Better together 🖤An MLB Fanf...

By asparkle75

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I suck at descriptions but ~ Cat Noir can't help but feel heartbroken every single time he's rejected by his... More

One: A Brief Encounter
Two: Thoughts
Three: It's all my fault
Four: A Little Present
Five: I promise
Six: A lucky guy
Seven: Museum
Eight: But what if you weren't?
Nine: Grateful
Ten: Anger from a certain brunette
Eleven: Photoshoot
Twelve: Scared kitty
Thirteen: It's all coming at me...
Fourteen: Thinking of her
Fifteen: You liked him?
Sixteen: Thank you Note
Seventeen: Nightmares
Eighteen: I've moved on
Nineteen: I kissed her
Twenty: Confessions
Twenty One: Admiring you...
Twenty Two: Only for you
Twenty Three: Nervous
Twenty Four: I love you
Twenty Five: Are you friends or something?
Twenty-Six: Missing you
Twenty-Seven: French Plaits and Fluffy Hair
Twenty-Eight: Halloween Shopping
Twenty-Nine: Here for you
Thirty: Sleepover
Thirty-One: Sleepover Pt. 2

Thirty-Two: In your arms

12 1 1
By asparkle75

More fanart I found on google 🤩

Marinette awoke the next morning to the sunlight streaming through her window and her neck being lightly tickled. Her eyelids half open, she saw Chat's nose snuggled into her neck, explaining the ticklish feeling.

She giggled and went to go brush a strand of his blond hair out of his face when she froze. 

Focusing her attention on his shoulder and neck area, she realized he was still detransformed and she'd be able to see his real identity if she tilted her head slightly up.

As much as her curiosity ate at her, she bit down on her lip and shut her eyes closed and got out of his embrace, turning the other way.

"M-Marinette, where did you goooo," Adrien mumbled sleepily, outstretching his arms so he could grab her again.

"You're detransformed Chat," Marinette said with a nervous laugh, as she kept her eyes shut.

"O-Oh s***," he said, a slight waver of panic in his voice.

"Language kitty cat," Marinette chuckled.

Adrien uttered curses under his breath while searching the room with his green eyes for his kwami. 

"Plagg," he whisper-shouted, no response.

"Plagg," he said a little louder, and finally saw a black blur fly in his direction.

"What is it kid? I was sleeping," Plagg said, stretching his tiny body.

"Oh nothing..other than the fact I have to..ya know transform back," Adrien said, glaring at his kwami playfully.

Marinette giggled from beside him, causing Adrien to smile at the sound.

Plagg sighed loudly and very dramatically, "Ugh fine, speak kid," he said, crossing his tiny paws.

Adrien softly muttered his transformation word as a green light filled the room and around his body, leaving the boy covered in leather from head to toe.

"All done purrrincess," Chat said, a smirk in his voice, the usual.

Marinette rolled his eyes, and smacked his shoulder playfully, causing the young blond to pout.

"Great job at keeping your identity a secret, I almost saw who you were," Marinette said, crossing her arms.

Chat let out a light laugh, "Would that really have been so bad my love?"

Marinette blushed a deep red at the nickname, was he always so lovey dovey in the morning?

Scratch that, the blond boy she was staring at, always was, so this wasn't surprising.

"Not that I wouldn't mind knowing who you are, but you have to respect Ladybug, your partner, and her wishes. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble," Marinette said.

Chat sighed, "Yeah you're right, Ladybug would be disappointed in me, but one day, you'll know," he grinned brightly.

"Can't wait," she said, bopping his nose playfully as he scrunched it.

"I'm gonna go wash up and shower real quick before making breakfast, that cool?" Marinette asked as she began to climb down her ladder.

Chat nodded and yawned afterwards, "Sounds good to me, I'll just take a cat nap while you're doing that," he said, turning to his side.

Marinette rolled her eyes with a smile, "Lazy kitty," she said before walking into her bathroom.


Marinette walked out of her bathroom, teeth brushed, showered, and towel dried hair resting on her shoulders. She wore a black hoodie and a pair of black leggings to be more comfortable. She glanced back up at her bed to see Chat still sleeping. She grinned evilly before grabbing a pillow and yanking it at his head.

The blond shot up in bed in worry, eyes slit, and fists ready to knock out anyone in a minute.

His eyes landed on Marinette and his features softened before he wore a scowl, "Mari." He stated simply.

"Chat," Marinette said in response.

"You know how cats get when you wake them up from a nap right?" Chat said, slowly and mockingly.

"No?" Marinette said, slightly worried now.

"Well," Chat said, holding a finger to his chin, "now you do." He said, before lunging straight from her bed and onto her on the floor.

Marinette yelped, not having time to register his jump as she was pushed onto the ground and whined.

"Nooo let me go," the dark-haired girl said, flailing her arms around, trying to escape the blond's grasp.

"Never," Chat said, grinning evilly. He was hovering over her as he attacked the girl with tickles as punishment.

What? You all thought he was gonna actually hurt her? That's funny.

"Chat! I-I-I c-c-can't b-b-breathe," Marinette said through fits of giggles.

Chat just smirked at her struggling and continued tickling her, "Now what are the magic words to end your suffering?" He asked.

"No!" She said, wheezing. 

He tickled harder.

"What was that?" He asked, smirk never leaving his face.

"ALRIGHT I'M SORRY! NOW LET ME GO," Marinette called out in defeat.

Chat sighed in satisfaction as he stopped tickling her and rolled to the side beside her,, dropping down and laying.

"You're evil," Marinette gritted through her teeth.

"Nope," Chat said, putting his arms behind his head, "It's fair game in my opinion."

Marinette huffed as she got up off the floor and ran a hand through her dark locks. "I'm going to go make breakfast, I left you a spare toothbrush and towel inside along with some of papa's old t-shirts and hoodies if you wanna wear them. I also left you a bag for your laundry, in case you wanna wash that when you get back home." She said before getting up and walking down the stairs.

Chat shook his head with a smile before getting up and walking inside the bathroom, as promised, Marinette had left everything she said she did. He muttered a quick detransformation as Plagg flew out and out the door.

"Plagg!" Adrien called out.

"I'm always with you everyday, give me a break while I explore this girl's room," the kwami shrugged as he flew off.

Adrien rolled his eyes as he undressed and hopped in the shower.

He walked out 15-20 minutes later, showered, teeth brushed, and hair slightly wet as he towel dried it. He was wearing Mr. Dupain's old t-shirt it was a grey colored one which was very comfortable along with a pair of black joggers.

He peeped his head outside the bathroom door and Marinette wasn't in sight, he blew out a sigh of relief before walking out. Staring at himself in the mirror, he continued to dry his hair, once he was satisfied, he tossed his towel in the laundry bag Marinette gave him.

"Plagg," Adrien called out, searching for the little kwami.

He heard some hushed whispering, his ears perking up at the sound as he followed it. He saw a small black figure with its body turned against a book self. He got closer to inspect when suddenly Plagg turned around with wide eyes.

"A-Adrien what are you doing?" Plagg asked, flying in front of his face, and ushering Tikki to hide.

"What are you doing?" Adrien asked with an amused smile.

"Looking around for cheese of course," he said, pointing his head in the air.

Adrien chuckled, "Alright come on now, we have to get to Marinette," he said.

Plagg sighed, "go for it."

Adrien quickly transformed back and unlocked her hatch door, he stepped down there and walked down the rest of the stairs.

"Hi there Mari," he said, wrapping his arms around her waist and giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

Marinette blushed, "Hi kitty," she said.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Mixing the crepe batter," she said, whisking the batter after adding some butter to it.

"It looks good," he said.

"Mhm, and you're gonna wait until it's done, got it?" Marinette said.

Chat gulped, "Yes ma'am," he said, letting out a nervous laugh. 

Marinette giggled in response as she waited for the pan to heat up for the crepes. After a few minutes it was hot enough to pour the batter. Chat stood on the other side of the kitchen counter staring at it while practically drooling.

That looks so good, he thought to himself.

Marinette noticed his expression and smiled, flipping the crepe so the other side could cook. Once it was done, she placed it on a plate and motioned for Chat to sit down and eat.

"I cut up some strawberries, chocolate syrup, maple syrup, and powdered sugar if you wanna add them to your crepe," Marinette said, pouring another onto the pan.

"You're the best Marinette," he said, with practically heart eyes.

"I know," Marinette said, accidentally splashing some batter onto her apron.

She groaned as Chat snickered.

"That's what happens when the ego talks," he said playfully.

"Keep talking and no more for you," she said shooting him a glare.

Chat gulped, "Yes ma'am," he said with a nervous smile as he ate his.

After making a few more, Marinette turned off the stove and sat down across from him and began to decorate her own crepe.

"Yours looks so cute," Chat teased, as he noticed she subconsciously drew a cat with the chocolate syrup.

Marinette smacked his arm playfully, "I'd say the same thing with yours," she smirked, staring at his crepe that had a poorly drawn girl with pigtails on it.

"You weren't supposed to see that," Chat grumbled shoving the crepe into his mouth and chewing quickly.

She giggled, "Payback kitty cat," she said.

They both ate quietly for the next few minutes, just enjoying one another's presence, the food, and Chat stealing loving glances at Marinette just looking so beautiful.

"You're pretty," he said, causing Marinette to choke on her crepe as he bit his lip trying not to laugh.

She turned red at the comment, "And you're such a flirt," she said, throwing him a look.

"Always for mon cheri," he winked.

Marinette mumbled curses under her breath which caused Chat to give off an amusing smile.

He wished they could spend more time during the day, him as Adrien with his lovely Marinette, but he wasn't complaining. He loved every moment he got with her, and he knew that one day, they'd be able to walk around Paris freely not having to hide or worry about anyone.

The problems were Shadowmoth and his father. It was always the men.

"So what're you doing for the rest of the day?" Marinette asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"Well I've got some personal life things to deal with unfortunately so I'll be busy until tomorrow," he said with an apologetic smile.

Marinette pouted, "That's alright kitty, don't stress yourself out though alright? And if you do ever need to come by, it doesn't matter what time, you're always welcome here," she said.

"Is that an invitation to sneak in and scare you at 3 am?" He smirked.

"NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. You try that s*** and you'll be sorry," she said.

Chat didn't know why, but by the look in her eyes he decided to never do that. Her threatening expression reminded him of Ladybug's, and he internally chuckled at the thought. 

Marinette got up and was about to grab his plate but he protested.

"What?" She asked, raising a brow, "I need to do the dishes."

"I can do mine you know, you already made me breakfast princess," he said, getting up and walking over to the sink.

Marinette shook her head and walked behind him. As stated, he did help with the dishes, drying them, and putting them back in the cupboards.

I could get used to this, she thought, before her eyes widened at what she was thinking.

It's too early to think about your future Marinette, she pinched herself internally.

"What're you thinking about?" Chat asked, with his usual sly smile.

"N-Nothing," she said, brushing her arm.

He gave her a look before saying, "You know, I could get used to this."

Marinette choked. Could he read her thoughts and was mocking her?

Or you're just on the same wave length, a voice said in her head which she pushed away.

"What, I'm serious. I can see myself spending this much time with you in the future, it makes me really happy," he said, with a certain look in his eyes.

She stared back at the intensity and could tell he was sincere, she was about to reply when her phone chimed. She quickly grabbed it to look at the time.

"Oh shoot, the bakery needs to open in ten minutes," she pouted.

Chat returned her pout, "And I unfurtunately have to take my leave too my sweet princess," he said, sighing.

She sighed back, "I'll walk you up at least," she said, opening her trapdoor. She climbed up Chat following right behind her.

"Have you gotten everything?" She asked, glancing around her room.

"Yep, I don't think I'm missing anything, well other than you of course, but no," he said, with a dreamy smile.

Marinette blushed at that, "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow or whenever you come by kitty," she said.

"You too Marinette," he said, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in for a hug. He pulled away to give her a long kiss on her lips, never wanting to let go, before forcing himself to pull away.

He sighed, "I love you Mari, stay safe," he said giving her his signature forehead kiss.

"I love you Chat, you too, you better," she said slightly sternly.

He giggled, "For you of course," he said, winking in reply. "Now I'll take my leave, goodbye purrrincess."

"Goodbye kitty cat," she said with a little wave as she watched him climb up her bed and slide out her trapdoor.

She sighed before making her way downstairs to make sure the bakery was all set up.

Chat on the other hand, practically sprint jumped his way home to get back in time. He finally reached the Agreste mansion and slid through his bathroom window, quickly detransforming. He quietly peaked out his door to see no one there, then proceeded to wash up and change into his daily clothes before preparing for the busy day ahead of him.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm super sorry for the long ass wait, I lost motivation writing and got very busy with uni and everything's been stressful. The new season was what got me motivated to write again and continue, the new season is definitely something oh my god. Anyways hope you're all okay, stay safe, love you guys! <33

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