FNAF: No Longer Alone (Mike x...

By DavidBillows

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RATED 18+: Chica has been alone for a very long time in an Abandoned Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Parlor. Only her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

1.5K 15 4
By DavidBillows

NOTES: It's another short and can only apologies it's taken so long to update…normally this wouldn't bother me but you guys have been so patience, I feel I owe it to you. Like I said, it's a short chapter but I hope you enjoy it.

The last hour really brought back Chica's confidence. She preheated the ovens and started mixing the dough. Mike watched in interest, he was really fascinated how fast Chica worked and in a manner of minutes, Chica made the base for the pizza. Chica got Mike involved as he smeared the tomato puree on the base. Chica chopped up some pepperoni while Mike created some cheese and at last they finished. The oven was ready and they popped the pizza in. Mike looked over to Chica, who looked back…and they both blushed but Chica more.

Later, all that was left on the plate was a few crumbs. Mike shoved the last pizza slice into his mouth, taking all the favours of the succulent pizza. He licked his fingers, nodded his head and sighed, while still chewing.

MIKE: Amazing. Simply amazing. (Chica smiled). That was the best pizza I've ever had.

CHICA: (Laughs) Oh shut up…

MIKE: No, really…hands up, that was the best pizza ever. This beats all the other pizza's out there. No one can cook a pizza better than you. That was gorgeous.

CHICA: You're just saying that.

MIKE: I mean it, Chica, I really do…you're a great cook.

CHICA: Well…I…I guess I'm ok…

MIKE: Don't be so down on yourself. You're a master chef. I watched you and you was flawless, quickest cook I've seen…I bet the kids loved this stuff.

CHICA: Yes…they did…

MIKE: (Checks his watch) Christ, is that the time? I better…get back to the office, do my last rounds and…go home.

CHICA: Must you…?

MIKE: I'm afraid so…

CHICA: You…you will come back, won't you?

MIKE: Of course I will, Chica…it's talking to you and being with you that makes the time fly by, wish I could stay longer…but hey, I'll be back again tonight…so don't worry…

CHICA: For once in my life…I'm not…I'm not worrying.

MIKE: That's good. (Sighs) Look, we don't have to talk about your past tonight, ok…if you don't want to…

CHICA: No, I want to. You've helped me so much…I get…better…every time I…(Blushes) see you…

MIKE: (Blushes as well) Uh…well, that's…alright. You're welcome. Look, I better go…

Mike gets up from the table, as does Chica. He puts his security hat on and wipes the crumbs off his shirt, while doing this Chica brings her face towards his and kisses him on the cheek. Mike pauses in surprise and looks at Chica, right into her beautiful eyes…she was blushing as was he…he then turns and kisses softy on Chica's beak, which was nice and warm to his surprise…he holds onto her hips, while she was about to wrap her hands around his shoulder, he pushed himself away from Chica, breaking the kiss…

MIKE: Chica…I'm…I-

CHICA: Oh God, I'm sorry…I'm so stupid…

MIKE: No, Chica, it's ok, it's fine…I made the…I mean I…

CHICA: I've just gone a made this awkward, haven't I?

MIKE: Chica, please don't worry, really, it's fine…I just…what I'm trying to say is…uh…look, just…not now, ok? Just…not this minute…

CHICA: I'm…sorry…

MIKE: Don't be sorry…it was nice…I just…Look, I'll see you tonight okay? And please don't worry…take care, okay?

Mike smiled back at Chica, who was still blushing but then produced a smile herself and nodded. This made Mike smile even more and he turned around to go back to the office. Chica just watched him leave and sighed happily, she looked down at the empty plate and then picked it up…but then another hand grabbed the plate. This startled her and slightly gasped as Foxy was in front of her.

FOXY: Ye don't deserve love, lass! Ye couldn't even show it to me…

CHICA: F-Foxy…I-

FOXY: Ye think this Mike, will love ye?

CHICA: Please…just go away…

FOXY: He's using ye, he hates ye! HE HATES YE, LASS!

CHICA: (Closes her eyes) GO AWAY!

Silence. She opened her eyes and Foxy wasn't there…she took deep breathes and yet, felt a slight satisfaction with her quick outburst…maybe she was gaining control of her negative thoughts. This was a good sign…and within seconds, she put it past her and took the plate to the kitchen.

3rd Night.

Mike didn't hesitate opening the back door but he didn't rush it. He kicked the door, slamming it open…he felt slightly better after that, his expression full of anger…he wondered it Chica heard that, he didn't want to look scary in front of her…she's had enough shit to put up with, so he went straight to the security office, forcing the door open and slumped into the chair. He sighed angrily.

MIKE: Stupid…bitch…why do I bother…?

He looked at the phone and saw it was flashing, another message it seemed. Mike was going to let it pass but decided to listen to it, though he wondered why the phone guy couldn't just leave one massive message, instead of boring short ones. Mike shrugged and pressed the button, beeping first and then silence for a few seconds…and then static.

PHONE GUY: HelBBZZZZZHello…3rd night, how you finBBBZZZZZZZ Just to BBBBZZZZZ Frid-dayBBBBBZZZZ will be your lasBBBBZZZZZZZZ abandon BBBBZZZZ as the buildinBBBBBBZZZZZZdozeredBBBBBZZZZZZZ so be clear wheBBBBBBBBBBBZZZZZZZZ collaspes…oh y-yeah BBBBZZZZZ seen this golden BBBBZZZZZZZZZZ …

The phone then went dead.

MIKE: Christ, I couldn't make a word of that…well that was a waste of time.

The buzzing sound was now getting annoying and turned it off, deleting the message. Mike then checks the tablet, looking through the servalence to see where Chica was, she was in the kitchen…and what looked like she was wrapping her hand with something…a bandage perhaps? A little concerned, Mike got up and headed for the kitchen.

Chica was quickly wrapping her hand, Mike was at the door and knocked to get Chica's attention. She panicked slightly and tried to hide her hand.

CHICA: Oh…Mikey…I didn't hear you come in…

MIKE: I'm surprised you didn't, to be fair…what are you doing?

CHICA: Oh, I just…burnt my hand on the stove, that's all…

MIKE: Oh ouch, do you want me to have a look at it?

CHICA: No, no…it's alright, I've…sorted it now…

MIKE: You sure?

CHICA: Yes, I was just a little clumsy

MIKE: Really? You? That's not like you…at least from what I've seen.

CHICA: It…happens from time to time…

MIKE: (Bites his lip) Can I see it?


MIKE: It might get infected…

CHICA: I'm a…machine, it…it won't get effected…

MIKE: Okay then…plastic melts and your hand is plastic on the outer layers, I could repair it…

CHICA: No it's alright, really…

MIKE: (Hands up) Ok, ok…suit yourself…

Chica smiles worriedly, Mike was about to back off but then jumps towards Chica, almost holding her down and makes a grab of her hand, pulling the bandages off, black oil starts to seep. Chica screams for him to stop but then unravels the bandage and exposes her hand. Mike gasps at the sight…her beautiful hand was covered in thick black oil, and there was a thin hole through her hand, one side to the other…a hollow thin hole, like a blade or knife had pierced through it. Mike let go of Chica, who then snatched her hand back, trying to cover it…tears welled up, and she looked at Mike for a second before running out the kitchen and into her room. Mike took a second to gather his thoughts and chased after Chica. He was up to the door but it was slammed into his face, nearly hitting him and heard a lock on the other side. He grabbed the door handed and twisted it but this didn't help…he shook the handle before banging on the door but not violently, just loud enough to try and get her attention.

MIKE: Chica! (Knocks) Chica, look I'm sorry…I…I'm sorry I did that…(Knocks again) Chica, please…(Knocks again) Please answer me…why did you do that to yourself? (Last knock) I just wanted to know if you…you know…(Leans against the door) I'm…I'm sorry, Chica, really I am…you know I'd never hurt you…I just…want to help you….

Mike could hear crying on the other side…he started producing tears himself. I decided to walk away from the door and just go sit in the security office, where he belonged. In hindsight, I wished he didn't do what he did…but he just couldn't stand seeing Chica hurt herself…he knew it was the wrong way to go about it.

Hours had went by and Mike just stared at the tablet…it was getting very boring…he kind of wished there was a camera in Chica's room, just to make sure she was okay…but couldn't, the longer he had no contact with Chica the more worried he got…just then there was a soft knock at the door, Mike turned on his swivel chair and was surprised to see Chica standing there…he quickly looked at her hand, having a new fresh bandage on it. She also thankfully stopped crying but still looked rather sad.

CHICA: I wish you hadn't…seen that…

MIKE: Chica, I am so sorry…it was a stupid move-

CHICA: But…in some ways…I'm glad you did…

Chica slowly enters the room. Mike got up and offered the seat to Chica, who accepted his kind gesture. Mike sat on the table, arms folded. Chica held her hand and couldn't look up to Mike. It was he who broke the silence.

MIKE: Why, Chica? Why do that to yourself…?

CHICA: I had to…to get rid of…Bonnie…

MIKE: Bonnie? This was one of your friends from the past, right?


MIKE: But…now a vision in your head this time?

CHICA: Y-yes…

MIKE: This…Bonnie told you to…stab yourself? He told you to self-harm?

CHICA: Not…quite. I…harmed myself for him to…go away…

MIKE: What…?

CHICA: I know it's all in my head but…if I…hurt myself, they go away, it's like a…satisfaction for them…it's crazy I know…but…doing this to myself…kinda helps. Foxy never comes back anymore, I don't see him…I-I believe I'm over him…I still feel bad what I did but my…feelings for him are…gone. But with Bonnie and Freddy…it seems they want me to suffer and so I…do that (Shows her hand)…

MIKE: That…it…it doesn't make sense, Chica…

CHICA: I know it fucking doesn't make fucking sense! I don't expect anyone to understand, it's why people will think I'm crazy…because they don't understand themselves!

MIKE: Then make me understand, Chica. I think it's really important to tell me what happened to Freddy and Bonnie.

CHICA: Okay…(Takes a deep breath) I'll tell you…

MIKE: Good. Now I know I'm just a simple Night Guard but I do listen…you've got my ears. I want to help you…

CHICA: As much as I like having you around...I just…why, Mike, why do you want to help me…I'm just a…robot…a silly, chicken girl robot…why would you want to help me…?

MIKE: Because…right now, at this very moment in time, you're probably the best thing that's happening to me…and you, this beautiful creature, this sad yet beautiful girl being upset…makes me sad…and I just want to see that wonderful smile…back on your lovely face.

Chica blushes, she was about to go and hug him but thought about it and decided to decline her action, thinking about what happened before when it felt arkward…but it was nice but also didn't want to ruin the mode of his kind words…but hearing those words…really made her day.

CHICA: Thank you…Mikey…

MIKE: Not a problem, Chica, not a problem. Now, tell me about Freddy and Bonnie and what happened to them. Take your time though…there is no rush, okay?

CHICA: Okay…(Takes a deep breath) Well…it got worse for us, after Foxy had died…we were already condemned by the parents and then Foxy took his own life…now I understand the pain he was going through…and my feelings for him now are gone but that doesn't mean I didn't care…I loved him but…there's nothing I can do about it now…as for Bonnie and Freddy…the worse was about to come…

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