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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 17

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“How far along?”

“Three to be exact.”

I felt the knot in my throat and nodded, forcing a smile on my face.

“I’ll prescribe you some prenatal vitamins and I’ll see you in a month alright?”

I nodded and took his prescription.

“Thank you.”

I walked out of the office and into the cool air.

“Everything okay?”

I nodded.

“You didn’t have to come with me, I would have been alright.”

Emiliano and I were starting to become friends within a couple of days working together, he confessed to me that he too was a werewolf and Uncle was the Alpha of his pack. Then he smelled the addition that was coming.

“So how long?”

“Three months.”

“Are you going to tell the dad?”

I shook my head, wrapping myself in my jacket; it was really starting to get cold.

“Look I know you never want to talk about…”

“Then don’t talk about it.”


God he was never going to let this go.

“I was raped alright?!”

Suddenly his eyes went wide and I just shook my head as tears started streaming down my face.

“He raped me when I was fifteen, when we were on a school trip and I hadn’t seen him in years until three months ago when he turned out to be my sister’s mate and husband to be.”

I heard him breathe in and I looked at him.

“He raped me twice before he married her that weekend.”

“But you told your sister right?”

I nodded

“She married him anyway and the ironic part about all of this is that I turned twenty one that weekend and found my mate who was his brother and my teacher of my old school.”

“Shit Emmie, did he know?”

“Yeah, but I made him promise not to do anything. I thought he really loved me you know and I even married him and mated with him despite that I was scared shitless, but he was just so sweet and charming, I fell for it.”

“You trusted him.”

“Yeah, but then all hell broke loose. He heard me speaking to my sister about what she was planning on doing to make her mate pay for what he had done to me that he misunderstood what I was saying and took it as I didn’t care for him, but it wasn’t like that. I was just trying to get her to forget about everything and be happy. That’s all I ever wanted and that’s why I never told anyone what happened on that trip until now. She’s always been there for me and putting herself second to make me happy and I just couldn’t let her do it again, but Xavier just couldn’t let me explain and left.”

“Coward, did he reject you?”

I took a deep breath and shook my head.

“Might as well because even then Luke got to me again that afternoon and he never came to my rescue. He just left me and now I don’t know who the baby’s father is.”

“Are you going to keep it?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re running out of time.”

“I know, but I don’t know what to do.”

“You have to tell him and your sister.”

“No, I don’t want to go back. I never want to see them again. I’d rather have them think I’m dead then ever go back.”

“You’re mated and married; he’s going to know you’re still alive.”

“Then let him, but I’m never going back, I can’t and I won’t.”

Then the pain of his nightly escapades came crashing into me like a ton of bricks.



After I saw him lying on the floor cringing in pain I told his secretary to let him be and left. Serves you right, you bastard.

I went back to the pack house desperately needing a shower after that long flight over, but was greeted with my ex sitting on my parent’s couch with a whiskey in her hand.

“Hello love.”

“What are you doing here?”

I slammed the door and dropped my things on the table.

“Oh you know me just stopping by to say a quick hello.”

I really needed to talk to my parents about her and how did she know I was going to be here?

“You need to leave.”

I went to my room and started undressing, I really needed to run.

“Oh come on, don’t you miss me baby?”

“Aren’t you married?”

“Oh darling you know me, I can’t stay with someone for very long.”

I smirked, how could I forget? I was with her since college and planned on marrying her until I found out she was cheating on me with three different guys form three different countries. Don’t ask I don’t even know how she managed it.

“Well I’m not interested.”

I came out of my closet to find her sitting on my bed, cross legged with her tight red dress next to her leaving her in nothing but a pair of red underwear.

“Really not interested at all?”

“You need to leave.”

I scanned her body…Damn I was horny, but Emma. No I couldn’t keep doing this to her. I know I’ve been doing wrong, but just the thought of the nightmares coming back had me looking for someone every night.

“Come on baby, I need you. You’re the only one who’s ever made me feel like a woman, a real woman.”

She dipped her finger into her whiskey glass and trailed it down the front of her body making me groan and run my hands through my hair just too keep myself from jumping her.

“God stop it, I can’t!”

She then got up and came over to where I was, running her hand down my bare chest.

“Who is she?”

I looked away and sat down on the bed.

“Someone who doesn’t deserve me doing this to.”

“You love her?”

“I made her my wife.”

She laughed, but I showed her my ring and that shut her up real quick.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“So where is she?”

“I don’t know.”

“She left you didn’t she?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Oh come on, admit it, she left you.”

Suddenly my wolf became angry and I grabbed her pinning her down on the bed under me.

“No she didn’t! I did! I left her because I was stupid enough to think she loved me!”

“I love you.”

Next thing I knew she was screaming my name as I pounded into her until I realized what I was doing. This time the guilt was greater than I ever expected because I was causing Emma the pain that Victoria once caused me.

“Xavier don’t stop.”

“Get out.”

I pulled away and started dragging her out the door before I changed my mind and anyone came home and saw her.


I threw her clothes at her and closed the door behind me.

“Xavier you can’t do this to me… I love you!”

I ignored her pleas and took a shower hating myself for what I had done.


I groaned and rolled over to find myself in some one’s room. I quickly got up and thank the lord I was still dressed.

“Don’t be alarmed…”

I snapped my head towards the door and couldn’t help but bite my lip to keep me from moaning. My lord he was gorgeous! He was tall, really tall. He had dark wavy brown hair that went past his ears, easy to run your hands through. He had light brown eyes; perfect plump lips which just so happens he is licking at the very moment.

He smiles and I had to turn away, closing my legs and eyes just to keep myself from visualizing what I wanted to do to him.

It’s been torturous being pregnant and having no one to satisfy the need to be with someone.

He was perfect with perfect tan skin, broad shoulders, muscle everywhere and I could literally feel his heat radiating from his body.

 “You feel better?”

I nod, but then…oh god. I quickly covered my mouth and started searching for a bathroom, only to be picked up and taken into one, letting everything out.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry.”

“No…Don’t be, it’s only natural.”

He then brought me into his arms and handed me a glass of water.

“Here, drink.”

I took it and sipped feeling it go straight to the bottom of my stomach and that just ended me over the toilet once again. This baby was not happy at all today.

“Probably wants something else.”

I gasped and looked at him.

“Did you just…”

“I did.”

He smiled unwrapping a lolly pop and handing it to me.

“It’ll settle your stomach.”

I wiped my mouth and took it, popping it into my mouth.

“Are you Emiliano’s Alpha?”

He smiled again and brushed my hair away from my face, caressing circles again my cheek.

“You can say that.”

Then his hand went towards my mark and I had to pull away.

“I should go.”

“You can’t go…”

My heart dropped 

“At least not until you have something to eat first.”

“I’m okay…”

I pop the lolly pop out of my mouth and tried to locate my purse.

“I really not hungry and even if I did eat who know if I’ll be able to keep it down for very long.”

“You can’t starve it away you know?”

“Starve what away?”

He looked down at my stomach and I had to look away, stepping back.

“I have to go.”

I turned towards the door, but was stopped by his arm wrapping around my waist and bringing my back against his chest.

“I can’t let you go.”

My heart started racing and the fear of what he might do was beginning to take over me because I could feel him pressed firmly against me.


“I’m not going to hurt you.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head.


I started to cry when he let go.

“I’m sorry, I…I…I didn’t mean to scare you. God I don’t even know why…”

I didn’t allow him to finish and ran out the door before he had a chance to grab me again.


I stopped and turned when I smelt his scent from what seemed like the living room.

“Emmie, you alright?”

I shook my head and ran to him where I dug my face into his chest.

“Shhh… its okay, what happened?”

“I scared her.

I gasped from the way my body responded to him, but Emiliano took as I was scared.

“What the HELL did you do to her?!”

“NOTHING and don’t YELL at ME!”

I pushed Emiliano back and looked up at him.

“Please take me home, please?”

“Of course.”

He pulled me in closer and went around his alpha to the front door and took me home.

“What did he do?”

“Why was I there?”

“You passed out on me and he just so happened to be walking by and insisted on taking you home so you could get checked out. I couldn’t refuse, he’s my…”

“I know.”

I wiped my tears and hugged my knees as close as I could to my chest.

“Did he hurt you?”

I shook my head and started crying.


He was about to touch me, but I whimpered away.

“Did he touch you in any way?”

“Not like that, but I thought he was going to because he wouldn’t let me go.”

“I’m sorry Emmie, but I didn’t think you would want me to tell him about you or I would have and then maybe he would have been more careful on how he approached you.”

I nodded and went back to looking out the window.


My heart was pounding against my chest and I was ready to run after her after I saw the way she was crying against the car window.

‘You were too forward with her, she’s not like the others you’ve come across, and she’s mated and pregnant.’

‘But she’s different. Her mate isn’t with her and it’s obvious she doesn’t want the pup.’

‘She’s in love with her mate, not you.’

I growled and went back inside to my office to look her up in our database. All wolves were to be registered when born and tracked. We had over two million wolves around the world.

‘What are you looking for?’

‘Her mate.’

U typed in the name Emiliano gave me and there were over two thousand with her name, so we narrowed it down to a hundreds and twelve with her description and none looked like her.

‘You think she might be a rogue?”

“She can’t be she goes to Emiliano’s school.’

I then quickly picked up the phone and called him, he has some investigation to do.


“Where is she from?”


“What part?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?!”

“Alpha, its best if you just didn’t pursue this, she’s not like the others.”

“How so? Explain.”

“She’s been hurt, really bad.”

My wolf froze making me sit up straight.

“How so?”

“I can’t tell you, it’s not…”

“Tell ME!”

I knew having him submit was not very nice of me, but it was the only way to get what I wanted from him without hurting him physically or go running over to where she lived and beat the door down demanding her to tell me who and where she was from.


I growled, nut just out of anger, but from being so damn STUPID. It explained everything!


“I won’t hurt her.”

“I know, but she doesn’t. I understand where you’re coming from, but she’s been through enough and with her not knowing if it’s her husband’s child or her brother in laws…”

“Wait hold up, what?”

“Damn… me and my big mouth.”

“What’s her real name?”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s not in the data base.”

“Then I don’t know.”

“Get it for me.”

I hung up before I asked to bring her to me so I could do it myself, but I couldn’t do that. She was special, she needed to be handles a certain way.

‘You’re going to have to kill her mate to keep her.’

‘I know, but first I have to make her fall in love with me.’


Another month passed and it was too late to get rid of it, I had to keep it now. It was Graduation and I was ready. I had a new job with the company that I interned all summer for and now it was paying off. I was starting to show and everyone was really happy for me after they found out at work. They knew my story and understood why I didn’t want to talk about it or even be happy about it, so they said nothing.

Emiliano was trying to get info from me since we left the pack grounds, but knew better than to tell him anything. I knew his Alpha was looking into who I really was and well I really didn’t think he needed to know. If he knew I was already a Luna, he’d want to make me one and I couldn’t. Although I wasn’t with my family, I could never betray them like that especially because it was dad’s wish.

“Hey, ready?”

I looked over at Emiliano and smiled.


There were hundreds of family and friends gathered around the auditorium to see their kid or friend graduate. Flashes were going off; students were waving at their perspective family members. Mothers gathered around crying and pointing not believing that that’s their child in a red cap and gown ready to take the world and makes something of themselves and here I was pregnant, alone and hungry.

The ceremony was long and tedious and for some reason I could feel eyes directed at me from the back of my head. I looked at Emiliano and he smiled, squeezing my hand

“Just don’t fall, wouldn’t be good.”

“And why not?”

He knew I hated when he tried to protect me and not just because of me, but because of this stupid baby. I had to admit, I hated it. I didn’t want it and I regret ever letting him convince me in keeping it. 

I love children don’t get me wrong, but just the thought of having something that would connect my to Luke or even him was just unbearable.

“You know why so stop.”

I rolled my eyes and our names were called. I hated this part and I wasn’t looking forward to a silent crowed as I made my way up the podium.

“Emilia Rosa De Lo Santos!”

I was only expecting Emiliano to cheer, but there a lot more than I expected. I turned my head just in time to lock eyes with Antonio, but that wasn’t all. Sissy and Zander were right there next to him. I quickly turned around and took my diploma, running down to my seat. Once Emiliano came down to take his seat next to me, I hit him with my diploma.

“Hey! What was that for?”

“What did you do? Why is my sister and best friend doing here?”

“You’re family?”

He looked up and growled then smiled.

“Is that your sister?”

I hit him again.”


“Who’s the guy?”

“Zander… my best friend.”

“Same guy who writes to you all the time?”

I nod and take a deep breath.

“I can’t believe they’re here.”

I looked back up and Sissy smiles, mouthing to me that she loves me, but I look back down ignoring them for the rest of the ceremony. It wasn’t until I told Emiliano that I needed to pee that I made my escape.

“Really, that’s the best you can do?”

I stopped just a foot from the back door and let out a breath just as his arms came around me. I was hoping he would give me a hug around the shoulders, but he went around my waist noticing the lump I had forming.


I shook my head and pushed away from him.

“What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here.”

“Why not? I thought…”

“Well you thought wrong! You and I, we’re no longer friends.”

I heard him growl then take my hand, pulling me into an empty room.

“Is that what you want?!”

“It’s what’s best.”

“Why, because you suddenly know what’s best for me?! Emma you’re my best friend! We grew up together, we… we were each other’s…”

“Shut up! You and I were just friends, remember?!”

“That’s because of...”

“I know why! He’s the reason for everything and I’m sick of it!”

I sat on the couch that was located behind me and buried my face into my hands.

“I can’t it anymore. I’m tired of always feeling like I can’t get away. Every time I leave the house I feel like that’s it, they’re just going to show up and take me back and I can’t, I just can’t go back.”

“I’m not asking you to go back. I just wanted to be here for you on your day because I knew you’d be alone.”

“Regardless, I’m always along anyway.”


He knelt down in front of me, wrapping his hands around my jaw line and lifted my head to look at him.

“But you’re not because I’m always going to be there for you no matter what.”

“They’ll hurt you if they find out what you and Sissy have done.”

He smiled then and leaned against my forehead.

“You’re worth it, you know that I love you baby girl.”

Then we heard a low growl and we both looked up towards the door to find Antonio.

“Get your hands off of her!”

We both stood up, Zander placing himself in front of me while Antonio stepped forward, but I came in between them.

“Leave him alone.”

“Is this your mate?”

Zander then pushed me behind him and stood just as tall as Antonio.

“I’m her best friend and who are you?”

“Alpha and father of her child.”

I gasped and looked up at Zander, shaking my head.

“It’s not true.”

“But you are aren’t you?”

I looked down and nodded feeling the tears pouring out.


I was then taken into some ones arms, but they weren’t Zander’s, but Antonio’s.

“Don’t cry I hate when you cry.”

“Emma, how far along are you?”


I looked up at Antonio and nodded.

“Her real name is Emma Alpha.”

Sissy came into the room then came over to me as I pulled away from Antonio and hugged her.

“Oh baby girl…”

“Who are you?”

Sissy laughed and turned, looking up at Antonio.

“Cecilia Mendoza DeSantos, her sister.”

“As in…”

He looked at me and I turned to Zander who was standing patiently behind us.

“Yes she’s Emma Rosa Mendoza.”

I smiled at Zander and went into his arms as he kissed my forehead.

“Missed you.”

“Me too.”


I slowly turned my head and looked up at Antonio to see his face has softened.


He held out his hand, but Zander wouldn’t let me go and I was happy he didn’t. When Antonio noticed I wasn’t going to move, he came up to me and took my hand.

“You are Luna.”


“And there are no brother’s in your family?”

I shook my head and looked at Sissy who had a smile plastered on her face.

‘Don’t you even go there.’

She giggled and stepped forward.

“No, it’s just Emma and I, but I’m taking over Daddy’s pack since Emma isn’t really in the position to do so at the moment.”

“Wait, what about…”

She shook her head at me, smiling.

“You’ve got to be kidding me if you think I’m going to let Xavier take over, I don’t think so.”

“What do you mean by Xavier?”

 She looked at Antonio and then back at me.

“Dad was going to ask him to take over as he is still your husband and I couldn’t let that happened.”

“But your life is in New York!”

“No, my life has always been in California. I just went to New York to get away…”

“From me, I know.”

I had to sit down

“It’s not like it was easy. You know that you and I just haven’t been the same since what happened.”

I nodded

“You’re my little sister and I love you, but it was hard to see what you were doing to yourself and well I ran away in some ways and I’m sorry.”

I shrugged and let out a breath.

“How about we all take this back to the pack house? I’m having everyone over to celebrate Emilia… I mean Emma and Emiliano’s graduation.”

“Please don’t tell anyone my real name if word gets out, they’ll find me.”

“Let them, especially that mate of yours.”

I looked down at my belly then up at Zander who gave me a reassuring smile.

‘I miss him.’

I sighed looking back down as a tear fell down the side of my face.

‘It just isn’t fair.’

I knew Zander could sense my emotions better than anyone could and sat down next to me, bringing me into his arms.

“It’s going to be okay.”

I shook my head and started crying. 

“Give her to me.”

As soon as his sent hit my nose my wolf calmed down and my hormones decided to come full force. He pulled me onto his lap and tilted my head up to him.

“I will take care of it Corazon, don’t you worry about that.”

His eyes darkened and then went back to normal letting me know there was a double meaning to his comment. 

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