An Adventure of a Lifetime

Galing kay SASPred

103K 1.8K 825

Follow Ash and his Pokémon as he and Serena begin a new adventure together after his victory in the Alola Lea... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 29

1.6K 45 35
Galing kay SASPred

For the last few days Ash and Serena were given a full tour of the city of Aurora. Katsumoto was an amazing tour guide as he showed them the best places for dinner, beautiful gardens and ponds, as well as the Battle School.

When they had arrived at the school, the students had all swarmed Ash, asking his questions and wanting to know more about his style of battling. They were all shocked when he told them he didn't have a set style and that he just gave it his all, all the time, no matter what.

It was now their third day in Aurora. Serena was sitting in the observation seating surrounded by about 50 students from the battle school. They were in the main battle dome of Aurora, waiting for Ash and Katsumoto to make their appearance.

Ash was going to start his challenge today and he had been so pumped up about it. He was also very excited for what he had planned for after his battle. Serena didn't know this but afterwards Ash was going to take her out for their first date of their trip, and he had it all planned with the help of Katsumoto.

The students erupted into cheers as the referee walked out onto the field, the cameras following him as the event was being live streamed across the region and also in others.

"Ladies and gentleman, students, please welcome today's trainers. From Kanto, the Alola Champion and Kalos League winner, Ash Ketchum!" The referee called out.

Ash walked out of his tunnel to the sound of the students and many more locals cheering loudly for him. He waved and smiled his signature smile, then winked at Serena when he saw her.

"And now our very own Katsumoto! Ruler of Aurora Prefecture and Battle School Principal!" The referee called out as Katsumoto walked out of his tunnel to the same enthusiastic applause and whistling.

"This will be a 3 on 3 battle , substitutions are allowed, as are all moves. The victor will be declared when one trainer has lost all three of their Pokémon." The ref called out. "Trainers, please call out your first Pokémon!"

Katsumoto grinned as he knew he was going to need to keep his wits about him. "Let's see what we can do. Let's go Umbreon!"

The dark evolved form of Eevee emerged from its pokéball and took up a battle stance in front of its trainer.

Ash grinned as he pulled a pokéball from his belt. He was confident but he knew he couldn't take Katsumoto lightly, he was the leader of the city after all and as such he must be a very tough opponent.

"Let's go Lucario!" Ash called out as he tossed his pokéball into the air causing a red beam of light to come out and solidify into his trusty Aura Pokémon.

Lucario glared at Umbreon, trying to read its power and Aura. The two Pokémon glared are each other, both trying to get a read on the other until Lucario grinned wickedly causing Umbreon to flinch.

"Trainers ready?"

"Ready!" Both Ash and Katsumoto responded.

"Battle begin!" The ref called out.

Ash started the battle quickly, calling for Lucario to start with Close Combat and Power Up Punch.

Katsumoto was shocked at how fast Ash and his Lucario acted. "Umbreon dodge and use Shadow Ball!"

Before Umbreon could even react however Lucario landed it's first attack followed by the second, throwing Umbreon into the wall at the base of the stands, a massive cloud of dust and debris billowing out from where he crashed into the wall.

As the dust settled, Umbreon was still on its feet but only just.

"That's one tough Pokémon Katsumoto. It's been trained very well." Ash said in admiration.

"Your Lucario faster than I could have imagined Ash, I haven't had an opponent move so quickly in a long time." Katsumoto chuckled. "As for Umbreon, he has been my partner for close to 15 years. He has been in many battles."

Ash smiled before turning serious again. "Ok Lucario, Aura Sphere Barrage let's go!"

"Umbreon use Dark Pulse and fire as many as you can as fast as you can!" Katsumoto called out, a sense of urgency in his voice.

Both attacks flew at each other with such speed and ferocity that the resulting explosions were kicking up a strong wind. For every Aura Sphere that was fired at Umbreon, a Dark Pulse was unleashed on Lucario and they cancelled each other out every time.

The smoke and dust was thick when Ash called out to Lucario just loud enough for the Aura Pokémon to hear him without giving away the plan.

"Alright Lucario, just a few more then I want you to use Bone Rush to get in close before unleashing Close Combat several times!"

Lucario nodded and unleashed a half dozen more attacks before..."Now Lucario!"

Lucario charged forward and started knocking the Dark Pulses out of the air with his Bone Rush before connecting several Close Combats on Umbreon.

Katsumoto was shocked. He never saw it coming and didn't even have a chance to give a command. The dust settled and he saw his partner on the ground, swirls in his eyes.

"Umbreon is unable to battle, Lucario wins!" The ref called out. "Leader Katsumoto please send out your next Pokémon. Challenger Ash, you may swap out Pokémon if you wish."

Ash looked at Lucario and thanked him before returning him for a rest. He had battled hard.

Katsumoto tossed a pokéball into the air, calling out his second Pokémon. "Let's show them Mienshao how strong we really are!

Mienshao appeared out of its pokéball and took up a fighting stance, it's eyes showing nothing but calmness and confidence.

Ash pulled his second pokéball from his belt and tossed it into the air. "Greninja I choose you!"

Greninja appeared onto the battlefield in his typical style, standing on one leg with the other placed foot against his other knee so his legs formed a "4". His webbed hands were clasped together as if meditating.

"Trainers ready? Begin!" The ref called.

Katsumoto wasted no time in calling out attacks. "Low Sweep followed by Power-up Punch!"

The weasel like Pokémon streaked forward, moving fast and low. It's speed was surprising but it didn't faze Ash or Greninja for one moment.

"Let it get close then jump backwards to avoid the Low Sweep, then dodge the Power-up Punch!"

As Mienshao got closer it swept one of its leg towards Greninja's leg it was standing on only to have the frog ninja nimbly dodge the attack, arching his back gracefully as he dived backwards causing him to avoid the Power-up Punch as well.

After landing, Greninja launched into a blinding assault. Ash had called for him to use Ariel Ace and Water Shuriken. The attacks were so fast that Meinshoa couldn't dodge or block.

After what seemed like far to long, Greninja ceased the onslaught on his opponent and jumped clear, allowing the dust to settle so he could see if his opponent was still standing.

Ash and Katsumoto looked on anxiously to see what condition Mienshao was in. As the dust and smoke cleared, the shadow of Mienshao was revealed to be standing before falling sideways with swirls in its eyes being revealed moments later.

"Mienshao is unable to battle! Greninja wins!" The ref called out to thunderous applause. "Katsumoto, please release your final Pokémon!"

Katsumoto returned Mienshao with a thanks and tossed his last pokéball. "Let's see what you can really do, Kommo-o!"

Out of the Pokéball came a Pokémon Ash has never seen before. It had scale like armour on its arms, head, neck and back. The tip of its tail was like a spiked club, and it's paws were tipped in vicious looking claws.

"Well that's a new one." Ash said. "Alright Greninja, let's keep our wits about us. It looks strong and I can also guarantee that it's fast."

Greninja regarded his opponent with curiosity and caution. If Ash was being careful, he knew he had to be as well.

"Well, let's see what it's made of." Ash said. "Let's start this off with Water Shurikan followed by Ariel Ace!"

Several water stars were thrown at the armoured fighting dragon type. It managed to dodge the thrown attack and closed the gap quickly as Greninja started launch its assault using Ariel Ace.

As Kommo-o dodged the attacks from Greninja, Katsumoto called out attacks of his own. "Kimmo-o, Close Combat over and over again!"

Ash looked shocked to say the least. He knew Greninja would be hurt badly if any of those attacks hit. "Greninja I need you to dodge as many of those attacks as you can!"

Kimmo-o's hands moved so fast they were a blur, but Greninja kept up quite well. The speed was unbelievable and faster than they eye could follow.

Ash was starting to get worried, looking over at Serena and he noticed she was looking troubled as well. The concern was visible on her face and her eyes met Ash's, causing him to worry even more.

Ash looked at his Ninja Pokémon, seeing how his speed was starting to slow as he got more tired from length of the battle. He had to think of something, and fast.

He watched the movement of Kommo-o, watched how it's arms flowed and how it kept its footing solid but also always moving. He studied it for a few more moments, gaining an idea on how to put it off its footing.

After a few more moments of watching, Ash noticed a flaw. There was a small hesitation as it transitioned from using its right claw before switching to its left. As it's started it's typical five swipe right attack, Ash called out to Greninja.

"Greninja, wait for it..." Ash saw it swipe for the fifth time. "NOW!!! Jump back and use Ariel Ace! Then when it's off balance press the attack with Water Shurikan and Ariel Ace combos!"

Greninja did as Ash called for him to do, getting free from the attacks while unleashing what could only be described as a water projectile bombardment that would make a Blastoise scared.

Kommo-o was thrown backwards by the force of the attacks, landing on its back. Greninja finished its attacks using Ariel Ace with such force that it slammed its opponent into the ground, causing a crater to form.

The dust settled to reveal Kommo-o knocked out with swirls in its eyes.

"Kommo-o is unable to battle!" The ref called out. "Champion Ash Ketchum is the winner!"

The crowd was stunned at the ferocity of the last battle but they erupted into cheers. Serena ran down to Ash.

"Ash! Ash! You did it! That was so amazing!" She said as she jumped into his arms. "I can't believe how strong that Pokémon was and you still won!"

Ash laughed at his girlfriends remark. "Hahaha thanks Serena, it was such an awesome battle. If this is the quality of battles to come, I think we might need to get stronger still." He said.

Katsumoto walked over to Ash and Serena and extended his hand. "That was the best battle I have had in a long time Ash, thank you." He said. "As proof that you beat me, please accept this medallion."

He handed Ash a small silver medallion about five inches in diameter. It had his family crest on it.

"Show this at the next city and you will be granted the next battle." Katsumoto said. "Now, I believe you have a night of fun ahead of you?"

Ash turned to Serena. "Let's get back to the Pokémon centre, I have a surprise for you tonight."

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