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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 20

439 16 1


I rolled over feeling my body ach, like I exercised for days, and stretched. My bones cracked and my muscles stretched as the memory of everything from last night hit me like a ton of bricks.

‘I don’t want to be here.’

I slowly opened my eyes and scanned the room to see I was back in our house. The fact that it was raining and lighting was on full force against the sky wasn’t making it any homier.


I turned and let out a breath of relief to see Sissy was here with me.


I shook my head, looking back out the window.

“It just started and would be like this for a while.”

She sat a tray of food down on my night stand and sat down beside me.

“How are you feeling?”

I shrugged


She handed me my pills and a glass of water so I slowly got up and took them while I saw him coming out of the forest in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts.

“Lock the door.”

She turned to see what I was looking at then got up, locking it before he had a chance to come in.

“Cecilia, open the door.”

“She doesn’t want to talk to you.”

“Don’t make me break this door down.”

“Go for it, but I’ll think twice before you do as you know you’re already on Daddy’s bad side for not taking better care of her. Imagine what Daddy would do if I told him you threatened her?”

He growled and Cecilia smiled at me.

“Cecilia, its cold and I need to take a shower.”

I smirked… liar. We run warm already and this weather is nothing. I slowly got up and went to the closet and grabbed him some clothes, his necessities and went to the door.

“Open it.”

She opened it and I dropped his things on the floor then closed it again, locking it once again.

“Emma, baby…”

“Don’t you call me BABY!”

“Let me explain.”

“There is nothing to explain! I HATE YOU!”

My wolf was scratching to get out, but the only thing I could do without hurting anyone was to go into the closet and proceed to take everything out of his and throw it over the balcony of my room.

“Oh please allow me.”

She helped me out while I went into the bathroom and removed everything else that was his. I was determined not to have any trace of him in MY room.


We high fived each other when we heard his over powering growl.


I made my way over to the balcony and smiled below.


“What is this? My clothes are all wet now!”

“But that what I thought you liked? Oh wait, no I’m sorry I must have gotten them confused with your WHORES!”

I went back in, sliding the door shut and locked it before he had the guts to try and come in.


Sissy laughed while I took a deep breath and sighed.

“You going to be alright, I gotta attend to some business.”

“Yeah go, I’m good.”


I was hoping to come home and see her still sleeping, but nooo Cecilia had to get her up and not only was she up she was awake and pissed…at me. 

I on the other hand was very ecstatic to have her back. Last night I was able to lay beside her as she slept, but didn’t dare to touch her just in case she woke up and decided to take her anger out on me as I slept. 

Then this morning, I was able to give her a kiss without even waking her and she smiled, but as soon as his name came out of her mouth I had to control myself before I took her right then and there to show her who exactly her mate was. The only thing that stopped me was when her hand came over her small baby bump.

My baby, she was carrying my baby and she looked so beautiful doing it although I could see she had lost a large amount of weight since I last seen her. Why did it have to be this way? I was supposed to make your life easier, not harder. I gave her belly a kiss and left, I need to run to get myself ready for today or my wolf wasn’t going to be a very happy camper.

“How is she?”

And here we go with the questions.


“How does she look?”

“She’s fine don’t worry.”

“The baby?”

“Fine, now are you going to let me run or pester me all morning about her?”

“Can I see her?”


I stopped and turned around to look at him.

“Look I know you’re getting restless alright, but until it’s time you can’t see her or she’ll never be able to understand what we are doing.”

“She’ll understand, I know it, she’s not like the others.”

“I know she’s not, but she’s pregnant and bringing you in this soon will just ruin everything.”

“But wouldn’t it be easier for her to get to know me before hand? It’s like you don’t even want her to know who I am, like you’re purposely trying to keep her from me. Are you changing your mind?”

“Of course not!”

“Then why can’t I begin to get to know her? The least you can do is let me since I saw her marry you!”

I let out a sigh and placed my hands on my hips.

“It’s just not a good time. She and I aren’t doing so well and if I bring you in now she’ll never truly love me like she should. Then you’ll have a harder time. I got it; just give me time, alright?”

It took him a couple of minutes, but he nodded and I ran off.

Unknown POV

I watched him as he ran off a good distance before I ran off myself. I wasn’t a wolf like everyone else, but I still had the ability to run fast enough thanks to the military. Although I was born from werewolves I was a special one, one that only another wolf can fix and that other wolf was Xavier.

Xavier was my best friend since I could remember. Born on the same day, same hospital, by the same doctor and by best friends was something else. His mother was of course Luna and my mother was the beta’s wife so it was inevitable that we were meant to be friends. Only difference, I was born with a rare heart and blood disease, hence why I didn’t have my wolf at the age of sixteen. Xavier on the other hand was as normal as normal could be and although he would make me feel as much part of the pack as possible I knew I would never be like them, so at eighteen I ran away to the military and haven’t came home until I went to visit Xavier about three years ago at his school and saw her… Emma. 

Emma instantly got me the minute she looked my way, but soon after we found out that Xavier wasn’t as healthy as he appeared to be. His heart was slowly giving out on him. The only thing keeping him alive was me. My blood who everyone thought was tainted and cursed was the only thing keeping him from lying flat on his back. 

Xavier has never been able to mate although he had a close call once, but once I started giving him my blood everything changed. The first time he saw Emma that was it, he was hooked and I was left behind. It wasn’t until last year that Xavier began to change drastically. His wolf was beginning to fade, getting weaker except when she was near and when they mated and got married, he was the healthiest he’s ever been and I’ve been getting weaker. Except when she left.

These past couple of months have been hell for both him and me. Not only was Xavier getting weaker without Emma around, but I was getting stronger. Strong enough to the point where I found her with the tracking skills I learned from the military and my new sense of smell. My Emma was home thanks to me even though I was not allowed to bring her back or go near her. She was after all Xavier’s wife and mate and I was nothing but a cursed wolf that was getting weaker by the minute. Which reminded me, I needed to get myself home before I passed out here again.

Xavier’s POV

Man I felt good, my wolf was beginning to get stronger again and I was able to run like before. Ever since I got Emma back I was really starting to feel my strength come back to me.

‘Then let’s go home and see her.’

I agreed and made my way over back to the house to see Emma was finally awake, but she had other plans for me and so now I was outside picking up all my wet, muddy clothes after she had thrown them all out and made it very clear to stay out of that room if I wanted to stay alive. Little did she know how true that statement was to me.

I let out a sigh, her father was not going to be very happy about this, but it was up to me to change things and the only way to do that was for her to know who was boss.

“Having fun?”

I growled as she came out of the front door looking smug as always.

“Finally going him?”

“Just going to make sure your brother has had his dose of pain today.”

“Why don’t you just reject him?”

“Well I take pleasure out of his pain and suffering and you know I can’t until the council says I can same goes for you.”

Council wasn’t very happy when they found out what all four of us had done, mostly my brother that’s why she was allowed to do what she did while he had no control over it, but I knew deep down she was also suffering over it.

 “You’re sick.”

“Look who’s talking, at least he deserves it, Emma on the other hand is pregnant and never did anything wrong to begin with.”

She got in her car before I could question her about the mutt who put his hands on my mate and flipped me off as she drove away. 

I groaned looking back at the pile of clothes scattered around and began to pick them up again.

“Xavier honey, what happened?”

“Don’t ask mom, just help.”

She came over to me and pulled the clothes out of my hands.

“Here… Vanessa?”

“Yes ma’m?”

“Pick these up and take care of it.”

“Yes ma’m.”

I turned to see one of mom’s younger maids starting to pick up them up. She winked at me and I couldn’t help but smirk until I felt the need to look up and find Emma starring right at me. Damn…she shook her head and turned looking more pissed than before.

“Come on, let’s get you inside.”

I followed her in and into the kitchen.

“Your father got a call about what happened and I wanted to see how you two were doing, but apparently not so good.”

“Yah think?”

As soon as she slapped the back of my head I knew she was also pissed at me…Great!


“You idiot, out of all the people in our family you had to go and screw up! I understand Luke, but you?! How could you do that to her?!”

“I got the lecture already, I know.”

“And serves you right! She’s your wife for crying out loud and she’s pregnant!”

“I know alright! God, I get it, I messed up.”

“The hell you did and to think she just met you and took you in as a husband, she trusted you.”

“Mom I KNOW!”

“Where is she?”


“Have either of you eaten?”

“I’m not hungry and I’m pretty sure Cecilia fed Emma already.”

“Good, I’ll make you something then.”


After my bath I quickly changed into warm clothes, blew my hair out and dabbed some make up on. I quietly opened the door and stepped out to hear him and his mother in the kitchen talking, but instead of saying hello to her, I skedaddled out of the house as quickly as possible with keys in hand.

As soon as I got near the car I felt him run out, growling, but I got myself in and sped off before he had a chance to catch me.

I needed to get out there at least for a little while. I also knew I needed to get a check up to see how the baby was doing even if I didn’t care for it. I couldn’t bring myself to be that cruel about it.

I was making my way into the office when I spotted some old friends


I only smiled and waved, making my way in. As soon as I got in though Chelly, the pack doctor’s youngest daughter and also the town’s slut, screamed.


She was about to hug me when I backed away, I know it was mean, but come on I’m pregnant and well she’s been around; Xavier probably had his way with her also.

“What’s wrong?”

“I came to see your dad, can I he see me?”

She nodded and grabbed the phone, letting him know I was here as she looked me up and down with a frown on her face.

“Daddy, Emma is here, she wants to see you… Yeah I know she just showed up, but…”

He then came right out and looked at me noticing right away what was wrong.

“Come on in.”

“Thank you.”

I went right into his office and took off my coat. I knew noticed I was pregnant, but kept his eyes on mine.

“When did you get back?”

“Yesterday, I wanted to come by and apologize to you in person for getting you and everyone in your family for caring so much about me.”

“We were worried with you just being back and all…”

“I know, it’s not something I’m proud of, but I just couldn’t stay and needed to get away before things got worse, but it didn’t go as planned.”

“Well it’s understandable, you came back home after four years, you found you mate, you got married and now it looks like you’re pregnant?”

I nodded

And I’m guessing Xavier doesn’t know?”

“No, he knows I just don’t really care for what he has to say about it at this moment.”

I could see the surprise flash across his face the minute I told him how I felt, but he quickly recovered and nodded like I said nothing at all.

“Well let’s get you looked at shall we?”

He pointed to the table and I made my way onto it. Soon after his daughter came in with the ultrasound machine.

“So how long are you?”

“Almost five I think.”

“Wow, so right when you mated ha?”

I nodded feeling uncomfortable as she stood there as her dad checked me out.

“So you and Xavier back together?”

“Does it matter?”


“Chelly leave, I can handle this.”

She looked at me for a second and then walked away.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

I left out a deep breath and closed my eyes answering as I began answering any question he had regarding my diet and exercise routines.

“Have you been taking prenatal vitamins?”

I nodded, taking them out of my purse and handing them over to him. After a good look at them, he handed them back and went on to write something on my chart.

“Good, that’s good. I’m going to have Chelly take some blood samples for some tests but first let’s hear the heartbeat shall we?”

He must have noticed my blank reaction because he quickly averted his eyes to what he was supposed to do.

“Do you wanna see?”

I turned my head and saw it on the monitor, but didn’t say anything or reacted for that matter. I was so numb from everything that this was the last thing I really wanted to be doing right now.

“Is is healthy?”

“Yes, very much so.”

It seemed he was happy with my question because he was excited to share everything with me.

“Would you like to know what it is?”

“It not too early?”

“We’re werewolves; we develop a little bit faster than most and stronger of course.”

I let out a breath and looked back at the monitor.

“So would you like to know?”

I shook my head, it was better this way I thought. This way I kept myself as distant as possible until I knew who’s baby it was.

“No, I’m okay I’ll let it be a surprise.”

He smiled and let me sit up after. Once the blood work was over with, I spent most of my day outside of the pack grounds trying to get my head wrapped around the fact that I was having a baby and possibly Luke’s.


“Son where are you going?!”

“I have to see her, make sure she’s okay! I can’t just sit here and wait until Zander or her sister let me know, I need to be near her.”

“Antonio you can’t just go into someone’s territory unannounced, they’ll kill you.”


I growled at him and then turned back around finishing my packing. I needed to see her, make sure she was okay, healthy and that nothing has happened to her.

“I have to see her.”

“I understand, but you have to do things right. I have some friends that can help, give me two days.”

“I don’t have two days! Don’t you get it? I love her! If I don’t go to her now god knows what they’ll do to her and the baby.”

“They won’t hurt her I promise now please calm down and let me handle this for you.”

“No! I can’t! She needs me, I can feel it!”

I sat on my bed frustrated that I didn’t stop them from taking her, but the law was the law and I couldn’t break it.

“It’s like I can sense her feeling and all I want to do is be with her to hold her and protect her.”

“I know what you want and I’m going to help you I just need you to be patient.”

I let out a breath and looked up at him.

“Two days that’s it.”

“I’ll let you know.

I nodded and went for a run; I knew it was going to be two very long days.”


I groaned when I saw her name pop up on my phone.


“Hey gorgeous just calling to let you know your wife was just here.”

“For what?”

“Check up.”


“Everything is fine, but she’s under weight.”

I sat on our bed and ran my hand through my hair.

“I know and the baby?”

“Dad said it was healthy.”

I smiled, that was good, really good news.

“Would you like to know what it is?”

“You know?”

“Yeah, I even have pictures for you if you’d like them. She didn’t want them, but I thought you would.”

My heart dropped, she didn’t want the pictures, but why? Unless she didn’t want the baby, but Emma loves kids and this is ours.

“Did she find out what it was?”

“No, she didn’t want to know. In fact she really wasn’t very enthusiastic about it, kinda just laid there and nodded as dad showed her and even then she hardly even looked, well form what dad told me because I had to leave the room and all…”

God she was starting to ramble again and I had better things to do then to hear her.

“When can I pick them up?”

“I have lunch in about twenty minutes I’ll meet you at our usual place.”


“I know… I know.”

“See you there.”

I hung up and let out a breath, shaking my head. What…

“Everything alright Mr.DeSantos?”

I looked up to see our new maid standing by the bedroom door in her nothing there maids’ uniform.

“I’m going out if my wife comes home please let her know I’ll be right back.”

“Of course Sir.”

I grabbed my leather jacket from the bed and made my way out. It took me longer than expected to get out of town and into the city where she was pacing back and forth around the alley.


She stopped and turned, smiling up at me.

“You are late mister.”


“Well can I at least get a kiss first?”

She stepped up and pressed her chest firmly against me making me want to gag a little. Ever since Emma came back I haven’t really had the craving to be with anyone else.

“Come on she’s nowhere near here, so come on, just one kiss.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m not going to do that to her, at least not again.”

“It’s not like she wants the baby anyway.”

She backed away and leaned against the wall.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Come on, like you haven’t seen it. It’s like written all over her face so I really don’t really know why you’re so happy about it.”

“Because that’s my son and my wife you’re talking about.”

“Daughter, you mean?”

She then pulled out the pictures from her bra cup as I snatched them out of her hand.

“Well that was rude.”

“A girl?”


I went through them and smiled, I was going to have a little girl!

“See there’s the head and fingers, that’s her heart, strong too.”

I chuckled and without warning, high-tailed it out of there.

“You welcome!”

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