When I Met You

Por RayniaJonson

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Loki meets you, a sweet girl named Gracie Andersen in New York while on the run and things don't go the way t... Más

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: The Other Half
Chapter 3: Cupcakes & Pins
Chapter 4: Movie Night
Chapter 6: Double Date
Chapter 7: Just Hanging Out
Chapter 8: Walk Of Shame
Chapter 9: Birthday Problems
Chapter 10: I Forgot
Chapter 11: Sick Party Bro
Chapter 12: Old Friends Meet New
Chapter 13: Christmas Eve
Chapter 14: Christmas Problems
Chapter 15: New Years
Chapter 16: Changes
Chapter 17: Stupid Sexy Jerk
Chapter 18: Training Trials
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Good Morning Avengers
Chapter 21: Best Day Ever!
Chapter 22: First Patrol
Chapter 23: Understudy
Chapter 24: Final Curtain
Chapter 25: Lost
Chapter 26: All Tied Up
Chapter 27: Madness
Chapter 28: Playing Along
Chapter 29: Snowstorm
Chapter 30: Reunited
Chapter 31: Discussions
Chapter 32: Old Forest
Chapter 33: Elves
Chapter 34: Thank You Gift
Chapter 35: Twin Moon Ball
Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen
Chapter 37: Vampire Saga - Home Base
Chapter 38: Vampire Saga - Unlikely Allies
Chapter 39: Vampire Saga - Blood Bag
Chapter 40: Vampire Saga - Vibranium
Chapter 41: Vampire Saga - Game Changer
Chapter 42: Vampire Saga - Crossing The Line
Chapter 43: Vampire Saga - Reinforcements
Chapter 44: Vampire Saga - New Challenge
Chapter 45: Vampire Saga - Last Stand
Chapter 46: When I See You Again
Chapter 47: Remember Me
Chapter 48: Old Enemies
Chapter 49: White Butterfly
Chapter 50: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 51: Loki Vs Wolverine
Chapter 52: To Save A Life
Chapter 53: Parker!!!
Chapter 54: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Chapter 55: Nightmares
Chapter 56: Meltdown
Chapter 57: Love Spell
Chapter 58: Fire Princess
Chapter 59: All Or Nothing
Chapter 60: I Do

Chapter 5: Another Asgardian

161 9 1
Por RayniaJonson

It was almost December now and you had been hanging out with Loki on and off since your birthday, he would usually just show up at your school on Fridays and walk you home and you'd hang out then. He did pop up on Halloween too which was fun, he was avoiding a loud party that Stark was throwing but you didn't mind, you ended up watching Scooby-doo on Zombie Island while you handed out candy. You dressed up as a medieval princess having Lily serve as your dragon, even making her a pair of little wings to wear with a horn headband. Loki liked your costume as it was pretty accurate for the medieval period, but you did model your dress after a medieval painting of a princess. Although you did go more simple for the headwear, opting for a crown of flowers rather than an actual gold crown or fancy headdress. 

Loki was currently at the craft store today, looking at all the little things, seeing if there was anything he'd thought you'd like, but unfortunately, his brother declared he'd come along. Thor wondered where his brother would disappear to on Fridays, as it became routine for him, leaving Avengers Tower at about noon and not returning until late in the evening. Although it wasn't Friday Thor insisted on accompanying his brother today, in hopes of finding out if he was up to something, as to the God of Thunder, Loki seemed a bit different lately. Even more peculiar, they were at a Midgardian crafting store of all places, with Loki insisting that they dress like mortals so they wouldn't get recognized easily, what was his brother up to? 

Thor wandered off to look around as he found all the human knick-knacks rather cute and interesting, but even more intriguing was the little mortal he noticed who had little Avengers decorations on her bag. He saw the Captain's shield, his hammer, the helmet of Ironman, the face of the Man of Spiders, the fists of Hulk in multiple colours and some others but what surprised him were the Loki ones. On closer inspection, she had three, his helmet, his sceptre, and his name with a heart, he thought it was so cute thinking his brother had a fan, not knowing you actually knew each other. He didn't waste any time coming over to talk to you, but you, having your headphones on and rocking out in your own little world were very much startled by the Thunder God. You leaped back in surprise, even letting out a little shriek as you weren't expecting anyone to bother you as everyone who worked here knew you liked to be left alone. You were just browsing for the most part but you did need to come up with something to make for Loki for his birthday and for Christmas as they were coming up. You technically already had several things in mind to buy but you wanted to make Loki something too, as you loved crafting, wanting to give him something meaningful for his birthday and Christmas. 

Thor apologized, but you shook your hands dismissively, telling him that it was okay, explaining you were just distracted and didn't expect anyone to talk to you, as you took off your headphones. You tried not to freak out as Thor towered over you, standing a little too close as he asked you about the decorations on your bag, specifically the Loki-themed ones. You told Thor excitedly that you made them, quickly opening your bag to give him one, as you always had a few Loki pins on you to give out, even though it was rare anybody would take one. He said it was cute and you helped him pin it to his sweatshirt, you then looked at him with a smile happy to meet another Avenger, especially one who was so close to Loki. Your smile disappeared, however, as Thor dragged you off happily by the arm, insisting you meet his brother, and you became quickly flustered by the sudden contact. 

You couldn't pull away as Thor was way too strong, and it started freaking you out, badly, so much so you thought you might start crying but you found that you were in too much shock to speak and ask him to let go. Thor quickly found his brother who was just a few aisles over, looking at some carving tools, as for the most part, they were the sharpest things in the whole store. Loki was rather annoyed as his brother was very excited for some reason, being loud and too cheerful as he made his way over, but the second he realized why his eyes went wide. Loki could tell you were freaking out from how Thor was holding your arm and he quickly pulled you away from him, putting your headphones on for you as you tried to calm down. You closed your eyes just breathing and holding your hands together as you slowly leaned up against Loki, placing your forehead up against his chest. Loki for his part completely ignored his brother and focused on you, making sure you were able to calm down before turning back to give Thor a death glare for upsetting you. 

You held on to Loki's arm, wrapping your entire forearm around it, still partly facing him and you averted your eyes as Thor and Loki began talking to one another. "You know this mortal brother?" Thor questioned, surprised by Loki's behaviour with you, as it seemed odd for him, being so protective of a human, or anyone for that matter. Loki let out a sigh, not wanting his secret "relationship" with you to be found out by his brother or anyone really, he wanted to keep you all to himself, far away from the Avengers. Loki explained that you were his friend Gracie, and at the mention of your name, you peered over at Thor giving him a little wave as you said hi, finding yourself able to calm down enough to engage in conversation again. You turned back letting go of Loki's arm before taking an awkward crab-like sidestep away from him as you introduced yourself properly to Thor, whispering to Loki, asking if you should curtsy. Thor heard you and let out a little laugh, before saying you didn't have to curtsy, and that any friend to Loki was his friend as well, giving you a big smile.  

As the conversation progressed you ended up inviting both Asgardians over for dinner that evening as your mother left this morning for another work trip and you'd have the place all to yourself. You also had a lot of leftovers from a gathering your mother had the day before, knowing they'd go to waste otherwise. Thor being someone who was always down for food, leftovers or otherwise jumped at the chance to come over, although Loki was more on the fence about it, but didn't say anything. Loki was worried if you got to know Thor, you'd like him more than him, but his worry was soon put to rest when his brother asked you who your favourite heroes were. "Well... Loki's #1, then Spiderman is second, and in third is A-Bomb" you answered bluntly, you said you liked most superheroes, but if you had to pick, they were your top 3.  

As you left the craft store it was extra loud outside, or at least a lot louder than when you arrived and instinctively you took hold of Loki's hand, as the slight pressure would comfort you. Thor noticed right away, giving his brother a suggestive smirk while crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at him, whispering "just a friend huh?" and Loki glared at him. While you heard what he said, you missed what he was implying and stated that Loki was not just a friend but your best friend, making them both turn to you in surprise. Loki thought MJ was your best friend, with the way you talked about her sometimes and he couldn't help but smile about it. While Thor, on the other hand, was happy for his brother but still surprised Loki had made a friend and that they in turn would consider him their best friend.  

With all the noise, even spotting some new construction nearby Loki decided just to teleport the three of them to your house, to your delight as you loved it when he teleported you places. You popped in on the main floor, between the living room and the library, smiling and even letting out a little giggle saying "that's never-not fun", referring to poofing from one spot to another. Thor complements your dwelling, and you thank him before giving him a similar explanation of where everything was like when you brought Loki over for the first time. Ever since Loki came over on your birthday you had broken your mother's rules and had him over all the time, thinking it was so rebellious having a "boy" over, or in this case a man. You felt so naughty, like a regular teenager who got into trouble and the feeling was amazing, who knew breaking the rules could be so much fun? 

You asked if you could take their coats to hang up and put away and if they were thirsty or anything trying to be a good host, but they declined both offers for the moment. They both hung up their coats themselves, on the coat rack by the front door, and you stood there a little stiffly as part of you really wanted to take their coats to hang them up. You were about to run downstairs to the kitchen to make dinner with the leftovers before deciding to escort Thor and Loki upstairs to your space on the top floor. You arrived shortly and Loki suggested you go get Lily, to show Thor as he loved pets, and you nod your head before going into the other room to get her. "Does she have a cat or something brother?" Thor asks and in response, Loki just says "or something," before smirking in his brother's direction. 

You walk in, happy to see that Lily was awake and therefore would be down for hanging out with others but before you took her out to meet Thor you let her know what was happening. "Hi Lily, I brought Loki home with me again today, and his big brother Thor came too... I'm a little nervous actually, he's very loud but seems nice so hopefully, everything will go fine and I won't freak out too much," you say to Lily like you were having a legit conversation with your snake. You then went to pick her up but she just got up by herself and headed for the door, sitting there as if she was waiting for you to come over and open it for her. You smile, happy Lily had your back before grabbing her portable heat lamp and heading over to the door back to your guests. 

You open the door popping your head out saying, "okay guys say hi to my sweet baby Lily," you then opened the door fully, stepping to the side as Lily slithered her way across the floor. Thor got so excited and came over instantly which freaked both you and Lily out a bit as she wrapped herself around your legs really tight causing you to fall over but luckily Thor caught you. Well, more so you caught yourself by holding out your arms and placing your hands against Thor's torso so that you wouldn't completely topple over possibly hurting Lily. Touching someone else so suddenly freaked you out a little and you quickly pull back, swiftly saying "I'm sorry", but you start to fall again, seeing that Lily was still twisted around your legs. Thor instinctively held out his arm, catching you but with his hand now on your back, you found yourself still freaking out a little, you start to blush and stutter from the contact. You weren't the only one upset by the sudden contact as Loki had a real hard time hiding the fact that he didn't like his brother or the thought of anyone else touching you. Neither you nor Thor was looking his way so luckily, Loki managed to hide how he was feeling before any of you saw his jealous expression. 

Thor helped you straighten up before turning his attention to Lily, saying how beautiful she was as he promptly uncoiled her from your legs and picked her up walking over to sit with her on the couch. You, still processing what just happened simply walked over to the side of the couch, plugging in the heat lamp, setting it down on the armrest and switching it on. You then go over to Loki telling him you were going to make dinner now, saying they could watch something if they wanted before you headed for the stairs. You then turned back, seemingly snapping out of it asking if they wanted drinks now or if they were still good and Loki spoke up saying he would like some tea if you didn't mind. You then turned to Thor, making eye contact for a second before looking away asking what he wanted to drink and the Thunder God didn't really care, so you suggested soda and he said that was fine. You then walked down the stairs to figure out what you were going to make with the leftovers, leaving the two Asgardians alone upstairs with Lily.  

You put the kettle on and pulled out your soda machine, making Thor the soda you always had, sparkling Lemonade, using lemon juice and a low-calorie sweetener to make the drink. You came back up the stairs with the tray telling them you were going to make fried rice with the leftovers, as you had a lot of rice, chicken, and veggies left it would be an easy option. "I love fried rice, it's relatively easy to make and its super filling, and with the amount of leftovers I have there should be enough but if not I can pop in a box or two of taquitos in the oven," you said, before asking if that worked for them. Loki nodded his head and Thor who hadn't had fried rice before was super excited to try it, and you smiled handing Thor a bottle of Lemonade soda and you then put the tray with tea down next to Loki. You pulled out a TV tray so they could put their drinks down on it, asking them if they picked out a movie but they weren't sure so you suggested "Kubo And The Two Strings". It came out not too long ago and you really liked it, the story was good, there was action and drama, it had the occasional joke, and it made you cry in the best possible way.  

You started the movie for them before heading off to make food, really happy to be cooking for more than just yourself. You did love being alone, just left to sit and write, draw, sing, sew, or craft little things but you yearn to be a part of something, to be accepted, as you always felt like an outsider. Loki didn't make you feel that way though, it's like he understood, and you couldn't really express exactly how he made you feel with words, the closest thing you could come up with is safe. He made you feel secure, calm, warm and fuzzy, you loved being around him, and thinking about him always cheered you up when you were sad. You couldn't help but smile anytime he was smiling, or when he looked at you, waiting patiently for you to finish talking, listening to every word as if what you said was important. You continued to think about him happily as you hummed to yourself listening to the song "Heat Waves" by Glass Animals on repeat while you made dinner. 

"What do you want Thor?" Loki asked his brother somewhat annoyed as he could feel Thor's eyes on him while trying to watch the movie you picked out for them. "So what form did your clue take to lead you to her?" Thor asked, and Loki glared at him, knowing full-well the God of Mischief thought the whole "soulmate clue" was ridiculous. "Enough with the nonsense Thor, it's not like that at all, she's just a friend," Loki stated, rolling his eyes and turning away letting out a huff. "I see the way you look at her brother, she is clearly more than just a friend to you," Thor said and Loki looked back at him before turning away, pausing the movie, leaving the room. He headed down to the kitchen to see if you needed any help with dinner but more so to get away from his brother. Thor, however, was practically right behind him, only taking a few moments to set Lily aside before following Loki down the stairs. 

Loki stopped at the bottom of the stairs on the second floor, turning back to his brother, "you better not say a damn word about butterflies or soulmates or I swear brother you will regret it". "Oh, come on brother, you like her, what could it hurt to ask?" Thor said cheerfully, but Loki got right in his face, making him swear not to say anything before going down to the kitchen to see you. As it happens, when Asgardians turned a certain age they received a clue to find their soulmates, Thor's clue led him to a woman named Jane Foster, but Loki hadn't found his soulmate yet. Loki's clue was a glowing little white butterfly, and he knew his brother would try and "help" by subtly bringing up the subject, seeing as he seemed convinced that you were "the one". The Asgardians walk into the kitchen to see you over by the stove with your headphones on, humming, singing, grooving to your music, they thought your voice was lovely and your dancing adorable. 

The fried rice was nearly done, and you were about to grab some plates from the china cabinet where they were kept when you caught sight of Thor and Loki and quickly ducked out of view. You let out a squeak as you tried to hide, embarrassed they saw and heard you rocking out to a song, and you wondered how long they were standing there. You pull off your headphones and peak out from your hiding spot asking "how long have you guys been there for?" as you blush from ear to ear. You then remembered you were cooking and quickly headed back over to the stove, making sure nothing burns but seeing as you only stepped away for less than a minute, everything was fine. You stir it one final time before turning off the heat and taking the giant wok off the stovetop to serve the food to your guests. 

You had a hard time picking up the wok as it was so much heavier with all the food in it, and Thor ended up taking it for you, and you give him a smile, thanking him for his help. You then rush over to grab the plates and utensils asking the Asgardians if they wanted to eat in the dining room or upstairs so they could watch the movie while eating. You didn't really care either way but the Asgardians decided to eat in the dining room as it was proper, and they didn't want the chance to spill on your couch. So you went off to set the table quickly before sitting down and digging in, with Thor very much liking what you made, having seconds, then thirds, and even fourths and soon the food was all gone. You heard from Loki that his brother could eat a lot but still, it was crazy just how much the God of Thunder could consume. 

You offered to heat up some taquitos for them if they were still hungry, or you could head down to the freezer to bring up some ice cream instead, to enjoy while watching the movie. Thor, being a big fan of ice cream opted for that choice, wanting to go with you to grab it but Loki was already up and on his feet, practically dragging you off to go get it. You didn't even get to ask Thor what kind he wanted before Loki took your hand, heading over to go down the stairs, not wanting you to spend any time alone with his brother. Loki stopped once you got to the bottom of the stairs, and you looked at his face trying to figure out what he was thinking/feeling, you thought he looked a little upset so you asked if he was alright. Loki said he was fine and you replied with, "well your face doesn't look alright... I mean you look upset, your face is fine, you look super handsome as always but if something's wrong I want to help if I can". Loki said he really was fine, letting out a breathy laugh from your comment, so you dropped it, asking Loki if he wanted mint chocolate chip or a different flavour this time. You grab a pint of Moonmist for yourself, a pint of Rocky Road for Thor, and Mint Chocolate chip for Loki, before quickly heading back upstairs. 

You were excited about hanging out with Loki and Thor, they had a good banter-thing going but because of what the God of Thunder did at the Craft Store you were also a little nervous. You asked on the way if Loki was sure Thor would like this flavour, but he assured you that his brother loved all the flavours of ice cream, recalling how he and Hulk ended up eating everything in Avengers Tower, literally fighting over the last few things, "they were both being their usual loud and annoying oafish selves". You smile wide picturing it, "fighting over the last Pop-Tart perhaps?" you giggled, and Loki thought for a moment before saying, "I think it actually was, one of those "pop tart" things that they fought over last". You both laugh for a second before you got all freaked out at Thor haphazardly moving all of the plates and utensils into the kitchen and you rush over, trying to tell him as calmly as possible that he didn't have to do that, as you were more than capable of clearing the table. You were absolutely terrified he'd break the plates as your mother would kill you as she just bought them a few months ago, so they were still technically new in her eyes.  

With the plate situation dealt with, you all headed back upstairs to watch the movie, and you ended up cuddling with Loki while Thor cuddled with Lily, who seemed to have developed a little crush on the Thunder God as she was being extra affectionate with him. The movie was soon over and you asked them if they liked it and Loki said that he did but Thor thought the ending was a little sad, pouting about it for a moment which made you laugh. You quickly hopped up, as you began cleaning up everything, throwing out what needed to be thrown out while Thor and Loki offered to help but you told them no, as they were the guests and it was your job as the host to clean up. You went out of your way to make sure they understood that you appreciated their offer and that you weren't mad at their insistence on the matter, worried as you thought you sounded a bit angry. "Sorry if I sounded mad, I'm not mad, or annoyed, I'm just a little stressed out from everything that happened today," you went on over-explaining yourself.  

You then escorted the Asgardians back downstairs to the main level, to get their coats so they could leave, making sure to tell them you had fun today, very much enjoying their company. Loki thought you were going a little over the top, as you were being extra nice and polite, saying you didn't have to go out of your way to lie just to "protect" their feelings. "Oh no, it's not like that, I had a lot of fun spending time with you, with both of you, but I feel a little overwhelmed right now and for some reason, I need you to know that, I don't want you to think I'm being rude or don't like you if I don't say anything," you say nervously as you find yourself having a little trouble keeping still, no longer able to keep eye contact. Loki assures you that he didn't think you were being rude, leaning a little closer, gently petting you on the head, which you liked, and you smiled, before giving him a hug. You then walked over to Thor who had just put on his coat, holding out your arms slightly, offering him a hug goodbye, which he happily took, picking you up and squeezing you tight to Loki's annoyance. 

You liked being picked up, it was really exciting to you, as you always thought it would be nice to be carried but you never had been before, at least that you could remember and you couldn't help but let out a happy-giggly shriek. Thor then noticed the look on his brother's face, giving him a smirk as he thought of something that would both irritate Loki but also deep down would make him happy. As Thor puts you down he lets you know he's taking his girlfriend ice-skating next weekend and you tell him that sounded fun, asking if he picked a rink to take her to while suggesting a few to him. You didn't catch on to what he was implying but Loki did and before he could stop his big brother, the God of Thunder invited you to come with him so you and Loki could make it a double date.  

"Yeah, that sounds like fun," you say cheerfully, turning to Loki with a big smile, telling him you couldn't wait to go skating with him and the God of Mischief caved before he could even protest. He couldn't exactly say no when you looked so happy so he relented, turning to Thor, asking him for the details of this "double date" so you could put it in your cellular device so that you wouldn't forget. Thor happily gave you all the details, you had it marked down in your calendar, your hang-out would be Saturday at 1 O'clock, at the Wollman Rink in Central Park. 

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