Sick Child - MarkoxOC

By Woolfhoundss

39.7K 1.1K 121

"Santa Carla has always been a weird place - one of those places where you always had to be on the lookout, k... More

Content Warnings, Playlists, and Author's Notes
Part 1: Hey Little Girl
Part 2: Don't You Want Me
Part 3: I think we're alone now
Part 4: Kids in America
Part 5: Volcano
Part 7: Someone Saved My Life Tonight
Part 8: Everything Zen
Part 9: I'll be your girl
Part 10: A little wicked
Part 11: This Way
Part 12: Try a little tenderness
Part 13: coming down
Part 14: turn me loose
Part 15: Closer
Part 16: Lovers in a dangerous time
Part 17: Hearts a mess
Part 18: Seven Devils
Part 19: to the moon and back
Part 20: dangerous type
Part 21: only by the night
Part 22: firecracker
Part 23: something blue
Part 24: my one and only thrill
Part 25: modern love
Part 26: immortals
Part 27: hold on
Part 28: crush
Part 29: alone, together
Part 30: everybody wants to rule the world
Part 31: lucky you
Part 32: landslide
Part 33: hands down
Part 34: electric feel
Part 35: delicate
Part 36: soft shock
Part 37: hunger
Part 38: cardigan
Part 39: blue monday
Part 40: medicine
Part 41: how to make love stay
Part 42: near you always
Part 43: how to be a heartbreaker
Part 44: like knives
Part 45: volcano girls
Part 46: strange mercy
Part 47: royals
Part 48: surrounded
Part 49: tick tick boom
Part 50: exiled

Part 6: Dear Prudence

1.2K 33 4
By Woolfhoundss

She wakes up in a fog the next morning. She turns her head, expecting to find Marko, but there's just a cold empty space. Before she can even process the disappointment, the pain starts. Slow, at first, and then becomes a dull ache that pounds from the top of her head through her entire body. It feels like the worst hangover she's ever had. Her limbs feel like they're made of lead. She tries to kick the blankets off of her, but fails miserably. Sofie whines and takes a few deep breaths to compose herself before trying to get up.

"Motherfucker," she hisses, easing herself up onto her elbows.

Ichabod is perched on the chair across the room, sleeping peacefully. After what feels like an eternity of wrestling with the sheets, the soles of Sofie's feet find the cold hardwood and she pushes herself up to standing, her legs wobbling. She almost kills herself tripping over her underwear and tank top. When she manages to find her balance again, she snatches the fluffy blue robe from the hook on her door and wraps it around herself. Every muscle aches with every movement.

"Fuck. I'm either really out of shape or he was rougher than I thought," she mumbles.

She walks into the living room. His jacket and gloves are gone; the room is eerily quiet.


Silence. She deflates and looks around, groggy and angry. Something sticking out of her bookshelf catches her eye. Sofie squints as she steps toward it. As she gingerly pulls it out, she laughs. It's the skull patch from his jacket with a note attached. Sofie opens it. His penmanship is erratic but strangely beautiful.

Thanks for the dance.

See you tonight.

PS. I fed Ichabod. We're working on our issues.


She glances at the clock. 8:00pm.

"Holy shit!" She whispers, dropping the patch and the note onto the coffee table and racing to the bathroom to shower. How did she sleep this late?

Sofie strips off her robe and looks at herself in the mirror, her breath hitching at the sight of her own reflection. She's grey, her brown eyes sunken with dark circles around them that make her look like a corpse. Her lips are cracked and dry, and her cheekbones protrude in a way she's never seen before. As she runs her fingers over a face she barely recognizes, she realizes that her neck aches and turns her head, recoiling at the reason for the pain. A big, dark, ugly, purple and black bruise with what looks like two healing puncture wounds. It looks like a spider bite, from a really fucking big spider. Sofie pokes at the wound gently, hissing in pain.

"What the fuck..."

She opens a drawer, rifling through it for a makeup sponge and a tube of concealer to set aside for later before unwrapping the bandage from her hand. The wound is worse - red, ugly, and inflamed. She cleans out her hand and her neck with some alcohol. Both look a bit better by the time she's finished, but not much. She sighs and turns on the shower with her good hand. Her muscles begin to melt and unknot at the sensation of scalding water pounding against her skin. She stays far longer than she anticipated, remembering Marko's fingers on her, and the feeling of his lips ghosting across her neck.

And then pain and pleasure colliding in her body all at once. She remembers collapsing onto the bed after they were finished... his eyes - golden and terrifying; his face, sharp and twisted into something demonic. The memory is so visceral that if she closes her eyes, she swears she could reach out and touch him. Sofie opens her eyes and gasps, quickly turning off the shower and wrapping her arms around herself.

"You were drunk. You were just drunk," she whispers. "Great sex can make you hallucinate. Pretty sure they've covered it in Cosmo."

She steps out of the shower, pulls her robe over her shoulders and begins the delicate process of covering her weird hickey with some makeup. She's going to need a turtleneck or a scarf to get through her shift. In 90 degree weather. That'll be a good look. Sofie huffs, re-bandages her hand, and yanks a black turtleneck and black jeans on before dashing out the door. The walk is difficult. She's still groggy and sore, stopping every few minutes to rest and catch her breath. By the time she gets to the bar, she's already fifteen minutes late. Matt and Kara are setting up, mopping while New Order blares through the bar. Sofie flinches as the music assaults her eardrums. She storms toward the DJ booth, cranking the volume down.

"You two are gonna make me go fucking deaf," she snarls.

Matt and Kara stifle giggles as they mop and set chairs up. Sofie trudges to the bar and starts her setup. Matt joins her after a few minutes.

"You look like shit," he announces. "What happened to you last night?"

"Stayed up too late," Sofie grumbles, fumbling with the glassware before it tumbles to the ground and shatters at her feet. She whimpers. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Matt runs over to the bar and beckons her out with one hand.

"Come on, Sof. Let me get that. You're gonna cut your hand up again."

She shakes her head.

"No, it's - I've got it. It's fine."

Matt's expression suddenly turns stony and serious.

"Sof, you're pale and sweating. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," she whispers, grabbing the broom from the corner of the bar. She begins to sweep up the glass. "I'm just a little sore and hungover from last -"

Matt's eyes go wide as she catches herself before she can finish her sentence. She looks up and points at him.

"Don't even start, Matthew. I'm not in the mood --"

Matt's laughter echoes through the empty building, bouncing off the walls and clanging in Sofie's ears, making her headache worse.

"Oh my God!" He screams as Sofie winces and slinks backward to get away from the sound of his voice. "It worked! You fucked that biker dude!"

Sofie hears the mop handle clatter to the floor and the sound of Kara's heels echoing through the bar as she runs up to the counter, giggling like a maniac. Fuck, why are they all so loud?!


Sofie covers her ears with both hands and winces.

"Okay, why is everyone treating this like it's my first communion or something? And please keep your voices down!"

"Because you've been uptight and way too picky for three years!" Matt exclaims, shoving his face into hers. "AND NO I WON'T STOP YELLING!"

"That's just my personality," Sofie counters, glaring at him and shoving him backward.

"Well, we're all proud of you," Matt says. He reaches up to the top shelf of the bar and pours three shots of their most expensive tequila. Sofie frowns at him.

"Who's gonna pay for that?"

"Put it on my tab," he snipes. "You want it or not?"

Sofie relents and picks up her shot. Matt raises his glass and grins.

"To Sofie, finally giving it up to the person we least suspected."

She sighs.

"Matt, I had sex for the first time in three years, I didn't lose my virginity again."

Matt shrugs.

"Eh, you basically did."

Sofie rolls her eyes, but laughs anyway, clinking glasses with Matt and Kara. She downs her drink, relishing the burn in the back of her throat. The rest of the setup goes smoothly. Ben shows up at around 9:45 to set up at the door. Sofie looks around. Jim's still not here. He's incompetent, but he always shows up on Saturdays. She leans over to Matt, who is cleaning glasses.

"Isn't Jim supposed to be here by now?" She says. "It's Saturday."

"Yeah. I tried calling him, but no answer."

Something doesn't sit right in Sofie's gut.

"When's the last time you heard from him?" Kara asks, tying her apron around her waist. Matt shrugs.

"Two weeks ago?"

Sofie chews on her bottom lip.

"What's up?" Matt asks.

"I just have a bad feeling," Sofie whispers.

"I'm sure he's fine," Matt reassures her. "I'll call him again tomorrow morning."


At the end of the night, the bar empties out slowly. Ben has to shove the last of the chattering patrons out the door while Sofie slogs through her closing procedures. Rose picks Matt up and Ben drives Kara home while Sofie finishes up, groggily wiping tables and counting cash while finishing her post-shift whiskey. She trudges into the staff room to change out of her heels. As she slides out of them, she feels an arm snake around her waist. She gasps and turns, greeted by bright blue eyes and Marko's angelic face.

"Jesus, Marko! How the fuck did you get in here?"

"Side door was unlocked."

She huffs.

"Dammit, Ben."

He always forgets. She's told him a thousand times. Marko grins, and pulls her close, kissing her ferociously. Fireworks explode and Sofie practically collapses into him. He tastes incredible. He breaks the kiss and strokes her cheek, smiling.

"Where did you go last night?" She asks. "I think I passed out."

He chuckles and kisses her again.

"You did."

Sofie bites her lip.

"I was planning on making you breakfast."

"Were you now?"

"You missed out, pal."

"You got my patch?" He asks, eyes glittering.

"You'll have to get it from my place," she breathes, kissing him again.

Marko laughs into her mouth but breaks the kiss quickly. Concern fills his eyes.

"Have you eaten?" He asks gently. "You're pale."

She shakes her head.

"I'm not feeling great, to be honest. You gave me a hell of a hickey last night."

Marko goes to open his mouth but is cut off by a voice floating into the room behind him.

"Hi, Sofie."

She knows that voice anywhere. Sofie cranes her neck to see David, Paul, and Dwayne standing in the doorway.

"Hi, David..."

"You coming with us tonight?" David asks.

Sofie glances from Marko to the rest of the boys and back again.

"I'm not feeling so hot," she confesses.

David scoffs and grins.

"Come with us, Sofie..."

His tone teeters on the edge of mockery. She sighs and looks at Marko.

"I'll buy you takeout," he offers, eyebrows raised. "Make up for bailing on you last night?"

She laughs.

"Where are we going?"

"Hudson's Bluff," David says from the doorway. "C'mon, it'll be fun."

"All right," she sighs helplessly. "Just let me go lock that side door."

"Already done," Marko reassures her.

She shrugs on her jacket and lets Marko walk her outside with the rest of the boys, making sure to lock the back door behind her. She climbs onto the back of his bike and wraps her arms around his waist. She slides her fingertips just below the waistband of his jeans. She's missed feeling him against her. He brings out a boldness in her that she hasn't expressed in a long time. Marko purrs and looks back at her.

"What are you doing to me?"

Sofie giggles and places a series of soft kisses along his jawline.

"Anything you want," she breathes, relishing in the soft moan that spills out of his lips.

Marko grins and revs the engine, taking off into the night with the rest of the boys. The ride is wild as the boys race each other and dart in between cars and pedestrians, howling into the night. Sofie buries her face in Marko's back and screams into him, feeling his laughter ripple through his body. The bike comes to an abrupt stop and she lifts her head, hearing waves crashing. Marko helps her off of the bike and she follows the boys as they hop down a rickety set of stairs. There are signs everywhere: "NO TRESPASSING", "KEEP OUT", "DANGER!" Sofie gulps as nervousness erupts in the pit of her stomach. The boys seem nonplussed and Marko stops in front of the entrance to what looks like a cave and holds out his hand. Sofie eyes him suspiciously.

"What is this?"

"It's our hangout!" He chirps as the rest of the boys pile inside. "Come on."

"I don't know, Marko..."

He bats his eyelashes.

"Don't you trust me?"

Sofie narrows her eyes at him.

"I've known you for two days."

"Fair enough," he laughs. "I won't let anything happen to you. Promise."

She chews on her lip and toes at the ground nervously. Dread creeps into the pit of her stomach as she searches his eyes for reassurance.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing," she whispers, shaking her head.

Marko grins.

"That's not nothing happening in those gorgeous eyes."

Sofie scoffs.

"Do you practice these lines at home?"

"Every day, sweetheart."

She laughs. The pull toward him returns. She betrays her instincts, sticks her hand out, and follows him into the cave. The first thing that hits her is the smell. Must and dirt coat the inside of her throat. She coughs and tries not to grimace, but hears Marko chuckle at her reaction.

"You get used to it."

This place clearly used to be the inside of the old hotel. When she was a teenager, there were rumors that people tried to sneak into this cave and disappeared. The rumors scared the student body enough to keep most people away from Hudson's Bluff completely - except her and Matt, and a couple of other moronic jocks who wanted to impress their girlfriends. Matt would freak out if he saw this. Sofie glances around in awe. There's a large, dried up fountain covered in candles, giant posters propped up against the walls, records and trinkets hang from the ceiling from wire and string. There are tables and cabinets covered in candles and candle wax. Oil drums provide a little light. It's rather impressive - filthy, but impressive. Sofie glances around, watching Dwayne and Paul plunk themselves down on a couch that looks like it's been down here for hundreds of years. David is lounging in an old wheelchair, while Marko takes her hand, slides into a plush crimson chair, pulling her onto his lap and nipping at her earlobe. Sofie giggles.

"So, Sofie," David drawls from his makeshift throne, lighting a cigarette. "What do you think?"

"It's uh... it's pretty impressive. I have to admit."

David grins. Marko grabs her chin and turns her head to face him.

"Hey," he whispers.

"Hey yourself."

He presses his lips against hers and kisses her deeply. She can't explain why, but she always feels like she's on the verge of drowning the moment their lips touch.

"Hey, Sofie!" David's voice cuts through the sound of the blood rushing in her ears. He holds up an antique bottle covered in strange gems. "You want a drink?"

She feels Marko snarl and he locks eyes with David who has a smug smile on his face.

"Unless you have something to offer, Marko?"

"What's he talking about?" Sofie whispers.

"David's got shit taste in wine," Marko quips.

David continues to smile, but something dark and dangerous creeps into his gaze. He pops open the bottle and sniffs at it. Sofie shifts uncomfortably in Marko's lap. He beckons at Paul, who tosses him a small black flask. Marko unscrews the cap, eyes locked on David. This is the weirdest pissing contest she's ever seen. Marko takes a big swig, his eyes close, and he looks utterly lost in bliss. Sofie watches him, fascinated, but notices that the music is louder, pulling her focus to Dwayne and Paul who are staring at her, waiting for something. She stares back at them, utterly lost. She can feel David's eyes on her too. Marko looks like he's in a daze. His eyelids flutter open and he runs his tongue across his bottom lip. His fingers get lost in her hair, pushing it out of her face as he holds the flask out to her.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Whiskey," he rumbles.

Sofie's heart begins to pound and she can feel herself growing hot and crimson underneath her turtleneck.

"Must be pretty fucking good," she whispers.

He nods and presses the flask into her hand. She trembles beneath his touch. Marko smiles - it's warm and reassuring. Sofie raises the flask to her lips and takes a small swig. At first, all she tastes is burning, like it's the strongest liquor that's ever touched her tongue. Something about it is addictive. She takes another gulp. The burning sensation disappears, replaced by the most decadent cotton candy she's ever tasted. Sofie grunts, taking another gulp while the rest of the boys cheer around her. She feels a surge of adrenaline shoot through her body, but her heartbeat slows and she feels oddly calm compared to before. Marko chuckles and watches her as she drains it, panting as he pulls the cool metal away from her lips. Marko tosses the flask behind her and kisses her like they're the only two people in the room. Sofie groans, her hands roaming down his biceps, practically clawing at the fabric of his jacket. David chuckles from behind her, but it sounds like he's underwater. Every sense is dedicated to Marko, to feeling his lips against hers, his hand gripping her hair tightly. Marko picks her up and carries her to the back of the cave. She wraps her legs around his waist while her mouth is attached to his neck, nipping and licking at his flesh. She hears David's voice behind them.

"Marko! We're not done."

Marko stops and Sofie's head snaps up to glance over her shoulder at David, who takes a long drag of his cigarette.

"What does that mean?" She whispers in Marko's ear.

He shushes her gently, pressing his finger to her lips, and looks over her shoulder at David.

"You owe me an hour," he growls. "Remember?"

David shakes his leg, irritated, but nods in agreement.

"All right. An hour."

"No interruptions this time."

David raises his right hand and rests his other on an imaginary Bible as smoke curls around his head.

"Hand to God. No interruptions."

Marko tugs on Sofie's bottom lip with his teeth. She bites back a moan.

"You're all mine, sweetheart," he purrs.

Sofie giggles and lets him carry her to a small room at the back of the cave while the other boys hoot and holler behind him.

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