Chapter I: Routine

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"Every day feels the same-- wake up, keep my head down, show my worth. To the Commission I wasn't a human being, I was a tool to be used." 

     (Yui Homura) 

Accepted-- at this point in my life, I've learned to accept where I am. Waking up to the same four bland walls everyday, a room that I've lived in for years but has never felt like home. My schedule was the same every day as it has been for the past fifteen years.

"Homura! You're running late and you know I won't stand for tardiness of any kind. If you're not out here within the next five minutes I won't be very happy."

Hearing the cold familiar voice outside my door, I pushed myself off the bed, forcing my body to move despite my bones creaking in resistance. Yesterday was a tough day and if I know the president at all, she would make today even worse if I didn't kick my butt into high gear.

"Yes ma'am. I'll be right out, forgive me."

Gritting my teeth I apologized, saying the words that I knew would make her happy. Apologize and obey, apologize and obey-- after fifteen years my rebellious side has died down. I didn't have the energy to fight against her like I used to so I simply let her have her way, saying exactly what I knew she wanted me to say. The Commission President had broken me a long time ago and judging by the nasty grin on her face as soon as I walked into the hallway, she knew it too.

"Now come on dear, I told you to always make yourself presentable right? This hair just won't do."

Taking a brush from her bag the president combed my hair roughly, causing me to bite back groans of pain at the harsh tugs. She always made sure I was to her standards before beginning work for the day-- not for me, but for her. The heros who came here to get healed couldn't know that I was being mistreated since it would ruin her reputation, not that any of them seemed to care anyways. It was the same as always-- at first heros would marvel at my quirk and ask questions, but soon they got accustomed to my healing, giving me a small thanks in return. 

To others, my quirk is a gift. As the Commission has told me multiple times "It's the quirk of a true hero." To me-- this quirk is the reason why I can't have a normal life, the reason why my parents sold me off to the Commission for money-- the reason why every day was the same old painful, tiring, and boring routine. 

Every day feels the same-- wake up, keep my head down, show my worth. To the Commission I wasn't a human being, I was a tool to be used.

"Much better. Now follow me dear, there is already someone I need you to heal and he needs to get back out there soon so make it quick."

Bowing my head in submission I followed the president quickly, her heels ringing out throughout the empty hallways since it was still early. It made me wonder who the hell had gotten badly hurt so early in the morning-- they were either out late or up early patrolling, but I bit my tongue to prevent asking her questions-- only speak when spoken too... that's what I was taught.

Following the president into the room I was surprised by the sight of giant vermillion wings, belonging to the prohero Hawks who was newly proclaimed the #2 hero after the recent Kamino incident with All Might. 

"Hawks I brought someone to patch you up and fix your  mistake."

Facing me, the president gave me one of her signature smiles, her cold gaze causing me to involuntarily straighten my posture as she placed a hand on my shoulder in what would seem to anyone else as a friendly gesture. I knew better however, her gaze letting me know that she was expecting my best or else I'd be punished later.

"Heal Hawks quickly and then move onto your normal schedule, no unnecessary talking. I have to go to an important meeting, but I still expect the best treatment for my #2 hero."

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