Checkered Royals [Ciel Phanto...

By sleepy_pandas

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•{this is a pretty slow paced story- I personally don't like quick paced ones ^^' and before we start, this i... More

Chapter 1: A Day Like Any Other
Chapter 2: Letters From Her Majesty
Chapter 3: Declarations and Discussions
Chapter 4: Burning Emblems
Chapter 5: Purple Diamonds
Chapter 6: Lady Midford and Lady L/N
Chapter 7: Sulphuric Curses
Chapter 8: To Finish an Awkward Day
Chapter 9: To The Ball
Chapter 10: Unrequited
Chapter 11: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 12: Under Bandages
Chapter 13: A Demon Butler and A Demon Master
Chapter 15: Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter 16: Devil's Summoning Spirit
Chapter 17: She Knows
Chapter 18: Too Easily Forgiven
Chapter 19: Do You?
Chapter 20: Leaving For Now
Chapter 21 Part 1:A Kept Promise
Chapter 21 Part 2: A Little Bruised
Chapter 22: All for her
Chapter 23: Confession
Chapter 24: Advice
Chapter 25: Date Number 1
Chapter 26: I'll Protect You
its the author after years of no updates :)
Chapter 27: Reflection

Chapter 14: Lost Connections

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By sleepy_pandas

3rd person

Y/N groaned softly. 

Her body felt heavy on the mattress she lay on, dentures below her moulded to fit her comfortably. The room was bright with light emitting from a window to her right. She squinted as she opened her eyes slightly. Her body ached as she tried to move, but she could just make out where she was from the ceiling. 

The Phantomhive Manor.

Her heart pace quickened as she soon realised what had happened before she had woken up...

It was Ciel, he was the one who embraced her before she fell unconscious. It was suddenly all becoming clear. 

The horses, the flames, the portal... 

Her blood.

She could just about turn her head to the left, Seeing the earl sitting on a chair, his elbow propped up on the chair's arm, his head resting on top of his fist.

 His eye was closed. 

Y/N could here his gentle breathing; in, out, in, out... It was calming.

She took a moment to think. She needed to thank Sebastian again for assisting her, she needed to thank Ciel for being there for her and here now in fact, and...


"A-Arthur..." She croaked, remembering that he had gone to help Alfred, when she realised what may have possibly happened to him, "N-no!"

Ciel's eye shot open as he heard Y/N voice call out, quickly jumping to her bedside.

"Y/N, you're okay! You're alright thank goodness..."

"Arthur- where's," she cringed as she felt pain shoot through her head, "where's Arthur?"

"I- we don't know Y/N..."

"G-God damn it!" Y/N cried in frustration sitting up, even though it pained her, "He better be alright..."

Ciel's lip tightened as he saw the girl he had grown in attachment to break out in a cry, cringing and shaking in pain. 

"Y/N lie down now!" He ordered forcefully, "I don't want to see you get hurt anymore!"

"What do you care?!" Y/N shouted, feeling a new emotion of anger and resentment, fresh tears beginning to pour out of her eyes, "I thought I was just an acquaintance to you, perhaps just another colleague with benefits! A-Arthur's in trouble, a-and I can't get to him..."

"Just stop it about Arthur will you?! We don't know where he is, you won't be able to get to him witho-"

Y/N, with the remaining strength she had, ripped off her choker and bandages, revealing her contract seal and the scratches and scars all over her arms. She began to sob, "Arthur! I-I order you to come to my side now! Arthur!!! I need you! My b-bandages need changing...."

Ciel could only watch as he remembered how he had felt when Sebastian had left him.((let's just pretend he didn't lose that part of his memory in season 1/2)) 

But it could easily be told that Arthur meant something to Y/N. The way she called for him, it was so desperate, a call of... Longing. 

And her arms.

Ciel could clearly see that it wasn't a rash up her arms, there were scars messily decorating her shaky arms, and the lines from the jewellery burns... They were proceeding to grow further up her arms.

She had lied to him.

Things were starting to piece together. That day after the attack of the multiple beasts in London. She was there. She had sent the monster back using the Sabre of Return. Just as she did with the shadow demon stallions. And the store that he had traced the beasts from... That was owned by the tailor whom made Y/N's dresses. 

She was trying to cover it all up... 

And the sabre. He had done some research into it's origin, and he had found that it had been passed down the L/N family by every two generations. The same as the curse that Y/N has. Ciel had made a conclusion that the curse and the sabre had some sort of connection, but he didn't exactly know what.

But right now, Y/N needed support, and he was going to give it to her. 


Y/N looked up at Ciel, her eyes red from tears, "w-what?"

"Arthur's alive."

"H-how do you know?"

"Your seal," he reached over and touched the star on her neck, and to his surprise she didn't flinch, "it hasn't faded. He's still going strong."

Y/N's eyes relaxed as she stopped crying and placed a hand over his, "...thank you Ciel. I'm sorry I shouted at you, I just felt... Agitated. I'm just really worried about Arthur..."

"I know Y/N," his hand instinctively moved upwards to her cheek, "but why did you lie to me about your arms?"

Y/N's eyes saddened, as she took Ciel's hand away from her cheek.

"Because I didn't want you knowing that I was weak in anyway, getting hurt like that. I mean, you're Ciel Phantomhive for goodness sake, I wanted to impress you, not make you think any less of me. I received relatively small scratches, but lots of them."

"I can tell... And of course I wouldn't think any less of you, you're Y/N L/N, the Queen's Lynx. And going out there with the Sabre of Return..."

Y/N silenced. She looked over to the dresser where her sabre lay sheathed in a plain black cloth. She turned back to Ciel who was staring at her arms unintentionally. 

"I'm guessing the markings on my arm are getting bigger now huh?"

She looked down at her arms to find that the lines had already reached halfway to her elbow and sighed.

"Y/N..." Ciel mumbled, "I've been thinking."


"Your sabre and your curse. They're passed down from your family at the same rate; by two generations each time."

"I guess you've done your reaearch." Y/N carefully lay back into the soft pillow behind her, looking ahead at the dresser opposite her bed at the other side of the room. Ciel placed his hands together as he sat back on the armchair and gazed out of the window thoughtfully.

"What's the connection?"

"The connection?" Y/N turned to Ciel intrigued, but sniggered. "well, well, Lord Phantomhive, you seem to be getting a little obsessed with me aren't you? I can't blame you, I am quite the subject aren't I?"

"Obsessed?! You're insane to think so, I'm just getting to know who you really are Y/N, it would be dangerous to play with pawns whom you know nothing about."

"If you say so Master Ciel," Y/N lightly joked, looking back to the dresser, "very well, I'll tell you if you let me find Arthur as soon as I get out of this bed, whether I'm still in pain or not, at this point, Arthur's safety is much more important than my healing."

Ciel sighed. This girl needed to get her priorities straight, he thought, crazy of her to care about het butler so much.

"Fine," Ciel replied, "now tell me."

Y/N closed her eyes.

"I have demon's blood."

Ciel looked at Y/N in utter confusion.

"The curse, the sabre, and now demon blood? What could be next?"

"The blood reacts severely with jewellery and becomes active, making it painful for my human body to take. The blood is the root part of the curse."

"But what does it have to do with the sabre?"

"The Sabre of Return is a demon sword, it needs a source of power which connects to the portal destination, and in this case, Hell. Demon's blood is one source. But usually, Arthur is with me, and because I'm bound to him by contract, and he himself being a demon, it is good enough for me to open a strong and sturdy portal with the sabre. So when I used the demon's blood during the battle with the stallions, it became active and burned me again."

"...Then don't ever do it again," he stated monotonously before turning around and mumbling to himself, "otherwise I'll have to make a contract with you myself..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing of importance."

"Oh.. Alright then," Y/N said, attempting to get up from the bed, but instead, ended up landing on her knees with a thump, "o-ow..."

"Need a hand?" Ciel held out his hand for the girl, "I'll get Sebastian to carry you down to the carriage."

"Thank you Ciel..." Y/N said gratefully as she took the earl's hand.

Ciel just nodded slightly in reply, pulling Y/N up off of the floor into a wobbly stance.

"I feel a little unbalanced," Y/N muttered, rocking back and forth on her feet uncoordinatedly, "I can't stay still without feeling like I'm going to fall forwards or back."

"I'll catch you either way," Ciel stated with a flat and meaningless tone, although his cheeks showed otherwise, "well that's b-because, well, you're in front of me and all..."

Y/N smiled at Ciel's fluster, but it quickly turned into a grimace as she felt her head pound in pain, "u-ugh.." 

She tumbled forward in disorient and Ciel automatically stopped her from falling by wrapping his arms around her securely.

"I guess you are going to catch me either way," Y/N laughed quietly still feeling the leftover bits of headache, "and weren't you going to call Sebastian?"

"Oh yeah- you know, I'll just carry you myself," Ciel said feeling the heat flood up to his face, "it'll be much quicker." 

"Whatever you think is best Lord Phantomhive." Y/N replied, tucking some hair behind her ear carefully trying not to laugh.

Ciel picked Y/N up cautiously, bridal style, as she wrapped her arms around his neck for security.

"I-I've never been carried like this by anyone else than Arthur before..." Y/N whispered a little shakily, "sorry I'm just a bit.."

"It's okay Y/N I wouldn't let any friend of mine fall," Ciel said, trying to ignore what Y/N had first said about him being one of the only few to have carried her bridal style, "now let's get down to the carriage."


Sebastian watched as his master carried the lady down the main steps of the manor and out into the entrance gardens to the carriage sturdily. 

"My, my, it seems that the young master is finally growing up a little more."

"Ooh~ what a scandal! Just like in those romance stories!" Mey-Rin exclaimed as she watched beside him along with Bard and Finny, "I wonder what Lady Elizabeth would think if she saw this?"

"Ohhoho maybe a little cat fight might be coming our way in the future? Ya never know..." Baldroy added, an unlit cigar in his mouth, "How does Y/N do with a sword? I know that Lady Elizabeth is already quite the swordswoman!"

"Bard!! We're supposed to be Master Ciel's loyal servants!! Shouldn't we support him through this?!" Finnian cried, "we should try to keep this from Lady Elizabeth as much as we can, the young master doesn't need any more trouble!!"

"But it's still a scandal, wouldn't this count as adultery?" Mey-Rin wonderd, tapping her chin, "it's all so mischievous!"

"Now now, the young master apparently only sees Lady Y/N as a close acquaintance, this doesn't particularly mean that they are in any romantic relationship, " Sebastian suggested, "yet anyway."

"But he's clearly into 'er, look! He's carrying her down there like newly weds, instead of asking you to take her for 'im Sebastian!" Bard shouted, gesturing to and from the young duo. 

"We'll see what happens," the butler concluded taking off to the carriage, " you three, please don't make a mess while we're gone..."

"Yes sir!" They said in unison, although all four of them clearly knew that a mess was inevitable...


Arthur's POV

Where... What.... How....? 

I looked around, confused. This place seemed oddly familiar yet so distant. The last thing I remember was Alfred and I looking over a dark purple jewel after killing some rodents from the underworld. I sat up after realising that I was lying on the ground. It was a forest.

But the trees were crooked, and the leaves were the darkest shade of black. The smell of sulphur filled the ominous air under the smokey atmosphere.


I looked up, alert. 


But there didn't seem to be a sign of him anywhere. 


There it was again.


I stood up and began to explore, but wherever I went my surroundings looked the same. And no Alfred.


I span around swiftly to find myself face to face with... Y/N? She was on her knees, in a ragged dress, facing down towards the floor, her face covered by matted H/C hair.

"Y/N!" I shouted running to her side as fast as I could, "Y/N are you okay?!"

That's when she started laughing manically, getting louder and louder until she was shrieking.

"Okay? I've never been better my dear Arthur~, "she giggled, "Arthur, Arthur, Arthur~"

"Never been better."


Woah so Y/N seems to have some trouble coming her way huahua

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