The Shape from past

Por Devils-Dreams

93.4K 3K 607

After meeting little boy when I was a child, I never knew how strong some feelings can be to others and those... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Quick A/N
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Come back to me

Chapter 40

1.2K 45 9
Por Devils-Dreams

(Y/n)'s POV

I open my eyes to a dark room. I could see that in the hallway was light but I ignored that for now. I turn around to look at the baby but to my shock I don't see him on the bed. I quickly get up from my place to see if he has fallen down on the floor. I could feel tears run down my cheeks as I think all the worst things that could have happened to him. But he wasn't there either. I look around the room to see that Michael was gone too.

My heart starts to raise as the thought that he had killed the baby came in my mind. "Michael!" I scream for him as I start to get up. I was still sore but I ignored it because of the panic. I run to hallway to see that Michael was walking towards me. He stops when he notices me. I look at the mask that he was wearing again and the fear turns in anger. "What did you do to him?!" I scream to him as I attack him.

I punch him to his chest while I cry. Did... did he really kill him?! "Where is he?!" I punch him which made his head snap to look at me. He quickly twists my arms behind me which made me scream. His breathing was heavy because he was angry but I was just too worried that he has hurt the baby to care about the pain. He lifts me up while I was facing away from him which made me scream. He just started to take me somewhere.

"Let me go!" I scream to him but he ignores me and takes me to the living room. There I see a pillow fort which made me confused. He drops me in front off it which made me let out of little yelp. He kicks me inside harshly where I could see the baby. I quickly crawl over to him and look him over. Once I touch him he seems to flinch because he was still sleeping. He started to cry loudly which made me lift him in my arms.

I look him over to see if he was hurt but there was nothing that would make me believe that he was hurt. I start to feed him while I turn to look at Michael. He was looking at us but I could see that he was still angry at me. "I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't know." I turn away from him. I hear that he comes closer to me. I was calm since I was still tired and in pain. "I didn't mean to attack you. I just... thought that you killed him."

Michael's hand moves my hair over my other shoulder. Could feel shivers run down my spine as I feel his lips press on the back of my neck. I didn't know why he was like this. Did something bad happen to him in the hospital or did I beat some sense into him? "So you won't hurt him?" I hear him clear his throat silently before I hear his raspy voice. "Ours..." By that I knew that he wouldn't kill him. I feel a HUGE weight drop from my heart.

I turn to look at him to see that he wasn't wearing his mask anymore. Once my eyes meet his, a big smile, a REAL SMILE forms on his face. I feel my cheeks burn before I give him a deep kiss. I was in love with him. I wouldn't let him go! I pull back and press my forehead against his cheek. "I love you Michael Myers." I feel him press himself against me. "But what are we going to do now? I should go to the hospital with the baby to make sure that everything is okay with him."

Michael shakes his head before he turns to look at the baby. I know that he was weary but I needed to make sure that he was okay. But maybe he would let me do that later... "Okay. But where-" Before I could finish we hear the front door open which made Michael snap to look at the hallway. "Honey I'm home!" We hear a man yell from the door which made Michael put on his mask and turn to look at me. He puts his finger in front of his lips to tell me to keep quiet.

He gets up and puts one of the blankets in front of the entrance so the man wouldn't see us. I didn't hear Michael walk away but I knew that he went somewhere to ambush the man. I however hear the man walk closer to us. I look down to the baby to see that he seemed to look comfortable. I hear the man walk to the same room where we were. "What's this honey? You made a little surprise for me?" I hear him say from the other side of the blanket which made me get little farther away from him.

I could see a hand take a hold on the blanket. I could hear my heart beat fast in my ears as my eyes were locked on the hand. The man moves the blanket but once his eyes meet mine, I could see the fear and confusion in his eyes. "Who the hell-" Michael suddenly takes a hold of the man's neck before he was lifted up with a scream. I could hear the man struggle with Michael. Thankfully I couldn't see anything.

Soon the man went silence after there was a loud snap. I let out a shaky breath before the baby was done. I look down at him to see that he was moving little. So he was full already. I was sad that he didn't have any clothes right now. He could be cold all the time! Michael looks at me from the entrance and motions for me to come. I do what he tells me to do. I didn't know what he had in mind but I was hoping that he put the body away.

I look around the living room to see that the man's body was on the couch. His neck was clearly broken which made me sad for him. I turn to look Michael who had car keys in his hand. He takes a hold on wrist and starts to lead me towards the front door. I could see a car that was parked on the driveway. He walks me to the back seats and helps me to get in. After that he just get in the drive's seat before he starts the car.

".... Michael Myers has escaped from the Smith's Grove with female patient named (Y/n) (L/n). (L/n) is believed to be given birth shortly after the escape so both patients could be unpredictable and dangerous. (L/n) could need medical assistance and a tip leading to her catching will be rewarded. We advise you not to approach them and only call police if you see them. Myers is known to attack people with lethal force..."

"Can you turn that off please." I say that to Michael who turns the radio off as he back off from the driveway. They were treating us like some kind of animals. Even me... "Where are we going now?" Michael starts to drive somewhere but I was worried that we would be separated. I look down the baby and one thing comes to mind. "What are we going to name him?" I could see that Michael lifts his gaze to the rear-view mirror.

I think for a moment before one perfect name comes to mind. "How about Killian for a first name and Jonathan for the second?" Michael tilts his head and for a moment before he nods. So I think he agrees on the names. "Then he is Killian." I give the baby a little hug which made him smile. "Hi my little Killian. Aren't you the cutes little thing! My little naked baby!" Killian lets out a little chuckle which made me laugh.

I look at Michael who was looking at the road ahead. I could see a sign that said Haddonfield. I guess we were going home... "But don't you think that Dr. Loomis will come look for us in Haddonfield?" Michael just ignores me as he drives forward. I only shake my head before I get in comfortable position. "What if they come look for us there?" Michael only starts to drive faster so I think he's getting so I'm going to drop it for now and get some sleep.

I feel cool wind hit my skin which made me wake up. Michael holds me close to his chest. Killian was laying on me which made me smile. I look around us to see that we were at my street! Look at my house to see that it looked different. Like someone was living in it. I felt sadness wash over me so I turn my gaze away from it. I see that Michael was heading to Ally's house which looked the same. He just opens the door which made me panic. The old lady could have a heart attack because of this!

"Who is it?" I hear familiar voice yell from the kitchen before Ally walks to the hallway. She seems to be shocked to see us since she drops her cane which seemed to be new. I don't think she had that before. "M-Michael? (Y/n)?" I could see that tears started to form in her eyes before she walks over to us. Michael puts me down before the old lady could come to us. "I-I'm sorry that-" Before I could say anything else she gives me a hug.

"I thought that I would never see you again! They wouldn't let me visit you once they caught Michael." She looks down at Killian and she seems to be absolutely happy to see the little one. "Who's this little thing?" She happily pats Killian's cheek which made the baby smile. "He's Killian... Our baby." Ally looks at me happily before she turn to head towards the living room. "Come on." She motions for us to follow which I gladly do.

I look in the living room to see that Sunny was laying happily on the couch and Toby looking out of the window. "Toby? Sunny?" Toby turn immediately and he begins to cry before he jumps down and runs over to me. I give Killian to Michael and lift Toby up. He meows before he presses himself against my neck. "I missed you too!" Sunny walks over to us too but she only pushes herself against my legs.

"They have been waiting for you. The kittens however I made sure that they got loving homes since my home had too many cats." Michael huffs behind me little angrily. I knew that he didn't want to give up the kittens. "Don't be like that to me young man! You weren't here to take care of them and I had no choice. Now be a dear and give me my cane." To my horror Michael does what she says which made me turn to look at her.

She smiles back at me and just shrugs her shoulders. "He isn't a bad boy. He just needs some discipline." I nod before I walk over to the couch. "A new family lives in your old home but you can stay here as long as you need to." Michael comes back with the cane and gives it to Ally before he walks over to me and sits down next to me. He gives Killian back to me so I put Toby down. "Your parents are still staying here. I think they went back to your brother's funeral but now they just wait here."

I wanted to see them but at the same time I never wanted to. They betrayed me in the worst way possible and locked me away in a hospital. They would never approve Killian and I would be forced to give him away because I could guarantee that they would lock me up in the mental hospital again. I wouldn't see Michael or my baby boy ever again! "I just need to get used to this. I'm just not sure where to go from here."

She seems to understand since she nods. "Maybe you need to let the dust settle for a while. I'm guessing that little Killian hasn't visited doctor yet?" I look down at Killian with a sad look on my face. "No. I'm afraid to go there." Ally nods before she sighs. "I have a friend who was children's doctor when he was younger If I can make him to promise not to say anything, would you like to visit him?"

I turn to look at Ally with a surprised look. I really wanted to but I didn't know what Michael would say. However my motherly instincts tell me to go there just to make sure that everything is fine. "It's fine but Michael needs to come with us too. I don't think he would let us go anywhere without him." Ally nods before she turns around. "I'll make some food for you. You should go change. I don't think the hospital gown is that comfortable. Feel free to borrow some of mine."

She leaves the room before I could thank her. I get up but Michael follows me which wasn't that surprising . "I'm going to change. I'll be back as soon as I can. Could you look after Killian while I'm gone?" Michael just stares at me but as I offer him Killian his gaze turns to look at the baby. After some time he just takes him from me and sits back down. I smile as I walk to the hallway. Maybe things would be better after some time!

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