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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 22

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chapter Twenty-two


I was coming out of my room when I saw Cecilia coming out of Xavier’s room.

“What are you doing?”

“Hey, you ready?”

“I asked you a question.”

“Whoa chill out sis. I was just making sure your new maid didn’t try anything funny as she was so concerned about your husband.”

“That’s none of your concern Cecilia.”

“Are you kidding me right now? She was flirting with your HUSBAND.”

God I don’t want to do this again… one minute he’s an ass and another she’s concerned what he’s doing!

“I know he is, but that doesn’t give you the right either. Let him cheat if he wants to, I don’t care and I’m sick and tired of being yelled as so stop it. This will just give me more of a reason not to love him and maybe I can live with what’s happening.”

“Wait… Are you saying you’re just going to let him do whatever?”

“So you’re just going to let him? You’re not even going to leave him or anything? What about Antonio?”

“What about him?”

“You love him.”

I rolled my eyes 

“And when have I EVER said that?”


“But what? Antonio is nothing but a great friend and besides he deserves someone who can love him and I don’t.”

“That’s not true.”

“Yes it is! Look, I get what you’re trying to do, but let’s face it I’m going to do what I want to do.”

“Antonio loves you Emma and I can see the way your eyes sparkle when you see him.”

“So what? He’s half way across the world anyway!”

“Not if you want him to be!”

“Stop it Cecilia, just STOP IT! I’m not doing it so just STOP IT!”

As much as I would like to think that it could be a possibility, it wasn’t. I felt something for him, but he wasn’t my mate or the father of my baby even if it would have been easier if he was.


She left with a huff and I went down to the living room, sitting down. I needed to calm down and breathe, so I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the trying to get the baby to stop kicking. It wasn’t until I felt his hands on my belly that she stopped and at the same time making my wolf whimper, causing me to start crying.

“I know this isn’t easy, but please give me another chance. We can start all over from the beginning and get to know each other like we should have done before any of this happened.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“Look at me Emma.”

He ran his hand over my cheek and I cried even more.

“Please baby look at me.”

I slowly opened my eyes and met his as he knelt down between my legs and kissed my stomach.

“We’re having a baby girl Em, the least we can do for her is try.”

“What if it’s not yours?”

He shook his head 

“That’s not even an option; she’s mine just like you are.”

“I’m serious, she might not be yours.”

“She’s mine alright?”


“Please Emma I don’t want to fight okay? We should be enjoying these moments not fighting over them. I want to be there for you and the baby when she’s born. I want to be involved in her ultrasounds, please Emma please just give me another chance.”

‘We can’t do this on our own. You know we need him.’

I was about to open my mouth when our new maid came in.

“Sorry Sir, but your mother in on the phone for you.”

I looked up at her and I was surprised to see she was glaring at me, so I glared at her back letting my canines show. Her eyes widened and quickly left the room leaving Xavier and I alone.



“Where are you two? We’re starting to get worried over here.”

“Emma and I were just talking.”

“Everything okay?”

I looked over at Emma as she rubbed her belly and looked at me. I smiled with a wink making her look down and away with a pretty pink color forming around her cheeks.

“Yeah, everything is fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah just give us a couple of minutes and we’ll be right there.”

“Alright, but call me if anything happens, alright?”

“I will.”

I hung up before she went on about something else and went back to Emma.

“They’re worried.

She nodded taking a deep breath.

“I guess we should go.”

I went over to her and helped her up, taking her hand in mine. The contact of her skin with mine has always made my heart thump a little bit faster and smiled down at her giving her a gently brush of my lips against hers.

“I love you.”

I didn’t give her a chance to answer me before my wolf demanded more contact and I swooped her into my arms and kissed her a bit firmer than before, but my happiness was soon crushed by her pulling away from me.

“I’m not ready.”

My heart was crushed, but I understood so I just nodded.

“I understand and I wouldn’t expect anything less form you. Just know that I love you and I’ll wait for you for as long as you want me to.”

“That could be a very long time.”

“I don’t care. As long as you and the baby are by my side I don’t care. I lost you once, I’m not about to lose you again because without you I’m nothing.”

Her eyes met mine when I stepped closer and rubbed my nose against her with a smile. 

“I love you baby girl, I really…really…really….really love you.”

My nose must have tickled hers because she began giggling in my arms. I couldn’t resist any longer and began kissing her all over her face. She was so beautiful and being pregnant brought out the best in her and not to mention her new curves were getting fuller… mmm especially that ass of hers, so I gave it a little squeeze.


I laughed, planting another kiss on her lips.

“I was just admiring your new curves.”

“Yeah well keep your hands to yourself.”

She shoved me away, but I brought her back against me, placing my hand on her belly.

“She’s going to be on hell of a lucky girl.”

“I’m hungry.”

I laughed, nodding.

“Oh alright.”


After our talk, I didn’t know what to think anymore. My brain was telling me no, but my heart was telling to just put everything in the past and let him back in. It would be easier if I did, but I was still scared.

“So I was thinking we should go out tomorrow, just you and I?”

I turned my head away from the passenger window and faced him as he drove us to mom and dad’s house.

“Like a date?”



“Well I thought we could get out of town and do some shopping for you and the baby. We could have some lunch, come home, and then later on take you to your favorite restaurant for dinner.”

“Sounds like a lot of walking.”

He laughed as he pulled into my parent’s driveway then faced me once he turned off the car.

“You won’t be walking a lot I promise. I just want to get away from here where you and I can be together to enjoy being married and pregnant.”

“Trust me being pregnant isn’t fun.”

“Well if you let me I can make it fun.”

“You try being pregnant.”

“I would if I could, but I can’t so let me pamper you.”

I leaned against my door just as someone opened it and dragged me out.

“What the…”

“M0m be CAREFUL.”

“Oh shush…”

She turned me around and looked down at my belly.

“Finally…Oh look at you, you look so beautiful!”

I quickly plastered a smile on my face and hugged her back, though I felt if she squeezed any harder and the baby would pop right out.

“Mom! I’m serious!”

He pulled away and went up to me, checking me out like he actually cared.

“I’m sorry.”

I let out a breath and shook my head.

“It’s alright I don’t think she’ll be coming out soon anyway.”


She yelled it loud enough for everyone to turn and look at us.

“God mom, thanks for ruining the surprise.”

That’s when I realized that he knew when I didn’t and even after I asked the doc not to say anything.

“By the way how do you know? I didn’t even know and I didn’t tell you.”


“I told him, it kind of slipped.”

I turned around to find Chelly looking as trashy as ever, I should have known.

“Trust me honey, I’m not surprised.”

“Emma it’s not like that baby.”

He went to touch me, but I pulled away.

“Emma honey…”

“Butt out mom!”

Her eyes widened at his sudden outburst and I glared at him.

“Don’t you speak to her that way especially in front of everyone!”

He let out a breath and looked at his mother.

“Sorry, but really this is between her and I.”

“Well I don’t think this is the right time to discuss it.”

“You’re right it’s not, please excuse me.”

I stepped to the side and walked away. Everyone then bombarded me with question and hugs that I was beginning to get irritated, so I quickly just told everyone to be quiet and made my speech.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to say something really quick.”

I took a deep breath and looked around at everyone. 

 “I know you all want to know where I have been all this time so I’m going to tell you. I was in Spain, you could day on vacation but we all know that’s not true. You see it wasn’t easy for me to come back home after so long then turn of age for marriage then find your mate all at the same time! So let’s just say I got overwhelmed and freaked out. Things happened along the way that I just couldn’t comprehend and so I thought it was best that I left just like I did before, only this time I didn’t tell anyone. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but as it turns out it wasn’t so much. So what I’m trying to say is I’m sorry. If I put you in a place where you probably think I’m a spoiled brat or even inconsiderate which I don’t blame you, trust me, but please understand that it wasn’t easy to find out your sister was going to marry the man who tortured you all through high school and the real reason why I left this place in the first place. I didn’t mean for you all to worry or take time out of your lives to look for me I just had to get away. Hate me if you will, but please understand that there are things that I will never be able to explain to you all about and I hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.”

Everyone stood quiet as I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

“Thank you.”

Zander then came up to me and hugged me, making me cry even more.

“You did good.”

I laughed, that sounded so foreign to me since I haven’t been okay in a very long time.

“Where have you been?”

“Taking care of business.”

I looked up behind him to see his girlfriend.

“I can see.”

He laughed, pulling away and looking down at me.


I laughed with a shrug; at least you’re getting some.”

“Oh Em!”

I laughed even more to the point I had to hold onto my stomach and I needed to pee.”

“I can see you’re feeling better.”

“Getting use to it and by the way you’re having a god daughter so…”

“Awwww a girl?!”

I slapped his arm, glaring at him.


Then he smiled, bringing me back into his arms with a kiss to the forehead.

“I was just kidding.”

“Yeah whatever.”

“I need to speak to you in private really quick.”

I nodded and followed him to my room where we could talk without everyone around.

“You’re wall up?”

“Of course.”

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone where it started to ring just as he held it out o me.

“Here, answer it.”

I frowned at it then looked up at him,


“Will you just… come on?”

He answered it and pressed it against my ear.

“Say hello.”

My heart was pounding against my chest as I could hear someone on the other end of the phone.


“Hello my Luna, how are you?”

My eyes widened as I looked up at Zander.

“Say hello to him.”

“What…Why… Wait… Antonio?”

“Yes my Luna it is I.”


“Calm down I can hear your heartbeat from here.”

He was right I needed to calm down so I took a deep breath and let it out.

“What are you doing calling me?”

“I missed you and I was worried about you. I didn’t have your number so I called Zander and he told me that he would be seeing you tonight.”

I looked up to see where that little pup was but he was gone.

“I’m fine.”

“You don’t sound fine, but I’m glad you’re still okay. I was worried that they would have done something to you.”

“Besides the fact that dad slapped me too, I found out my father isn’t really Cecilia’s dad, my so call husband has been cheating on with every girl in town and with my doctor’s daughter who is nineteen by the way, oh and she told Xavier without my consent that we were having a girl.”

I heard his small gasp and then a laugh which made me smile.

“A girl, really?”

“Yeah apparently so, I didn’t want to know, but you how that goes.”



“Tell me have you bought anything yet?”

“Well just a couple of things, but nothing pink because I didn’t know yet, so just like yellow and white little things.

 “Do you not like pink?”

“Well it’s a girl of course, but I don’t want everything to be pink.”

“But it’s a girl, it needs to look pretty.”

I laughed, lying back against my pillows, rubbing my belly.

“Purple is good too and neon colors…”

He always found a way for to recognize that I was pregnant and now with a little girl.


Were the hell are you? You’ve been gone for a half an hour and you need to eat. But of course she wouldn’t hear me she had her wall up.

“Don’t worry so much, she’s a big girl.”

I turned and saw Chelly coming across the lawn towards me. I was about to give her a piece of my mind for opening her big mouth when I heard her laugh coming from her bedroom window.

“Looks like she’s having fun.”

I groaned and just as I was about to head up to see what she was up to, Chelly decides to pull me behind the bushes and kiss me, running her hands down my chest to my groin. I was almost tempted when I heard another laugh and I quickly pushed her away, wiping my mouth.

“Don’t you ever touch me again!”

I pushed past her and made my way into the house.


I don’t know when the conversation changed to possible names to HIM, but it had and she needed to hear some reason.

“How could you take him back after everything? I thought that…”

“No it’s not like that; I didn’t take him all the way back. You don’t understand, I’m pregnant and he swears he’s the father… god… you don’t get it… I can’t help what I feel for him.”

“Mate or no mate, he doesn’t deserve you! When you love someone you don’t do the things he has done.”

I know that, but what am I suppose to do? I can’t just run away again and god knows what my parents will do if do.”

“I can protect you, take care of you.”

“Please don’t say that. Do you know how hard it is to be this far away from you?”

My heart skipped; did she seriously just say that to me?

‘She loves us!’

“That’s because you need me and want me.”

She went silent, but I could sense her struggle, hell I could sense it before she even LEFT!

“Emma I love you.”

I wasn’t expecting her to gasp, but when the phone went dead I panicked and called back getting her to answer just after the first ring.


“You leave her ALONE, she’s MINE!”

The phone cut off a second time and this time I wasn’t going to wait around until dad took his sweat little time, I was going to California tonight!


She was arguing with someone about me. I knew when she felt vulnerable her wall was usually down, last time it was down was on our wedding night and this time it was no different. My heart was happy she was okay with letting down, but to my surprise not for the reason I was hoping for. 

‘He loves us.’

My wolf immediately knew who she was speaking about and growled.

‘It’s him.’

I didn’t give her a chance to respond to his comment and quickly yanked the phone out of her hands, cutting the call.

“You called him?!”

She could only shake her head as it began to ring again. This time I made sure to give him a piece of my mind before I crushed the phone in my hands and hit the wall beside me with my fist.

“How could you?”

I looked at her as she looked away with tears streaming down her face.

“Look at me!”

“We were just talking.”

I huff and walk over to her, grabbing her and picking her up from the bed.


“Xavier, please.”

“No! Tell me the truth, do you love him?”

She wouldn’t look at me or answer me so I squeezed her arm making her yelp and lock eyes with mine.


“Then why? Why would you need to talk to him and tell him those things if you didn’t?!”

“I’m sorry!”


“I don’t know! He’s just a friend, I swear!”

“You told him it was hard to be away from him!”

I grabbed her neck with my other hand and pulled her closer.

“Tell me why.”

“I don’t know, please Xavier you’re hurting me.”

I squeezed her one last time to make it clear that I wasn’t happy and let her go.

“You are not allowed to speak to him again, do you hear me?”

He nodded her head up and down as she rubbed her arm and cried. DAMB IT!  I took a step forward, but she scooted herself away from me.

“Don’t touch me.”

“I’m sorry baby; I don’t know what came over me.”

“I hate you.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Leave me alone.”


I went to touch her, but that only made it worse.

“NO! Don’t you EVER touch me AGAIN! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!”

She crawled over to the other side of the bed and ran out of the room before I had a chance to apologize.

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