Oneshot book

By GamingTiger15

6.9K 298 371

Radiodust fan? Jump into my oneshot book! Image does not belong to me. It belongs to unpacked_chaos on Twitt... More

I Alastor [Android AU]
New teacher [College AU]
Angel au
AU #4
You are worth it
medieval AU
Android AU (Take two)
Elf AU
Android AU (pt. 2)
Part 13
Christmas Special~
Medieval AU
Android AU part 3
The deal for freedom

Are you afraid to love people?

276 10 28
By GamingTiger15

Hello my lovely readers, I'm bored again. Attempted drawing but artblocks a thing now so. But I felt like writing, and for once, not radiodust. So instead I decided to give another ship within that universe a shot. Yes I know it's what's on the cover but I didn't feel like making another oneshot book JUST for this.I believe this is my first time writing for this ship so I'm not too familiar with the characters or writing them. So feel free (if you guys do read this) to give me your opinion on it. Who knows maybe I'll end writing a book about them one day and your feedback on what I can improve on can help.

Anyway I'm gonna shut up enjoy!

Okay, he'd done a LOT of bad things. He wasn't afraid to admit to something like this. But then who the hell was perfect in well..hell? Nobody, that's who! So what if he was fucking someone just for a book? Who hadn't? And it wasn't like it was the first time he'd done it either. There was a reason he had a couple people gunning for his head after all.

He's a heartless business man with the exception of his daughter. And maybe his colleagues if they weren't such a pain in the ass all the time.

...That's how things were supposed to be. That's how things had to be. Otherwise you got torn apart. Both figuratively and literally.

"Are you alright?" He sounded worried just for a second. "How the FUCK did you get caught by humans?" ..No, he was just worried about himself. "Am I going to get any thanks for the rescue Blizy?" About his sex toy.

That's all he was to any of them, wasn't he? Just a quick shag.

I believe your self-consciousness is trying to tell you that you cannot fathom proper intimacy.

How the hell was someone supposed to understand something if they've never been able to have it in the first place...If nobody ever gave him the chance?

Rubbing his eyes, his tried to clear away the thoughts. With a sigh, he focused his attention on the papers littering his desk. It was an early start at the office and he'd come in super early. Like always. He should get another promotion for all the hard work he'd been doing lately. Something to note down later to do. Maybe even throw himself a little office party.

His claws sifted through the papers. Clients sending in their requests. Not that Blizo was picky but he didn't feel like doing too much work today. So trying to find an easier one among the pile would be nice.

"...Hm, cheating husband, cheating husband, cheating husband, cross dressing cheating husband. Cheating wife. Cheated out of a threesome." Blizo rolled his eyes, tossing paper aside and letting it flop onto the floor. "Boooring. Come on everyone in hell's been cheated on before your not fuckin' special." He said to an empty room. With a loud groan he went back to the papers. "Isn't there anything interesting in here? Ooh- sister stole hoarse, seeking revenge for the hoarse." He slammed his hand down on the desk. "Fuck ya! Now were talkin!"

Just as Blizo decided on an objective for the day, he heard the doorknob twisting. Probably Moxie since he was always second earliest into the office. Even on Saturdays. When he called them in. On their days off. "

Flopping back into his chair and kicking his feet up. Blizo closed his eyes to relax a little before the day started. As he heard the door open as called to the imp, "Hey Moxie! Your shrimp dick ass better have some coffee or we are going to have a problem."

"Is that truly how you speak to your employees?" He opened his eyes, looking at the doorway. To find not Moixe - obviously - but rather the birdbrain himself.

An exasperated sigh leaving his mouth, Blizo begrudgingly sat up in his seat. "What do you want Stolis. Little to early for a fuck session but if your that hard on about it let me get some coffee first." It was a little weird, Stolis never stopped by their office. Ever. Blizo didn't even think Stolis knew were it was. Great, another place for the bird to track him down to. Just when he thought his ass was safe.

"No, I'm not here for that." Stolis said, without a hint of his usual amusement. Or even a second of fonding over the small imp.

Striking Blizo as weird, he brushed it off. "Then what a blowjob? Not really my style but eh." He shrugged. His small red eyes looked into Stolis hallowed ones. Not even a smile was cracked. He just appeared empty.

"I'm not here for any kind of sexual favors, Blizo."

His carefree expression fell as he heard that name. "It's Blitz. Stolis." He warned. "Don't call me that again."

Now the bird smiled, but it was a sickly smile. "Oh? And why should I care for your comfort? You do not seem to care for anyone else's?" Blizo's mouth parted as he spoke but he was left speechless. "Anyway, I did not come here to bicker with a low life imp." He said dismissing the imps reddening face with his hand. "No in fact I've come to retrieve my grimoire."

"What?!" Blizo now stood from his desk. "Why the fuck-"

"I'm cutting our little deal 'Blizy'. I've found a much more suitable imp to pleasure me." He said with disdain in his voice. "One that does not complain about our arrangement when it is plenty fair. And one that will do it in exchange for money. Something much less valuable then my grimoire."

Blizo gawked, then bared his teeth. He slammed his fist into his desk. "Y-you can't do that! I've been working my ass off! The fuck!? We had a deal!"

"Yes, had a deal. Not it is over." He coldly stated, showing no concern or remorse for the imps anger. "Did you truly believe I would continue to keep this arrangement going after your stunt with the humans?"

Blizo's hand went through the desk. "I told you it wouldn't happen again!"

"Empty words." He spat. "I do not understand why you are so upset. This is just business." Stolis stared at Blizo as he fell into a silent rage. "Were you honestly expecting something more out of this arrangement? A relationship perhaps?"

Blizo growled. "So what if I was? Was that so fucking wrong?"

He stuck up his nose. "I am royalty. And you?" He scoffed, "you are less than nothing Blizo."

The imps fist shook at his sides. With a loud roar filling the office he picked up the desk and chucked it at the bird.

As it flew, the ringing snapped him awake.

Blizo's eyes flew open to a darkened room. His heart raced in his chest like uneven drums. Taking a few breathes he sat up, wiping his forehead free of the cold sweat that was there. He looked around his darkened room, and at the clock sitting beside his bed.

5:45 AM

"Fuck.." Heaving a sigh, he tossed the covers back. Knowing full well sleep wasn't about to come back to him now. He swung his legs over the bed, resting them on the floor. A shiver wracked him. Loona probably had the air up again.

He didn't want to wake her by slumping around the house at this hour. Instead, he decided to just get dressed for the day. His closet only consist of a few clothes, one being that same suit he usually wore to work. It had a few blood stains in it from their well, their bloodbath. A few days ago.

He scratched the area between his horns as he grabbed the suit down from the rack. Getting dressed quickly, he left his room in its current state. The floorboards creaked under his boots as Blizo peaked into a room at the end of the hall. He smiled finding his fluffy daughter snoring loudly, blissfully asleep.

He quietly shut the door. Turning and heading to the front door.

A part of him contemplated going over to Moxie's house and bugging him and Millie. Give them an early start to their day.

He reached for his phone in his pocket, just as he was about to activate the tracker to make sure they were in fact home. He paused, ..his lips falling into a frown. Maybe it was best if he just had a bit of time to himself.

Not a word he stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

For whatever reason in his clouded mind, Blizo decided to walk this morning. Despite having the company van parked in his driveway.

The streets of hell were the usual, even this early in the morning someone was being murdered somewhere in the distance. Straightening his suit he began walking down the sidewalk. Away from the worn down home that looked like it desperately needed a paint job.

Blizo didn't strut through the streets of hell with his usual confidence that morning. Nor did he yell insults at the occasional onlooker. Either giving him a dirty look, offering to sell him something or just obviously checking him out.

His heels clicked along the cement as his mind drifted in and out of the world.

It had been at least three days since the incident. Since Blizo thought that he would actually die. That he had something of a heart to heart with Moxie - that he still refused to openly acknowledge with the man despite the other trying to do so. - But most of all, the thing replaying in his mind. Was Stolis.

Fuck, why couldn't it just go away? He tried to forget about it. But it was like a broken record. Always coming back when he was just laying in bed or there was a slow day in the office. It was starting to drive him crazy, to the point of even banging his head against his side table at times. Just to get it to stop.

The fact that Stolis being absolutely fucking terrifying being a turn on for him, he did not care about. Don't kink shame him dammit.

No what bothered Blizo, the thing that had been gnawing at his mind. Even after their heated fuck sess after the whole ordeal. He couldn't deny that something felt different. And he hated it.

Does he REALLY care about me? Or am I just his little play thing?

The question, the one that had been lingering around in his mind long before this. The one that he didn't really care about before. Was suddenly one that terrified him to know the answer of.

To be rejected.


Blizo sighed as he looked up, spotting the building.

A familiar feeling was starting to crawl up his back. Cold and chilling.

He quickened his space, becoming desperate for something to do to push back these thoughts. Again.

He entered the building and rode the elevator quickly to his floor. He was spacing out again. Debating whether or not he should just screw work for the day and get a coffee and kill a bitch to relieve some of the stress. His feet carried him to the door. Muttering a complaint under his breath about there being a pile of kill requests sitting outside his door. They really needed to set something better up...Eh, he'd get Moxie to do that. He fumbled with his keys and unlocked the door with a soft click.

Suppressing a yawn and rubbing his lidded eyes, Blizo was beginning to regret getting up so early. Actually, now that he thought about it. That meeting table was looking pretty comfy.

His tail wrapped around the pile of papers, with the heel of his boot he kicked the door closed. Walking into his office he tossed the requests on his desk with his tail. As the seconds ticked by he regretted not going for that coffee. He slumped down in his chair, stretching his limbs out. And preparing to go through all these papers. As he was just about to do that he paused. "Fuck, deja vu."

The minutes ticked by and Blizo fell into his work. Sifting through the papers and ignoring the heavy aura of deja vu he was getting. It was actually distracting him, for about ten minutes.

At the eleventh minute the imp was shoving all the papers onto the floor. And with annoyance hitting his head against his desk. Then slouching in his chair.

With a loud groan, he checked the clock on the wall. It was only six in the morning now. Blizto brought his hands to his face. Dragging them down. "Fuck!" He cursed to nobody. "Ugh. I hate this shit." He complained again to nobody, besides his pony figures on the desk.

He shifted in his chair, hanging his legs over the side of it.

He felt so tired.

So tired just mentally..physically, emotionally. Nothing worked. Why..why couldn't he just stop feeling like this? Get rid of this horrible feeling. This warm fuzzy feeling that was just making him uneasy every second of the day.

He moved in his seat again, sitting forward.

With a deep sigh, he stared down at the wood of his desk. His nail came to fiddle with a loose chip.

You don't wanna do things alone Blizo...

He snapped the wooden chip.

You tried the solo act it didn't work out so well!

He crumbled it between his fingers.

Yet you shove away anyone who gets too close until they resent you...

His nails dug into his hand.

Are you afraid to love people Blizy?

His hand unclenched and fell limply against the desk.

Blizo stared down at it with a frown. ..He bared his teeth, growling to himself. "No! I'm not afraid of shit!" He screamed into the room. Snarling, he reached into his pocket and retrieved his phone. "Scared? Fuck no! I'm not scared!" He scrolled through the contacts and pressed one. His phone lighting up. He held it to were his ear would be. "Bliz isn't fucking scared! No I'm a brave and a sexy bitch! I ain't scared of some pompess horny ass-"



The imp cursed himself as soon as he ended the call. "Fuck!" He stood up from his desk, leaving the phone there as he began pacing the room. "God dammit, why did I do that." He cursed. "Fuck! No I don't need to prove anything to anyone! I-"

The phone began ranging again within seconds.

Blizo spun around, staring at the phone as it rang. He cringed, grinding his teeth. The phone continued to ring as his mind yelled at him.

Answer it.

He looked away.

Stop being afraid and answer it.

"Ugh! I'm not scared! I'm just.." he stared at the phone as it continued to blare. "Guh..fine." He marched up to the desk and snatched up the phone. As he pressed the button he yelled into the receiver, "What?!"

There was a brief pause on the other line. "Blizy? Did you need something?"


"No!" He slapped himself, cringing harder.

"Oh." His confused voice rang back. He sounded tired, probably having been asleep still. Woken up by the call. " this a booty call?." Stolis said, sounding genuinely unsure.




"I mean no!" He sighed, mouthing a curse to himself as he paced around the room again. "No, no not this time no."

"Ah, I see." Stolis said, still sounding very confused. "Blizy, are you alright? You sound distressed."

"Yeaaaah I'm fiiiine. Doing my thing letting my tail swang.." He immediately said out of habit. His cringing continued.

Don't lie to him.

"Shut up.." he muttered, hitting his head.

"What was that?" Stolis asked.

"Nothing! Nothing I was just uh..talking to Moxie!" He quickly made up. "Moxie shut the hell up I'm busy!" He said yelling at an empty wall.

Stolis simply chuckled, "what hard workers you have. To be there at such an hour."

His tail curled as he paced in a circle. "Uh yeah, haha..Moxie's always working his ass of off yep." Say something..what was the point of this if he didn't?

"Well, are you sure you're alright? Was there something you needed? You don't normally call at this hour." Dammit he was getting suspicious.

Hang up!

"Uh nope just um.."

Just talk to him!

"Are you sure? You sound quite nervous right now?" He could hear shuffling from the other side. "Would you like me to stop by your office?"

Stay away!

"No-" he stopped pacing, taking a breath. He needed to calm down.. "No uh, I'm fine. I just..." Say something.. "Wanted to know something."

There was a short pause on the other end, that had Blizo pacing again. "Of course, what is it?" He could hear a door creaking open on the other end followed by water running.

Blizo's tail moved erratically behind him as he rubbed his neck. Pacing back and fourth. The footsteps, his footsteps felt louder. Like hammers in his head.

Your gonna die along...

Your gonna die alone..

Your gonna die alone..


T A L K.

"Do you like me!"

Silence, only filled by the tap. Then a small chuckle, "well of course I like my whittle blizy."

"No-" he stopped pacing. "No I mean.." His tail wrapped around his torso tightly. With a loud sign he went on, "I know you like my dick but..fuck- do you like me?" The tight feeling in his gut, the racing of his heart, the chills wracking his body. He hated it so much.. "Do you want me."

No response.

Just silence and running water in the background. "..Pardon?" Stolis voice sounded shaken a bit even baffled.

Blizo grabbed one of his horns needing to hold something. "Do you want ME Stolis? Or do you just want my body?"

The line cut.

...Blizo stood there.

The ticks of his clock setting into him that this was unfortunately reality.

A cold..painful reality.

His fist tightened around the phone, and without a second though he threw it so hard it broke one of his windows and flew out it. "Fuck!" He kicked his desk over punching a hole into it. Kicking it, breaking the chair. Breaking the clock, breaking anything. And when there was nothing left to break..

He collapsed, and cried.

Tail wrapping around himself like a protective barrier, he cried.

With the clocks broken ticks the only thing to fill the void of silence aside from his own choked sobs.

Why did he even try? Why did he even CONSIDER listening to that glimmer of hope reignited in his heart? He should have just crushed it the second he felt it come back. Happiness was only a fantasy. One everyone else got to have, ...everyone but him.

"..Blizy?" He was hearing things now, as if his mind wasn't tortured enough. "Blizy?" No, just stop just go away..just... "Bliz." He flinched when something grabbed his shoulder. In alarm he looked up, his eyes wide in alarm to find the bird man knelt beside him. Looking at him with that same look he had when they were rescued from the humans.


Here he was..a broken sobby mess. In front of Stolis who was . Vulnerable.

And still, he looked concerned.

Are you afraid to love people Blizy?

"...Yes..yes okay! I'm fucking scared!" Blizo shouted, covering his eyes.

Stolis blinked, confused at all of this. "Scared of what?"

"You!" He shouted, bringing his hands away, looking at Stolis. "This!" He continued on while Stolis simply stared dumbstruck. "US!" ...too far.

"..Us?" Stolis repeated with widened eyes.

"N-no. I-why are you here?! How did you get in my office!" He crossed his arms, glaring at Stolis who he realized was just now in night robe.

Normally some joke would be made, but Stolis answered simply. "I made a portal here." He reached a hand towards Blizo but it was swiftly smacked away. Stolis recoiled that hand, holding it to himself. "...I'm sorry,"

"Forget it." The walls would go back up. "Just forget any of this happened."

"No, I am sorry. Stella had woken up and snatched my phone during our conversation.." He finally explained. He could already see Blizo's shoulders lowering. "I didn't want there to be a misunderstanding. So I just came here so we could talk in person." His tail still remained wrapped around himself. And his arms crossed.

"Oh.." Blizo muttered, now feeling guilty.

Stolis frowned; looking around the destroyed office. "It seems I was already a bit late." He muttered more to himself.

Blizo simply sighed, not knowing what to say. He didn't exactly expect Stolis to just appear in his office. Especially after he broke down. Nobody was ever hear to see his breakdowns. To see him, like this. He felt so..watched, vulnerable.

And it felt so scary.

Stolis moved a little closer, sitting down beside Bliz. "...To answer your question." He spoke softly, leaning close to Bliz's ear. "Your body is very appealing. Even for such a little imp such as yourself." Blizo frowned.. "And if you are asking, if I love you. I'm afraid I cannot answer that. As I myself am still quite figuring out what that is."

His tail wrapped around him tighter, enough to hinder his breathing as he hid the majority of his face in his knees. Aside from his eyes that anxiously looked away from Stolis.

"However, ...I wouldn't wish to choose any other imp over you. I quite enjoy your company, even if it's always in sexual favors. The small moments in which we share that aren't favors I do enjoy. And crave more of."

Blizo chanced a glance at Stolis. And found he was smiling with an expression that was somewhere between not quite lust but not fully concerned. It made him feel warm and fuzzy.

"So I suppose I do quite like you Blizy." He said with a bright smile. "Does that answer your question?"

Blizo, like a cautious cat lifted his head. Looking at Stolis. He blinked, processing the statement. "..You, you know that I don't mean 'like fucking me' right? I mean..what Millie and Moxie has. That kind of like."

At his explanation Stolis expression didn't falter. "Yes I am aware. And as I stated, I do like you Blizy." He scratched at his cheek. "Although I am new to these feelings myself, so I don't quite know how to properly express them."

With a sigh of relief Bliz let out a strained laugh. "That makes two of us." A silence fell between them, not quite awkward but, unsure. Bliz kept his legs together, but his tail finally unraveled itself from his torso. "..So, now what?"

"I don't know." Stolis answered, sounding just as unsure as Bliz. He inched a bit closer, moving his own tail to scoop Bliz up and bring him closer. "But perhaps this could be some sort of start?" He asked, watching the imps' surprised expression with an amused smile.

Blizo scoffed, for once. He allowed himself to relax in company. As he leaned against Stolis. And for once, he didn't mind the feathers.Thinking of them as comfortable pillows or a big fluffy blanket. "Yeah..this'll work."

The two fell silent, leaning into each other.

"Hey wanna get some coffee after this? I'm really fucking tired..I mean, if you're not busy."

Stolis simply chuckled, giving Bliz a squeeze. "I'd love to."

Ugh okay I'm beat lemme know what you guys thought? Gotta admit I had no idea what I was gonna do going into this, only that I wanted to do something with Blitz's hallucinations experience and how he was feeling after it. Also I know his name is now Blitz and not Blizo but dang it I'm not fighting google every five seconds over his name so that's why I kept saying Blizo...I still spelled it wrong didn't I? AH who cares it's my first time writing for this ship I'm not used to it.

Anyway! I'm beat goodnight people!

Oh I was listening to this song while writing this so here ya guys go! Just have it.

- Thanks for reading -

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