scream (1 2 3 4 5 6)

Par hopper220

32.6K 488 62

this is what if sidney had a best friend since kindergarten jake Robertson was the only one she trusted as th... Plus

scream (1996)
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
scream 2 (1997)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
scream 3 (2000)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
scream 4 (2011)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four/ending
scream (2022)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three

chapter one

3.2K 40 6
Par hopper220

As sidney was walking to school she met up with her best friend Jake Robertson as they both see police and reporters all over the school as they are met with their other friend Tatum Riley

Tatum: do you believe this shit

Sidney: Tatum what is going on

Jake: yeah what the hell happened

Tatum: you guys don't know Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night

Sidney: what no way

Jake: Jesus christ

Tatum: and we're not just talking killed
We're talking splatter movie killed riped opened from end to end

Sidney: Casey Becker she sits next to me in English

Jake: yeah and Steve Orth was Captain of the football team with me

Tatum: not anymore so sad her mom and dad found her hanging from a tree her insides on the outside

Sidney: oh my God

Jake: shit do they know who did it

Tatum: (scoffs) fucking clueless I mean they're interagenting the entire school students teachers janitor

Sidney: wait they think someone at school did this

Tatum: they don't know I mean Dewey
Was saying this is the worst crime they've seen in years even worse then

(As Jake looks at Tatum in a you should shut up look )

Tatum: well it's bad (As she walks inside the school)

Cut to Sidney looking at the empty chair in her English class as the teacher called for her and Jake to meet with the principal to talk with sheriff Burke and deputy Dewey

Principal: who's up next

Dewey: sidney Prescott and Jake Robertson

Principal: she was daughter of um

(As sidney and Jake walked in)

Principal: sidney Jake

Sheriff Burke: hi sidney Jake

Sidney: Sheriff Burke Dewey

Jake: Sheriff Dewey

Dewey: uh that's deputy Riley today sid Jake

Sheriff Burke: how is everything

Sidney: good

Jake: yeah pretty good

Sheriff Burke: (looking at sidney) and you're dad how's he doing

Sidney: we're fine thanks

Sheriff Burke: and your folks

Jake: yeah good they're out of town celebrating their anniversary but after what happened I'm just gonna hang out with sid

Principal: we're gonna keep this very brief sidney Jake

Sheriff Burke: were either of you close with Casey Becker or Steve Orth

Jake: just knew him at football practice we never talked much

Sidney: yeah same with Casey

Sheriff Burke: all right well thank you both for your time and please be safe

Sidney: we will thanks

Jake: yeah thanks Sheriff Burke deputy Riley

(As sidney and Jake left and met up with Tatum stu Billy and randy for lunch outside)

Tatum: what kind of questions did they ask you sidney

Sidney: they asked if me or Jake knew Casey and Steve

Tatum: they asked me that too

Stu: (asking Billy) hey did they ask you if you like to hunt

Billy: yeah they did did you

Stu: yeah

Tatum: why would they ask you if you like to hunt

Randy: cause their bodies were gutted

Jake: (sarcastically) thank you randy

Tatum: they didn't ask me if I like to hunt

Stu: cause there's no way a girl could've killed em

Tatum: that is so sexiset the killer could easily be female basic instinct

Randy: that was an ice pick not exactly the same thing

Stu: yeah Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out and the fact is it takes a man to do something like that

Tatum: or a man's mentality

Sidney: how do you gut someone

Stu: you take a knife and you slit em from the groin to sternum

Billy: hey its called tact you fuck rag

Sidney: hey stu didn't you used to date Casey

Stu: yeah for like two seconds

Randy: before she dumped him for Steve

Tatum: I thought you dumped her for me

Stu: I did he's full of shit

Randy: and are the police aware that you dated the victim

Stu: hey what're you saying that I killed her

Randy: it would certainly improve your high school q

Tatum: stu was with me last night okay

Stu: yeah I was

Randy: was that before or after he sliced and diced

Tatum: fuck you nutcase where were you last night

Randy: working thank you

Jake: yep because I was with him all the way till my shift ended

Tatum: the video store I thought they fired both your asses

Jake/ Randy: (in unison) twice

Stu: I didn't kill anybody

Billy: nobody said you did

Stu: thanks buddy

Randy: (mimicking stu) besides it takes a man to do something like that

Stu: I'm gonna get your ass in a second kid

Randy: (mimicking a gangster) tell me something did you really put her liver in the mail box cause I heard that they found her liver in the mail box next to her spleen and pancreas

Tatum: you goon! Fuck! I'm trying to eat here

Stu: she's getting mad all right you better liver alone (laughs) liver alone! (Laughs)

(As sidney leaves and Billy hit stu in the gut)

Stu: liv ow! Liver liver it was a joke

Cut to later as a school bus dropped off sidney and Jake at sidney's house

Jake: you sure it's okay if I hang out with you and Tatum this weekend

Sidney: yeah of course plus I could use the extra company

Jake: yeah you three's better than one especially with what happened last night I really don't prefer staying home alone

Sidney: hey I got go call Tatum

Jake: okay

(Sidney pov)
She picked up the phone and dialed as she walked out to the porch

Sidney: hey

Tatum: hey what's up

Sidney: look I know we said a just girls night but can Jake come with

Tatum: really you want to bring your crush with you

Sidney: no I want to bring my best friend with me so I know he's safe

Tatum: sure and it's not the fact that you've had a crush on him since you both were ten

Sidney: no because I'm with Billy now and Jake's my best friend that's it

Tatum: okay fine

Sidney: so you sure it's okay me and Jake can stay over cause my dad won't be back till Sunday same with Jake's parents

Tatum: no problem I'll pick you guys up after practice you okay

Sidney: uh huh it's just you know the police and the reporters it's like déjà vu all over again

Tatum: I'll be there by 7:00 I promise

Sidney: thanks Tatum

Tatum: later

(Thrid person prospective)

(As sidney walks back inside a grabs a to go bag of her stuff and met up with Jake in the living room as sidney turns on the tv and sees news reports of the murders till they got to gale weathers as she was mentioning that this was not the first time something horrible like this happened almost one year ago when sidney's mother was raped and murdered as sidney turns it off and walks away as Jake tries to catch up with her as they entered another room as sidney layed down on a couch)

Jake: look weathers is a egotistical liar who does what ever she wants to get a story

Sidney: it's okay I'm fine I think I'm gonna lay here for a little bit

Jake: okay sid I'll be in the living room

Sidney: actually could you stay in here with me

Jake: yeah of course (As he sits in a chair that's in the room)

As they both feel asleep later on the phone started ringing a sidney picked it up as it was Tatum

Sidney: hello

Tatum: practice ran late I'm on my way okay

(As sidney gets up and looked at the clock)

Sidney: it's past seven

Tatum: don't worry Casey and Steve didn't bite it til way after 10:00

Sidney: oh oh that's comforting

Tatum: I'm gonna swing by the video store tom cruise all the right moves
If you pause it just right you can see his penis

Sidney: whatever just hurry okay

Tatum: Ta ta sid

(As sidney hangs up the phone and it starts ringing again as sidney answers)

Sidney: Tatum just get in the car

Ghost face: hello sidney

Sidney: uh hi who is this

Ghost face: you tell me

Sidney: well I I have no idea

(As Jake wakes up and hears the conversation)

Ghost face: scary night isn't it
With the murders and all its like right out of a horror movie or something

Sidney: (laughs) randy you gave yourself away are you calling from work cause Tatum's on her way over

Ghost face: do you like scary movies sidney

Sidney: I like that thing you're doing with your voice Randy it's sexy

Ghost face: what's your favorite scary movie

Sidney: oh come on you know I don't watch that shit

Ghost face: why not too scared

Sidney: no no it's just what's the point they're all the same some stupid killer
Stalking some big breasted girl who can't act who's always running up the stairs when she should be going out the front door it's insulting

Ghost face: are you alone in the house

Sidney: randy that's so unoriginal I'm disappointed in you and no Jake's here with me

Ghost face: would you put me on speaker so I can talk to you both

Sidney: okay

(As she puts the phone on speaker and Jake stands next to her)

Jake: you know Randy it's a little bit childish for isn't it

Ghost face: maybe that's because I'm not Randy

Sidney: so who are you

Ghost face: the question isn't who am I
The question is where am I

Jake: so where are you

Ghost face: Sidney's front porch

Sidney: why would you be calling from my front porch

Ghost face: that's the original part

Jake: oh yeah

(As they walk up to the porch door)

Sidney: well we call your bluff

(As sidney unlocks the door and her and Jake walks outside to see no one else there)

Jake: so where are you

Ghost face: right here

(As they look around and still see no one)

Sidney: can you see us right now

Ghost face: uh huh

Sidney: uh huh okay what are we doing huh huh what am I doing! Hello !

Jake: hey can you see me doing this (As he raises his middle finger in the air as Sidney chuckles a little bit) nice try Randy

Sidney: tell Tatum to hurry up okay bye now

Ghost face: if you hang up on me you'll both die just like your mother Sidney!
Do you wanna die Sidney how about you Jake your mother sure didn't Sidney

Sidney: fuck you you cretin

(As they both go back inside and lock the door as Ghost face comes out of the closet and attacks them as he gets Sidney on the ground and slams her head on the ground before he could cut her Jake takes a vase and hits him in the head as the two try to unlock the door but can't as he gets back up as he stabs the door and they both run upstairs as they get to Sidney's room as she blocks the door as Jake tries to call the police but it dead as Sidney emails the police but he's gone then Billy comes in through the window )

Sidney: Billy!

Billy: the door's locked I heard screaming you guys all right

Sidney: the killer's here he's in the house he's in the house he's got a knife

Billy: he's gone he's gone

Jake: yeah sid we're okay now

(As Jake and Sidney sees a phone dropped from Billy's pocket)

Billy: what sid what (As Jake grabs Sidney's hand and they both run out of the room) whoa whoa guys wait Sidney wait wait wait wait! Guys what's going on

(As they both run down stairs as they both see Ghost face mask as they both scream as Dewey screams )

Dewey: sorry! I found this come on!

(As he calls some other officers inside As they arrest Billy)

That's the end of chapter one
Let me know what you guys think in the comments

Continuer la Lecture

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