Strong (A Liam Payne Love Sto...

By LauraKathleen7

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Moving is one thing, moving to another country is another, moving in nextdoor to Niall Horan from One Directi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (The First Date!)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Lead Up to Christmas)
Chapter 9 (Christmas!)
Chapter 10 (Drama in their life)
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

265 6 3
By LauraKathleen7

Waking up in the morning was scary at first and I didn’t know where I was. I sat up and looked around Perrie did a great job with my room. I smiled as I opened my closet to find my pjs and robe on the hook on the door. I was going to have to text her thanking her. I changed and put on my robe as I walked down to the kitchen. I made my coffee in my Keurig and looked around my flat. The entire group did a good job.  I looked on my fridge and noticed a couple phone numbers posted on it. Niall and Will left their numbers, as did Perrie and Louis. I put their numbers in my phone and sent Niall and Will a text saying they should come over. I was just about to take a sip of coffee when I heard, “Good morning.” I almost screamed when I turned to see Liam leaning on the doorframe in my kitchen. “Oh Liam good morning. I forgot you were here. How did you sleep?” I asked smiling.

“Ha it was good. How about you?” he asked moving into the kitchen.

“Great I am making breakfast.”

“Cool I can go….” He whispered.

“No I meant you’re invited to stay, Niall and Will are coming over too.”

“Ok cool.” He smiled.

“I have coffee if you want some.”

“I’m good I’m not a coffee fan.”

“Really? I love coffee I can’t wake up without it.” I laughed.

“Huh I will have to try it someday.”

“Ok.” I smiled, as there was a knock on my door. I went to open it for Niall and Will, they both hugged me and said, “Good morning.”

“Hey guys!” Liam said walking out and sitting down on the couch.

“Liam?” Niall growled. Will pushed me into the kitchen as Niall practically yelled, “You stayed the night?!”

“In her guest room she was nervous to stay alone it was her first night here. So I offered to stay in the guest room.” He answered calmly as will and I started making breakfast. We couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation as we cooked together.  “So Will do you go on tour with them?”

“Nope so I will be here if you need anything.” He smiled over to me.

“Great. Maybe you could give me a tour of the city?”

“We can arrange that.” He laughed.

“Cool you’re the best.” I laughed as we heard yelling again. “Dude don’t be an ass! Your on you’re the rebound just like me! Crap she is the reason for your break up Liam! Can you honestly say you wont hurt her?” Niall growled again.

“I would try my hardest! Are you trying to tell me you like her too.” Liam asked.

“I don’t know. I feel something for her but I don’t know what it is. “ I heard Niall reply to Liam. I looked at Will and whispered. “Are they talking about me?”

“Yeah.” He sighed.

“Well that’s just silly, we all only just met.” I said trying to smile.

“I know.”

“And they are going on tour again. Plus I just broke it off with my fiancé I am not ready for anything.”

“They don’t need to know that. Just let them be Laur trust me.”


“Plus they leave in a couple days for Australia we will see who comes back on the rebound.”

“Good call.” I smiled scrambling the eggs and adding cheese and bacon. I could hear them talking again.

“We will go to Australia single neither of us will make a play at her.” Liam said.

“Ok we can still talk to her right?” Niall asked.

“Yeah that way we both can get to know her and she can get to know us.”

“Ok sounds good.” Niall said and moved into the kitchen. “Laur it smells amazing in here.”

“Thanks. Will has been a great help. He says he is not going on tour with you all so he is going to give me a tour of London at some point.” I smiled.

“I could…..” Niall said but I cut him off.

“You need to relax you will be very busy and should relax when you can.”

“Cool. Before we leave we should have a group dinner.”

“I am sure we can swing that.” I smiled putting toast on plates. “Niall can you tell Liam breakfast is ready.”

“Sure thing.” He said as I set the table. Will started to clean up until we all made it into the kitchen. “Wow Laur it smells great.” Liam said sitting down. “Good now lets eat.” I laughed. Breakfast was quick but fun then everyone left and I was on my own. I was going to be ok. 

            I baked the boys enough goods to last them at least two weeks. They left for the last leg of their tour, I was happy to set a routine in my life. Will gave me a tour of the city and showed me where all the good spots were for food and drinking. We spent most nights together. I could tell he missed his friends so I didn’t mind him coming over all the time. When the guys had time they would call or face time and when Perrie had time she would stop by to hang out. I loved the late night phone calls I would get from Liam he called almost every night before I went to bed. Niall would call in the morning to make sure I had an ok night. I really hoped they didn’t want more then friendship from me. I was older then both of them and I just was not ready for any kind of relationship. I was starting at my new job teaching at this school down the block from my flat. They had training and all starting, I was super excited about starting the school year.

            The Friday night before school starting there was a knock on my door. “Oh hold on a second Will!” I yelled washing my hands then opening the door saying “I thought you were on a date…your not Will….Madison?” I said looking at her in confusion and internally freaking out.

“Um my mom and I got in a really big fight it was bad. So Savannah and I put our money together to fly me out here. Can I stay?” she asked close to crying.

“Um ok let’s put you in the guest room. You can shower and rest.”  I said taking her bag and pulling it inside. Once she was in her room taking a shower I called her mom. “Mrs. G?” I said as soon as she answered.

“Laura oh God is she there?” she cried.

“Yeah and she seems really upset.”

“It was a big fight this time.”

“Well she can stay here I will get her enrolled in school but I am going to need paperwork saying she is under my guardianship.”

“I can email them to you oh gosh Laura I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“Eh it’s ok I will take care of her I look at her like my little sister.”

“Thank you for this I will send you all the papers needed.”

“Ok I will have her call you when she is ready.”

“Ok thank you again.” She said and hung up. As I took a deep breath my phone rang and I saw Liam’s face on my screen. I quickly walked into my room and shut my door. “Hey.” I answered face timing him was always a highlight of my day.

“Hey, you ok?” he asked.

“Oh yeah just a little overwhelmed.”

“Because the school year starts on Monday?”

“No I am ok with that, remember how I told you I worked with teenagers at home?”

“Yeah?” he said looking confused.

“Well I was really close to one girl like I looked at her like she was family.”

“Ok.” He said still confused.

“Well normally Will comes over at night but tonight he has a date so when someone knocked on my door I thought it was him”

“It wasn’t Will was it?” he asked nervously.

“No it was the girl from home she got in a fight with her mom and ran away.”

“What is going to happen?” he asked with concern written all over his face.

“I talked to her mom and said she could stay here I will enroll her in school here.”

“Are you ok with this?” his questions made me think for a second.

 “I should be ok right but now she is my responsibility what if something happens oh God I don’t know what I was thinking.” I whispered. I was freaking out when he growled and said, “Baby please don’t cry, I wish I was there with you. You will be great with her I know it Laur you love her that’s why you are so worried.”

“I look at her like she is my baby sister. I am sorry for crying.”

“Oh sweetheart it’s ok to cry. I just wish I was there to help.”

“Oh Liam I didn’t mean to freak out.”

“Laura it’s ok are you calm now?”

 “Yeah thank you for letting me freak quickly tell me about your day? How has it been?”

“Crazy we are almost done I cant wait to come home.”

“Crazy bad or crazy good?” I laughed.

“Good 5sos our opening act here is the best they are hilarious. I wish you could meet them.”

“I would love to meet them and hear their music.”

“I can send you their music.”

“Cool!” I smiled.

“There is your smile.” He whispered.

“Thanks Liam.” I whispered as I heard Maddy say my name.

“I better go and lay some ground rules.” I sighed.

“Ok call I you need to talk later.”

“Ok call if you need to talk later.”

“Ok go get some sleep.” I smiled.

“Night Laura.”

“Good night Liam.” I said and hung up.

            I moved to find her sitting on the couch channel surfing. I took the remote and turned the television off and said, “We need to talk.”

“Your sending me home aren’t you?”

“No your staying here I am enrolling you in school and you will be under my guardianship.”

“Ok.” She said happily.

“I need to know where you are at all times. You go to school and you come home until we both know the city better. Then when we get to the point where you do go out you are to be back here by 10:30 on a school night and midnight on the weekends.”


“If you slip up once, you go home. This is a risk me letting you stay here.”

“I know Laura and thank you for letting me stay.”

“Ok now have you had anything to eat.”

“Yeah I ate on the plane.”

“Ok are you…..” I was cut off by a knock on my door. I moved to open it to see Will. “Hey.” I said moving to block Maddy.

“Hey you ok….”

“I’m fine and I will explain later but don’t bring up the guys ok.”

“Ok Laur but what’s going on?”

“Well come in and meet my friend Maddy.” I said opening the door for him to see Maddy sitting on my couch.

“Maddy this is our neighbor and a friend of mine will.”

“Hi Maddy nice to meet you.” He said looking at her then to me.

“Nice to meet you too Will.” She said moving to stand up. “Hey Laur I am going to go unpack.”

“Ok Maddy just uh let me know if you need anything.” I said watching her move towards her room.

“Ok thanks Laura.” She said and went into her room. I looked at Will as we walked into my kitchen and got a beer.

“Who called you?” I asked after taking a gulp of my drink.

“Liam talked to Niall and they called me together. So she just showed up?”

“Yeah I am going to enroll her in school here.”

“Are you going to be ok?” he asked nervously.

“Yeah I freaked a bit when I talked to Liam but I am better now.”

“Just remember I am right next door if you need any help.”

“Thanks Will. So how was your date?”

“Eh she was ok she talked a lot about herself. I know her life story.”

“Oh man that’s not cool.” I laughed

“She seemed to like me but I wasn’t having any part of it.” He laughed.

“Did you tell her?”

“No how would I? I never got the chance to say anything.”

“Maybe she was nervous.”

“Maybe.” He said and shrugged.

“You my friend are a mess I can’t wait for you to meet the one girl that will get to you.”

“Yeah yeah well since I know your ok I am going to get some sleep.”

“Breakfast tomorrow?” I asked.

“You know it! It’s my treat this time.” He said walking to my door.

“Text me when you wake up.” I said.

“Will do. You should tell her about your new friends.”

“Maybe I will tomorrow.”

“Ok well good night!” he said leaving.

            I heard movement in Madison’s room so I knocked. “Mad you still awake?”

“Yeah.” She said opening the door for me to come in.

“You ok?” I asked looking at her.

“Yeah just unpacking.”

“I will have to go out and get adapters and stuff for you.”

“I didn’t think to get any of that.”

“It’s ok tomorrow we are going out to breakfast with Will after that we will go shopping.”

“Ok. So um who is Will to you?”

“My friend one of my better friends he has helped me out so much since I got here.”

“Cool do you have any other friends?”

“Well I need to tell you, Will has a roommate and well you will know him.”

“I will?” she asked confused.

“His roommate is Niall from One Direction.”

“Shut up!” she screamed.

“If your lucky I will introduce you tomorrow he calls every morning.”


“Yeah and Liam calls every night.”


“Yeah. I don’t know but all of the guys are great.” I shrugged

“Really?” she asked looking nervous.

“Yep.” I smiled.


“Well try and get some sleep it has been a really long day.”

“Ok and Laura thanks.”

“No problem good night.” I said walking into my room and shutting my door. I looked at my phone and noticed two missed calls from Liam and Niall. So I sent a group text saying, “Hey guys everything is ok.” I didn’t get a response right away but my phone rang. It was a face time from Niall. I answered to see both Liam and Niall.

“Hey.” I said looking at them.

“Are you ok?” Niall asked.

“Yeah I am fine I swear this is going to be a good thing.”

“Ok.” Niall sighed and smiled.

“So you’re going to bed now?” Liam asked.

“Yeah I am exhausted.” I sighed.

“I bet well let us know if you need anything.” Liam said.

“Will do good night boys and thank you for worrying.”

“Good night Laur.” Liam said and moved out of the picture. Niall smiled and said, “Night Laur.”

“Get some sleep.” I whispered.

 “You too.” He smiled. We hung up. I laid in bed trying to relax but couldn’t fall asleep. I was just starring at the ceiling when a text came through. I knew who it was and smiled, Louis was an insomniac and would randomly text me.

‘You ok? All the guys are worried.’ He sent making me smile and move so I could text back. ‘I’m good kind of freaked but now I am good.’

‘So that’s good.’

‘Yep but I can’t sleep I’m turning into you.’

‘Ha you just have a lot on your mind.’

‘Is that why you don’t sleep?’


‘Huh you know you can talk to me.’

‘I know and you can talk to me.’

‘Yea I know Lou.’

‘Good so tell me about her.’

‘Who Maddy?’

‘Yep I want to meet her when we get home.’

‘Ha ok well she’s a 16 year old a sophomore in high school. Oh and she is a huge fan of you. I am talking she loves you guys.’

‘Hahahaha that’s awesome. Who’s her favorite?”

‘Niall but she loves each of you. It’s cute she goes off talking about you all and tells me all about you guys. She’s actually the reason I started to listen to you.’

‘Huh I will have to thank her, so she likes Niall are you going to have him talk to her tomorrow?’

‘I don’t know yet I did tell her I was friends with you guys.’

‘Yeah? How did she take it?’

‘Good I guess I think she was to tired to know what was going on.’

‘We will all have to meet her.’

‘That would be nice but not necessary.’

‘Laur we all want to see you and hang out with you so we will have to meet her.’

‘True oh God Lou was it crazy for me to let her stay?’

‘Nope it’s the right thing to do Laur you are helping her out and you will see it.’ 

‘Thanks Lou!’ I sighed smiling, he sent a picture of him his eyes were crossed and cheeks puffed out he looked ridiculous. I laughed out loud and sent him a picture of me laughed then sent him a text saying, ‘good night.’

‘Night Laur bar’ I smiled again and went to sleep. Talking to Louis always helped calm me down ever since I met him.

            The only reason I woke up in the morning was because my phone was ringing. Crap Crap Crap I couldn’t find my phone. I moved and it fell on the floor. “Hold on.” I grumbled. Reaching down I accepted the phone call and picked it up. “Laur you ok?” Niall asked as I tried to fix my hair.

“Yeah just woke up.”

“Crap Laur sorry.” He laughed I looked at his face on my screen and rolled my eyes. “No you’re not sorry I can see you laughing.” I groaned.

“I’m surprised you’re not up yet.”

“I couldn’t sleep last night ended up talking to Louis for a bit.”

“Why didn’t you call me?” he looked sad which made me laugh.

“You need your sleep I see the bags under your eyes and it worries me.”

“You’re worried about me?” he asked.

“I worry about all of you boys.” I laughed.


“Yep.” I smiled making him smile.

“Cool so you doing breakfast with Will?”

“Yeah crap I hope he hasn’t texted me yet!” I said trying not to freak out.

“Now you know how he could sleep all day.”

“I know that feeling today…” I was cut off by a knock on my door. “Niall hold on a second. Come in!” I yelled.  Maddy walked in and smiled when she said, “Good morning! I just wanted to see when you were waking up.”

“I’m up I just have to grab a quick shower and text Will. Um do you want to meet one of my new friends?”

“Sure.” Maddy whispered.

“You have to promise not to freak.” I said smiling and hearing Niall laugh.

“Promise.” Maddy said nervously.

“Ok.” I said picking my phone up and said, “Niall I want you to meet one of my closer friends from home Madison. Maddy this is one of my new best friends Niall.” I smiled as Maddy took my phone with shaky hands. They started talking as I ran to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I put gel in my hair to crunch it I heard Niall laugh as Maddy talked, “I can totally see Laur doing that.” He laughed.

“Wait what am I doing?” I yelled out and pointed for Maddy to put my phone on my charger. “Laura did you really threaten a kid you would duct tape them to a chair.” He asked. “Only one kid Maddy is only giving you part of the story.” I laughed quickly putting on some makeup.

“What’s the other part?” he asked which me laugh.

“The kid was a punk with a bad attitude. He was restless and we never knew what he was going to do.”

“Oh God that dose not sound safe.”

“Hence the threats of duct tape.”

“You are a mess Laur!” Niall laughed again as a text came in.

“Hey Niall that’s probably Will we should probably get going.”

“Yeah! You two have fun! Maddy be good for Laura.” Niall said.

“Will do! Bye Niall!” she said sighing slightly making me shake my head.

“Bye! Talk to you later Laur!”

“Bye Ni!” I said and hung up to see a text from Will asking where we were and if we were awake as I responded Maddy whispered, “He likes you.”

“No we are just friends, if your still awake I will have you talk to Liam too.”

“He probably likes you too.”

“Oh man Maddy they don’t like me I’m just some normal girl plus I’m older then them.”

“Not by much, which one did you like again?”

“Maddy I’m not ready for a relationship and you know that.”

“I know it but do they?”

“No they only know I left my boyfriend and that I am not ready for a relationship.”

“You’re not telling me something.”

“Both Niall and Liam just got out of relationships they are both on the rebound like me none of us are ready.”

“Tell me what you’re not telling me.” She said.

“My second day here Niall and Liam got in a fight over me but both of them decided to wait to try anything. Will and I were in the kitchen he said not to say anything because none of us are ready for that. They do know about Aiden.”

“Do they know all of it?” she asked.

“Oh Maddy you don’t know all of it.” I sighed.

“No but I do know he pushed you across the ocean.”

“True baby girl but you followed me.” I smiled and hugged her.

“I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.” Maddy said and hugged me back until we heard Will knock on my front door. “Let’s go!” I smiled and pulled her to the front door. I grabbed my purse and opened the door. Will stood there smiling, “You ladies read for a day out?”

“Yeah!” Maddy laughed as I smiled and walked through the door so we could leave for a fun day out.

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