Strong (A Liam Payne Love Sto...

By LauraKathleen7

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Moving is one thing, moving to another country is another, moving in nextdoor to Niall Horan from One Directi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (The First Date!)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Lead Up to Christmas)
Chapter 9 (Christmas!)
Chapter 10 (Drama in their life)
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

583 8 3
By LauraKathleen7

The day I got the email everything in my life changed. I had visited London at the beginning of the year and while I was there I put my resume in for a couple of their schools.  Well I didn’t hear from anyone for a couple months and June 1st I got an email saying I got a job in London. They were going to help me move and get all the right paperwork filled out so I could stay. I was moving out to London at the end of the month. I started saying goodbye to everyone except for one person, a girl I worked with at my church in youth group. I had a to tell Madison everything but I knew she would not take it well. So I took her to Buffalo Wild Wings her favorite restaurant and explained that I was moving at the beginning of July they wanted me to move early enough to get settled and situated in the area. “But you can’t leave I look up to you.” She whispered.

“Maddy you can still talk to me and you are more then welcome to come out and visit.” I said trying to make her think about the good that could come from this.

“It’s not the same Laura you’re the one adult I can talk to.”

“Madison you will still be able to talk to me I will always be only just a phone call away.”

“I can come out and visit?”

“Of course you can visit maybe even do a study abroad thing.”

“Ok.” She said still sounding upset by this change.

            I moved two weeks after that conversation. I sent stuff over to my new home and was excited to start a new life in a new place. As I walked into my new apartment building butterflies hit my stomach. I had headphones in my ears and was singing along to Little Mix as I walked up the steps. I always knew I was to old to like the new groups coming out but Little Mix was amazing and I loved One Direction. I was about to walk up the next flight of steps when I almost walked into someone. “Oh my God I am so sorry. I was walking with my head down and singing along with my music.” I rambled as he grabbed my shoulders to keep me from falling back.

“It’s ok.” He said with a not English accent, it sounded Irish. After righting myself another guy walked out saying, “Great Willie killing the new American already?” I looked over to see none other then Niall Horan of One Direction. His comment hurt so I ignored him and walked over to my apartment. “Great and she is out new neighbor.” He groaned walking towards the steps.

“Um excuse me I have done nothing to you and you are already judging me! To think the world thinks it’s us Americans who are rude! I seriously hope you are just having a bad day because I still have hope for the people of London.” I sighed turning and walked into my apartment. I shut the door and took a shaking breath trying not to cry. I was thousands of miles from home and one of the first people I met hated me. My hands were shaking and tears were slowly sliding down my cheek when I heard a gentle knock on my door. “Um excuse me?” I heard an Irish accent on the other side of my door. I opened it to see Niall standing there, “hey um I am sorry.” He said standing there awkwardly. I looked him in the eyes and tried to remain calm and whispered, “I am sorry too. I shouldn’t have jumped on you like that, it was a long flight to get here.”

“Well since we are two sorry people how about we start over?” Niall asked

“Starting over sounds great.” I laughed.

“I am Niall Horan and my roommate is Willie Devine.”

“Oh I know who you are I worked with teenagers back at home all the girls listen to One Direction. I was forced to listen for a while and then I started to like you all. Ha God why do I keep rambling?” I laughed to myself.

“Ha its cool so what is your name?”

“Oh um I am Laura Raffl.”

“So you are moving in?” he asked.

“Yep.” I said popping the p and opening my door wide so he could see the boxes and furniture.

“Cool um so Willie and I were going to go get something to eat would you want to come?”

“I shouldn’t…..” Niall cut me off.

“My treat to show you we really are not rude here.” He laughed.

“No….” he cut me off again.

“Come on Laur I promise to be nice the entire time!”

“Um ok I can start unpacking later.”  

“If you need any help moving things just holler.” He said moving so I could leave and lock my door.

“Thanks.” I smiled. As we walked down to where Willie was waiting Niall said, “So we are meeting up with some of my boys. One has gone through a bad break up and needs some support.”

“I don’t have to…..”

“Yes you do.” He said opening the door for us to go outside. We started walking when we got to the tube station we got our tickets and found our train. Willie was talking a mile a minute as I held on to the pole while the train moved.  Niall cut Willie off and asked, “So where are you from in the states?”


“Don’t think I’ve been there.”

“Probably not it’s really small, no one really ever goes there.”

“So have you seen us in concert?” he asked kind of nervously.

“Once yes in Philadelphia. I was in a club box off the side of the stage.” I answered remembering back to the concert with my best friend.

“Cool did you have fun?”

“A blast you all are really good.” I laughed.

“Thanks.” He smiled.

“Yep so um who all will be there?” I asked while getting off the train and walking up to the riverfront and over to a pub.

“Um probably all of One Direction.”

“Oh crap they don’t know I am coming, they are aren’t expecting some strange American I should…..” Niall took my hand and said, “Laur it will be fine, oh good they got us a back room.” We followed Will back to the room to see Zayn with Perrie, Louis, Liam and Harry.  They all stopped talking and looked at me. “Guys this is my new neighbor Laura.”

“Hi.” I squeaked. Willie or Will he told me to call him slid his arm along my shoulders and said, “Be nice to her Niall was already an ass to her.”

“Not really….” I started to say sitting down next to Niall and Will on my other side. Niall cut me off and said, “I totally was an ass but she forgave me.” He smiled as I sat there smiling.

“So how long are you all home?” I asked looking down at the menu Will handed me.

“Only a week then we are going again.” Harry answered a little stiff.

“Cool where are y’all headed?”

“Australia to finish the tour.” Louis said. It felt like everyone was starring at me so I slowly lifted the menu up to hide behind it. Will leaned over and whispered, “Definitely the quietest they have ever been.” 

“Why are they starring at me?”

“I’m not sure.” He said shrugging. Niall moved in and asked if I knew what I wanted. I pointed to a burger and fries, he nodded and ordered for me and got me a beer. I smiled to Niall then looked down at my hands. The guys barely spoke but they kept looking at me.  After quickly eating I moved to put money on the table and said “I am going to go Niall, Will thanks for the invite but I have to unpack.”

“Are you ok to find your way back?” Niall asked nervously.

“Yeah I should be ok.” I gave a shaky smile and turned to leave. As I walked out the door I heard Niall growl at his friends, “Really guys!” I didn’t wait to hear what they said I practically ran out of the pub. I ran to the Tube station and quickly found my train.  As I stood there waiting for the train I felt someone touch my shoulder. I jumped and looked to see what I thought was Liam but I couldn’t tell. “Laur…” he said.


“It’s Liam sorry I don’t want people to know it’s me.”

“Ok.” I said watching the train as it came in. I moved to get on and he followed me. We sat down and he just looked at me. “Ugh I left so you all couldn’t stare at me.” I groaned. “ Sorry sorry I followed you so I could apologize for me and the guys. Can I ask you a question?” he said trying to calm me down.


“Were you at our show in Philly?” 

“Yes right off the side of the stage why?”

“We made eye contact a couple times.”

“Ok sure.”

“I just can’t believe it and here you are.”

“Can’t believe what?” I asked nervously.

“That you are here.” He said smiling.

“That I am here?” I questioned.

“Because I kept making eye contact with you during the show; the one and only show my ex was at she noticed me looking at you and broke up with me.”

“Oh God I’m sorry I um can find a different apartment….”

“Flat over here it is a flat.” He laughed.

“Ugh ok I will find a different flat.”

“Please don’t and don’t let the guys make this awkward.”

“To late. “ I laughed.

“Please don’t it’s my fault not yours so don’t move, Niall says you have a lot of spunk and you can be really nice.”

“Huh.” I said then looked to see what stop we were on Liam watched me and said, “Not this stop but the next stop.”

“Yeah. It always takes me a second to figure out where I am.” I smiled.

“Cool.” He said nervously.

“You know you could have stayed with your friends I was ok. In the end I would have forgiven you just like I did with Niall.”

“Wait what did Niall do?”

“He was rude and I basically told him off. He apologized and so did I.”

“He’s not normally like that his girlfriend just dumped him.”

“Oh God tonight was for him.”

“Yeah oh he told me to give you this money back it was on him tonight.”

“Crap he didn’t say tonight was for him he said it was for a friend.”

“Laura he is ok.”

“I will bake him something.” I said standing up to get off the train. Liam followed me all the way to the building when he said, “Well it was….”

“Do you want to come up? My place is a bit of a mess.”

“Sure.” He smiled and followed me up. When I opened the door he whistled and said, “You just moved in?” 

“Today I haven’t had the chance to unpack yet. But I have to find my baking stuff. My new job stocked up my food so I should be set. Now just to find my kitchen stuff.” I grumbled moving around my boxes.

“Your flat has the same layout as Niall’s are you going to have a roommate?”

“I am setting it up as a guest room.”

“No roommate wont you get lonely?” he asked.

“No I am starting a new job so I will be busy learning my ways.”

“Do you have a boyfriend back at home?”

“Nope just broke up with him. Ass whole.” I said while opening boxes.

“So not only did you move you left a guy behind?”

“Yep.” I smiled finding my backing stuff.

“So what are you going to make?

“Chocolate chip cookies.”

“Yummy.” He moaned.

“You can have the first one.” I smiled.

“Cool how about while you do that I move your furniture and set stuff up?” he suggested.

“Really? If you can do that I would bake you an entire cake!” I laughed as he smiled. I started baking as there was a knock on the door. “Liam can you get that!” I yelled.

“Sure!” he said opening the door to Niall and Will. “Hey guys.” Liam said smiling.

“Hey?” Niall said looking at Liam questioningly.

“Want to help set up her flat?”

“Sure!” Will said as Niall nodded but moved to the kitchen to find me.

“Laur?” he said quietly.

“Yeah?” I said looking at him.

“Are you ok?”

“Yep Liam explained why everyone was so um weird. He also explained tonight was for you not a friend.”

“Yeah she dumped me for her American manager.”

“I see why you hated me now.”

“Laur I don’t hate you I never did.”

“If you say so.” I laughed pulling out the first batch of cookies.

“I do; wow those smell good!.”

“Well they are for you, Liam told me tonight was for you and I felt horrible so I am making these but I promised Liam the first taste.”

“Cool um so sorry about my friends.” He whispered.

“Eh it’s cool, Liam explained it to me swear.”

“Cool well I better see if they need any help.” He went to move as I touched his arm.

“If you need to talk please feel free I am a really good listener when I am not being snarky. “ I laughed which made Niall laugh.

“Cool thanks.” He said going back to my main room as someone knocked on my door again.  “I don’t know that many people in London who could that be?” I said walking out to see the entire group from the pub. Niall was scratching the back of his neck and said, “They all want to apologize.”

“Oh boy they don’t have to.” I smiled as Perris moved towards me and said, “Yeah they do. Making you feel unwelcome was very uncool and uncalled for!” she pulled me into a hug as an alarm went off. “Um excuse me.” I whispered moving into the kitchen to pull out another tray. It made me nervous to have them all in my new home. I didn’t hear who ever walked into the kitchen but I could feel them. “Laura.” I heard them whisper so as I finished putting dough on the tray I turned to see Liam.

“Um you can have a cookie I promised you first taste.” I whispered.

“Ok.” He smiled picking up a cookie and leaning on the counter. “Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yep.” I answered.

“Liar.” He laughed.

“Just a bit overwhelmed.”

“Understandable I can make them leave?” he said shrugging.

“No it’s ok; how is setting up my life?” I asked looking at him.

“It’s coming along.”

“Cool. Maybe while this batch is in I will start on my bedroom.”

“Ok. By the way the cookies are delicious.” 

“Good!” I smiled. He walked out as Perrie marched into the kitchen. “Hi I’m not sure we actually met….”

“Your Perrie Edwards part of Little Mix one of my new favorite groups.” I smiled.

“Ha you are a fan?”

“I use to work with teenagers and one girl said I would like you guys.”


“Can we walk and talk so I can set up my room a bit.”

“Sure.” She smiled following me into my room. She helped me make my new bed and smiled while hanging up stuff in my closet.

“So sorry about the guys I guess Liam told you?”

“Yeah I feel bad but it’s something I personally can’t control.” I answered

“Very true.” She laughed as I heard the beep on my timer.

“Be right back!” I smiled and ran down to the kitchen to do the switch over. As I put dough on the tray someone walked into the kitchen.

“Hey Laur do you care where things are set up?” I heard someone say.

“As long as they are functional.” I said looking over my shoulder to see Louis leaning on the doorframe.

“So boring? Couch facing the T.V. and all.”

“Yes please.” I smiled as he just looked at me.

“Please stop starring at me.” I whispered turning to not look at him.

“Sorry right function; table in front of the couch?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I whispered just starring down at the tray of dough. It was my last batch so I started to move to clean when I felt someone touch me. I turned to look at Louis as he watched my hand shake. “Laur are you ok?” he asked gently taking my hand into his.

“Fine, I am fine.”  I whispered.

“Liar, Liam says your left eyebrow twitches when you lie.” He chuckled.

“Oh really?” I asked looking at him.

“Yep.” He laughed.

“Huh anything else Liam tell you about me?”

“Sure yeah your cookies are the best and you have a sweet set up here.”

“That I do. I like technology.” I smiled.

“Cool well nice distraction. I better get back or else they will do it wrong.”

“Ok.” I said as he started to walk away when I said, “have a cookie.” He smiled and picked one up. I continued cleaning until the buzzer went off one last time.

            After cleaning I went back into my room to see Perrie have been busy and put everything away and moved into my guest room. I found her placing a picture on my dresser. “Hey thank you for all your help Perrie.”

“No problem I hate moving Zayn and I just moved into our home it’s a pain. But I have a system I do the bedrooms while the guys do the technology.”

“Smart.” I smiled.

“So I know a couple of the goofs asked if you were ok but now me your new girl friend is going to ask.”

“It’s all so overwhelming but I will be ok.”

“The guys are a bit overwhelming but they will be your new best friends if you let them.”

“I plan to unless they keep starring at me.” I laughed.

“Well secret?” she asked look at me while sitting on the guest bed.

“I won’t tell anyone.” I whispered.

“Liam got a picture of you from on of the fan sites and showed all the guys that’s why at first they were in shock.”

“What?” I gasped.

“Yeah, he wanted to find you but wasn’t sure how so when you walked in he didn’t know what to do. So don’t get mad when they stare. He gave up and you walked in and surprised the hell out of him.”

“Huh.” I sighed.

“You’re a nice person and so is he so just go with it.” She suggested.

“Ok. Thanks.” I said and watched her walk out to see what the guys were doing. I sat down for a second when I heard Niall say, “Woot! And let there be T.V.!” he came to find me and said, “Your T.V. and wifi has been set up…. You ok?”

“Did you know about Liam?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He said sitting next to me.

“Is that why you wanted me to go?”

“No….yes…. maybe at first yes then we talked on the train and you were funny I knew the guys would love you.” He said gently taking my hand into his.

“Huh who knew.” I smiled.

“Knew what?” he asked squeezing my hand.

“All of this would happen my first day here.”

“Just imagine your second day.” He said making us both laugh. “Come on and check out what we did.” He said pulling me out to my main room that was completely unpacked an set up.

“Wow guys I am impressed.” I said as they all turned to look at me.

“As are we. We were channel surfing and found you have all the movie channels on top of all the sports; all sports channels.” Louis said sounding impressed.

“Yeah, before I got my masters my undergrad was in sports management. I love sports all sports.” I said smiling.

“So cool.” Niall laughed.

“Not really, but you guys are the best. You have to let me know when your leaving I will bake you a bunch of stuff.”

“Really?” Zayn asked as if he were in awe of baked goods.

“Yep I love to bake, if I didn’t feel dead on my feet I would bake you all something now.”

“Your cookies are great.” Harry said eating another cookie.

“Well your music is great so that is a even trade.” I laughed lightly.

“I think so.” Harry laughed. I tried to hold back my yawn but couldn’t and the guys took that as a hint to leave. “We should go.” Louis said moving to leave. Harry, Zayn, and Perrie followed suit. Perrie hugged me and told me she hung her cell number on my fridge. I nodded as Louis hugged me quickly. I waved to them then went to get the cookies for Niall. “Before you go take these!” I smiled handing him the plate holding the cookies. “Awesome!” he said as Will pulled me into a hug and said, “Just knock if you need anything.”

“Will do thank you for everything.” I said as they walked out and over to their flat. I turned back to Liam sitting on my couch. He patted the seat next to him. I sat down and smiled towards him as he said, “So do you like your flat?”

“Thanks to you yes.” I smiled.

“No need for thanks I believe you said you would bake me a cake.”

“Not tonight but tomorrow definitely.”

“Ha cool want to watch a movie?”

“Sure I am assuming you already looked through my collection?”

“You would be right, sit back and relax as we take an adventure into space.”

“Star Trek?” I asked laughing.

“Yep.” He laughed forcing my body to relax with my feet in his lap.

            I fell asleep like twenty minutes in. Liam was very comforting to be around but I wasn’t sure how to feel about him yet. He woke me up gently lifting me to carry me to my room. “Sleep tight my mystery girl.” He whispered.

“Don’t leave.” I whispered taking a hold of his hand.

“Laur?” he asked making me look at him.

“My first night in a new place, I am nervous.” I whispered.

“Ok I can stay in your guest room.” He said smiling.

“Ok Liam thanks you are the best.” I whispered falling back to sleep.

SO here goes nothing if your don't like it I am sorry I am not perfect I wrote this when I needed something happy in my life and this was the outlet. I am all about hearing what people think about this and if there are any changes they think should be made but please don't be mean. Also I am always looking for help for a new cover and fun things. 

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