
By alexlouisewrites

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Alexis Maxwell is a junior at San Diego state university. She is a dance major who doesn't have any family. A... More

| synopsis |
chapter one | coffee
chapter two | see you
chapter three | moving
chapter four | accident
chapter five | family
chapter six | engagement
chapter seven | entreprenuer
chapter eight | school
chapter nine | truth
chapter ten | flashback
chapter eleven | persuasion
chapter twelve | thanksgiving
chapter thirteen | listening
chapter forteen | forgot
chapter fifteen | girlfriend
chapter sixteen | ultrasound
chapter seventeen | home
chapter eighteen | flying
chapter nineteen | christmas
chapter twenty | shopping
chapter twenty-one | eating
chapter twenty three | love

chapter twenty two | new years eve

434 8 0
By alexlouisewrites


Today is New Year's Day which means that Andrew and I do not have too much going on.

We are going to go to a firework show with all of his family tonight, but until then there is not much to do during the day.

Andrew must have woken up before me because when I get up he is no longer in his room or his bathroom.

I check the time and see that it is ten-fifty-seven. I am seriously going to have a hard time getting up again when I have to go back to school.

I step into the shower and lean my head forward so that my hair doesn't get wet. After I finish washing my body I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I take a pump of my moisturizing lotion and rub it all over my face.

I step out of the bathroom to go and grab some clothes from my suitcase. I pull out some ripped black jeans and a pink cropped tank top covered with a black cardigan.

I walk back into the bathroom and close the door to get dressed. For makeup, I did some simple mascara and then walked out of the bathroom.

I see Andrew sitting on the bed and let out a startled scream. I didn't see him there until I was right in front of him.

"Hey, baby it's about time that you woke up." He teases me and I just roll my eyes at his antics. "Do you want to grab lunch before we hang out with my family?" He asks me and I just nod and then stop to look at him.

"Is your family not going to be at lunch?" I ask him, knowing that the last few days that we have been at his parents that usually everyone eats together.

"Nope. We are going out since someone needed my cuddles last night." Andrew says it is true though.

"Okay, where are we going?" I ask him and he shrugs while pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"Any requests?" He asks me and I think about it for a second before realizing that I don't know too many questions around here.

"You can decide. I still don't know too many questions that are around here." I tell him while I brush the knots out of my hair.

"Jo's diner is a cute place that isn't that far from here. Does that sound good to you?" He asks me and I slide on a pair of white high-top converse.

"Let's head out then." He tells and I smile when he wraps an arm around my waist as we walk down the stairs and head over to the garage.

He grabs his keys off of one of the hooks and opens my door for me before walking to the driver's side and getting in.

On the way there we talked about how we, unfortunately, had to head back to school in two days.

"At least this is your last semester. You only have one class anyway, I think that you will be able to manage." I tell him with a roll of my eyes.

Since he had taken a lot of classes his first two years in school he only has a few right now and only needs one more to graduate.

"Just think about it like this. By this time next year you are already going to be graduated and have your diploma." Andrew tells me and I realize that he is right.

"Well then, in that case, I can not wait for it to be this time next year," I tell him with a light chuckle. I love dancing and teaching dance with all my heart but it gets tiring all day every day.

"What? You are telling me that you don't want to have to be exhausted and have ten million assignments for the rest of your life?" Andrew sarcastically asks me and I just give him a look that says 'Really?'

I frown thinking about how I am going to have to start looking for apartments in a few months.

The past few years that I have been in college for I would go home to New York to be with my family for summer break and then a week or two before school started I would return to California for school.

I just do not think that I would be able to handle going back to New York for two months. That would not help my current mental health in a good way at all.

I have a ton of money from my dad that I am extremely grateful for. I'm going to have to use that for an apartment for now.

My parents were not in any way rich, they had enough money to easily live comfortably. I got all my dad's money, while my four step-brothers had to split all of my step-moms money.

I want to stay in the San Diego area as long as renting an apartment in the area isn't too expensive for me.

Noticing that I'm zoning out had made me not realize that we pulled up to the diner, when Andrew placed a hand on my shoulder I flinch away from being too startled.

"We should head inside." He tells me and we both step out of the car. He gives me a stern look making me giggle.

He doesn't like when I open my door before he has a chance to come over to my side and open it for me. "Hi, Welcome to Jo's diner. Table for two?" The hostess standing by the front of the restaurant asks the two of us.

"Yes, please. A booth if you have one." Andrew requests the hostess. I just realized that whenever we go out to eat that he always asks for a booth.

"Can I get you guys anything to drink?" The hostess asks us and I order a sweet tea while Andrew ordered a black coffee. "Those will be out in a minute. Your waitress will be with you in a minute." The hostess tells us and goes off to get us our drinks.

"So, what were you thinking about for so long in the car?" Andrew asks while we are both flipping through the menu.

"Not much, honestly. I was thinking about how within the next few months I have to find an apartment since I don't want to go back to New York for the summer." I explain to him and he nods.

"You know that-" Andrew starts to talk and I cut him off before he can even finish. "If you are about to say that I could stay with you for the summer you better rethink that." I sternly tell him causing him to let out a husky chuckle.

"I should have figured that you wouldn't have agreed to it anyway." He says it's a shrug. He really should not have though. He has met me? Right?

"When I am going if you want you can come with me for apartments though." I offer to him and he nods.

"Yeah, I guess I can. You may not know since you just started thinking about this, but are you going to keep it next school year instead of going back on campus to the dorms?" He asks me, making me think about an answer.

"I think so. Then I will probably stay thereafter, too. Then I can start personalizing it right away and won't have to move out only for about five months for a few classes." I explain to him with a shrug. I could but it would be kind of pointless.

"Are you guys ready to order?" A cute brunette waitress asks after placing our drinks down on the table in front of us.

"I'll have the steak quesadilla," Andrew tells the waitress and looks at me, probably wondering what I am going to order.

"Can I just get the avocado and mango salad wrap?" I ask the waitress who nods and writes it down on her writing pad. She walks off and we get right back into our very random conversations after that.

About twenty-five minutes later I see the same waitress walking back out holding our two plates and a cup.

"So, baby I wanted to ask you something but I don't want you to feel like you have to say yes, okay?" Andrew asks me, making me wonder what he could be talking about.

"Okay?" I ask him still very confused. "My brother is getting married next weekend and my family is asking that you come as my plus one for it. It's in the mountains of California so we would be driving there. Would you want to come?" Andrew asks me and I ponder on it for a minute before deciding my answer.


"Yes, I'll come," Alexis tells me, making me glad. For more reasons than one.

Now, my grandma and mom won't murder me for not bringing her with me. Also, I love spending time with her so this will be fun for us.

Our waitress comes over to our table and hands us both our plate of food.

"Thank you," Alexis says as she grabs the salad out of the waitress' hand. "Of course ma'am." The waitress says with a smile and then walks away.

"I'll let my family know. My mom and grandma especially will be happy." I tell Alexis with a chuckle and she smiles.


"So what exactly would be the plan for that day?" I ask Andrew, wanting to figure out the plan.

"We would probably leave Friday night as early as possible so that we can get there earlier, and then leave as late as possible on Sunday." He tells me.

That's good, then I wouldn't even have to miss any of my classes for it.

"That's great, that easy because I wouldn't even be missing any classes or anything," I say out loud, more to myself than Andrew though.

"Great, you get to deal with even more of my family," Andrew says sarcastically. "There's more of them!" I say, shocked. I think that my eyes are bulging out of my head right now. How can he possibly have more family than all of the people that I have already met?

I don't think that I remember everyone's names from thanksgiving. I have a decent-sized family but before I let Andrew and his family I don't think I realized that there was a family this big- especially with this many boys in it.

For real, like who gives birth to so many boys, where are the girls?

"Want to know what I just realized?" I question Andrew, who is still sitting across from me. "What did you just realize?" He questions me with a raised eyebrow.

"That you have no sisters, no girl cousins. Nothing. Don't you think that it's kind of suspicious?" I ask him a nod he just shakes his head and laughs.

"Luck of the draw, I guess." He says with a shrug. "Not Luck. When you and your brothers were teenagers, imagine the amount of testosterone in that house. Your poor mother was probably losing her mind." I say, thinking out loud.

"Wow, some girlfriend you are." He jokingly says with a chuckle, making me smile again. "Anyways, how is basketball going with games and everything?" I ask him, because of everything going on recently we have been talking about me a lot, and I don't want him to think I don't care about him.

"Good. Since we just won districts we have playoffs now. Next game we play against NYU and if we win we move on. I don't know who is next after that if we win because they haven't played yet." Andrew explains to me, leaving me probably more confused than when he strayed explaining it to him.

"It's okay if you don't understand it. I have been playing basketball for most of my life and that is the only reason that I completely understand. It takes a while of doing it to get used to it." Andrew explains to me, making me feel a lot dumber than him.

"Fair enough I guess. I've been dancing for literally all of my life and still don't one-hundred-percent get all of the scorings." I admit to him. I don't understand it, and I don't think that I ever will.

"One of my cousin's daughters is a cheerleader. Not just the ones that do football, but competition or whatever, anyways the scoring for that is so fucking confusing I have no idea how that works." Andrew says making me laugh. "Yeah, it's similar to dance," I tell him and he nods.

"Yeah, I kind of figured. Anyways want to pay and head back home?" He asks me and I nod, standing up. I stretch my arms out, having been sitting in the same spot for a while.


Sitting back against my headboard I start thinking. I don't have to worry about Alexis coming in here right now, or anyone else for that matter. The rest of my family are all downstairs doing only god knows that.

I love Alexis. I know that. I have known that, but I am just admitting it to myself right now. Alexis is the first girl that I have pictured myself spending the rest of my life with. Let me tell you, every time that I picture it, I want to spend my life with her more and more.

On my birthday I realized that I love her. After spending the entire day together we did end up having sex.

I realized that I loved her at the flower field. I want to tell her, and that is pretty much all that I have been thinking about recently, but the only thing is that I don't even know if she loves me back yet.

I planned on taking her to this lovely waterfall that is by my house and telling her, and I thought about how that if she didn't love me back that could be a problem, but I think I want to tell her anyway.

I quietly walk down the stairs, hoping tang Alexis was somewhere that she wouldn't have heard me walking down the stairs. I head down and see her and Lesley both asleep on one of the couches, facing the t.v that was still on.

I turned off the t.v and texted my brother to come to get Lesley so that she can head upstairs to his room.

I pick up Alexis' bridal style and I hear a groan, hoping that she doesn't wake up. She falls right back asleep and I carry her upstairs to my room.

I put her on my- well basically our at this point- bed. "Baby, I need you to get up. Put this on." I say, holding one of my bigger t-shirts. Usually, I would let her stay if she was already in this much of a deep sleep, but she is wearing jeans and I don't want her stomach to hurt her when she gets up because of the button.

"Mmm." She groans and I think that she is about to get up, but then she rolls over and closes her eyes again. She's passed out at this point.

I unbutton her jeans and slide them down her legs. I slide up a pair of boxers over the panties that she is already wearing and took off her top. I slid on an old t-shirt that I had to from high school over her.

This took longer than it should've because I was trying to be careful to not wake her up. I doubt it would have anyway.

I pull off my pants and shirt so that I am just wearing my boxers and slide into my bed under the comforter. I pull Alexis into my side and start to doze off.

Waking up I see that it is already light out, so it can't be that early. I let Alexis stay in bed, kissing her on the forehead. I then see her sweating a little bit and shaking in her sleep.

I shake her awake and she practically jumped into my arms.

I see the more prominent tears now running down her face, I don't show it but it's hard for me trying to comfort her because I have never had to go through something like this, nor has any of my family members.

"Why are you crying, sweetheart?" I ask her as I softly kiss her tears away. "My dad. I could have stopped him from driving but then he did anyway and now he died." She gets out.

She is now sobbing and hiccupping trying to breathe. I see her starting to scratch her throat and face and know that she is having trouble breathing, the earlier signs of having a panic attack.

I grab both of her hands with one hand and press my lips hard against hers so that she can't move. I would never kiss her like this when she can be taken advantage of. The only reason that I kissed her was so that she could stop breathing and then have a chance to regulate it.

I press her ear against my chest and I hear her breathing begin to even out. "Good job, baby. You did so well. Try to match your breathing to mine." I comfort her while still trying to get her to calm down completely.

"Good job. You did so well, I am so proud of you." I tell her, trying to get her to feel better after what just happened.

"Thank you." She murmurs to me. She falls back into a deep sleep, leaving me to think.

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