Tiny Sparks

By lunabooklover1

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Shinso and Kaminari have been through a lot together but they hadn't imagined throwing a surprise pregnancy i... More

Chapter 1. Prolouge
Chapter 2. Research
Chapter 3. Stomach Bug
Chapter 4. Nests
Chapter 5. Games
Chapter 6. Nightmares
Chapter 7. Date Gone Wrong
Chapter 8. Save Your Strangth
Chapter 9. The Wait
Chapter 10. Wake Up Soon
Chapter 11. He's Stable
Chapter 12. To Soon To Know
Chapter 13. Who to Tell
Chapter 14. Movie Hang Out
Chapter 15. Family Dinner
Chapter 16. I'm Pregnant
Chapter 17. Forever and Always
Chapter 18. Two
Chapter 19. We'll Do This Together
Chapter 20. Ultrasound and Names
Holiday special
Chapter 22. I'm Overreacting
Chapter 23. Baby Shower
Chapter 24. But I Apologized
Chapter 25. You're Going To Be A Great Dad
Chapter 26. Tiny Sparks
Chapter 27. No Looking Back

Chapter 21. Happy Birthday

2.4K 44 25
By lunabooklover1

(Strap in, this is a long chapter)

Shinso woke up early the next morning, smiling softly as his boyfriend snuggled up into his side. It was Kaminari's birthday today, and Shinso had lots planned, how could he not? It was Denki's 18th birthday, he deserved something extra special, and extra special was what he would get.

Carefully, Shinso moved Denki's arms from around his waist, replacing himself with the pillow he had been using so the omega had something with his scent on it. He had found that Kaminari had trouble sleeping when Hitoshi got out of bed and this was a way to help him stay in the land of dreams while the alpha made him breakfast.

Kissing his sleeping boyfriend on the temple, Shinso left the room and headed down the hall to the kitchen. They had decided to stay at Hitoshi's parent's house during the summer since they had been closer to the school and Kaminari still had a bit of a rocky relationship with his dad. Denki had called his mother a few times and she was very happy for them and eager to give her support, which was a good thing because he didn't think Denki could handle both of his parent's disapproval.

Hizashi was in the kitchen making coffee for his husband who was passed out after a long night of patrolling. "Good morning," Mic greeted with a smile as he found Aizawa's favourite mug in the cupboards above the stove.

"Morning dad," Shinso yawned, rubbing his eyes as he pulled a pan out from another cupboard so he could make breakfast.

There was a proud smile on his face as he looked at his son. "Are you ready for today?" He asked, pouring the coffee into the mug and adding the small splash of cream that Aizawa liked in his coffee.

Shinso smiled to himself, glancing over to his dad. "Yeah," he spoke quietly, almost embarrassed to admit, though he wasn't sure why.

"I should get the coffee to Shota before he wakes up," Mic told him, raising the mug he had poured for Aizawa and leaving the kitchen.

Shinso continued making breakfast, he was making chocolate chip pancakes, Kaminari's favourite. He had learned this pretty early on in their relationship, the omega would have chocolate chip pancakes every meal if his friends and family didn't make him eat at least a little variety in his foods.

He was putting the last pancake on a plate when he heard a soft sniff come from behind him. "T-Toshi," he heard his boyfriend whine. Shinso put the plate down and turned to see Denki with Hitoshi's pillow clutched to his chest as a tear slipped down his cheek.

Hitoshi quickly pulled his boyfriend closer, "Hey what's wrong?" He asked softly, holding the omega's waist in one hand and brushing a strand of hair out of his face with the other and making him look up to Hitoshi.

"W-why weren't you in bed? You disappeared," Kaminari sniffled, leaning into Shinso's touch.

"I was just making breakfast," Shinso told him softly. "You don't need to worry."

Denki pressed himself against Shinso, clutching the alpha's shirt. "I thought you left," he whispered, a soft sob passing his lips. His mind jumped to too many conclusions when his boyfriend disappears without a word.

Shinso rubbed his back softly, wrapping him in a tight hug. "I'm not leaving," he said gently. "You don't ever need to worry about me leaving." Kaminari pressed his face against Shinso's chest, taking in his scent. He said nothing as Hitoshi ran a hand through his sleep tousled hair. "Breakfast is ready if you want chocolate chip pancakes."

"You made pancakes?" Denki asked, his voice muffled by Shinso's chest.

The alpha hummed lowly. "I was about to bring them to you before you woke up. Special birthday breakfast." Kaminari pulled back from Hitoshi's chest and looked up to his boyfriend. His eyes were shining with unshed tears.

"Birthday?" He whispered and Shinso nearly laughed. He forgot his birthday. It was probably because he was tired, but Hitoshi found the confused look on his face very cute. "I forgot it was my birthday," he looked away from Hitoshi baffled that he had forgotten his birthday.

Shinso chuckled softly. "I can see that," he whispered, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to Denki's forehead. "How about you bring my pillow back to the room and I'll bring the food?" Hitoshi asked.

Denki nodded eagerly, kissing Shinso quickly on the lips before going back to their room with the pillow.

Laughing softly to himself, Shinso grabbed their food and headed to their room. He found Kaminari putting together a nest on the bed. He noticed Hitoshi and waved him over to join him.

"Your mood seems better now," Hitoshi noted, crawling into bed with him and placing the plates of food between the two of them.

"Blame it on the hormones," Kaminari told him, taking his plate and then frowning. "Where's the syrup?" He asked.

Shinso placed a bottle of syrup in front of him and smiled softly as Denki poured his syrup. "Thank you!"

They ate and happy pheromones that Hitoshi was sure Denki didn't know he was releasing filled the air. If he was happy with this then Shinso prayed he would be happy with what else he had planned for the day.

Kaminari moved the plates from in between them and almost tackled Shinso with a hug, knocking him onto his back. "I want to cuddle," Kaminari told him.

Shinso huffed a laugh. "I can tell." His arms wrapped around Denki's waist and he pressed a soft kiss to Kaminari's nose. "But you do know that we have plans for today and can't spend the whole time in bed, right?"

Denki whined and for a moment Hitoshi wanted to scrap every plan for the day and stay in bed and cuddle his adorable boyfriend, but he couldn't. He had set up several things for today, the most important of which was going to be at the end of the day. Sure they could skip over the rest but it was all part of the bigger picture.

"But cuddles," Kaminari whined.

"But don't you want your birthday present?" Hitoshi asked teasingly.

Denki was silent for a moment. "What's my present?" He asked.

Shinso sat up and pulled a small envelope out of his pocket. Kaminari tried to grab it but the alpha held it away, making his boyfriend pout a little. "Your present is a... treasure hunt of sorts," Shinso told him with a shrug. "Well it's more of what's at the end, that's your present."

"A treasure hunt?" Denki asked, his head tilting to the side. "You set up a treasure hunt?"

Hitoshi rolled his eyes. "Don't sound so surprised, I wanted it to be special, so yeah." Kaminari smiled brightly. "This is the first clue, but just a warning, you'll have to get out of bed for this."

Denki snatched the envelope with a smile still on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, no cuddling, I get it." He opened the letter and read it out loud. "To my love, your first hint." He looked up at Shinso with a small laugh. "My love?" He repeated with a smirk. "You're being cheesy."

"Just read the hint," Hitoshi told him, rolling his eyes.

"Your first hint: where the words that sparked our relationship were spoken." Denki studied the paper, flipping it over and seeing if anything else was there.

This could mean two things, one, when Kaminari first talked to Shinso and had told him he believed Hitoshi was a hero hopeful like the rest of them, or when Kaminari somehow managed to blabber out his feelings and ask Shinso out when they were nearing the end of their first year.

It all felt like so long ago, but it hadn't been, not really. They had known each other for nearly three years and had been dating for less than that. But that didn't answer the clue.

"Is it talking about when we met or when I asked you out?" Denki asked, looking up at his boyfriend with curious eyes.

Shinso smiled softly, "do you want a hint? Or do you want to try and figure it out on your own?"

Denki looked back down at the paper and read it over. "Do I have a limit for hints?" Kaminari asked. The two spots weren't far from each other, so if all else fails, he could just go to both of them.

"I'll give you as many as you need."

Kaminari rolled his eyes. "Well that's no fun," he said. "I'll do it without hints!"

Hitoshi just nodded as his boyfriend get out of bed and began to get changed. "Wear something nice," Shinso told him, patting his pockets down to double-check he had everything he needed.

Denki hadn't even noticed Shinso had changed into his dark purple dress shirt until he said that, he had been too focused on the food. Kaminari went through his things but found nothing that would be considered 'nice' and fit him at the moment, so he went to Shinso's closet. He'd prefer to be wearing something with Hitoshi's scent on it anyway.

Kaminari found a white dress shirt that could fit over his growing stomach and slipped it on.

Denki decided they would go to where they met properly. They were lucky that as UA third-year students they could have access to the training grounds at UA as long as they signed in.

Denki walked into the area he remembered meeting Hitoshi.


Aizawa told Shinso to introduce himself to the class and Denki remembered thinking he looked like a proud dad. Now he understood why, but at the time he had been too distracted to notice that or listen to the words the alpha was saying.

They ended up on the same team for training and won their battle against class B. But it was the interaction afterwards that was the make or break of their friendship.

"I know you said you weren't interested in making friends and all that," Kaminari told him after their battle. "But I like you, dude!" He had noticed the soft blush creeping up Shinso's cheeks as he used his mask to hide it. "You're a proper hero-hopeful, just like the rest of us!"

Hitoshi hadn't been able to make eye contact with Kaminari after he said that. He looked to the side and raised a hand to his mask, partly to make sure it was covering his face and partly because he needed to do something with his hands. "Umm thanks," Shinso said awkwardly.


Kaminari smiled at the memory, turning to Shinso. "You used to be so shy," he giggled.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. "I was mostly just shy around you," he admitted.

"You're such a softie," Kaminari said quietly, looking around the area. "So is this the place? Can I have the next clue? Or was I wrong?" He asked, looking back to Shinso with curious eyes.

Hitoshi didn't want to tell him he was wrong, not when he was looking at him with those eyes. "I'm sorry babe, you were so close," Shinso told him.

Kaminari huffed. "So it was when I asked you out?" He asked.

Shinso pretended to zip his lips, "you didn't want hints."

Another huff came from the omega as he reached for Hitoshi's hand and began walking to the entrance to their school. "You could have told me, we passed the place on the way here."

Shinso just chuckled, following his boyfriend to the front entrance.


It was after school, Kaminari had been trying, and failing, to get any sort of alone time with Shinso. Sure his friends knew he was trying to ask the alpha out, but his other classmates didn't so he was interrupted many times as he tried to fumble out his confession.

"Shinso," Kaminari called out as he saw Shinso nearing the school gates. All the students were headed home for a school break, meaning the place was rather crowded, but still, that unruly purple hair would never be missed by Kaminari. "Hey I- I want to talk with you."

Shinso noticed the nerves in the other boy, the blond's hands fiddling absentmindedly with the hem of his shirt as he looked up at the alpha. "Is something wrong?"

Of course, that was his first question, Denki wasn't acting normal so of course, he thought something was wrong. "Oh, umm no, I just umm..." he took in a deep breath. "Wanted to ask you something."

Hitoshi looked curious, an eyebrow-raising as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. "Ok, shoot."

Kaminari opened his mouth to speak but found it dry and unable to form the right words. "Shoot... shoot my question, right, I have a question, and that question is umm..." he swallowed hard, trying to collect his thoughts as Hitoshi tilted his head to the side.

He wouldn't say it out loud but Hitoshi thought the omega was cute when he was flustered and tripping over his words.

"Fuck, sorry just umm... I don't want this to affect our friendship negatively umm because I- I like you, like a lot, so I wanted to ask if- if maybe you would- if you would go on a date? With me? This weekend?" He sounded and looked so hopeful as he asked, his hands bunching hit shirt up in his hands. "I-it's fine if you say no I get it I- I just wanted to ask because I like you and- and I already said that and now I'm rambling so I'll just shut up."

Shinso was... shocked, to say the least. His eyes wide and mouth parted open, trying to process what he had just heard the other say. "A date?" He managed to ask.

Denki heard the words harsher than they were intended and tried to defend himself. "L-look if you- if you don't like me back just say so, I-I was just told to shoot my shot you know? And I like you so what better shot to shoot? And now I'm totally not making sense."

Shinso watched Denki curse himself and bite on his thumbnail to get himself to shut up. "N-no, I mean, I like you too, I want to go on a date with you," Shinso told him, blushing as he did so.

Denki seemed stunned for a moment before asking weakly, "really?"

Shinso nodded. "Yeah."

Kaminari's smile grew, his cheeks bright pink, "I told Kiri I could get a boyfriend before him! He owes me 500 yen!"


Kaminari glanced around the empty gates of UA, trying to find something out of place. He noticed an envelope stuck under a rock at the base of the blue arch.

Hitoshi smiled as Kaminari bounced over to the envelope. "Clue number two!" He read out excitedly as he slid his thumb under the flap and popped it open. His eyes scanned the words, trying to decipher them. "The one who asks is the one who pays, but where did we go before that rule was made?" He looked up at Shinso.

When they first started dating they had made a rule that whoever asked the other on the date was the one who would pay since on their first date there had been some bickering over who was paying.

"Oh, I know!" Denki's face lit up as the clue clicked. "I still say I should have paid for that date," Kaminari told Shinso as he grabbed his hand and pulled him to the nearest bus stop.

Hitoshi smiled, knowing the one he was talking about. "Too late to argue about that Denks, even if you were the one to ask me out, I paid first."

Kaminari huffed softly, his hands on his hips as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Tosh," he chuckled. "Let's get going, I wanna know what you have at the end of the scavenger hunt!" Again, Kaminari took Shinso's hand, dragging him to the nearest bus stop.

"You know, the hunt isn't going anywhere, you can slow down," Shinso chuckled at his boyfriend.

"Nope, doesn't matter, I want to get to the next clue!" Denki exclaimed, stopping at the bus stop and tapping his foot as he waited.

Shinso took the time to let his arms wrap around his boyfriend, resting his hands on the omega's stomach. "The hunt is supposed to last all day, love," he muttered, pressing a kiss to Kaminari's neck to calm him down.

Denki hummed, his head tilting to the side instinctively. His eyes fluttered closed and all his jittery energy dissipated in thin air. There was another kiss and Denki shuddered. "F-fuck, Toshi, you know I'm more sensitive right now," he muttered with a soft whine.

Shinso lifted his head and placed another kiss on Denki's head. "Just getting you to calm down a little," Hitoshi whispered against his head.

Kaminari melted into his touch. A soft hum came from the omega as he let his head rest back against Shinso. "What? Can't handle me when I'm excited?" Kaminari joked, smiling up at Shinso.

Hitoshi raised an eyebrow, a smirk pulling at his lip. "Oh, I can handle you just fine."

Denki rolled his eyes but smiled. His eyes lit up when he saw the bus coming and he began bouncing again.

"But there's only so much I can do," he sighed, chuckling a little as Denki pulled them to the bus, double-checking it was going to the right place and finding a seat in the back.

Their first date had been at a cat café. Denki knew Shinso loved cats so he thought it would be a good first date.


"A cat café?" Shinso asked, rather amused. Their date had been easy going so far, playful banter and a bit of shameless flirting on Denki's part. Hitoshi had already decided that Kaminari Denki was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with if he would willingly go to cat cafes with him.

Kaminari scratched the back of his neck as he opened the door. "Yeah, since you like cats and I like cats... I thought it would be a good start... do you not like cat cafés? Do you want to go somewhere else?" Kaminari began to panic. He didn't want to mess this up, he really liked Shinso.

"I like cat cafes, I just didn't think you would," Hitoshi admitted.

They found some seats and ordered their drinks.

One of the kittens hopped up into Denki's lap, making him jump from the sudden presence. "Aww hello little kitty," he cooed, scratching under its chin. Hitoshi heard a soft purring but couldn't tell if it was coming from the cat or the omega.

Cats were often attracted to omega's because of their softer scents and they're purring, making Kaminari the center of attention for three cats by the time they got their drinks.

Hitoshi felt something soft push at his hand that had been resting on the table as he watched his date coo and fawn over the cats. One of the cats that had been over with Denki came over to Shinso, nudging his hand.

Hitoshi obliged and pet the cat, not noticing Denki's attention scanning to him as he smiled and scratched behind the cat's ears.

"You're good with cats," Kaminari noted, smiling softly at Shinso. Hitoshi looked up at him in time to see one of the kittens jump up onto Kaminari's shoulder, making him jerk and then laugh. "Don't hurt yourself kitty."

Shinso smiled. "So are you."

Kaminari seemed too distracted to answer as the waiter came around with the bill. Hitoshi reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet but Kaminari stopped him. "I'll pay, I'll pay, I was the one to ask you out, I'll pay."

Shinso smiled but shook his head. "It's ok, I got the bill." He pulled his wallet out and skimmed through the money so he was pulling out the right amount. "It's not that much I don't mind."

"Shinso I got it, you don't need to pay."

Hitoshi felt like he did and somehow in between their childish bickering, Shinso managed to pay, making Kaminari huff out a sigh. "Ok, next time, the person who asks the other out is the one to pay."

Shinso raised an eyebrow playfully, a smirk tugging at his lip. "Next time huh?" He asked.

There were many next times.


Denki and Hitoshi waved at the waiters as they entered the frequented café. The waiter who usually served them smiled and came up to them. "I see you made it," she said happily. She held out an envelope to Denki, something twinkling in her eyes. "Congratulations by the way."

Kaminari blushed softly and took the envelope. "Thanks."

"Let's go sit down," Hitoshi told him, leading him to their usual booth.

The cats seemed more attracted to Kaminari than usual, snuggling into his side and purring softly. Denki chuckled, petting one of the cats. "So can I open the next clue?" He asked.

Hitoshi shrugged. "If you do will you be able to sit in your seat until our drinks get here?" He asked in return.

Kaminari looked down at the envelope then back to his boyfriend. "Then you hold onto it for a bit." The envelope was handed off to Hitoshi, making the alpha chuckle.

"Ok," he said, pocketing the paper.

"So how many people did you involve in this?" Kaminari asked after their waiter took their drink order.

Shinso thought for a moment. "Well my parents helped me put it all together and pick a few things out, and I don't think I can tell you any more without messing up the surprises."

Denki huffed and crossed his arms but he didn't look all that mad with a kitten curled up in his lap and another one trying to step from the back of the booth onto Kaminari's shoulder. "You're doing too much for me," Kaminari told him.

Shinso just smiled, cupping his cheek and making him look his way. "Nothing is too much when it comes to you."

Denki blushed, subconsciously pressing his cheek against Shinso's hand. "Since when did you become so charming? You used to get so embarrassed when I showed you any form of attention."

Hitoshi shrugged, thanking the waiter who brought their drinks. "I just got comfortable with you, and used to your flirting."

"Fair enough," Denki sipped his drink happily. "Can I open the envelope now?" He asked. Shinso gave him the envelope and watched as he opened it and read the clue. "Where two lips met for the first time." Kaminari smiled shaking his head. "That's too easy! It's where we first kissed right?"

Shinso shrugged and went back to his drink. "You didn't want me helping remember?"

Kaminari took his time this time as they walked to the destination of their first kiss.


Live music was playing in one of the restaurants as they passed and Denki's face lit up. "Let's dance," he said, taking both of Shinso's hands in his.

Hitoshi couldn't say no to him, even if he wasn't much of a dancer. He smiled at the omega as he danced to the music, pulling Shinso along for the ride. "Didn't know you were a dancer," Hitoshi joked, a smile forming on the alpha's lips.

Denki just laughed, spinning them around a few times as the song came to an end. Shinso pulled him a little closer as the song slowed, squeezing Denki's hands softly. Kaminari could feel his heart in his throat as he looked up at Shinso, the alpha's eyes lingering on his before flicking down to his lips.

Kaminari did the same, his lips parting as he sucked in a breath.

One of Shinso's hands let go of Kaminari's and he pushed some hair out of the blond's face. "Can I-"

Kaminari stood on his tipi-toes and pressed their lips together, a spark spreading through both of them. Kaminari's body hummed with electricity dancing under his skin as he held Hitoshi's cheek with his hand.

It was in no way perfect, being both their first kiss, but it was still amazing, bringing them back for another after they briefly pulled back for air.

In one hand Kaminari held Hitoshi's cheek, his other placed on the alpha's shoulder for support and to pull him down just a little. Shinso found one of his hands on Denki's waist, his other coaming through his hair.

It felt so... right...

There was no other way to explain it.


"It was a cover of cloud 9 that was playing, right?" Kaminari asked, looking around the area of the strip mall they were in.

Shinso hummed, reaching into his pocket. "Yeah," he said. "I have the clue for this one."

Kaminari turned back to him and smiled, as he tried to reach for it, Shinso held it away, a small smirk crossing his lips. "Toshi," Denki whined, trying to reach for the envelope.

Shinso pointed to his lips, "kiss first," he said.

Kaminari huffed out a laugh and rolled his eyes. "So mature."

"Says you," Hitoshi laughed as his boyfriend rested his hands on Hitoshi's shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. This was way more practiced than when they first kissed but it never lost its spark.

Kaminari pulled back and looked up at Shinso. "Can I have the envelope now?"

With a small but playful sigh, Shinso handed him the envelope.

"It just says whiskers," Kaminari said confused as he looked back at Shinso. "What does this- ohhhhhh." Realization dawned on him and he smiled softly. "You are seriously so cheesy Hitoshi."

Shinso shrugged, a smile pulling at his lips. "What can I say."

"It's been a while since we've seen her, let's go!"


Kaminari and Shinso walked hand in hand down the sidewalk on their way back to the dorms. It was the beginning of their second year at UA and they had wanted to wander around town doing nothing, in particular, just to unwind.

Kaminari had been blabbing on about some new band he had heard when he stopped mid-step, words stuttering to a stop as he looked down the alley. "Do you hear that?" Denki asked, glancing back to Shinso then to where he had heard the noise.

"Heard what?" Hitoshi asked, looking curiously down the alley as well, half expecting Denki to pull a jump scare on him.

A soft meow came from behind a crate and Denki let go of Shinso's hand to go and check it out. "Shin, it's a kitty," he told him, looking back with sad eyes before trying to help the kitten out.

It had gotten stuck in some wiring that had been left lying around. Its paws were scratched and bleeding and the kitten meowed at Denki.

Shinso came up behind him, crouching next to him as his boyfriend carefully undid the wire, cooing to the kitten. "It's ok, I'm just helping you," he said softly. "Almost there." The kitten licked at her paws when they were released, not minding when Kaminari picked her up and cuddled her against his chest. "She's hurt, what do we do?" Denki asked, looking up at Hitoshi.

Shinso's first thought was to bring the kitten home with him, but Hizashi had been clear that they already had too many cats, 5 residents at their house but a few others that would come around for the food Shota put out for them. All were strays or rescues.

"Maybe there's a pet shelter near here?" Shinso asked, taking his phone out to search.

"Can we bring her back to the dorm?" Kaminari begged, petting the kitten's head as she purred.

Oh what Shinso would do to be able to say yes to him. "Pets aren't allowed in the dorms, even Koda had to keep his pets at home."

Kaminari pout and the alpha felt his heart crack. "Ok," he said quietly. "Did you find a shelter?" He asked, changing the subject as he looked over Shinso's shoulder to look. He giggled softly as the kitten licked his hand, still purring. "I don't want you to go to a shelter either, but we can't take you back to our dorm, I'm sorry Whiskers."

"Whiskers?" Hitoshi asked, scanning his phone. "Did you already name her?" Kaminari shrugged, not elaborating. "There isn't a shelter, but there's a pet shop two blocks down."

"Then we'll try there."

The shop told them they could house her, feed her, make sure she got all the nutrition she needed.

The boys would stop by regularly to see her and play with her.


Kaminari opened the door, a bell chiming above them as they entered the small shop. Kaminari's eyes lit up as he saw the cat lounging in a sunbeam. He went over and began petting her. "Hey Whiskers, long time no see kitty."

The owner came to the front of the store and greeted them. "I believe this is for you?" He said, handing Kaminari an envelope.

"Thank you!" Kaminari beamed up at the man. "And thank you for taking care of Whiskers."

The man nodded, "it's a pleasure," he said, "she'll be having kittens soon, brought her to the vet the other day and she's due any day now."

Kaminari smiled softly down at the cat, "you and me both huh?" He whispered.

Whiskers just purred, stretching out as Kaminari scratched her belly.

He stood up, turning back to Hitoshi. "Alright, next clue," he said, opening the envelope and reading the clue. "Break in the New Year." Kaminari continued to pet Whiskers as the gears turned in his head. "Oh, the fountain, where we watched the fireworks our first New Year together."

Kaminari got up and took Hitoshi's hand again. "Lead the way," Shinso told him.


Shinso sat next to Kaminari on the edge of the fountain, the omega leaning into him with blankets tucked over their shoulders.

They were supposed to be at a party with the rest of their class but a cold broke out in the class leaving half of them bedridden and the other half deciding to spend the time with their families.

Neither were complaining, they got to spend the time together since neither of them was sick.

Kaminari looked at the time, "2 minutes," he said, glancing up at Shinso. "Do you have any New Years' resolutions?" He asked.

Shinso thought, "I've got a few, mostly small ones like working harder to be a hero." Kaminari hummed softly, listening to his boyfriend. "And... it's cheesy but... to be a good boyfriend for you."

Kaminari glanced up at the alpha, his small smile accompanied by a blush. "You already are a great boyfriend Hitoshi."

Shinso blushed, looking away from Kaminari's vibrant yellow eyes. "What about you?" He asked, changing the subject. "Any resolutions?"

He thought, biting his lip softly. "I don't know, I haven't thought about it, my life's already pretty great, I don't know what I'd want to change." He glanced at his watch again and grinned. "Count down from 15," he told Shinso, keeping an eye on the watch.















Denki was about to say one when he felt Hitoshi's hand push his chin towards him, pressing a kiss to the omega's lips. Kaminari's eyes widened for a moment before sinking into the kiss and relishing in the feeling.

"Happy New Year, Denki."


Kaminari ran up to the fountain and hopped up onto the side of it, holding his arms out for balance. "Did I guess the right place?" He asked, spinning around to look at his boyfriend.

Shinso hummed and handed him the next envelope. He had kept it with him since he didn't want someone to walk by and pick it up. The place was fairly crowded, especially when it was midday.

Restaurants lined the area and at the center was the fountain that had spent their first New Year with each other. "We should grab lunch before we continue," Shinso told him, taking one of his hands and guiding him off the ledge.

"But what about the hunt?" He asked.

"We can continue after we eat," Hitoshi told him, though very tempted to just say fuck it after seeing his boyfriend's puppy dog eyes, he was getting hungry and Denki was going to get hungry the moment he stopped thinking about the scavenger hunt.

Denki reluctantly agreed, letting his boyfriend lead him into one of the restaurants.


The next hint confused Denki, up until now it had been placed they shared good memories of, but he couldn't think of where this one could be.

"A place where families go to refresh, just remember to bring a towel?" Denki read it over as they left the restaurant, sufficiently fed. "I don't get it," he muttered, reading it over again.

"Do you need a hint for this one?" Shinso asked.

Kaminari held up a hand and shook his head. "I said I wasn't going to ask for your help, I'll figure it out." Denki's eyes scanned the paper over and over, reading the clue. "Where do people go to be refreshed and need a towel?" He muttered before his face lit up and Hitoshi could almost see the light bulb over his head. "The beach!" He exclaimed.

Shinso just smiled, "then I guess we're going to the beach."

Hitoshi watched Denki happily run over to the edge of the sand, inches away from the water. His hair whipped in the wind but he didn't mind, he just brushed his hair from his face and turned to Shinso. "This is the place, right?"

Hitoshi nodded, "yeah, this is the place."

Kaminari saw that he seemed to be getting a little more nervous but didn't understand why. Shinso handed him the last clue and Denki turned back to the water, his thoughts running wild with confusion.

"I don't think I get it," Kaminari said looking around the beach as he fiddled with opening the last envelope. His foot dug into the sand, trapping some water in the divot and wetting the soles of his shoes. "Every other place had been a significant thing in our relationship, but we've never been here together, it's just an empty beach."

Shinso smiled softly. He was right, they had never been here together before. "Open the last clue," the alpha said quietly, slipping something out of his pocket as his boyfriend opened the envelope.

Kaminari pulled the slip of paper from the envelope and read it aloud. "A promise." Kaminari's brows furrowed as he turned around to his boyfriend. "A promise? What is that supposed to mean?"

Shinso took Kaminari's hands and pulled him closer. "I want to promise something to you," he said softly, running his thumb over the back of his hands.

Denki was rather confused but indulged Hitoshi with a small smile and questioning eyes. "Promise me what?"

"That," he pulled one hand away to show Kaminari what he was holding, "no matter what happens, I will always be by your side." The gold glinted in the setting sun as Denki's eyes widened with shock. "It's a promise ring," Hitoshi explained.

"A promise ring," Denki breathed, his brain not quite functioning.

Shinso pulled him close and rested his forehead against Kaminari's, holding his hands tight in his. "I want it to serve as a reminder that one, I love you and will always love you, two, I will be here for you no matter what, and three, once we graduate and get settled, once we can afford it, I'm going to ask you to marry me."

Kaminari nearly stopped breathing. His eyes welled with tears as he felt every worry wash away leaving him with his boyfriend, alone on the beach with nothing but the sound of waves hitting the sand. "I-I don't know what to say," he whispered, a forced laugh passing his lips as a tear slipped down his cheek.

Hitoshi let go of one of his hands, using it to wipe away the tears on Denki's cheek. "You don't need to say anything," he whispered.

Kaminari lent up and kissed him gently on the lips. His way of accepting without using his words.

Hitoshi had decided on the gift the last time Kaminari had shared his worries about Hitoshi possibly leaving him because of the twins. He wanted his boyfriend to have something physical to remind him that nothing bad would happen and Shinso would always be there, no matter what. He would have gone straight for the ringer and asked for his hand in marriage but they had enough going on already and didn't want to worry Denki with a wedding. His promise would have to do.

"I love you so much," Kaminari whispered as they pulled away. "So, so much."

"I love you too Denki."

(Y'all don't understand how happy I am with this chapter. I love it so much and I hope you did too) (Happy New year!)

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