By M-B312

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RWBY × Watch_Dogs Special thanks to my good mate: @W3_4R3_D3D53C. For helping me through the entire process o... More

003 - The Beacon
004 - Scabbard Pt. I
005 - Enter, Stage Left
006 - Scabbard Pt. II
008 - Nightmares and Daydreams
009 - Across Worlds
010 - Reunion
011 - Change of Pace

007 - Exit, Stage Right

72 1 0
By M-B312

Logan moved over to the table in the centre of the Hackerspace, just getting off the phone with someone. Soon, another male entered. He was dressed in a bespoke, black, pinstripe suit with a bleeding red tie. The male’s hair was a light brown colour, his eyes amber.

Seeing everyone staring at him, he gave a small wave. “Uh… ’ello…?” He greeted shyly, his voice heavy with an English accent.

“Okay, who the fuck—?!” Marcus began, throwing his finger in an accusatory manner at the new male.

“That’s my partner, so to speak.” Logan said, not taking his eyes off of the large map he pulled out onto the table.

“You have a partner? Since when?” Wrench asked.

“I’m not actually his partner, per say,” Colton hummed, “he knew my father, and my father cashed in a favour. That’s all. Name’s Colton Wolfe, but you lot can call me Colt.”

“Colt, huh? Cool name. I’m Wrench, she’s Sitara, he’s Josh, he’s Marcus, and the drunk one is Raymond.” Wrench explained, his mask mimicking a cheerful-esque look. [^  ^]. 

Before Marcus had the chance to snap at Logan — or Colt for that matter — Logan called them over to the table. “Come here, we need to start.”

As everyone joined him by the table, their eyes looked over the map. It was of a place called “Remnant.” It was divided into these kingdoms, and had the appearance of something straight out of Game of Thrones.

Logan then went over the map of Remnant with the others. He told them brief descriptions about the continents and their associated kingdoms, as well as pointed out POIs.

Due to how long Seth’s been away, Logan brought up projections of the four Huntsman Academies.

“Seth would most likely be in one of these four places, or their nearby towns. However, I’d strongly bet on the academies.” Logan said.

“Alright… so… how do we get there? You claim to be able to open portals.” Marcus objected.

Logan nodded. “I can, but first, we need a plan. We’ll be communicating long-distance, and our phones won’t work. I’ll go in first and grab us their versions of phones, called Scrolls. I’ve hacked into them before, so I can jailbreak them to be untraceable. Plus, if you want, I can transfer some files, or even your entire phones over to them.” Logan said, reassuring everyone with a soft smile. “Oh I’ve also been able to add my own tech to them, allowing them to work everywhere.”

“Anything to help us get a leg up on our enemies, I suppose.” Sitara said.

“On it.” Motioning towards the wall leading to the stairs, he pushed forward. Space and Time seemed to bend at will for him, as a purple tear in reality’s fabric split the air.

They could see into the world of Remnant. Logan then walked into it, and the gateway behind him collapsed. Everyone — minus Colton — were in disbelief at what they just witnessed.


When Logan set foot on Remnant, his body morphed into that of a nineteen-year-old. He was paralysed for a mere moment, as he regained his Aura… and his Semblance. His Silver Eyes were powerful here, he could feel it in his bones.

Taking notice of the time by observing the sun’s position in the sky, he started to make his way to Beacon Academy.

His weapon didn’t forget about him, as he regained it as well.

Welcome home, Silent Rose.”


The entire DedSec crew were still in shock. They just WATCHED the man open the portal, right there in their hackerspace. Josh was usually quiet, but his dropped jaw is what signified the amazement… or confusion.

Raymond spoke up, still drunk. “Either he did what he claimed to do, or we’re all high as fuck.”

Colton chuckled at Raymond. “I know, surprised me the first time too. I’ve been working with Logan for, roughly, eight months now and it’s still such a miraculous feat to see.”

Everyone was in pure amazement. This man, whom three — or so — of them just met, had the ability to break every law of physics at will?

Moments later, he reappeared. Logan was… different, now. His black trench coat was changed for a white outfit with gold edges. Both of his arms were now biological, with his left sleeve fading into blue as his right faded into orange. He also had forgone his mask, donning a helmet that looked like an alien’s head. It also had thematically appropriate colors, to match his new look.

He handed everyone their Scrolls. Each one, when turned on, had a DedSec logo as the wallpaper. The standard applications were there, as well as some non-standard ones, like the DedSec app, as well as the Research app. Each person’s phone also had a unique app theme — Sitara’s was artsy, while Wrench’s was punk. Josh’s quiet nature was reflected with code, and Raymond’s was plain. Marcus’ was in reference to his code name, with every application being represented by an 8-bit sprite, while Colton’s was reminiscent of Jolly Ole England.

He had a scroll as well — a matte black one that had the DedSecNY logo upon booting. His looked significantly different in every way — and he had two. The second looked very… peculiar. Half the size of the other one, this device operated more like a tablet than it did a cell phone. He tapped a few buttons, and each phone buzzed. It was a test to ensure that they were connected.

“Alright, so, now that we have these… Scrolls… what exactly do we do now?” Wrench wondered, his white LEDs turning to question marks as he, along with the others, all pocketed their new devices.

Logan turned on his heel, effortlessly opening the rift again. “Now, we go find our friend.”


Remnant was not what Wrench was expecting. Then again, he wasn’t really sure as to what he was expecting anyway.

Logan’s portal brought them to a dense forest of green, with the light of the high noon sun fluttering down through the leaves to illuminate the woods.

The landing was rough, it felt like all of his organs were bouncing around inside of him. This whole portal-jumping thing was hard.

Then, it hit him. He just walked through a portal into another world.

He jumped to his feet, feeling the blood rush into his head. It made him feel dizzy, yet he quickly shook it off.

Logan was the only one who landed gracefully on his feet when coming out of the portal. Wrench guessed it was probably because this wasn’t his first time giving physics the middle finger.

Colton was quick to recover, like Wrench, and was helping Sitara to her feet as Marcus helped Josh to his, and Raymond just laid on the ground for a while.

“What the fuck just happened?” Marcus spoke up, looking around the forest in a sense of concern. He then blinked at the sound of his voice, which was higher than it had once been.

As Wrench took a closer look at Marcus, he noticed how much younger he looked. As did Sitara, Josh, and Raymond. They looked like teenagers! Accept for Raymond, who looked practically the same, just a tad bit more youthful.

That made Wrench’s heart skip a beat. Did that mean he was younger too?!

Logan shoved his hands into his pockets, shrugging. “Take a guess. Oh, and don’t worry about your appearances, they aren’t permanent. Once we get back to San Francisco, you’ll age back. Eventually.”

The others looked briefly concerned at his words before they took notice of their younger appearances. Josh and Sitara looked eighteen, while Marcus was nineteen like Logan.

Wrench felt like he was nineteen himself, although he couldn’t be a hundred percent sure — and he definitely didn’t plan on taking his mask off anytime soon.

“Okay, okay, this is fine, this is fine,” Sitara mumbled to herself as she cleared her busy mind. She took a breath, exhaling it slowly. “Okay. You’ve been here before. What do you think we should do now?” She asked Logan.

Logan hummed. “Well, we need to find Seth. But first, we’ll need a base of operations. Sitara, do you remember where Vale is?”

Sitara nodded, “Nearby. I know it’s somewhere in that general direction.” She replied, pointing north at a mass of trees.

That’s all there was in this small clearing. A lot of trees. Thick ones, too. Strong ones that also looked old.

Logan mused. “Alright. Sitara: you, Josh, and Raymond, head to Vale and try to find somewhere we can set up shop. As you’re doing that, Wrench, Marcus, Colton, and I’ll head to Beacon and see what we can find.”

Sitara and Josh gave a nod of acknowledgment as they turned to Raymond, Sitara letting out a groan. “Lend me a hand, Josh?”

Josh nodded carefully, still a bit shaken up from his first time jumping through worlds.

As they helped Raymond to his feet, they soon disappeared into the forest. Once they were out of sight, Logan turned to the three remaining.

“Be on guard — it isn’t exactly safe out here.” He said. Taking his words into consideration, Colton pulled out a Walther P99 he kept on his person. There was a silencer on the barrel, silently showing his skills as an MI6 Agent.

Wrench made sure to bring his semi-automatic SMG, Princess Rat-tat-tat, with him before he and the others went through Logan’s portal.

Marcus copied, pulling out a handgun he created from the 3D printer back in the Hackerspace, after realising his own was gone during the Blume Incident.

Logan turned around, starting off in one direction. The way he walked so carefully, constantly taking in every little noise, it started to give Wrench a bad feeling.

But Seth trusted Logan. So, maybe Wrench could too.


Colton Wolfe was a man of many feats. Being one of the youngest MI6 Agents ever, taking a page out of his father’s book, adding a bit of new colour to it.

MI5 was a plan his father had originally planned for him to follow, but he wanted to be his own man. So, instead, he took the path of MI6.

MI6 taught him many things. How to get the job done effectively and efficiently. How to stay incognito, and how to kick ass.

All while being a rather dapper young male himself.

Maybe those old Ian Flemming novels went a bit hard on him.

The P99 he kept with him was one he had for years. One that helped him through many situations.

But this? A new world, one he just somehow ended up getting the chance to experience it. His father partnering him up with Logan, it wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

As the four kept walking through the thick, dense brush, Logan suddenly stopped in his tracks, holding his arm out to force the others to stop as well.

Logan’s weapon of choice was a simple 1932 M1 Garand. The weapon’s body was a deep onyx colour, the tips of which dipped in silver.

His grip tightened on the weapon as a deep, unearthly roar stilled the air. Colton, Marcus, and Wrench went still.

Soon, a massive ursidae creature stalked out of the trees. It was roughly four metres tall, its coat black as obsidian. It had specs of armour that looked to be made of bone. Its eyes were a burning mix of red and gold, looking like hellfire.

Logan cocked his M1 Garand. His posture and stance gave off the vibe that he was ready to go.

With blinding speeds, Logan unloaded eight full rounds into the beast, the power being unlike anything its body could handle.

The rounds tore through the creature as if it were paper, leaving no room for it to even get a chance to fight back.

The beautiful, resonating sound of the M1 Garand’s empty chamber sang in the air, the sepulchral tone sounding rather calming to Colton.

The beast fell to the ground, its body dissipating into smoke that was soon carried away with the wind.

There was a long moment of silence as Logan reloaded his Garand. “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT?!” Marcus yelped.

It was like he forgot they were there for a moment as he looked over his shoulder at them. “That was a Grimm. A common pest here.”

Common pest?!”

Logan chuckled. “Yep. Welcome to Remnant.”

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