Young Sirius Black x Reader

By friesb4guys777

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Chapter 1. Introduction.
Do you love me? (chapter 2)
Is this a date? (chapter 3)
Let's dance. (chapter 4)
The Dance.
Quidditch Pitch. (Chapter 6.)
Party Games. Chapter 7.
The Dare. (Chapter 8)
Quidditch World Cup (Chapter 9)
Getting lost (chapter 10)
Summer Nights With Sirius
Snuggles With Sirius
She's So Beautiful
Date Night Drama
Date night drama pt 2.
Back to School
If you want to follow me!
The Real Winner
Not What Libraries Are For
Sick Sirius
Update (please comment)
Picnic Date <3
her boys
My favorite star
Dancing in the rain
And you are?
Sirius Day!
Concert Date
concert date pt 2
Ice Cream in London
Cuddles In The Rain <3
Pep Talks and Kisses


628 20 5
By friesb4guys777

      The bell rung indicating the end of the school day, finally. Y/n could have sworn that today went by 3x slower than normal, and of course the slowest day was the day with the classes she didn't like.

      She quickly threw her textbooks into her bag, followed by a rolled up piece of parchment and a quill. She shoved her wand in her robe pocket and hurried out of the classroom, she pushed her way past everyone in the hall before finally meeting up with Sirius who had skipped their last class.

      "There you are Sir~" she smiled, running over and giving him a hug.

      He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, "How was class? Did we get any homework? Is it hard? Will you help meeee?"

     Y/n rolled her eyes, "yes I'll help, but I still don't understand why you couldn't have just gone to class."

     Sirius smiled as he pulled away from the hug, taking her hand instead as he lead her back to the common room.

      "Simple," he started, "it's long and boring, and quite frankly, I don't care about a history of magic. If I did go I'd just end up getting yelled at for sleeping in professor Binn's class, so instead I slept in my bed happily instead. And before you complain, did I really miss anything?"

     Y/n sighed, "No.. you're right the class was long and boring. All we did was read like 3 chapters from the textbook, and he said some of the stuff we read about would be on the next test."

      Sirius smirked, "See? It wasn't even worth going. I offered for you to ditch with me but nooo, goody two shoes over here has to go to class."

      Y/n rolled her eyes playfully as they clambered through the portrait hole and they plopped on the couch. 

      They sat in silence for a while before Lily came hurrying in.

       "Oh good, there's someone in here, will you guys watch him for me while I go tell Mcgonogall that someone's lost him? Thanks!" she said in one breath before setting down a small black bundle and running back out. 

      Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and walked over to see what it was before gasping out loud. 

      "Sirius look!!" she squealed, "It's a kitten!!"

      Sirius watched, unamused as Y/n lifted up the tiny black kitten and cuddled him into her chest.

     "Oh my gosh I wonder who lost him! He's so cute I hope they figure out whose it is soon! This poor thing!" she cooed, scratching the small animals ears.

      "I hope so too, so it can get out of our common room," Sirius said with a bothered look on his face.

     Y/n raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong? You don't like cats?" 

     Sirius glared at her, "I think you know I'm much more of a dog person."

       Y/n smiled. She was about to reply when the door opened and Lily came back in followed by professor Mcgonogall.  

      "It's this one right here, it was on one of the benches near the courtyard, I don't know who's it is but it must have gotten out. I don't think it's from us though, I've never seen him in any of the dorms or our common room so," Lily spoke.

     Mcgonogall nodded as she carefully took the kitten from Y/n's hands, "Thank you for letting me know Evans, I'll get him back to his rightful owner safely. And take 5 house points for Gryffindor for being responsible and making sure someone else's pet was ok."

      Lily smiled before heading up to her dorm as Mcgonogall left with the small animal. 

      Y/n sat back down on the couch by Sirius before ruffling his hair.

     "Never thought I'd see the day where Sirius Black was pouting because he was jealous of a kitten," She joked.

      He glared, "I am not pouting!"

      Y/n laughed, "sure~~"

      "I'm not!" he argued. 

       They continued bickering for the rest of the night before Y/n decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and agree that, fine, he wasn't pouting, but he was upset.

      Sirius would never admit it to her, but he knew he was pouting. Cats weren't his thing, and he was the one who should be getting that attention from Y/n not a random student's kitten that they didn't even know. Maybe Padfoot would have to pay Y/n a visit soon to remind her which animal was superior in this household.

     ((Kind of a short chapter but I still updated! I thought this idea was kind of cute! Seeing Sirius get jealous over a kitten because he's a dog person (literally) 

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this update, feel free to continue leaving any ideas you'd like to see in the comments and I'll try to incorporate them all!

Song recommendation of the day: My Universe by Coldplay and BTS
     this song came out fairly recently and it always cheers me up! If you know me you know that I'm a huge army! But even if you're not I think this is a perfect be happy/cheer up song for when you're feeling down! 

Thank you for reading! Stay safe, happy and healthy! Love you! <3 ))

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