never leave me ~ miniminter {...

By YouTubeGirl7

218K 3.8K 1.8K

Danielle Jones has been best friends with Simon minter since the second grade when she moved from America to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 31

5.2K 103 22
By YouTubeGirl7

Simon's POV:

Surprisingly, despite the late night I woke up at 8 O'Clock. Knowing that nobody else would be asleep, I stayed in my bedroom for a good half an hour, maybe even more. Even though we had a lot going on a the moment, I still managed to keep in time with my video updates which is great because we film so many in advance. Well, that's for my second channel, I haven't posted on my main channel in a while which is definitely not great.

It's really hard to stay on track with it all, but what makes it all easier is reminding myself that I have over two million supportive subscribers that I want to make happy.

And what they like most on my main channel, Q&As. So, that's how I plan to spend my day. First off, the questions.

WedgemanSimon - @miniminter7:

"Who wants a Q&A? Tweet me questions using #AskSimon (creative I know) and the video will be out later today! xD"

Once I pressed the tweet button, I dropped my phone and quickly got ready. This included brushing my teeth, getting some breakfast and trying not to wake everyone up in the mean time, especially Danielle whose bedroom was right next to mine. When all of the above was done, for the second time today, I went onto my phone to look at the tweets I had got and they were coming in quick. Well I might as well start now If I want to get this video done by today...

Getting out my camera, I quickly decided on what I was going to say for my excuse for being away. I can't exactly go into detail of what's happened because that's a bit too private to share with the whole of the youtube community.. Keep it short and sweet Simon, short and sweet. And... Record.

"What is up guys, today I'm doing a Q&A all by my lonesome because I have no friends who decide to be awake at this moment in time," I explained looking at my watch for exaggeration. "So you'll just have to deal with me." I grinned, winking at the camera dramatically.

"Anyway I asked you guys to tweet me some questions using #AskSimon since making up hashtags is such hard work... SO LET'S START!"

To be honest I was quite scared for what these questions were going to be like, I get the weirdest things some times...

"@CurtisDenford asks: What sort of videos do you plan to make in the future? Well, I'm hopefully going to be making some more football videos with the sidemen and some friends, also more truth or dare videos, since they were a lot of fun despite how weird and fucked up they were... Yeah they were embarrassing. OH WELL NEXT QUESTION."

"@Turtlelife asks: what's the weirdest thing about girls that you don't understand? There are SO many things that I'm not even gonna go into.. Especially because the girl I spend most of my time with is so much different from other girls, it's confusing as hell." I said without realising. Maybe I'm even more confusing, as soon as I said it I knew i was talking about Danielle but what about Lucy? She's definitely gonna think it was about her. Skipping past most of the questions aimed towards Dani, I finally settled on one which I could use.

"@Zaptfl (Yeah I have no idea how to pronounce that) says: Go and get Danielle." I looked up to the camera and sighed. "She is going to kill me. Yeah yeah, I know it's like nine and it's not that bad at the moment but this is still pretty early for Danielle." I laughed, picking up the camera and tiptoeing out of the room and up to Danielle's bedroom door. i quietly pushed the door open trying to keep the creaking noise to a minimum, only to see once the door was fully open that Danielle wasn't in her bed. I slowly walked in confused and slow, camera still in hand.

"Where the hell-"

"BOOOOOO!" I heard from my side and fell to the floor with somebody on top of me, dropping the camera on the way. Of course, Danielle.

"You're awake?!" I shouted, still in shock from the unexpected reality jumpscare. I picked up the camera laughing.

"Yep and for once, I'm not in a bad mood because of it." She grinned to the camera making me laugh in defeat.

"Danielle Jones everybody." I turned the camera back to me and she jumped onto the screen hugging me so it was just our squashed up faces on the camera. "The one and only." She finished. I looked over to the girl latching onto me, she was smiling her adorable, beautiful smile. She always managed to look so amazing, even when she had just woken up and she was in her fluffy onesie. And the best part, is that she always surprised me.

My thoughts were disrupted when she looked back over to me and our faces were close. Really close.

"I hate you." I laughed, barely able to stop myself from smiling. She chuckled back and looked at the camera, "He loves me." She whispered with a wink. I watched her stand up and walk towards her desk, where she sat on her stool cross legged and ran her hands through her hair.

"You're such a loser." I muttered loudly, without taking my eyes off of her. She laughed slightly, a genuine smile on her face. "Do you know how many questions i've got asking about you?" I asked her.

"I'm guessing a lot? Apparently, i've got pretty popular." She said flicking her hair back. "But you know, I have been told i've got a natural talent for being on camera." She joked.

"Oh yeah? Do you want to prove it?" I asked, trying to keep a serious face, which failed completely.

"Are you asking me to be in one of your videos?" Danielle laughed, squinting her eyes at me with a slight smirk on her face.

"No of course not... They are." I grinned pointed to the camera. She spun around on her chair a few times before standing up and walking over to me, to help me onto my feet again.

"Come on, loser."

We made out way to my room and I brought another chair to my desk as dani set up the camera again.

"So that didn't work very well but at least she's gonna stay so.... MORE QUESTIONS." I shouted the last bit making Danielle jump and jokily glare at me, I replied with a grin.

Danielle's POV:

"@GeorgeBellige asks: what would you do if Caitlin Russo didn't exist?" I asked laughing at Simon.

"Well I'd probably feel the same way about somebody else who's famous, but to be honest I'm kind of moving on from her." I shrugged. I gaped and stared at the boy, squinting my eyes.

"Simon, you're obsessed with her." I argued starting to laugh.

"Well actually, she's not even my screensaver anymore. So that means something..." He chuckled. It kind of made me happier that he wasn't obsessed with her anymore -or getting better at least- I don't know why.

"Well what's your screensaver now?"

At this he looked down and scratched the back of his neck. "Um... I'm not sure." He lied so obviously. I moved over to his computer and minimised the youtube tab to reveal his screen saver (so I was still in the shot), and at the sight of it I wanted to squeal. The picture was the exact one that's on my nightstand. The one of me and him. I picked up the camera and showed them the screen, then placing it back on the stand.

I smiled slightly and looked at him. He was looking at his phone, his face slightly red but he was smiling.

"Shut up." He tried not to smile. I opened my mouth as to say something but shut it.

"I didn't say anything..." I looked at the camera, still grinning. Unable to stop.

"You were thinking something." He mumbled, just slightly smiling. Obviously he was still embarrassed. He put his phone down and stared into the camera, still holding back a smile.

"I'm gonna tear up." I faked a cry, wiping under my dark brown eyes. Simon sighed and stood up, holding his arms out.

"Come on, bring it in." He laughed and I stood up and hugged him tightly, still faking my cries.

"So freaking cute Simon Minter." I whined as he laughed.

"I know I know.." He grinned as he squeezed me back, even this - the smallest thing, a hug - gave me butterflies in ways I couldn't understand. I have to get over this. I leaned my head back so I could see his face and I saw a genuine smile, which was most likely on my face too.

"Next question?" I grinned, still giggling. He let go of me and ran his fingers through his hair. "Yup."

We sat back down and he got out his phone as i twiddled my fingers, smiling.

"@isobelmae asks: will you ever be coming to America?" Simon asked. At that my head flicked up and I turned it to simon. "Definitely. I don't know when, but I know someone who's dying to go so it'll be soon." He looked at me, smiled, and from under the desk he grabbed my hand and squeezed it making my heart melt. I grinned at the camera and did an obvious wink.


Josh's POV:

I woke up to the noise of loud laughter - easily recognisable of course. Danielle and Simon.

It seems like just yesterday when i met Danielle. She was just leaving the house and I was entering, we made quick introductions and she tripped down the step. Remember that? I'm pretty sure i'll never forget it.

I looked to my phone to see I had a text from vikk and JJ.

To Josh
"Hey you awake?"
From Vikk

To Vikk
"Yeah. Did Danielle and Simon wake you up?"
From Josh

To Josh
"How did you know..."
From Vikk

I chuckled slightly and looked at JJ's text. It was similar yet slightly more demanding as it ordered me to tell Danielle and Simon to shut the hell up. I replied by saying its ten o'clock now and he should be up anyway, but he wasn't having any of it...


Simons POV:

"I'm fricking tired." I yawned, collapsing onto the bed with my arms out to the side. I heard a thump next to me and a slight weight on my arm. We had just finished the video after about ten minutes of filming and answering more weird questions.

"Me too." Danielle said closing her eyes. I pulled my arm in so she rolled next to me and she smiled, tucking her head into the crook of my neck - her breath giving me delightful shivers. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes.

"You're cute." I said as i drifted off into an irregularly timed nap.


Josh's POV:

After watching Simons video with Danielle in I decided to look through the comments. There were many that said how cute they are, a lot of them to. Yet one of the really caught my attention. It said:


"Do you see the way he looks at her? Yeah. And the best part? She looks at him the same way. I ship it #Sanielle

Their fans are catching on. Why can't they? I mean, simon surely does like her. I took a picture of the screen and sent it to Danielle. Maybe that'll make her have the confidence to go for it.

Fuck Lucy.



Why is simon so cute asdfghjkl

Thanks for reading!

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See ya!


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