time I got to eat my favorite breakfast.

The last time I saw my parents.

I didn't know any better as I took the evil woman's hand before me-- a devil disguised as an angel.

"I can become... a special hero?"


"Yui... I'm so sorry. We didn't want to--"

"But you did, didn't you? You sold away your own daughter like it was nothing. No tears, no heartache-- you and dad didn't even bother visiting me! You abandoned me like I was nothing. And you think sorry will fix it? That'd I'd come running back to you with open arms? Well fuck you and fuck dad--"

"Your dad is dead."

I felt the anger that was rushing through my veins momentarily dull at her words. My mom seemed to notice, her footsteps slowly coming closer to me as she held her arms open wide.

"I know sweetie. It's okay. He lost his long battle with cancer, but he didn't go painfully--"

My mom stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening in fear as my gaze fixed onto her figure hatefully, unhinged laughter leaving my lips.

It really is funny isn't it? 

She expects me to mourn his death? That I would just hug her and forgive her, dad's death moving me to tears?

Fuck that.

"He didn't go painfully huh? That's a shame, I was hoping he'd die slowly, painfully-- honestly I regret not getting here sooner! I would've loved to see the look on his face as his daughter who he sold for money returns, only to take all of that money from him and kill him with her own hands. At least you aren't dead yet, right mom?"

Eyes lighting up in fear, my mom shook her head back and forth, her figure trembling as I slowly made my way towards her. 

"Yui please! We didn't want to sell you away, but we had no choice! If we didn't then we would've--"

"We would've what? Been forced to leave our house? Have to live on the streets? I would've given anything during those fifteen years to live on the streets, to spend my days struggling to get by. That would've been much more pleasant than the fifteen years of torture I went through. Being forced to kill as a child, to heal people until I could barely breathe, forcing my body to get through in hopes of becoming a hero-- another lie you and dad forced yourselves to believe right? You made yourselves believe I was living a cushy, easy life-- that's why you didn't visit isn't it? You didn't want to see the truth did you?"

Stumbling to the ground, my mom held her hands in front of her face in an act to protect herself. Her body trembling in fear as I knelt down to her level.

"Yui I'm so sorry. We made a mistake, we should've never met with that woman. We didn't know she was going to treat you so poorly! We should've done our best as a family, but we still can! I can help you, give you anything you need-"

Grabbing the collar of her shirt I pulled my mom close, my own body trembling as I held myself back from doing something I'd regret.

I want to kill her, end her own pathetic life with my own hands-- but then she wouldn't be suffering anymore. I want her to live, to live in regret for what she did to me, to be ashamed of herself with every breath she takes. 

"I don't need anything from you and I'm not your fucking family. You made that choice yourself fifteen years ago, it's too late to take it back now."

Pushing her back towards the ground I stood up, my gaze cast down on her trembling form with no remorse. 

It was only then that I remembered the raven-haired man standing behind me, a quick glance behind me showing that his eyes were focused on the scene in front of him, his gaze of surprise quickly turning to a neutral mask when my gaze met his. 

I know nothing about him, but he just keeps getting to learn everything about me. How is that fair?

At least he's being quiet for once. 

Turning back towards my mom before getting lost in my own thoughts about Dabi, I spit on the ground in front of her for good measure, my heart hurting for what could've been.

I guess it's fitting isn't it?

A villain does need a tragic backstory after all.

"I've found a new family mom-- one that's just as fucked up as I am and accepts me for who I am. They are more of a family to me than you will ever be."

Walking past my mom's trembling figure, I intended to leave and not look back just like that, that was until that familiar deep voice rang out from behind me.

"Damn woman, if she's calling me family then you really must've fucked up huh?"

My eyes widened in surprise as Dabi's right arm lit up in flames, his hand extended out towards my mom making her tremble even more. 

"That's your old home, right doll?"

Dabi's sudden question caught me off guard, my gaze following his as I looked at the house behind my mom, memories flooding through my veins without warning as I looked at the place I once called home. 

Nodding my head in confirmation, I watched as Dabi's arm lit up even more with flames, the blue fire starting to engulf his entire arm .

"Any attachment?"

Gazing at the house I took in Dabi's question, memories playing in my head as I saw my younger self running throughout the house, a smile on my face as I chased my mom out onto the front yard, my dad laughing as he watched the scene unfold before him. 

"No, none at all."

Grinning maniacally, Dabi raised his arm so that it was no longer pointing at my mom, but instead the house behind her. 

"Good, I've been dying to fuck up something since our fun got ruined earlier today. Looks like it's your unlucky day lady."

I watched, a whirlwind of emotions going through my mind as my mom's scream rang out, my childhood home lighting up in a beautiful cerulean blue as her backdrop. 

I watched as my memories burned, my childhood self and the happy memories that this house once brought me turning into nothing more than ash, the huge size of Dabi's blow causing the whole house to catch on fire, burning away any attachment I may have had left for this place deep in my soul. 

Looking from the burning house towards my mom, I felt no emotions as her crying face met my blank one, her eyes that looked into mine feeling like a stranger's gaze. 

"As far as I'm concerned, my mom and dad died fifteen years ago the day they gave me away. If you want it to stay that way then I better never see you ever again-- or the next time you do I'll kill you with my own hands."

Breaking from my mom's gaze, I kept walking. Away from her, away from my burning childhood home-- away from the last things that tied me down to my old life, to the old Yui Homura. 

"The Yui you once knew has been dead for a long time, just like the woman I used to call mom. Goodbye-- for your sake, you better hope our paths never cross again."

Ignoring her pleas and cries, I walked away from my old life and towards the place I have begun to call home.

The comforting smell of cigarettes following me from behind.


"So, how'd it go?"

"I'm pretty sure the news casts speak for themselves don't they?"

I felt exhausted as I leaned against the wall of the old bar, Shigaraki's gaze looking towards Dabi in annoyance at his response. Not wanting to be out here longer than I had to, I put us out of our misery, reporting our failed retrieval of the high-end nomu. 

"Endeavor defeated Hood and we weren't able to retrieve his body as it was completely incinerated. Endeavor was badly injured however. It seems he was just able to defeat Hood after giving it his all."

Smiling at my report, Shigaraki directed his gaze towards the tv, Endeavor's beaten and battered body appearing on screen for the whole League to see. 

"This was just a test of what's possible. I think our demonstration struck enough fear in society to start. People are already beginning to question Endeavor's new role as the symbol of peace. Great work you two, you're both dismissed for the day."

Seeing that Shigaraki was already starting to get lost in his thoughts, his red gaze concentrated on the multiple news reports that flashed on screen, I nodded tiredly, silently excusing myself. 

The rest of The League members seemed to notice my exhaustion, letting me silently slip out of the bar so that I could head back to my room-- well everyone except for one annoying ass.

The smell of cigarettes following me towards my room.

"Do you ever take a break from those damn things?"

Dabi seemed to be caught off guard by my question, hesitantly following me into my room as I left the door open for him, too tired to even give a fuck anymore.

He regained his composure quickly however, closing the door behind him and leaning against it cockily as he took another puff from the cigarette in between his lips.


Rolling my eyes at his response, I sat down on my bed tiredly, holding my hand out towards him as my eyes closed from the mental and emotional exhaustion of the day.

"Well if you're gonna smoke it in my room than you better share."

I didn't expect Dabi to share, nor did I expect him to stay in my room much longer, but it seems he was in a mood to prove me wrong today as I felt my bed dip from his body weight, my tired eyes opening slightly to meet his cerulean gaze that was much closer to my face than I thought it would've been.

"What're you--"

Dabi's actions cut me off, causing me to not move a muscle as his lips came close to mine. I watched with a concentrated and confused gaze as Dabi's warm hand gently reached towards my chin, pulling my bottom lip down with his thumb as his own lips came even closer to my own.

I tried to not gasp in surprise as I felt warm smoke invade my system, Dabi's stapled lips laying gently on mine as he blew smoke from his mouth into mine.

I hated the need that engulfed my body as he separated his lips from mine, my face definitely becoming a mess as I felt heat creep up to my ears. 

Silence engulfed both of us as his cerulean eyes met mine, 

Unspoken words, thoughts, and feelings seeming to want to leave his mouth just as much as they wanted to leave mine.

All I could do was ask the one question I had been wondering all night after he did what he did, burning down my childhood home. After witnessing a part of me that no one else has ever seen. After touching me the way he did just now, as if I was a fragile piece of glass he was carefully trying not to break.


Dabi seemed to understand my question as he leaned closer, his willpower breaking as his hungry gaze honed in on my lips once more.

"Cause I wanted to. Do you need more of a reason than that?"

Though my true answer was yes, that I wanted to know all that hid behind his Dabi guise, that I wanted to know why he was about to kiss me again despite what he told me before-- I couldn't voice that as his lips came crashing down on mine, my own willpower breaking as my thoughts turned to mush.

I do need a reason, but for now-- this is enough. 

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