Better together πŸ–€An MLB Fanf...

By asparkle75

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I suck at descriptions but ~ Cat Noir can't help but feel heartbroken every single time he's rejected by his... More

One: A Brief Encounter
Two: Thoughts
Three: It's all my fault
Four: A Little Present
Five: I promise
Six: A lucky guy
Seven: Museum
Eight: But what if you weren't?
Nine: Grateful
Ten: Anger from a certain brunette
Eleven: Photoshoot
Twelve: Scared kitty
Thirteen: It's all coming at me...
Fourteen: Thinking of her
Fifteen: You liked him?
Sixteen: Thank you Note
Seventeen: Nightmares
Eighteen: I've moved on
Nineteen: I kissed her
Twenty: Confessions
Twenty One: Admiring you...
Twenty Two: Only for you
Twenty Three: Nervous
Twenty Four: I love you
Twenty Five: Are you friends or something?
Twenty-Six: Missing you
Twenty-Seven: French Plaits and Fluffy Hair
Twenty-Eight: Halloween Shopping
Twenty-Nine: Here for you
Thirty-One: Sleepover Pt. 2
Thirty-Two: In your arms

Thirty: Sleepover

25 2 0
By asparkle75

Adrien woke up happier the following morning. Visiting Marinette always helped him feel better and he'd almost completely forgotten about his fathers lectures the day before.


Thankfully Nathalie hadn't checked up on him the night before so when he turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his body preparing to change, he heard a faint knock on his bedroom door.

"I'm in the shower," Adrien called out as he quickly slid on his signature jeans.

"After you're done, please head straight downstairs Adrien, your father's waiting for you at the breakfast table," Nathalie said, before he heard the sound of her heels clicking away.

This caused a surprised expression to appear on Adrien's face. It had been weeks, maybe months, since his father had eaten breakfast, actually, any meal with him.

A knot formed in his stomach at the thought of eating breakfast with his dad. He would usually be ecstatic, but with everything that had been going on with him, he was incredibly anxious.

As he slipped on his white overcoat and began to comb through his messy blond hair, Plagg flew in front of his face.

"Wow, your dad's spending time with you," Plagg said.

"Please don't eat that so early in the morning," Adrien scrunched his nose at the piece of Camembert in his kwami's small paws.

"Hey you need breakfast and so do I," Plagg shrugged, consuming the piece of cheese.

Adrien rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you feeling okay? You barely get to spend time with your dad and you don't look so good," Plagg said, a hint of worry in the kwami's voice

Adrien sighed, "I'm just nervous that's all, mostly prepared for what he's gonna criticize me about now."

"It might not be too bad, who knows, maybe he'll show his soft side," Plagg shrugged.

Adrien snorted, "Yeah, in the span of 15 minutes, we'll have some great father and son time."

Plagg snickered, "At least it's short right?"

"Yeah," Adrien said, setting his comb and hair gel aside, "I just hope it'll go well."

Plagg gave him a small nuzzle on the cheek, shocking Adrien, before flying into his shirt.

Adrien smiled down at his kwami briefly before washing his hands in some lavender scented soap. He opened the bathroom door and walked out of his room with his backpack slung over his shoulder. 

At least I'll be at Marinette's tonight, he thought happily, hiding the smile on his face.

He walked down the long steps of his house quietly and walked towards the breakfast table and sat down, placing a napkin onto his lap.

His father appeared shortly after, his hands behind his back as usual as he took a seat opposite of his son.

"Good morning Adrien," Gabriel said, placing a napkin onto his lap.

"Good morning father," Adrien said nervously, picking at his food with his fork.

They sat quietly for the next few minutes eating their food.

"How are your Chinese lessons going son?" Gabriel asked as Adrien quickly looked up.

"They're going well father," Adrien replied.

"And your fencing lessons?" Gabriel asked.

"They're going well father," Adrien replied.

"Piano practice?" Gabriel asked.

"It's going well father," Adrien replied.

Gabriel hummed in response as he took a sip of water.

The poor boy had to grit his teeth to not scream in frustration. It was always the same damn questions all the time. Always something that benefited his father so he could have the perfect, ideal son to show to the world.

The next few minutes were also silent, Adrien glanced at the time to see 10 minutes had already passed by.

5 more minutes to go, he thought to himself.

Gabriel cleared his throat again and Adrien braced himself for either a lecture or another stupid question about his extracurricular activities. He hoped it was the latter, the last thing he needed was another lecture the following morning.

But his father's question surprised him, he tried to hide the smile from his face at the mention of his favorite person's name.

"Did Ms. Dupain-Cheng agree for the photo shoot next Saturday?" Gabriel asked.

"Marinette? It took her a bit of time to respond but she said that she'd be ecstatic to father," Adrien replied.

"That's good to hear. She has good potential in the fashion industry, and I'd be pleased for her to model one of my designs with you," Gabriel said.

"She's thankful for it. She told me to thank you, and that it's a huge opportunity for her," Adrien practically gushed.

"Tell her that I am pleased and look forward to it," Gabriel said with an expression of approval.

Adrien nodded with a smile and continued to eat. A few seconds later his father stood up from his chair, pushing it back.

"I'm glad we got to spend some time together Adrien. You should be off for school soon, I have work to do," with that he was off.

Adrien sighed and also pushed his chair back in the process, standing up and wiping his face neatly with a napkin.

He grabbed his school bag, mumbling a goodbye to Nathalie, before walking out the door and into his limo.

Once inside, he buckled his seatbelt in before his driver took off.

"Hey you okay?" Plagg asked, looking at Adrien's furrowed brows.

Adrien looked up, "Yeah I'm fine, I just wish he wasn't so busy all the time Plagg," he said.

Plagg frowned, he hated seeing Adrien like this. Adrien was the nicest boy in the world, the best owner he'd ever had, and was so strong. If Plagg had been in Adrien's position, he would've went off on his father every single time. 

"At least you have me right?" Plagg said, in an attempt to cheer the boy up.

Adrien smiled genuinely, "Yeah, thanks buddy," he said, gently stroking Plagg with his finger.

"No problem kid," Plagg said, content that he'd made Adrien feel a bit better. "Plus, you're spending the night with pigtails tonight."

Adrien smiled brightly, "Mhm," he said, "I can't wait."


"He looked so sad yesterday Alya, I hate seeing him like that," Marinette sighed, fumbling with the straps of her backpack.

"Did you ask him what was wrong?" Alya asked.

"I did, but he didn't want to talk about it, I just want to be there for him," Marinette said, biting her lip.

"Don't stress it Mari, if he needs to talk, he'll tell you, for now, just be there for him," Alya said, patting her shoulder.

Marinette smiled, "Yeah, I just hate how I didn't notice it much before, he was always like that, always smiling, making jokes, being laid back, but in reality, he's hurting deep down," she said.

Alya frowned, "It's hard for some people to open up Mari, and it isn't your fault, you guys have the secret identity rule," she reasoned.

"Sometimes I wish we didn't Al, I think we would've known each other way better, and didn't have to worry all the time," Marinette sighed.

"I get that, I mean I wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret from Nino, but once you guys defeat Shadowmoth, then no more secrets," Alya said.

"I don't know long we'll have to wait until then," Marinette said.

"You both are happy though right? I mean, you're in a healthy relationship, and I can tell how happy he's making you," Alya said.

Marinette smiled, "He does make me happy," she said shyly.

"And I'm sure you do the same for him too girl," Alya said, nudging Marinette, "Otherwise, why would he visit you so much?"

"For cookies," Marinette giggled.

"Okay yes, but because he loves you," Alya said.

"I know, and I do too," Marinette said.

Alya squealed as Marinette blushed, they saw Nino and Adrien walking towards them so they quickly covered it up.

"Hello dudette, and hello babe," Nino said, giving Alya a kiss on the cheek.

Marinette and Adrien sighed, wishing they could act the same way at school with the person they were dating.

"Hi Nino," Marinette said acknowledging him, "and Adrien."

He brightened up immediately when Marinette acknowledged him, a faint blush on his cheeks as he smiled.

As Nino and Alya were talking about something, Adrien moved to stand in front of Marinette and poked her nose.

Marinette giggled, "Hey, what was that for?" She asked, sliding her phone into her pocket.

"Just getting your attention, I'm bored," Adrien said, cocking his head to the side.

Marinette saw his green eyes sparkle, the ones she had fallen in love with before, but now she was in love with a different green-eyed boy.

"Yeah it can get a bit boring with them," Marinette said, gesturing to the couple beside her.

"Shh don't let them hear you," Adrien said, grinning.

Marinette giggled, "So, how are you?" She asked, trying to make conversation.

Adrien's smile faltered slightly, "Me? I'm great, what about you?"

"I'm alright," Marinette said.

"Well that's wonderful to hear, by the way, I talked with my father this morning and he's looking forward to seeing you next Saturday," Adrien said.

"Really?" Marinette asked nervously, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Hey," Adrien said, putting a hand on her shoulder, "don't be nervous, I know he looks scary but he really likes you and your passion for fashion."

"That rhymed," Marinette giggled as Adrien joined her. "But thank you, I feel a bit better."

"Of course," he said, giving her a playful wink.

"Hey Adrien," she started, glancing briefly towards Alya and Nino who were occupied with one another.

"Mhm?" He said, focusing all his attention towards her and studying her features. Her eyes looked worried, and her nose was scrunched a bit because she was frowning.

"Are you alright? You probably don't think I've noticed, but you've looked a little sad these past few days, I'm worried," she said, gazing at him intently.

Something flickered in Adrien's eyes as he looked down at his shoes, "Yeah I'm okay Marinette, it's just seasonal blues," he said.

"You can talk to me you know? If you ever need to," she said softly.

Adrien looked up and let out a shaky sigh, "It's just my father Marinette, ever since mom left, he doesn't pay attention to me anymore, and it sucks living in a huge house that's nothing but lonely."

Marinette felt her heart ache, she couldn't imagine living in Adrien's place, both parents gone even though one was still physically there, no one to talk to, living up to his father's expectations to make him happy, and barely being able to see his friends. It hurt her so much to think about what Adrien had to go through, she was so close to rescuing him and secretly kidnapping the blond.

Maybe Chat could help me out there, she thought internally before shaking her head.

"I'm sorry Adrien," she said genuinely, "I can't imagine what you're going through, I don't know what I would do if my parents treated me that way. You're such a strong person for getting through that."

She took a hold of his hand and gave it a squeeze, which seemed to relax Adrien's nerves.

"Thank you Marinette, it's just worse, because Christmas is approaching and it's going to be another Christmas without my mom," he sighed.

Marinette eye's flickered, she couldn't help but be reminded of Chat's situation as well. Both boys were going through so much and they didn't deserve all that pain.

"Hey," she said softly, "I know she isn't here right now, I know your father's hard on you, but you still have us I promise. We're always going to be here for you Adrien, we'd never leave you, you can even come over to our place around Christmas, my parents like throwing small parties with friends and family, Alya and Nino will be there, so you can come too," she offered with a smile.

Adrien felt like crying, but he knew he couldn't right there so he nodded, "Thank you Marinette, you don't know how much that means to me. I don't know what I did to deserve you guys," he said with a small sniffle that Marinette noticed.

She squeezed his hand, "Well we don't know what we did to deserve such an amazing, bright, adorable, caring, and sweet guy like you Adrien."

Adrien smiled and wrapped his arms around her, Marinette was a bit surprised at first but hugged him back, gently rubbing his back to comfort him. " Thank you Mari," he said softly as she smiled.

"Of course Adrien, you never need to thank me, if you ever need to talk, you can always come to me, even if you call me at 3 in the morning I won't be mad," she said, with a light laugh.

Adrien chuckled, "Thank you, I'll definitely remember that," he said pulling away, even though he hated doing so, Marinette's embrace always felt so safe and secure to him.

"Of course," she said, smiling at him brightly.

He returned it, "So," he cleared his throat, "are you doing anything after school?"

"M-Me?! Oh! My parents left for a baker's convention this morning and won't be back until Sunday night, so I'm just planning on getting homework done and keeping the bakery open for a few hours tomorrow morning and Sunday. Oh and I have to babysit Manon."

"That sounds cool! You're in charge of the bakery all by yourself huh?" He mused.

"Yup," she giggled, "Thankfully not too long, I don't think I could handle managing a bakery for a whole day without my parents, so they shortened the hours."

"That must be relieving," he sighed, "Maybe I'll stop by after my photoshoot tomorrow."

"Please do," she giggled, "I can give you a few free pastries if you show up, I'll be alone for the rest of the day."

"Then I'll definitely show up," he winked, "Who can say no to your parents amazing creations?"

"Definitely not me," she said smiling.

The bell rang snapping their attention away from each other as they frowned.

"Well we better not be late. Oh look! The lovebirds already left us," Adrien mused.

Marinette rolled her eyes, "Of course they did," she shook her head, "C'mon let's go, we have Ms. Mendeleiev first period and I don't wanna be late."

Adrien chuckled and followed behind her, he already felt his day brighten up instantly.

I love you, he thought internally, smiling a love sick smile.


"I am so glad it's the weekend," Alya said, typing away on her phone rapidly.

"Me too," Nino sighed, "A weekend full of video games."

"Don't forget we're all hanging out Sunday Nino," Alya said with a somewhat serious tone.

Nino gulped as his girlfriend playfully glared at him, Marinette giggled.

"Did you ask your father if you can hang out Adrien?" Marinette asked, turning her head to the side.

"I haven't yet," he said, nervously putting his hands into his pocket, "But I will, and I'll let you guys know," he gave a weak smile.

Marinette squeezed his shoulder, "I'm sure he'll say yes," she said assuring him, as he smiled at her.

"Where are we going anyways?" Marinette asked Alya.

"To the movies," Alya said.

"Wait, so you're telling me, I have to spend the entire film watching you guys secretly make out?" Marinette asked, incredulously.

Alya and Nino choked.

"We don't make out in public!" Nino defended.

"Yeah we would never!" Alya said.

Marinette and Adrien snorted, "Yeah sure," they said in unison.

The couple glared at them.

"Anyways," Nino cleared his throat, "I have to get home and help my mom with something, see you guys," he waved before walking away.

"Me too, I need to babysit the twins because Nora isn't here," Alya sighed, "Call me if you need anything Mari, you too Adrien, bye!" She waved.

The two waved at them blinking as they practically disappeared into thin air.

Marinette sighed, "I need to keep the bakery open until 6, babysit Manon until 9, then start on my homework," she rubbed her forehead, groaning.

Adrien frowned, "I have to go to my Chinese lessons, my fencing practice, come home and practice piano, eat dinner, and then start on homework," he said sighing.

They both looked at each other and started laughing.

"We're all so busy today," Marinette said grinning.

"Mhm," Adrien said, "I'll see you tomorrow when I drop by Mari."

He quickly hugged her as his limo door opened, she smiled.

"You too Adrien, stay safe, and call me if you need me," she said, as he nodded.

He waved to her as he walked away and Marinette turned and began her walk home.

"I wish I didn't have to babysit Manon tonight Tikki," Marinette sighed.

"That girl has way more energy than me," Tikki giggled.

"She really does, I hope she's quieter tonight," Marinette said. 

She opened the bakery doors with her key and walked inside, locking the door behind her. She hurried upstairs and threw her bag on the sofa before heading into the bathroom to wash up. 

Marinette walked out with her hair in a small bun and smiled at Tikki, "You can come downstairs with me if you want, unless you want to stay up here," she said.

"I'll come with you, I'll get some macarons that way," Tikki giggled as Marinette shook her head.

Tikki sat on Marinette's shoulder as the girl made her way down to the bakery, she turned the sign on the door to OPEN before walking back to the cash register.

"We only have some orders that need to be picked up, so it's not too bad today," Marinette said, looking over the list her parents left her.

"At least you'll have time to do some homework before Manon and then Chat show up!" Tikki said.

"Yeah," she giggled, a small blush on her cheeks, a customer walked in and Tikki quickly flew behind Marinette.

"Hi! How can I help you today?" Marinette asked, with a friendly smile.

"I'm just here to pick up order #4 please," the man said with a smile.

"Coming right up," Marinette said as she headed into the back. She opened the fridge and saw a box labelled with the number 4 and picked it up.

"Strawberry cheesecake correct?" Marinette asked as the man nodded.

She quickly punched the order in and the man paid, she gave him his receipt and he thanked her before walking out.

More customers came in here and there, mostly to pick up orders, and before Marinette knew it, it was 5:59 PM.

There was one more order left with no name on it, but because no one had showed up, she didn't know what to do with it. 

She went to close the bakery door before someone interrupted her, "WAIT!"

She blinked, before she saw Adrien standing there, his hands on his knees as if he was out of breath.

"Hi," he said shyly as Marinette chuckled.

"Well hello, I thought you were coming by tomorrow," she said, a hand on her hip.

"I was, that is, until my father apparently had a weird dessert craving," Adrien said.

Marinette blinked, "Really?"

Adrien nodded, "Nathalie called me, she would've sent someone else, but since I was already outside I offered. Plus they know you, so they were cool with it," he said.

Marinette blinked again, "Alright come on in," she said, his bodyguard following behind him.

She turned the sign on the door to prevent anyone else from coming in since the bakery was closed and led Adrien to the stand.

Adrien was glancing at his phone, "Apparently my father ordered something and forgot to send someone in to pick it up earlier, it was a bit late when he realized," he frowned.

"What did he order?" Marinette asked.

"Chocolate cheesecake and a dozen macarons," he replied.

Marinette thought for a minute, "Ah so that was your dad's order, there wasn't a name on it so I couldn't call the person, let me grab it for you," she said, running to the back.

She hurried back with a box in her hand and set it on a table, she peeked inside, and yep, it was exactly Adrien's father's order.

"Alright so how would you like to pay?" Marinette asked, going behind the cash register.

Adrien pulled out his card and swiped it across the machine, Marinette gave him a thumbs up to signal it had gone through before handing his bodyguard the box and Adrien a smaller one.

"What's this for?" Adrien asked, with a curious smile.

"Just a little treat for a friend," she said with a wink.

He opened it to find two chocolate croissants and a few macarons, "Awh Marinette, you didn't have too," he said, jutting out his bottom lip.

"It's on me, don't worry about it," she smiled.

"Thank you," he said beaming, "I'll see you later Marinette, have a great night!"

"You too!" She said waving as he walked out.

Marinette quickly counted her change and was about to walk upstairs before she heard a knock on the door. She glanced at the time, it was past 6:00 pm, so it was most likely Manon.

She opened the door to find Nadja and Manon standing there.

"Hello Marinette, so sorry we're late, the traffic's crazy out there. I'll pick Manon up in a few hours," Nadja said.

"No worries Mrs. Chamack, see you later!" Marinette said waving to her. She led Manon upstairs to her room.

"So what do you wanna do Manon?" Marinette asked as she placed the girl's bag down by her chaise.

"I wanna watch a movie!" Manon said, giving Marinette a toothy grin.

"Alright...which one then?" Marinette asked, logging in to Netflix.

"The Ladybug and Cat Noir one," Manon grinned.

"Again?!" Marinette asked incredulously. 

"Hey no judging!" Manon said, crossing her small arms.

Marinette sighed, "Alright," she quickly clicked on the movie and began to play it. Manon was silent during it, eating the snacks her mother packed for her, so Marinette decided to start on her homework.


Manon had passed out on Marinette's chaise, Marinette had finished her homework, and it was nearly nine. The girl had thankfully not been too energetic and was quiet the entire time, but insisted on watching Ladybug and Cat Noir content the entire time, which made Marinette huff quite a few times.

Her doorbell rang downstairs and Marinette sat up, she quickly opened it up to find Nadja standing there.

"Hello Mrs. Chamack," Marinette stiffled a yawn, "Manon's upstairs, she fell asleep.

"Oh no worries, I'll just carry her to the car Marinette," Nadja said, heading up the stairs.

Nadja grabbed Manon off the chaise and began the walk downstairs, she left through the door and Marinette locked it, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Finally, now I can relax," Marinette sighed in relief, trudging up the steps.

"That's true! And with your boyfriend!" Tikki said, giggling.

"He's not my-Oh wait," Marinette mumbled, cheeks red.

"That excuse doesn't work anymore Marinette!" Tikki teased as Marinette playfully glared at Tikki. 

"As cute as you are, you're also very annoying," Marinette muttered.

Tikki just rolled her eyes with a smile and pecked Marinette's forehead, "Yeah yeah, now go open your trapdoor, you have a visitor," Tikki said, before flying away.

"How did you-"


The benefits of being a magical flying creature, Marinette thought with a sigh. 

She scurried up her bed like a small mouse or ladybug let's say, and pushed open her trapdoor. Marinette hadn't even realized it, but it had begun to pour outside tremendously, no wonder Chat was right on time.

He blinked at her, and tilted his head to the side, questioning whether she was going to let him in or not. She shook her head with a smile and stepped back, allowing the cat to quickly hop down, shaking himself as raindrops flew everywhere.

"Chat!" Marinette said, covering her body with her arms, a small scowl present on her face.

"I already told you Mari, cats...don't like water!" He said, ruffling his blond hair a little too aggressively so droplets fell onto Marinette's face.

Marinette glared at him, "Is this payback for last time?" She asked with a huff, shutting the trapdoor above her.

"Maybe," he said with a small smirk, "I also just love teasing my purrrincess," he winked.

Marinette couldn't help but lightly blush at that as he leaned forward and gave her a forehead kiss, "I missed ya," he said.

"I'm not sure if I feel quite the same kitty cat," Marinette said.

"For getting a few drops of water on you?" Chat asked, placing a hand onto his heart.

"If I wanted a shower Chat, I would've gone and taken one," she deadpanned, but he only grinned.

"So what're you doing, did you finish babysitting Manon?" He asked.

"Yeah I did-wait how did you know I was babysitting Manon?" She asked, turning towards him and raising an eyebrow.

Chat froze for a brief second before giving her a smile, "You told me yesterday," he replied.

"I would've remembered if I did, I have a good memory," she said.

"Okay fineeee, so I was out a little earlier than usual today and thought I'd check if you were finished everything earlier, your window was also open so I peeked in and saw Manon sitting inside," he shrugged with a sheepish smile.

Marinette relaxed, "Ah I see, are you always out transformed or something?" She mused.

"Only when I'm bored, and want to see you," he winked.

Marinette sighed but gave him a lazy smile as she ruffled his hair, "Are you feeling better today?" She asked.

"Pawsitively purrrfect, I won't lie princess, the only thing driving me today was seeing you again," he said, a lovesick smile on his face.

"Since we're being honest me too," she giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek which caused his heart to melt.

She pulled her phone out and began scrolling through it, "I'm gonna order Pizza, do you want some or have you already eaten dinner?" She asked.

"I'm down," he said, "Pizza sounds nice."

"Alright," she chuckled, putting her phone away, "I should get you a towel."

"Or I could just detransform," he said, smirking widely.

Marinette rolled her eyes, "Yeah no," she said.

"C'mon, aren't you even a little bit curious to know who I am?" He asked, with an amused tone.

More than you'll know kitty, she thought. 

"No, because even though satisfaction brought the cat back, I'm not the cat," she said, climbing down her ladder, he instantly followed, leaping down with a smirk.

"Seriously," he said.

"I am serious no, if Ladybug were to ever find out, she would be mad," Marinette said.

"Yeah but, I told you I'd wear my cute pj's," he said, jutting out his bottom lip and giving her kitty eyes.

Marinette let out a light laugh, "Sorry, I guess I'll have to wait to see your 'pj's' Chat," she said shaking her head and heading towards her closet.

Chat whined behind her as she rolled her eyes with a smile, she pulled out a green towel and handed it to him, which he took instantly to dry his hair and suit.

When he was done with it, his usually wild hair looked even wilder causing Marinette to start laughing at him.

"What?" He asked with a frown. He walked over to her vanity mirror and checked his reflection, frowning even more and muttering curses under his threat.

Marinette stifled another laugh before walking over to him with a smile, "Here I'll fix it for you," she said, gently brushing his blond locks back into place.

That caused Chat to purr.

"I can't even touch your hair without you purring can I? You really are a cat," she said.

"I can't help it," he said, his cheeks pink, "It feels like a scratch."

"Mhm," Marinette said, as the doorbell rang. "Oh that must be the pizza guy!"

"I'll get it," Chat said, "The last thing I need is for another guy to be flirting with you."

Another? Marinette thought.

"Thank you for your concern but no, the last thing I need is everybody finding out you're in my house," she said booping his nose before slipping out the trapdoor.

Chat sighed, The girl was too stubborn but she had a point.

Marinette opened the door to be greeted by a friendly looking teenager, he handed her the pizza box and she thanked him and told him to have a great night.

"I'm back, safe, and not flirted with," she said with a proud smile as Chat's face lit up. "And hungry," her stomach growled.

Chat chuckled, "Thank god, or my claws would've been in use today," he said.

Marinette glared at him as he held his hands up in the air, "I'm only kidding, I pawmise."

"Mhm," she hummed. "Anyways, I'm gonna grab my laptop and a few blankets. You. Grab the pizza."

Chat nodded and gave her his signature salute with his two fingers, as Marinette walked over to her closet to pull out a few fluffy blankets.

After five minutes, they sat cuddled onto her chaise, blankets resting on their legs, Marinette's laptop resting on a small chair, and eating pizza.

"I love this pizza more than you," Chat said taking a bite.

He was met with a smack on his arm.

"Ow," he whined, "I was only kidding."

"Tell that to the pizza Chat," she said.

"I still love you more you cheesy deliciousness," Chat whispered.

"I heard that!" Marinette said as Chat laughed.

Marinette pulled up a movie on her Netflix account called "Clueless" and played it as her and Chat leaned back into the chaise, sipping on their cans of pop that lay beside them.

Around 20 minutes in, Marinette glanced at Chat, upon seeing his intrigued expression, she silently chuckled. 

Who knew Chat was into Romcom's? Marinette thought.

But he was, and he was there right next to her watching it, Marinette had always dreamed of doing this with someone other than Alya. Just a day where she could snuggle up with the love of her life and forget about all the worries in the world.

Except Cat Blanc, her mind reminded her as she gulped. She wouldn't worry about that right now, right now she was only going to focus on the moment.

And so she did, her and Chat spent the next hour laughing and slightly crying at the film, it was obvious he liked it and Marinette was happy he was having a good time.

When the movie ended and both teens were buzzed with energy, Marinette got up and stretched. 

"I'm gonna grab some popcorn, then we'll watch another one," she said.

"I'll join you, I need to stretch my legs," he said, letting out a small yawn.

She nodded and he followed her downstairs, Marinette opened the kitchen cabinet and scanned it for popcorn, she found it, but it was too high up.

She went to reach for it when she felt a figure behind her leaning in and a clawed hand grab the box for her.

"Here you go," Chat said with a chuckle as Marinette turned around, only to find them inches apart.

Marinette felt a sense of Deja Vu there. 

Just because her and Adrien were in that same position only months ago. He had stood right behind her, leaned over her, and when she had turned around, he had only been a couple of inches away from her. None of them had moved for a minute, and that moment had felt so intense for her because of the huge crush she had on the boy then, it nearly took her breath away. She was the one who moved away in the end though, awkwardly moving to go heat the popcorn bag up, while her cheeks had blazed red.

Adrien had made himself comfortable on the kitchen counter then, completely unaffected.

"You alright?" Chat's voice startled her from her thoughts.

"O-Oh yeah I'm fine," she squeaked out. Chat hadn't moved just like Adrien, he kept looking at her the same way Adrien had then. She had brushed it off then because Adrien only thought of her as a friend, but would a friend look at you the same way a lover does?

Snap out of Marinette! Stop thinking of Adrien! Chat and Adrien are completely different people, one loves you, the other likes you as a friend! She internally scolded herself as she moved away from the counter and walked towards the microwave.

Chat had lifted an eyebrow up, confused by Marinette's sudden zoning out and the tension in the air. Did I do something wrong? He thought to himself.

"Do you want more soda?" Marinette asked, her voice back to normal now.

Chat lightly shook his head, "Yeah sure," he said as Marinette pulled out two cans of pop from the fridge.

She closed the fridge and pulled the popcorn bag out of the microwave, "Think fast!" She said tossing it at him, he obviously caught it with ease.

"I'm a superhero, I think I got that covered Mari," he said with a chuckle.

Marinette smiled before grabbing the cans of pop and headed towards her room, Chat following behind her, he gently shut her trapdoor with his boot.

She set the cans of pop down before rummaging through her drawers for something, "Found it!" She said.

"What did you find?" Chat asked.

"Candy duh, specifically peppermint hearts, I got you a chocolate bar too," Marinette said walking over and sitting down on the chaise.

"You really do know the way to my heart," Chat said, dramatically.

"Yeah I do," Marinette said placing a slightly long kiss onto his lips.

Chat blushed for a solid five minutes after that.

Marinette clicked on a random movie to watch, around 20 minutes later, she curled her legs up onto the chaise, leaning her head onto Chat's shoulder.

"Tired?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Not really, I just wanted to cuddle," she giggled, Chat's lips lifted into a smile as he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. Butterflies erupted in Marinette's stomach.

He moved his head to rest onto her shoulder, lightly brushing his cheek against her neck, he turned it slowly to place a small kiss onto her neck as Marinette giggled.

"I love you," he said, his arms tightening around her waist ever so gently.

"I love you too kitty cat," she said, giving him a quick peck on the lips before turning her attention towards the movie.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry for the long update-with courses ending there are so many final assignments and exams before the winter break. Courses are officially over this week then I'm free from there so I'll be able to update more! Anyways, much love, and stay safe! <33

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