My Beloved (Ranboo x OC)

By StarWasntHere

5.8K 227 38

"I'm so happy you didn't forget about me without me reminding you to write everything down in your book" she... More

Chapter 1~ The OverWorld
Chapter 2~ Family
Chapter 3~ L'Manburg
Chapter 4~ War?
Chapter 5~ Death?
Chapter 6~ Lives
Chapter 7~ Independance and Curses
Chapter 9~ Results and breaking the law
Chapter 10~ The Festival
Chapter 11~ PTSD and backstabbing
Chapter 12~ Scars
Chapter 13~ Reunion
Chapter 14~ Exile
Chapter 15~ Death
Chapter 16~Ghost
Chapter 17~ Limbo
Chapter 18~ Revival
Chapter 19~ Life
Chapter 20~ My Beloved

Chapter 8~ New friends, an election, and secrets

275 14 1
By StarWasntHere

Once she returned to L'manburg, Luna, Tommy, and Tubbo all began working on their houses. They wanted them all to be somewhat close to each other, so they found some land. Tommy built his into a hill, and Tubbo began constructing a shack not too far away. Luna wanted a vantage point, so she began building a tower of sorts. She made her room at the top of the tower, and gave herself a little balcony where she could just dive out whenever she wanted too. She also used the balcony as the entrance to her house, and told Tommy and Tubbo she would just carry them up here whenever they wanted. After a few days of building and getting situated, Luna decided they should make a trip to the Nether since neither of the boys had ever been.

"You two wanna take a little trip with me?" Luna brought up at breakfast.

"HELL YES!!" both boys screamed, and they began their way to the portal. Wilbur saw them on their way, but didn't question it. Once they entered, Luna was greeted with the heat that she had become accustomed to, but Tommy and Tubbo were disgusted. Luna laughed and had to fly across a lava pool.

"YOU BETTER NOT DROP ME WOMAN!!!" Tommy screamed on their way across, Tubbo just stayed silent as he looked around. After a few hours of them walking, they came across a bastion.

"Ok guys, put these gold helmets on." Luna said, and pulled some gold helmets out of her bag.

"Why do we need these?" Tommy said, while putting his helmet on.

"The piglins will ignore us if we have these on." she retorted, and they all began sneaking into the bastion. They looted what they could, but while Tommy and Tubbo were getting ready to leave, Luna felt a tingling sensation in her wings. Her face appeared panicked and she began looking around frantically.

"Luna, what's wrong?" Tubbo said, while grabbing her arm and trying to pull her out.

"There is someone else here, and I have a feeling they are in trouble." she said, and looked at Tommy. She handed him her sword.


"Take it, and run back to the spot I flew you across right after we came out of the portal ok? Stay hidden, I am going to go and look for whoever else is in here."

"But what if you need our help? I am not leaving you here by yourself, besides, we can find them faster if we all work together!" Tubbo said, and Luna just nodded. They all split up in the bastion, and Luna began walking to the lower levels. After some time of walking, she came across what appeared to be a dungeon. She began searching each of the cells when she came across someone hiding in the corner of a cell.

"Hey, I am going to get you out of there ok?" Luna said in the calmest voice she could muster, when whoever was in the cell locked eyes with her. As they locked eyes, Luna felt her body freeze for a moment. This person wasn't looking her in the eyes at all, but she could tell they were still looking at her. They were half enderman, half something else Luna wasn't familiar with. Whoever this was had stunning eyes that felt like Luna could stare at them forever and never get bored. She forced herself to snap out of it when she pulled out her pickaxe and shattered the lock on the gate. She ran in and began to help the person up. Their eyes were a deep purple, and the person just stood still for a moment.

"Hey, are you ok?" Luna said, and she brushed her wing up against their arm. When her feathers hit it was like someone flicked a switch and the person's eyes changed from purple to red and green. They began breathing heavily and crumpled to the ground.

"Hey, it's ok. Just breathe in, and out." Luna said, trying to calm the person's panic attack. The light was very dim in here, but the person's eyes were glowing. Luna pulled a torch out of her bag and placed it on the wall so she could see the person's figure. This man was taller than she thought before, and his body seemed perfectly split in half. She closed her eyes and continued to help the man through his breathing exercises until he calmed down.

"Th- thank you." the man said, and began to stand up. Luna stood up as well.

"You're welcome, you ready to get out of here?" she said, and reached her hand out for the man. He reluctantly took it, and Luna began to guide him back up to the main entrance where she was supposed to meet Tommy and Tubbo. "What's your name, stranger?" Luna asked, trying to learn more about the mysterious man.

"Ranboo, I think. What's yours?" he said. The "I think" was throwing Luna off, but she decided not to think about it.

"Luna." she said, and looked at him and smiled. The more she smiled the less tense he became. Unbeknownst to her, she was calming the enderman down more than he had been in a long time.

"LUNA! THERE YOU ARE!" Tommy screamed from the entrance, and Ranboo flinched.

"Hey, it's ok, these two are my friends." Luna said smiling, and Ranboo just stared at her for a moment. "I swear, if they say anything that offends you I won't hesitate to kick their asses ok?" she said, and put a hand on his shoulder. He gave her a hint of a smile and she began leading him to the boys.

"Who you got there, Luna?" Tubbo said, looking at Ranboo.

"This is Ranboo, the Piglins had him locked up in a cell in the lower level. Ranboo this is Tommy and Tubbo.'' Luna said and pointed to the separate boys individually. Ranboo just smiled awkwardly. During their introductions, a Piglin spotted Ranboo, who wasn't wearing any gold, and in a few moments the group was surrounded by angry Piglins.

"RUN!" Tommy screamed, and Luna handed Tommy and Tubbo EnderPearls.

"When we get to the lava pool, use them to get across." Luna shouted to the guys, and they flared her wings open. "Grab my hands Ranboo" she said while taking to the air, and Ranboo grabbed her hands and the two began soaring across the lava pool. The Piglins stopped on the other side and watched as they all ran into the portal and stood back in the grass. Unfortunately, on the way out, Luna had been shot in the leg by a crossbow.

"Shit..." Luna said, and began drinking a bottle of healing potion. She had told Tommy and Tubbo about her one life deal, and they were in a panic for her. Ranboo just stared at her injured leg as it healed.

"I'm sorry you got hurt because of me." he said, and he lowered his eyes to the ground.

"What are you talking about Ranboo? This isn't your fault so there is no reason to be sorry." Luna said, and wrapped Ranboo up in her wings. He just stared at her bewildered.

"You aren't mad at me?"

"Why would she be mad at you king?" Tommy said, helping Tubbo up from the grass.

"Cause if it weren't for me she wouldn't have gotten hurt." Ranboo said, and Luna just hugged him tighter.

"But if she hadn't sensed you and went back for you, you would still be locked up down there." Tubbo said, and Ranboo got the hint and dropped the conversation. He helped Luna back to her tower. Luna had Tommy and Tubbo add an entrance to the bottom of her tower, and she added an extra room at the top for Ranboo until he decided where he wanted to stay. For the next month while she was healing her and Ranboo got quite close, and the four kids became the best of friends. They made him another necklace, so they all matched. It was as if nothing could separate them. But all good things must come to an end eventually.

A few days after Luna's leg had properly healed, Wilbur summoned them all to the town center. There were all kinds of new people Luna hadn't met yet, and L'manburg had grown so much since it was pretty much just the drug van when she arrived. Wilbur summoned Tommy up on the stage with him.

"Attention, citizens of L'manburg. It has come to my attention that we should have an election, that way the people can choose who they want to rule this mighty nation. The last thing I want is for me to swoop in and declare myself president like some kind of tyrant. The election shall be held in a week. Tommy and I shall be running as POG2020, and anyone is welcome to run against us." Wilbur finished his speech, and before long people from all throughout L'manburg came to run against Wilbur and Tommy. While Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur were dealing with the election, Luna just showed Ranboo around the main part of town.

"This is where I first landed when I came here." Luna said. They were standing near the part of the wall that was next to the front gate.

"How long ago was that?" he asked.

"A few months ago, I think. It feels like it's been forever since I met everyone."

"You've only been here a few months? Where were you before?" Ranboo asked, and Luna began to frown. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to..." He attempted to redo the conversation, afraid he had hurt the girl's feelings.

"No, it's ok. Before I ended up in this world, I lived in a place called The End. Have you heard of it?"

"No, I'm sorry, I don't remember hearing of a place like that."

"Don't be sorry, it's a miserable place, but it's where I grew up. I lived in a small village where my people worshipped a creature called the EnderDragon. The EnderDragon is a massive, magnificent beast that rules the End, and my people pissed it off. Whatever they did, caused the dragon to destroy my entire village, and I was the only survivor. After years of venturing through The End, I found a portal that led me here." Luna said, and looked up to the sky. Sometime through her small story, she and Ranboo had laid down on the ground and were looking up into the sky. After she had quit talking, he had turned his head to look at her. She smiled, "can you keep a secret?"

"I mean, I guess..." Ranboo said.

"You can't even tell Tommy or Tubbo." Luna said, and Ranboo looked at her, kind of funny.


"I met Tommy's father and brother. He and WIlbur think they live in another land. They actually live in the snowy biome about a day's flight from here.Their dad, whose name is Philza, is actually my uncle." Luna said, and Ranboo stared at her.

"Why can't they know that you guys are family?"

"Philza didn't want me to tell him, so I have respected his wishes. I think Wilbur knows I have something to do with their family, but I don't think Tommy suspects anything." Luna said, and sighed. "It's been hard keeping it from him though, he reminds me so much of my brother, and to be honest, he is like a brother to me."

"If you feel like you should tell him, just tell him." Ranboo said, and Luna giggled.

"I plan on telling him one day, just not now." Luna responded, and pushed herself against Ranboo's side. They just laid there and cloud gazed until Tommy found them. He brought them back to their little "village" as Tommy called it and they had supper. Over the course of the next week the squad just goofed around in between Tommys sessions with Wilbur. While waiting for Tommy one day, Luna and Ranboo found a sheep and brought it back to her tower and built it a little fence. They decided to name the sheep "Cloud."

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