Bnha ✨Wrong Number✨

By KioniUnknown

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Izuku. A vigilante who gets added to a groupchat of pro heroes and turns himself in. Hitoshi. The son of Eras... More

Staff Chat
Glitter Bomb
Le Date
All Might.
Nejire, Mirio and Amajiki!
Not so Asexual
Todoroki Shoto
Theirs, love muffins and hawks
The Exam, and Iidas humiliation
Kicking robot ass.
Therapy ended with Murder!
Class 1-A
The plan
New additions to the Group Chat
Hero Training
Lov Talent Show
1-A Groupchat
Aizawa's really shitty day
A new dad!
News of a field trip
School-Wide Prank
Best Date Ever
'Reminds me of myself'
Trauma Trio's therapy + Denki
Family Reunion
Mental Health Assembly
1-A Bonding
What did they do?
Aftermath of their Vigilate-ism :)
Suffer in chaos
Trip to the LOV
Harmless flirting
Show and tell :)
2 Truths and a Lie
Never have I ever
Sports Festival
Their 'Challenge'
Wild goose chase
His insecurities
Hero Names
A plot twist
An unlikely friendship
The obstacle race
The Cavalry Battle
Talking Strategy!
The Semi Finals
Sero being Sero
Recovery Girl for #1
The Finals (gone wrong)
Awards Ceremony
down with the grape!
Kurorio the Genderfluid Royalty
Quirk Misuse
Yay, Jumping Therapists
Snipe is hot? Yeah, yeah he is.
Kurorio's Discord
His Saviour
Running from problems fixes them
dont need a quirk for arson!
Kacchan the Kinky
Hosu, pt2
Hosu Aftermath
Press Conference
League of Hero Fuckers

Shirakumo Oboro

5.4K 226 121
By KioniUnknown

Yay another chapter of Aizawa angst- not as bad though!
Kurogiri past spoilers

UA Staff Chat- the next morning

Cockatoo: Nezu, can me and Sho have the day off?

Evil Rat Genius: of course.

Kinky~: are you both okay?

Cockatoo: yeah! Something happened though and I don't want Sho home alone

Dadzawa: Yama, I'm fine. You can go to work if you want to.

Cockatoo: well, I don't want to!

Floof: does this have anything to do with all the noise last night?

Yee-haw: oh my

Floof: Dirty minded freak. I meant the crying that I heard from dads room? Actually I suppose that could have been..

Yee-haw: oh- yeah. It's not a good day for them

System: better #1 is online

Better #1: how's Yamada and Aizawa holding up, are they okay?

Dadzawa: I'm doing fucking awesomely thanks

Dadzawa: no the fuck? Of course I'm not okay? Don't ask stupid questions

Cockatoo: Sho, what did we say about being mean to people just because you aren't happy

Dadzawa: aren't happy is an understatement. I'm going to Tartarus

Mysterious: wait hold on what do you need to go there for?

Dadzawa: because if I don't take my anger out on someone I'll take it out on myself again, so I'm paying a visit to someone who deserves to go to hell

System: Dadzawa is offline

Evil Rat Genius: Hizashi, if they accidentally murder the guy let me know so I can cover it up

Cockatoo: appreciated

System: Cockatoo is offline

Mysterious: again?

1-A Groupchat

Vroomvroom: where is Aizawa sensei? Him being late is unacceptable!

Mysterious: I don't know what's going on but you will not bother Eraser with your bullshit today.

Alien Queen: what's going on today?

Mysterious: like I said. I don't know. But if any of you try to bother him I'm not kidding, I will go back to my old ways and cut your heads off

Bondage Kink: but what's going on today? Where's sensei?

Pikapika: bro lay off, they said they don't know

Mysterious: thank you, Kami

System: Mysterious is offline

Ears: I am curious though, why would sensei be late to class?

Floof: oh he's not late, he's just not coming

Manliest: you know what's going on?

Floof: if I knew what was going on I'd be comforting my dad who seems to be having a breakdown so all of you need to shut the fuck up before he checks his phone and knows we are talking about him

System: Everyone is offline

Aizawa and Yamada drove to Tartarus. Well Yamada was driving because Aizawa's arms were sore.

"Sho are you sure you want to do this? You kicked that villains ass once before, you don't need to do it again"

The voices in Aizawa's head started screaming again.

'You're being a burden. Yamada deserved better'

'He has better ways to spend his time. Do you really have to depend on him for everything?'

'Maybe if you weren't such a coward Oboro wouldn't have died'

He started clutching his head and whispering over and over.


Yamada looked over concerned, and pulled onto the side of the road.

"Sho? Hey Sho, look at me?"

They looked up to him with frantic, desperate eyes.

"Okay. Listen, how about we just go visit Oboro? You don't have to push yourself to go to Tartarus"

He just nodded slightly. Yamada smiled and started driving, turning the car around and heading to the cemetery for heroes.

Normally heroes in training wouldn't be buried there, but Oboro died saving people like a true hero so it was the least they could do.

UA Staff Chat

Handjob: What's got eraserhead all upset?

Crazy: hmm.. maybe he didn't get his morning blood!

Kinky~: normally I'd make a kinky joke but I don't think it's the time

Evil Rat Genius: @dadzawa @cockatoo why didn't you make it to Tartarus?

Dadzawa: what the fuck how do you know that

Cockatoo: we decided not to go and went to visit Oboro instead

Crispy: Oboro? Oi crusty, didn't your precious sensei mention that name once?

Handjob: are you fucking stupid, that could have been used as leverage

Crispy: oops?

Dadzawa: you knew him?

Handjob: uh...

System: 2 users are offline

Dadzawa: no you fucking don't.

System: 2 users are online

Handjob: the fuck? Why am I back here

Mysterious: my bad

Dadzawa: ty kid. Now how do you know him?

Crispy: I don't! Leave me out of this shit. It's crusty who knows him

Handjob: what a great boyfriend leaving me to deal with this alone

Crispy: you got yourself in this mess

Cockatoo: hey listener? How did you know him?

Handjob: I didn't. My sensei mentioned him once

Crispy: come to think of it, didn't you tell me that was right before you got Kurogiri?

Evil Rat Genius: I am curious. What is this Kurogiri's appearance.

Handjob: uh- it's like mist? Why the fuck do you want to know hero npc

Evil Rat Genius: mist like a cloud?

Handjob: I guess?

Evil Rat Genius: oh shit..

Yee-haw: Boss? You figured something out?

Dadzawa: please tell me and Yama if you know anything about Oboro

Evil Rat Genius: Mysterious, I assume you've made the connection now?

Mysterious: I damn wish I hadn't

Floof: what?

Cockatoo: can you please tell us?

Mysterious: Damnit Mic. Make the connection. Oboro's quirk was clouds. He died and Kurogiri showed up who looks like mist, or a cloud. Think.

Floof:... oh shit.. dad where are you I'm on my way

Dadzawa: what why?

Floof: when you figure it out I don't think either of you will be stable enough to get home

System: Floof is offline

System: Misty Man is online

Misty Man: Tomu- I mean, someone told me you were talking about me?

Mysterious: haha, well this is awkward now

Dadzawa:... no fucking way

Cockatoo: no. No he died.

Dadzawa: I watched it happen he isn't alive

Misty Man: may I ask who we are referring to?

Dadzawa:.. oboro?

Misty Man: Ah, my apologies that doesn't ring any bells.

Dadzawa: see? See it can't be him he doesn't know Oboro?

Mysterious: Kurogiri, what is your goal

Misty Man: My one goal is to protect "Handjob"

Mysterious: right. The work of a quirk I'm guessing?

Dadzawa: Kurogiri? Can we see you?

Misty Man: @handjob ?

Handjob: yeah, go.. don't hurt them, they need this.

Misty Man: your coordinates?

System: Dadzawa has shared their location

System: 3 users are offline

Evil Rat Genius: Now, who is this sensei? If they are using quirks to make people who are supposed to be dead lose their memories they must be a 'villain' correct?

Handjob: and why is villain in quotation marks? You looking down on me?

Evil Rat Genius: No, not at all. I'm sure you're very powerful. I just don't like the human concept of heroes and villains. Some heroes are worse than villains.


Crispy: mad respect. You're a hero right? Who are you?

Evil Rat Genius: am I a mouse? Am I a dog? I am the principal of UA!

Crispy: well you got Tomu crying, principal

Handjob: shut the fuck up

Hawks: pics or it didnt happen

Mysterious: jfc how long have you been there?

Hawks: long enough!

Let's go to Aizawa, Yamada and Kurogiri!

Kurogiri warped to the location he was sent. Although he didn't show it- he did have emotions. And currently he was terrified. What would two pro heroes want with him?

When he showed up he relaxed his guard abit. The heroes were sat infront of a grave, and Present Mic looked like he was ready to burst into tears.

"Hello. You wished to see me?"

It would have been funny how quickly their heads whipped around, if it wasn't for the situation.

Present Mic seemed frozen in place, so Eraserhead took a weary step forward.

".. You're Kurogiri?"

Kurogiri nodded- or tried to.

"..Oh my god what did they do to you.."

"I don't understand. Nobody did anything to me."

The heroes looked at eachother and nodded. Present Mic stepped forward.

"Hey Obobro! Remember me?"

"I do not know an Obobro"

His face darkened a little.

"Come on man.. stop playing.. it's me! Hizashi Yamada!"

Kurogiri seemed to falter a little and his mist started flaring up.

"Do I know you?"

"Yeah! We went to UA together, remember? The three of us were best friends!"

Again, the mist flared.

"I- I am Kurogiri and my goal is to protect Tomura Shigaraki"

Aizawa took a step forward.

"You are Shirakumo Oboro and you died in our second year of UA. Don't you remember? We were a team!"

He clutched the goggles that hung around his neck loosley.

"Oboro please!"

Kurogiri fell to the floor, gripping his head. Or what would be his head.

It's hard to write emotional scenes for a mist dude.

"Nonononono my name is Kurogiri and I have to protect Tomura Shigaraki"

Aizawa took another careful step forward.

"Your name is Shirakumo Oboro and you wanted to be a hero"

Kurogiri's 'head' whipped up, and Aizawa swore he saw Oboro for a second.

"I- Shouta? Yamada?"

Smiles broke out on their faces as tears rushed from their eyes. Yamada took a step forward and was now stood next to Aizawa.

"Hey Oboro! Good to have you back!"

"Wha- what happened? Shouta, are you smiling?"

"Shut up, I'm happy! Come on, Hitoshi is here he can drive us home"

"Huh? Happy? Hitoshi? Oh my god, you owe me so much explanation. Last I remember I got knocked out"

"Obobro! It's so good to see you!"

Yamada pulled 'Kurogiri' into a hug- the best he could do without a physical body.

This seemed to make Oboro realised something.

"What in the flying fucks of Jesus happened to my body?"

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