By Fang_Tinghao

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We all know that love is magical.which even it can lost our own self for the person which we love. This is th... More



29 9 19
By Fang_Tinghao

That's when Yean also came there and she look at xiang with what's looking.

Yuen (confused): Xiang what happen to you...why are you acting like a seen gost...?

He doesn't say anything and point his finger trowed to the phone and yuen take his phone and look at the picture but she doesn't have any shock expression but have irritating .

Yuen (irritating): What is there to be so shocked...she is our are looking like you see her gost.

Xiang (shocked): Thi...this... is...not...sofia...

Yuen: What the hell are you telling xiang.

Xiang: This is not sofia...her name is Feng Jun-Hee she have a music band and dancing group actually tomorrow she came to meet us as we book her to our consent.

Yuen (shocked): What...that's mean...

Xiang: But she is not sofia because I look her profile she have a elder sister and her perant get dead when she was twelve but three years before she get a car accident so she did a big surgery and because of that her memory get lost.

Yuen: What...that mean (sadly) For a moment I feel that she is our sofia but...but now...

Xiang (consoling her): Yuen I can understand you as she was my sister and if she see that because of her we are sad then...then...she also get sad isn't...?

Yuen nodded to him and xiang huge her from side.

Other side in America Sen and Lily is sitting on the living area.Lily is on his lap.

Liky (happily): I can't believe that you accept me....

Sen (arrogant): If you can't believe so don't believe I don't care about that but don't dare to go to another person I will not leave you.

Lilly: You should thank me because I accept you how much I try to confess you but I never thought that my disrepair make you falling for me.

Saying this she keep her forehead against his forehead and both of them smile.

Otherside Shen and Chen go inside looking at Shen Meli get stand and go trowed to him.

MeLi: Come you must feel tired I will make something to drnk for you.

Shen (coldly): No need...I am ok.

That's when someone came behind it was Chen looking at him Mr and Mrs. Fang get happy.he came trowed to them and huge them.

Chen (flirty): Really you get so much beautiful...

Mrs.Fang: Time get pass but you are still the flirty boy.

Chen (happily): Mom you know I miss you all so much specially you...but I want to meet you someone...

Mr.Fang: Who is that...

Chen (smile): My dear dad keep some patient...when you all see that person I am very sure that you all will like that person...but before that I must tell you all that actually because of her I get change so much...

Then he loudly said "Come" That's When both girls come inside look them everyone get shocked.chen gi trowed to Junhee and put his hand behind her shoulder and.

Chen (whisper): Don't get afraid, they are so good.

MeLi (with tears eyes): Sofia...chen...chen she is my sofia isn't it...?

Then he go trowed to her but someone hold her hand it was shen.

Shen (calmly): She is not sofia,she is junhee his fiancee.

MeLi : But...

Chen (interrupted): I know now you all have feel that she is sofia as first time I also think the same but after meeting Cristy I get to know the truth...

Mrs.Fang: What truth...?

Then cristy show them something the in the internet there have Jun-Hee is a celebritie and she have a sister and her persnts dead from an accident when she was twelve year old also now she have a music band and dancing group and three years before she got an accident because of that her memory is lost.

MeLi: music...?

Cristy (smile): She love music more than her's her everything.

MeLi (tears eyes): So it's absolutely...

Everyone look at her Shen have a little hope in her eyes that at least she can be sofia.

MeLi (tears with bit smile): She was not sofia because my sofi doesn't like music at all.

With that sentence shen face as big disappointment that's when junhee go trowed to her and look at her lovely.

Junhee (sweetly): Aww...don't be sad because what happen now I also with you all and I don't care that I get new sister....but what is your name.

MeLi (with tears eyes): MeLi...

Junhee (lovely): Wow...what a beautiful name not only your name you are also so sweet.

Then meli huge her tightly so was junhee but suddenly someone pull her was chen.everyone look at him.

Chen (jealousy): till today you doesn't say that my name is beautiful but to day you said to her (childishly) its not all.

Cristy (teasing): Mr.Fang Chen she said this to a girl not to a boy so don't be so jealous.

That's when two persons start was Mr. and Mrs.Fang then everyone look at them.

Mrs.Fang: Is anyone bother us to say chen who is she...?

Chen (smile and hold her hand and go trowed to them): should I say she I will.tell you it in a one sentence that she was my life she is your daughter in low the girl truly I love.

Mr.Fang: Daughter don't you think that your choice is so bad because you love him...

Chen (childishly): Dad...

Junhee (lovely): Uncle I love him and I also know that he was the person who.has lot of girlfriends but I don't care as now he can't do that with me...

Everyone get smile.

Cristy (smiling): Uncle, aunty you know what ymthis girl is also not simple she is more naughty than him.

Mrs.Fang: Ok now everyone go to your room as everyone must be tried we can talk later too.

Then everyone go to there room so was junhee but that's when someone came to her was no but shen.he came to her room and lock the door from inside.

Junhee: Brother Shen what are you doing...?

Shen (bit coldly): Don't worry I just need to talk to with you.

Junhee (calmly): Ok tell what you want to say...?

Then shen came trowed to her and pull her trowed to himself by holding her waist and then he block her between him self and wall.

Shen (coldly): Are you really not sofia...?

Junhee: What are you saying...I am not sofia,if I was sofia then why should I hidden this grom everyone...?

Shen (angrily): It can happen because you always want your sister's happiness not mine.I told you that I love you but...but you always said me to accept MeLi.

Then Junhee also lost her patient and hardly push him back and slap him hardly.shen get shocked and he touch his cheek.

Junhee (angrily): Listen to me very carefully Mr.Shen I am not Sofia also I don't know who is you or who is she why she did that and how she get dead...I don't care about that the person I love is chen and that's final. Now go out I don't telling this to chen as I don't won't to creat problems because I will give answer to the person in the same time.I am a so cool person but if I will angry then no one know what I do not even me.

Then shen look at her angry and again hold.her waist and pull her trowed to himself.

Shen (angrily): So you are not Sofia...prove it then.

Saying this he press his lips against her lips and kiss her deeply.junhee also hold her shoulder but suddenly she came to her seance and puch him.

Junhee (angrily): Are you mad...? What the hack are you doing...

Shen (smirk): You are sofia...I'm sure about this and I will surely prove it so be ready.

Saying this he unlocks the door and go from there but some one look at this.

Person (in mind): What is he doing here...? Is he also...I just want her happiness as now she is mine family member.

Then that person go from there.

To Be Continues...

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