Chapter XI: Just a Hookup?

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Author's Note: Hey everyone, thanks for reading my story so far! I know the last few chapters had a lack of Dabi and Yui interacting together, but trust me when I say things are about to get a lot more heated between the two of them-- starting with this chapter. So as a WARNING, things are about to get pretty damn spicy this chapter. Hope you all enjoy! 

"Oh Yui, what have you gotten yourself into?"

(Yui Homura)

My body felt like it was on fire.

And damn... I never knew how amazing heat could feel.

I bit down on my lip harder as Dabi's now heated hands rested on my thighs, his hands coming dangerously close to reaching under my dress.

My eyes trailed from his back down to his lips that were still only centimeters away from mine, my gaze giving him the invitation he needed as he quickly closed the distance, his heated mouth engulfing mine.

I couldn't help but moan as the multiple sensations had already begun to drive me mad.

It's not like this was my first kiss. Hell, I've had sex plenty of times while being kept in the Commission's facilities. The Commission President allowed me to get my "womanly needs" from men of her choice starting at eighteen. They weren't bad guys, normally other children from the Commission who were around my age.

But nothing I have ever experienced can compare to what I'm feeling right now.

The coldness of his stapled lips mashed against mine together with the rising heat that threatened to engulf his whole body-- I was already in a sensory overload heaven and we're only just kissing.

I wonder how amazing it will feel if we continue?

Dabi seemed to be thinking the same thing as his lips parted from mine, his hot breath fanning my face as he panted heavily.

"Follow me. Now."

Leaving no room to argue, Dabi's searing hot hand gripped my wrist, pulling me behind him as he made a b-line for the bathroom.

Not very romantic, but I assume romance isn't really Dabi's thing.

Not that I could care less as he quickly dragged me into the bathroom, slamming my body against the now shut door, his cerulean eyes gazing at me hungrily.


My heart sped to inhumane speeds as the sound of the door locking echoed throughout the empty bathroom letting us know that we were truly alone. 

Dabi and I... alone in a bathroom at some random bar in the red light district. Both of us are also exceptionally drunk-- but I couldn't give less than a shit right now as Dabi's hot breath took over my senses once again, his teeth grazing my neck in a way that made me shiver with anticipation. 

"You sure you don't wanna back out now doll? I'd hate to break a pretty little thing like you."

A breathy laugh escaped me as I attempted to form a response, my teeth lodged into my bottom lip in an attempt to suppress the moans that wanted to escape.

"How kind of you-- but I've already been-- broken-- for a long time.  There's nothing you can do that I won't be able to handle, Dabi."

Managing to get my words under control I let out a small sigh of relief as Dabi stopped his attack on my neck, only for my heart race to pick up even more as his cerulean eyes lit up with hunger at my words.

Dabi looked at me with challenge as he slowly moved one of his hot hands to my neck, while the other slowly began its descent causing my thighs to squeeze together involuntarily. 

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