
By alexlouisewrites

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Alexis Maxwell is a junior at San Diego state university. She is a dance major who doesn't have any family. A... More

| synopsis |
chapter one | coffee
chapter two | see you
chapter three | moving
chapter four | accident
chapter five | family
chapter six | engagement
chapter seven | entreprenuer
chapter eight | school
chapter nine | truth
chapter ten | flashback
chapter eleven | persuasion
chapter twelve | thanksgiving
chapter thirteen | listening
chapter forteen | forgot
chapter fifteen | girlfriend
chapter seventeen | home
chapter eighteen | flying
chapter nineteen | christmas
chapter twenty | shopping
chapter twenty-one | eating
chapter twenty two | new years eve
chapter twenty three | love

chapter sixteen | ultrasound

935 8 0
By alexlouisewrites


"Okay, I'm just going to rub this gel over your lower stomach and it will be a little chilly just so you know." The nurse tells Alexis who just nods and pulls up the shirt that she is wearing.

The nurse has a small tube and squeezes some out onto her hands and rubs it together before rubbing it all over Alexis' lower stomach.

"Aright, now that is on I am just going to press this wand down over your lower stomach for a few minutes so I can get a screening of your uterus and your ovaries." The nurse tells Alexis what she is doing.

Alexis is just laying there looking up at the ceiling while the nurse is doing the ultrasound. "Alright, that should do it. The doctor will be in your room within a few minutes with your results.

"Okay thank you." Alexis thanks the nurse and we both walk out of that room and head up to the hospital room that she was assigned to.

About twenty-five minutes later the doctor comes strolling right into her room with a clipboard that I would assume has all of Alexis notes from today on it.

"Hello, Alexis. Front the bloodwork I found that you have a little bit of a high level of insulin. Nothing to worry about at all. That could be because when a cyst erupts it messes with a few things but a follow-up is not needed for that. Everything else was perfect from your bloodwork.

Now from your ultrasound, we found out that you did have a cyst erupt as I mentioned. This is something that is a little thing to worry about. Through the tests, you most likely do have polycystic ovaries syndrome. This is not something that can be tested for sure though." The doctor explains to Alexis who nods as he keeps talking.

"The things that come with what you have can include losing fertility in the further, cysts on your uterus and ovaries, and some other minor symptoms. There is, unfortunately, no cure for this and it is something that you are going to have forever. Most of the time you will not even think about having it. I want to get you on birth control so that it can regulate your periods and that will help this a little bit. After I do that I will bring you your papers so that you can sign yourself out." The doctor explains to her and I am now noticing how truly exhausted Alexis is.

A nurse brings the papers that Alexis needs to sign to be able to leave. I see her scribble down her signature and hand it back to the nurse.

"Okay, sweetie, you are now free to go. Follow the arrow and go out the door on the right. Have a nice day and I hope you feel better." The nurse says and then walks out of the room Alexis was placed in.

"I'm glad that is over," Alexis says with a sigh. I place my arm around her back in a comforting way as we make our way out of the room and to the waiting area to get my mom. I have been texting her updates so she knew how long it would be until we were out.


"How are you doing honey?" Andrew's mom, Skylar asks me. I honestly feel pretty much fine now. I'm not back to one-hundred percent but I have a mere stomachache now. "I'm feeling so much better now. Thank you both for bringing me here." I thank them knowing that even though I didn't necessarily have to come to the hospital that it was probably for the best.

"Of course. Ready to go?" She asks looking back and forth between the two of us. I just nod while Andrew replies with "Yeah."

"I am just going to drop you off at home so that we can get back to campus for classes tomorrow," Andrew tells his mom. Don't remind me that it's already Sunday.

We soon pull into the very long driveway of Skylar and Alejandro's house. I love their house so much it's beautiful.

"So what are you planning to do tomorrow?" Andrew asks me once we're back on the drive to our dorms. "I have classes most of the day. I don't finish all of them until late. After that Ariana and Amelia and I are going to do something. I'm not sure what we are doing yet though." I explain to him, knowing that he probably wanted to hang out or do something tomorrow.

"Well, I guess that eliminates the chance of us doing something. Do you think that you could postpone the thing with the girls until Tuesday by any chance?" He asked me while looking hopeful. I can but I don't see the big deal if he is going to see me one of the two days anyway.

"Yeah, I guess so. But why don't you want to wait until Tuesday anyway?" I ask him not wanting to be nosey but still curious.

"I pretty much just found out that I have an away game. I'm leaving for it Tuesday early in the morning and I will not be back until very late Friday night." He explains to me. He explained to me how not only basketball but most of the sports here don't always have away games because a lot of teams travel to California because there are a ton of teams to play here and they play them all at the same time.

I am just kind of upset that when we just got together and now he's leaving. I'm sure that I will still talk to him every day while he is there but I don't want to come off as clingy to him.

"Oh okay. Yeah it's cool we just wanted to hang out and I don't even know what we are doing yet. I'm sure they'll be fine with waiting until Tuesday and they can always just hang out without me for a day." I tell him, knowing that we usually all hang out together but if one of us cancels at the last minute it's not the end of the world if just two of us hang out together.

"Anyways I'm tired and I have to get up early tomorrow so I am going up to my dorm for bed. Goodnight." I say letting out a small yawn.

Andrew pulled me into a hug and kissed my temple before he let go of me. "Goodnight baby, text me when you get up in the morning, okay?" He asks me and I nod before giving him a peck on the lips before I get in the elevator going up to my dorm floor. Once I reach my floor I walk for a few minutes and swipe my card before walking into my room.

I put on a pair of sweatpants and a giant hoodie that Andrew gave me. Well technically I stole it from his closet while he wasn't looking but he's my boyfriend so it doesn't count.

It's getting pretty cold now that it is December in San Diego. I think I would die if I was back in New York right now.

Andrew: Goodnight baby I'll see you tomorrow.

Alexis: Goodnight babe.

I love talking to him. Honestly being with Andrew all of our conversations seem to come very naturally and there is never an awkward silence. We can be sitting in silence or having a full-blown conversation and it's never awkward and that's what I love about us.

Thinking about this I drift off into a not very peaceful sleep. I woke up a few hours later in a panic but a few minutes later I fell asleep again but this time into a peaceful sleep. I woke up bright and early and got ready for my ballet class. Ballet is my favorite form of dance because I feel like you can show your emotions so much through it.

I put on some black tights with a leotard over them and pulled on some sweats and a hoodie over them. I put my newest pair of pointe shoes in the bag and a few other random necessities in the bag before grabbing the bag, my phone, my keys, and my dorm room key and headed to the lobby of my building.

I took the stairs down since I had some time to kill and I was bored. I'm walking through the lobby almost to the door. "ALEXIS!" I hear Andrew hell my name and I stop in my tracks. I blush, not only because of the attention but because I usually do when he yells my name so suddenly like he just did.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask him knowing that I wanted to grab a coffee before my class.

"I don't have a class so I'll walk you to wherever you are going." He says as we walk to my first class of the day.


I have never wanted to skip a game as much as I wanted to skip this one. Not only do I not want to go because I am going to be Alexis for about three days but also I'm just not used to it and away games are completely annoying.

It's now Tuesday morning, bright and early and I would seriously rather be anywhere else than get on a bus right now. "Here," I say and raise my hand while my coach takes attendance.

Yesterday besides when she was in classes I was with Alexis for the entire day. We got coffee before her first class then on her lunch break she came over to my dorm for lunch and we went out to dinner together and came back to her dorm to watch a show and cuddle.

I can't wait for this game to overdo that I can come back and cuddle with her some more. On the bus, I sit in a seat next to Noah. I'm not too close with only of the guys on the team but I would still definitely consider them friends.

"Hey, man." He nods at me when he sat down in the seat next to mine. "What's up?" I ask him when I see him checking his phone religiously every few minutes.

"Nothing much. Just not a fan of leaving my girl on campus without me for a few days." He tells me. Well, at least I have someone who knows how I feel right now.

"Yeah, same. I just asked a close friend of mine to be my girlfriend last week even though we've been hanging out forever and I didn't want to have to be sitting on a bus right now." I explain to him.

"Yeah, before I started dating my girl I never would have understood it. Now that we are dating I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack if it takes her too long to answer her phone." He tells me with a chuckle at the end.

"Yeah, six months ago if someone told me that I was going to have a girlfriend that I didn't like not having out of my sight I probably would have laughed in their face," I say, and it's true. I don't know how I lived without someone like Alexis in my life for so long.

We stop talking after that but the bus ride is about four hours long so I end up going to take a nap after that.

I wake up and see that we are going to be arriving at our first hotel in about twenty-five minutes. I unlock my phone and see a few notifications and only one from Alexis.

Alexis: Hey babe, just woke up.

Andrew: Good morning baby, what are you doing today?

Alexis: Not much. I'm going to go to all of my classes and chill out with Ariana and Amelia in Amelia's apartment afterward.

Alexis: I have to pay attention now I'll talk to you later.

Pulling up in front of the hotel I grab my suitcase and step off of the bus. We have to share rooms so I'm sharing with Noah. We are playing three games all around the same area. The first one which is the one that we are at today is the university of Arizona.

We have to be at pre-game training in about two hours so I have some time to kill. I never unpack when we come to places like this because I'll be on a bus again early tomorrow morning so there's not a good point.

I jump in the shower and put on basketball shorts and a San Diego state university tank top. I walk out of the bathroom and see two missed calls from Alexis.

I lay down on my bed and FaceTime her back and she answers almost right away. "Hey, baby," I say and she smiles widely at me. I love that adorable smile of hers.

"Hi!" She replies, it warms my heart that she is this excited to talk to me. "Did you have your practice yet?" She asks me. She probably figured that I already did because I told her that she could FaceTime me whenever she was done with class and I would answer unless I was at practice.

"No, that's in a few hours. I was in the shower." I tell while walking back into the bathroom to dry my hair. This is the reason that I love this blow dryer. It has a mode where it can be on and be silent at the same time.

"Where exactly are you anyway?" She asks me because I didn't tell her what order we were playing the schools in. I told her we were going to be in Arizona but that is about it.

"I'm playing the university of Arizona tonight," I tell her and she nods in understanding.

"That's cool. I have a cousin on the basketball team there I'm going to see if I can find out his number before you guys play later." She tells me and I nod at her. "Okay," I say with a shrug. It's kind of funny that one of the first times away from her and I'm in the same area as one of her family members.

"So walk me through the rest of your afternoons and night." She tells me and pulls a hoodie over her.

"Well, in a little bit I leave so that I can go to training. I then go back to a locker room so that I can take a quick shower and change from my practice to game day Jersey. Then we have our game and then we come back to the hotel and go change. After that, we go out for a team dinner and then we come back to the hotel and pretty much just go to sleep." I explain the rest of my day to her.

"When do you have to go to training?" She asks me. "I have to leave to take the team bus I'm about fifteen minutes. What are you doing?" I wonder about what she's doing since we've been talking about what I am doing this entire time.

"Not much. I'm just getting ready to head over to Amelia's." She tells me. I was hoping that we could talk until I had to go to training but I understand that she also has plans.

"I'll probably talk with you for as long as we can until you have to head over to training and then I will just start heading over to her building." She tells me making me happy again.

"You know, I never really thought like this before we were together but I wish that these few games were already over because I would rather be cuddling with you in bed than running around a basketball court," I explain to her who looks happy at what I have said to her.

"That makes me happy. I feel like it's not normal the amount that I already miss you when I saw you under twenty-four hours ago." She admits to me.

"I hate to do this, baby, but I should get downstairs so that I can catch the team bus," I tell her, really not wanting off to go right now. I know that we will talk later but I would rather be talking to her right now than running up and down a court of my teammates who are probably going to smell horrible five minutes into training time.

"Alright, call me before you go to bed, okay?" She asks me. Of course, I'm going to. "Of course. Bye baby." I say and she waves at me before I hang up.

Me and Noah grab our practice bags and head down to the lobby to wait for everyone to meet up. Soon enough everyone piles onto the bus and the coach walks on.

"Alright, everyone. The University of Arizona as you know is not the best basketball team. This does not mean you are going to be slacking off though. At practice, we are not going to be conditioning. We are only practicing plays. The opposing team is going to be watching so we are going to be doing plays that we are not going to use unless we're losing. Everyone get inside." He tells us as we pull up to the gym where we are practicing. It was only about a ten-minute ride from the hotel.

"One more thing. I don't want any of you fools to be slacking off since there's not long until Christmas break. Anyways, if any of you guys have a girlfriend or family who likes watching your games but lives far away this game is being live-streamed." He tells us and gives us the link to give to anyone we want to.

"Game number one of this trip here we come," Noah mutters to himself as we step off the bus into the heart of Arizona.

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