Daughter of a pterodactyl

By ArielCornell

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Trent finds out that Ariel is his daughter and Kira never told him. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 12

43 0 0
By ArielCornell

The next day I met with Virginia outside my science classroom. "Hey Virginia, we're going to hang out at the headquarters after school today. We're going to be making battle plans. How about you do this with us?" I asked. "Sounds good to me." Virginia said. "Okay, just be careful." I said. "Why?" Virginia asked. "There was a time when there was an evil ranger. Back in Angel Grove there was an evil green ranger. After a while he turned good, but only after the power sword got destroyed. Some time after that the red ranger was evil. He got brainwashed but the rangers helped him to see who his true friends are. And when my dad was our age he was evil because of the evil encoding of the dino gem. After Mesagog tried to destroy him his dad saved him. So you see, an evil ranger has been known to happen." I said. "Okay, I'll try to be careful." Virginia said. Meanwhile in Mesagog's lab Mesagog and Zeltrax are talking about the last time he had any contact with Elsa. "What was the last contact you had with her, Zeltrax?" Mesagog asked. "Elsa was nearing the carbon infusion my lord. She should be there any moment." Zeltrax said. "We have kept our prize well hidden from Dr. Oliver for nearly a year. The waiting is over. The opportunity to equalize our forces, to go toe-to-toe with the mighty dino rangers is at hand. Nothing must interfere." Mesagog said. "And we will do everything in our power to ensure that it does not." Zeltrax said. Then Mesagog eats a spider. "Of course you will." Mesagog said. Meanwhile in a different part of Reefside Elsa got to the area where they have the evil gold dino gem hidden. She took off some kind of glasses that she was wearing. "Exactly where we left you. The energy should almost be ready now." Elsa said. She opened up her laptop and used some kind of power to remove what looked like bushes. Then she used some other power to get the dino gem. Meanwhile at the lab Tommy and I were uncovering something when we got an alert. "Who's that? Petrified forest?" Tommy said. "What could be going on out there?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe we should check it out." Tommy said. "I'll contact the others and tell them to meet us there." I said. Two hours later the others met us at petrified forest. "We came as soon as we could Ariel." John said. "What'd you find?" Joe asked. "Some sort of storage unit." Tommy said. "The energy readings are so intense this meter can't register them." I said. "What kind of energy?" George said. "Same kind that's in our morphers." I said. "You're saying there's a dino gem in here?" Ryan asked. "Not anymore." I said. "But there was." Tommy said. "I thought you had all kinds of things that would pick up if there was a gem out here." Virginia said. "Someone must have hidden it, when the cloaking device deactivated the readings went off the scale." I said. "So is this good news or bad news?" George said. I guess it depends on who's got the gem." I said. The next day after school Virginia went to go talk to her dad. "Did you have a good day at school?" Robert asked. "It was okay." Virginia said. "I trust you've had time to think about our earlier conversation." Robert said. "Is that what it was?" Virginia asked. "I assume you're referring to the fact that you weren't happy with the outcome." Robert said. "I'm just not crazy about you telling me not to sing anymore." Virginia said. "Virginia, when your parents disappeared, you and I agreed that I would act as your father. And father's are sometimes forced to make decisions for their children that the children don't care for." Robert said. "Dad, I get that." Virginia said. Robert didn't say anything. "Dad, are you alright?" Virginia asked. "Yes, I'm fine. Because I was saying, I can only raise you the way I know how. The way I see fit. Now all I expect from you daughter is that you abide by my rules, okay?" Robert said. "That's fine." Virginia said. "Now go. I have work to finish." Robert said. "Yeah, me too." Virginia said while starting to walk out of the living room. "Hey Virginia, wait!" Robert said. "What dad?" Virginia asked as she turned to face her dad. "I have something to give you." Robert said while pulling out a necklace with a gold gem in the center. "What is that?" Virginia asked. "It's a necklace that someone gave to me to give to you. They said that it was from a secret admirer." Robert said. "It's beautiful, thanks dad." Virginia said. The next day I met with Virginia and John came with me. I noticed that something was wrong but I just couldn't figure out what it was. Virginia turned to us with a thundermax saber drawn. "Oh no you don't!" John said as he ran towards her. "John, no!" I said. Virginia hit him with her weapon and it sent him flying back against a tree. She ran past me. "Virginia, wait!" I said as I started to run after her. I stopped in my tracks. "Virginia!" I shouted making her stop in her tracks. 🎶Ariel: This has to stop now whatever it is that you're going through we'll fix it together me and you just like we've always done.
Virginia: No! This has to stop now this thing where you think that you've been my friend and don't even hear how you condescend the way you've always done.
Ariel: Virginia, listen.
Virginia: I'm listening.
Ariel: I know it isn't true.
Virginia: Isn't it?
Ariel: Just look into my eyes now.
Virginia: Well?
Ariel: I know you feel it too.
Virginia: Perhaps I do.
Ariel: Virginia, listen.
Virginia: I'm listening.
Ariel: I swear it's not too late. So before another line is crossed and everything we've had is lost. Just wait.
Virginia: Wait? No, I won't wait. There's a line between the winners and the losers. There's a line between the chosen and the rest. And I've done the best I could. But I've always known just where we stood. Me here with the luckless, you there with the blessed. And that line between the beggars and the choosers is a line you never let me quite ignore. How I've tried to jump that great divide. But I've never got the chances you were given. You don't know how much I've been denied. Well, I'm not being patient anymore. I'm crossing the line and I'm done holding back. So look out, clear the track. It's my turn. I'm taking what's mine. Every drop, every smidge. If I'm burning a bridge let it burn. But I'm crossing the line. And for us, if we're over that's fine. I'm crossing the line.🎶 Virginia left. "What has gotten into her?" John asked. "I don't know, but I did see something around her neck." I said. "It looked like a necklace with a gold gem." John said. "Yeah, it did but she wouldn't have acted like that for no reason. I might need some help. John, can you go back to petrified forest and see if you can find anything that might give me an idea of what has gotten into her?" I asked. "Sure." John said. "Thanks, just be careful." I said. "Don't worry, I will." John said. Then he left.

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