Forever Yours

By FonzFan

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Sequel. Follow Severus and Katherine and their family and friends, through their complicated lives after the... More

Prologue 1: Fallen Soldiers
Prologue 2: A Young Man Dreams
Chapter 1: Home At Last
Chapter 2: Tell Me Everything
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Becoming a Real Prince
Chapter 5: The Prophet's Report, Part 1
Chapter 6: The Prophet's Report, Part 2
Chapter 7: Mr. Prince Goes to Town
Chapter 8: Union Station
Chapter 9: This is Who You Are
Chapter 10: Father & Son
Chapter 11: OWLs
Chapter 12: St. Augustine's
Chapter 13: Potions, Snitches & Nightmares
Chapter 14: Wakanda
Chapter 15: Birthday Kisses
Chapter 16: The Green Steam Engine
Chapter 17: Wounds We Keep Hidden From View
Chapter 18: Spoofhounds vs. Sidewinders
Chapter 19: All Hallows Eve
Chapter 20: A Peaceful Moon
Chapter 21: A Letter, A Bond and the Witch
Chapter 22: Christmas Shopping Chaos
Chapter 23: A Family Christmas Part 1
Chapter 24: A Family Christmas Part 2
Chapter 25: A Family Christmas Part 3
Chapter 26: Starting A New Year
Chapter 27: Re-Bonding & Re-Healing
Chapter 28: Forgiveness Begins the Healing
Chapter 29: A Big Decision
Chapter 30: "Coming of Age"
Chapter 31: I Remember You
Chapter 32: Training Days
Chapter 33: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 1
Chapter 34: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 2
Chapter 35: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 3
Chapter 36: Her First
Chapter 37: The Final Journey
Chapter 39: Sev's Fortieth
Chapter 40: "Something Unexpected"
Chapter 41: "Life Decisions"
Chapter 42: The Greatest Game Ever Played, Part 1
Chapter 43: The Greatest Game Ever Played Part 2
Chapter 44: The Greatest Game Ever Played Part 3
Chapter 45: Graduation Day
Chapter 46: Draft Day

Chapter 38: Turning One

746 38 7
By FonzFan

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Serenity, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick and any name you don't recognize and isn't from the HP universe) are entirely my own.


The fall months passed just as quickly as the summer had. Between Quidditch games every other weekend and the onset of a nasty flu outbreak, Severus and Katherine found themselves a bit drained by the time the cold weather rolled around.

They had found themselves, once again, at the mercy seat of the Halloween Gala for St. Augustine's. Katherine thanked Merlin that she was much lighter on her feet this time around, as she found herself pulled away constantly for a dance. Much to Severus dismay, the couple was seated at a table full of single men this year, and each had asked for a turn with the beautiful blonde witch that graced their presence.

By the time Severus had witnessed the fourth bumbling buffoon ungracefully try to spin his wife across the dance floor, Severus had had enough. Purposefully, he rose from his seat and strode out into the crowd. The young healer faltered as he drew near, and silently demanded his wife's hand back. Quickly, the young wizard dropped Katherine's hands and fled into the depths of dancers surrounding them.

Katherine visibly relaxed as her husband's arms wound around her person, and began to lead her is a graceful waltz. He drew her close as physically possible; one arm ran tightly around her tiny waist and the other drew her hand closer to their bodies.

Effortlessly they drowned out the noise of the crowd, till there was nothing but the two of them and the music. Baring down into her icy blue depths, Severus' mind wandered back to the last time they had danced together nearly two years ago.

'Dear Merlin, two years,' Severus thought as he twirled them lightly across the floor. The small smile that had graced his lips was suddenly replaced with a frown at the thought of what happened that fateful night.

It had been the night that Lucius first tried to attack Katherine, causing her to lock herself away for two days after. The desire to punch the blonde wizard rose inside of him; oh how he wanted his revenge on the man for what he did, but Severus knew that Lucius was serving a far worse punishment in the form of Azkaban.

A soft brush of fingertips across his cheek spurred Severus from his thoughts. He glanced down again into Katherine's eyes; ones that now shone with happiness, instead of hatred and fear. Blue eyes that had shed tears of grief and anger now glittered brightly in the candlelight that lit the room.

"Severus?" Katherine's mind reached out to him. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Severus exhaled slowly. "Everything is just fine."


The morning of the third of December was bright and cold; snow had fallen overnight, adding to the several inches that already had accumulated the night prior. Katherine had been up since the crack of dawn, preparing for the long day ahead.

For today was Serenity's first birthday.

The black haired, blue eyed tot had grown leaps and bounds over the summer and her magic seemed to be getting stronger as well. She was summoning little items to her daily, mainly her plush calico kitten, and even at times she had managed to turn lights off and on.

She was now standing on her own and had even taken a few tentative solo steps. Mealtimes had also changed for the little one, as she was now eating with her fingers and sometimes even with a spoon. She was now also fully weaned off of her mother's breast and was drinking whole milk, much to Elisa's delight.

Serenity's vocabulary had grown as well, with 'Mama,' 'Dada,' 'no,' and 'uh-oh' being heard on a regular basis. But unlike most children at this age, Serenity was a quiet child; never once did she throw a tantrum or cry unnecessarily. She never seemed to seek attention, but she did prefer certain people over others.

Severus thanked Merlin that one of the people she shied away from was Julie Byrd at the cafe, but the little girl surprisingly seemed comfortable around the goblins at the bank. Yet, she did cling to both his and Katherine's sides constantly; his wife reassured him that the separation anxiety would pass.

But for tonight the house would be filled with family and guests.

And at five o'clock they arrived.

Septimus, Helena and the boys had been given special permission to travel by Floo from New Salem to the house, in order to be a part of the celebration. Darius Prescott had joined them as well, along with Headmaster Mickels, both of whom Serenity had attached herself to over the past summer. David Suttington apparated in, too, and enlarged several presents that had been hidden within his robes.

Elisa and Christoph rounded out the group; both having been there several hours already, helping to prepare for the party. Katherine dressed Serenity in a light blue dress, one that matched her eyes; that was adorned with a silver sash and bow around her little waist. And if you looked carefully, ice blue snowflakes where seen within the fabric throughout the dress.

Her midnight colored hair laid in soft curly wisps upon her head; little light blue shoes and socks adorned her feet. She sat comfortably in the middle of the circle that the older children had formed on the floor near the fireplace.

A buffet had been spread out in the dining room where enchanted snowflakes fell from the ceiling. Hot cocoa was passed around to all the children, while the adults sipped on eggnog and mulled wine. They nibbled on cucumber sandwiches and smoked salmon with dill and cream cheese on herbed bread; sparkling cranberry brie bites that even the teenagers seemed to enjoy; fresh fruit with a vanilla cream dip, and deviled eggs. Elisa had made little quiches and bacon wrapped water chestnuts.

An hour and a half into the night, Katherine emerged from the kitchen with a tiny single layered cake, frosted in the same light blue coloring, and one little silver candle sat in the very middle of it. Serenity was placed in her highchair at the head of the large table. 'Happy Birthday' was sung and then the group watched attentively as Serenity starred at the little cake, unsure of what she was suppose to do with it.

Ever so gently, Katherine took the little girl's hand and had her tiny fingers touch the frosting. Serenity pulled back with wide eyes, and stuck the offended digits in her mouth; only to soon discover that the blue cream all over her fingers was quite good. As the one year old ate her cake slowly, the rest of the group feasted on coconut snowballs, thumbprint cookies and mini cupcakes until they were nearly too full to move.

After fingers were cleaned, everyone moved into the living room for the present opening. Serenity sat securely on her father's lap, while her mother helped with opening her gifts. The four teenagers had gone in on a gift together and presented Serenity with a magical rocking horse, that neighed, nickered and whinny like a real one.

The professors and Suttington had gifted Serenity with a hoard of books, large wooden puzzles, and even a toddler's first potion kit. But it was Elisa and Christoph...well, mostly Elisa, who had gone above and beyond on the amount of gifts that were necessary.

Clothes, toys, stuffed animals, and the such...

"Really Elisa," Katherine clicked her tongue, as the two women began to clean up. "I think it was a little excessive!"

"It's her first birthday Katherine!" Elisa exclaimed, as she levitated a stack full of dishes to the kitchen sink. "I couldn't help myself! I haven't been able to buy presents for a little one since my own were little!"

"I know," Katherine sighed, as she vanished the mess of cake from Serenity's high chair. "But that doesn't mean that you have to go crazy. We do give Serenity everything that she needs."

"I do realize that Katherine," Elisa smiled. "But I want to spoil my goddaughter. This may be my last...that is until grandchildren arrive."

"Well then you'll be waiting for grandchildren then," Katherine said, rolling her eyes. "But even that will be a long time from now...I hope at least."

"Really?" Elisa raised a brow. "You and Severus had never discussed..." But Katherine stopped her short with a glare that had only been reserved for misbehaving students.

"No," Katherine stated firmly. "We have never discussed, and there is nothing to discuss. Both of the children were a shock, you know that. I guess if it happens, it happens, but a part of me prefers to be done. I have one that will be graduating this year, and another that will be just out of diapers! I could not even imagine having another."

"Would it be so bad Katherine?" Elisa asked calmly. "You and Severus aren't even forty yet."

"It is not our age that concerns me Elisa," Katherine sighed. "Serenity's just turned one, and if anything does happen, I hope that it will not until she is a least two. Severus missed Septimus' first two years and all of his milestones. I do not want him to miss Serenity's because of a new baby."

"Well, I think you should at least talk about it with him," the healer commented. "He may be overjoyed at the thought of another baby."

"Elisa, this is Severus we are talking about," Katherine chuckled. "He is not very children oriented."

"Maybe not with other children," Elisa giggled, before gesturing to the sitting room. "But I think he's fine with his own." Katherine turned her head towards the sofa, where Severus currently occupied with Septimus sitting next to him. The two wizards talked with quiet words, as Serenity snuggled deeply into her father's chest.

Katherine observed Severus' posture closely, noting how relaxed he looked with the room full of people and teenagers. His torso, though remaining straight against the back of the couch, was well-balanced and his shoulders hung loosely. His arms held Serenity securely, but any small movement made was done smoothly. His hands gently rubbed his daughter's back, and his legs were stretched out and crossed at his ankles. Thin lips turned up a bit as he listened to his son speak; dark brows stable and moved very little when he spoke.

All of his wards were down; there were no walls guarding his mind tonight.

And in that moment, Katherine knew that Severus had finally found his peace.


There was no moon tonight; as heavy clouds settled in, bring a few inches of the fluffy white stuff. After the guests had left and Serenity had been put to bed, Severus and Katherine adjourned to their bedroom, surrendering to each other's embrace.

Severus was panted heavily, as he rolled off to his side to lie next to his equally heavily breathing wife. His heart continued to race as his body sagged into the mattress; Katherine rolled to her side and sighed with satisfaction as he wrapped his arms around her. She watched as Severus' face relaxed and gently let her fingertips trace lazily across a rather large white scar on his chest. The smile that had lit her face moments ago faded as her thoughts retreated to the past. Unlike now, there was no snuggling up against each other, light chatting or any type of intimacy afterwards. They had simply fled back to their own rooms during the first war...but by the second war, she noticed how he had he had grown.

But she knew that she had grown too. She had their son to think about...

"What are you thinking about?" Severus asked into the silence; his fingers entwining into her golden hair. "Your mind is buzzing like a bee at the moment."

'Damn Elisa,' Katherine swore in her mind; cursing the nosy healer and her questioning from earlier in the night.

"Katherine?" Severus murmured, as he rested his hand upon hers, ceasing her movements on his chest.

"Nothing important Sev," Katherine sighed, hoping that he believed her; but somehow she knew that he wouldn't.

"I find that hard to believe."

Katherine swallowed heavily and buried her face further into his side. His long callused fingers gently messaged her scalp, hoping to relax her enough to get the information he wanted. Katherine remained silent under his menstruations for some time, but Severus could still feel her mind reeling.



"What...what do you think about having another baby?" Katherine said, hesitating a bit. She felt his fingers stall in their movements and his heart beneath her hand begin to race a bit. Shyly, Katherine glanced up at her husband's face, only to find him starring wide-eyed at the ceiling.

"Are..." Severus began, before his eyes shifted down to meet his wife's eyes. "Are you telling me that you're pregnant?"

"NO!" Katherine cried out quickly. "No, I'm's just..."

"Just what?" Severus questioned, as he pulled himself quickly into a sitting position, and effectively, yet unintentionally pushed Katherine off of his person. She ungracefully threw herself into her pillow and buried her face within its' soft linen.

"Merlin's bloody cock..." Severus heard Katherine growl into her pillow, before all went silent again. Severus' mind began to reel as too why Katherine even brought the subject up to begin with. If she wasn't pregnant, did she this Severus swallowed harshly...did this mean she wanted another?

"I blame Elisa for this," Katherine muttered into her pillow.

"I don't follow," Severus growled slightly, as he crossed his arms and rose a brow in her direction. Katherine sighed angrily into the green linen of the pillow, before flipping over to stare up at the ceiling. He watched her carefully, trying to figure out how the Healer was involved in this conversation to begin with.

"Elisa started in tonight about Serenity being the last little one to spoil before grandchildren come," Katherine explained softly. "Then she proceeded to ask if we have talked about it."

"Talked about grandchildren?"

"No..." Katherine sighed, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands. "She asked if you and I had talked about having more children...together." Katherine went silent; waiting for Severus to say something, but the bedroom remained quiet for an extensive amount of time. Wearily, she glanced over to her husband, only to find him staring blankly off into the glow of the fireplace.


" you want another child?

"No...Yes," Katherine growled, gripping her hands in the sheets. "I don't know. I told Elisa that we have never discussed it and I wasn't sure if I wanted to have another so soon..."

"Would you have another child with me?"

"What?" Katherine paused, looking up wide-eyed at the black haired wizard. "Are you?"

"I know life I didn't turn out the way we thought it would," Severus started, his eyes shifted down to take in his wife. "And neither of the children were planned, but I guess it would not be so horrible if we should have another. If you would want another with me..."

"Really?" Her shining blue eyes found black. They flickered in the orange glow of the fire, showing more emotion than she had seen in quite some time. "Of course I would have another child with you. Why would you think that I wouldn't?"

Severus went silent, as he brushed away the non-existent lint from the linen sheets. Katherine could feel the thoughts buzzing through his mind, but unfortunately his walls were built so strong at the moment that she knew she could not get in.

"Are you still that insecure about yourself?" Katherine asked quietly, as she pulled herself into a sitting position. "I've told you before..."

"I know," Severus growled lightly. "I know."

"No, Severus! Look at me," Katherine demanded, as she took his chin in her hand and gently turned his head towards her. "Look at me."

Slowly, midnight color eyes rose to meet the brilliant ice blue. Katherine tenderly stroked his jaw line with the tip of her thumb as her eyes searched his own.

"You are not you father," Katherine stated firmly. "You are Severus Prince. And excellent Potions Master and duelist...and an even more amazing father. You have a son that wants to be just like you, and a daughter who adores you.

"You are a good man. I wish you would realize that," Katherine continued, her eyes remaining locked with his. "Look at me...see what I see."

With a breaths whisper, Katherine opened her mind and let him in. Images flashed before his mind's eye; images of himself brewing with Septimus, reading to Serenity and rocking her to sleep, and finally the vision she witnessed tonight, with him sitting on the sofa talking quietly with his children. The images faded into blue as he slowly slipped out of Katherine's thoughts.

"You are a wonderful father, Sev," Katherine smiled softly. "Do not doubt yourself of that. And you are the only one I have ever wanted to be with. You're..."

But Katherine was stopped short as Severus' lips descended upon hers. His lips trailed from her lips to her jaw and down her sweeping neckline to her collarbone. The action caused her pale skin to pucker with goosepimps and a moans to escape her lips. Her hands wound into his black tresses and his wandered up her sides and gently palmed her breasts.

Gently he pushed her back on to the mattress and rolled himself on top of her. His cock bobbed in the cooling night air as he moved to part her thighs. Severus' narrow hips settle softly against her milky-white flesh, and his hardness slide across her wetted lips. His lips wandered back up to hers and his shaft slowly slid into her welcomed warmth.

Even after having made love once already tonight, she was still tight around him, making Severus' heart soar with want...need...and desire. Katherine matched his thrusts with eagerness, causing him to release a throatily moan. Her legs wrapped around his person, pushing him deeper into her. Severus' lips left hers as his hips picked up speed.

"Look at me," Severus groaned. Her pale eyelids fluttered open, revealing their magnificent blue orbs within. They held the darkness of his own equal, and he could see her love and desire burn within them. He could her velvet sleeve quiver around his shaft and knew that he too wouldn't last much longer. With two more swift thrusts, Katherine's muscles clenched around his length.

She cried out, but her eyes never left his. Severus continued to piston quickly into her, sending Katherine into a second orgasm. As Katherine came again, so did he. Her calves and thighs gripped him tightly, and her fluttering warmth milked him as his release spilled within her.

With a deep groan, Severus' body sagged above her. Gently he placed a kiss upon her swollen lips, before rested his forehead against hers. Katherine's hands soothingly ran across his back, as he laid his person flush on top of hers. His cock deflated a bit, but her tightened muscles still held him inside.

As their racing hearts began to calm and their breathing even out, Severus sighed with contend. Who would have thought two years that he would be here with a loving wife and a wonderful family. A family that he wanted more of. He never thought much about it before, but he longed to see it again. To see Katherine glow with pregnancy; to watch her grow round with child. His child...



"Promise me something?"

"Anything Sev," Katherine whispered, as his lips brushed against hers once more before his forehead returned to hers.

"No more contraceptives..."

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