Chapter XIX: Drunken Thoughts

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"Don't you have better things to do than watch my sorry ass, drown myself in liquor in an attempt to forget the one girl who actually gives a damn about me?"


Don't look at me like that.

I said fucking stop it! I may not be able to see you, but I can fucking sense the disappointment from here and let me tell you-- I don't give a fuck. 

It's not my fault Yui decided to walk into the bar with that damn chicken without texting me first. 

I'm not saying I would've kicked the bitch that's on my lap right now off of me if she did text me, I'm just saying I could've told her to fuck off until tomorrow.

But no, she had to come waltzing in here with that damn hero to report back to me. So in the end it's her fault, not mine.

I mean, I've told her countless times that she's just a good fuck-- that's all we are.

It's her fault for being heartbroken, for not taking my words to heart. 

That's why I of course had to be the biggest asshole in the world, grabbing two fistfuls of the whore's ass as I stared her in the eye. 

And she looked pissed-- good. I want her to be. Maybe this will finally send the message that we're just fuck buddies. Maybe she'll leave me alone from now on. Maybe she'll go fuck that dumb bird--

"Fuck this."

Pushing the girl whose name I have already forgotten from off my lap, I shoved my way through the shitty crowd to get to the bar.

It's not like the thought of her fucking that cocky asshole annoyed me-- I was just bored of that girl and wanted a drink.

Get off my fucking case already will you? I don't know why I'm even acknowledging you anyway, dipshit.

Dipshit, she hates when I call her that. The way her face gets all flustered with annoyance, pushing my shoulder-- that reaction is my favorite. 

"Bartender, 5 shots of tequila, make them double. Now."

Five shots, that should be enough to drown these damn thoughts, to forget about that dipshit for the night.

I watched as the bartender poured my shots hurriedly, fear in his eyes as he placed them in front of me, murmuring a small "its on the house" and then scurrying away. 

It pays off to be a member of The League in some ways. With our growing reputation, we either are feared or hated-- not that I care what others fucking think.

Knocking down the shots, I let my now hazy gaze roam around the bar, finding plenty of women to choose from for the night, but all my mind can think of is that dipshit's face-- the hurt expression she showed earlier when she walked through the door.

Ugh, I guess I need more liquor-- and fucking leave me alone already.

Don't you have better things to do than watch my sorry ass, drown myself in liquor in an attempt to forget the one girl who actually gives a damn about me?

I mean-- fuck. Don't you ever  repeat that shit out loud. No forget out loud, don't even repeat it in that thick skull of yours alright? 


Now unless you wanna watch me drink myself into oblivion, I suggest you leave.

Wanna stay? Fuck if I care, do what you want.

Ordering another two shots I chugged them down just as quickly as the first, causing my head to start spinning as a result. 

And you know the funny thing?

No matter how many shots I pour down my throat, all I can think about are those grey eyes. That hurtful gaze that pierced into my soul and walked away-- walked away into the arms of that damn bird.

"I've had enough of this. Fucking Hawks. Fucking dipshit."

She wants my attention? Fine, that's what I'll fucking give her.

Stumbling out of my chair I glared at anyone who dared to look me in the eyes as I walked past, gaze glued to the front door. 

Once outside, I took a cigarette from my pocket, lighting the stick with my finger before wandering back towards my home in the dark alleyways, heading towards the spot I know they'll be. 

We're just fuck buddies, but I swear if she's in bed with that fucker-- I'll kill him.

Scratch that, I'll kill them both.  

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