
By alexlouisewrites

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Alexis Maxwell is a junior at San Diego state university. She is a dance major who doesn't have any family. A... More

| synopsis |
chapter one | coffee
chapter two | see you
chapter three | moving
chapter four | accident
chapter five | family
chapter six | engagement
chapter seven | entreprenuer
chapter eight | school
chapter nine | truth
chapter ten | flashback
chapter eleven | persuasion
chapter twelve | thanksgiving
chapter thirteen | listening
chapter fifteen | girlfriend
chapter sixteen | ultrasound
chapter seventeen | home
chapter eighteen | flying
chapter nineteen | christmas
chapter twenty | shopping
chapter twenty-one | eating
chapter twenty two | new years eve
chapter twenty three | love

chapter forteen | forgot

708 10 0
By alexlouisewrites


Laying in my bed this morning was not on my planned list of things to do today.

A few days ago on our date was one of the best days of my life. After our date, we came back to the hotel room. He couldn't exactly kiss me goodnight, but I was fine with that because I didn't want to end up doing something else with him yet.

December second is my dad's birthday. My dad, who died and I was being too selfish to even remember the day my father was born.

It's still only like nine in the morning and I think I was seriously thinking about catching a plane and heading back to New York to visit his grave today.

I didn't do that of course but at the same time, I can't just sit here with a bunch of people who are mostly strangers to me on his birthday.

Deciding what I do I leave a note so that when Andrew wakes up and sees that I'm not there he doesn't get too concerned.

I put on a plain old pair of ripped jeans with white converse with a hoodie that Ariana had packed for me in my bag.

I grab everything that I am going to need for the next hour or so. It is not a lot of stuff just my phone, keys, and my wallet. Luckily there is a target within a walking distance so I head over there first and getawakee your own lantern set.

My dad and I used to do these things every year on my birthday. It was kind of something without my step-family and just something for the two of us to do alone together.

I put together the lantern and pull out one of the matches that I got before letting it fly off into the air.

This is not exactly a wish but I'm asking for whoever is up there to please let my dad arrive safely to where he truly does belong. He is the best father a girl can ask for and truly has earned to be treated like a god, where ever he is.

I open my eyes and look up to see the lantern almost out of sight.

I decide that it is now probably a good idea to start heading back to the hotel room since Andrew will probably be waking up soon.

Clicking the door shut I head over to the miniature kitchen that we are sharing so that I can get something to eat for breakfast. I full out the large bowl of fruit salad and using the scoop I put some in the smaller paper bowl.

Heading over to the couch I pull out my laptop and respond to some of the emails that I have from different classes and teachers.

Responding to whatever needs to be answered to I finally finish that as I hear Andrew wake up. "Hey, what are you doing up so early?" I tease him as he rolls out of bed.

"It's not even early." He says grumpily with a roll of his eyes. "Exactly my point," I say flatly.

"I need to go and workout. I'm losing my muscles." He says looking down at his arm and flexing. "Yeah," I say in the most sarcastic voice I can manage.

"Want to go to the gym with me?" He asks me while pulling out clothes from his suitcase and walking over to the bathroom. "Not really, but I guess so," I say the only reason I didn't want to is that I have already showered today and I hate washing my hair two times in twenty-four hours.

"So where were you all of this morning? Don't lie to me either because when I woke up you were gone." Andrew asks me. I'm just surprised that he was up that early in the morning.

"Today is my dad's birthday-" I start and take a deep breath. "I didn't even remember it until I woke up this morning. It killed me knowing that though I love him with all my heart I almost forgot. So I did a little something that he and I used to do." I vaguely explain to Andrew.

"It's okay to forget something every once in a while." Andrew tells me, I thought that he was done but he finishes with "Not only are you a very busy girl with school and everything, but you have been through a lot recently. You shouldn't always be so hard on yourself, it's not healthy." he tells me.

"Thanks, I needed that." I honestly thank him while grabbing clothes to get ready to go and workout in.

"Oh, fuck do you have a key to the room?" Andrew eagerly asks while patting his pockets. "Yeah, I do. I'm going to assume that you lost yours?" I ask him with a slight giggle.

"Yeah, goddamn. I can't believe that I just forgot it." He says rubbing his temples with his fingers. "It's fine because you have yours, let's just head over to the workout room," Andrew says starting to walk again.

"What are you going to do?" I ask him as I walk over to the treadmill. "I'm going to run then do some weights." He tells me stepping onto a treadmill.

"Holy fuck I'm out of shape." Andrew pants stepping off of the treadmill after the third mile. "Loser," I say stepping off and taking a sip of water.

"That was a good warmup. Maybe I'll do another five miles for my actual workout for the day." I say while pretending to think.

Obviously, I am a little bit tired after running but I was only jogging and I can pace myself pretty well so it wasn't too bad.

"How are you the dancer and I'm the basketball player?" Andrew asks me still panting like he is exhausted.

"Excuse me? Dancers condition to your asshole. It's not some easy ass thing that you don't even have to run or workout." I say angrily while heading back up to our hotel room and locking him out.

Well, I didn't lock him out but he doesn't have a key so he can't exactly get in until I decide to let him. "Alexis Maxwell open this door right now." I hear Andrew's voice say. "Sorry, I'm way too tired from all that running. Since I've never worked hard in my life I wasn't expecting to be this sore, try again later." I say, still with attitude.

I hear the door open and look confused on how about how the hell he opened it without a key. "How did you do that?" I ask him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I didn't. My mom did, since we rented out the entire floor she has a key that can open any single door on the floor." He explains to me. I've never heard of a hotel doing something like that so it just surprised me.

"Cool." I shrug and look away from him. I am not usually one to get hurt over little things but when people think that dancers don't work hard I hate it because others don't understand how hard I truly did have to work to get into one of the best dance programs in the country.

For Andrew to assume that just because dancing is my sport is easy, yes, I'm going to take offense to that. I feel like the fact that he was way more exhausted than me after running the same amount should say something about the amount of work that I put into my sport and workouts. Asshole.

Once I cool down I only be that mad at him, I'm just annoying annoyed, and need to cool off. I head out onto the deck and take a seat on the chair out there. I pull out my phone and talk to Ariana and Amelia for a bit.

Alexis, Ariana, Amelia

Ariana: What happened?

Alexis: Can I not just text my best friend to say how they are doing on a random day?

Amelia: To be fair, even to me it is kind of suspicious.

Alexis: Fine. Andrew said something about how I should be exhausted from running since I am only a dancer while he is a basketball player.

Ariana: I can castrate him if you want me to.

Alexis: That's very unnecessary. I'm just a little annoyed I'll get over it.

Ariana: Trust me, bestie, we will kill him for you. Anyways, I have somewhere to be. I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow though!!

Alexis: What time do you guys fly back tomorrow?

Amelia: I land at nine-fifty in the morning. They didn't have any later flights.

Ariana: I land at six-thirty in the afternoon, anyways, bye guys.

Alexis: Bye, Ari.

Amelia: Bye, can't wait to see you both tomorrow.



Last night Alexis was mad at me for a few hours because apparently, I insulted her as a dancer. We have talked since then and we talked it out.

She now knows that I didn't mean it at all in an offensive I just meant it because they're not running that much.

I know that what they do isn't easy and that they train, work out and condition just as much as any other sport out there.

After we talked that through last night she told me that Ariana had threatened to castrate me. Fantastic.

I love Oliver just as much as any of my biological brothers, but Ariana will probably scare me until the day that I leave this earth.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" I ask Alexis. Tomorrow we have to go back to school so before we head back to campus around noon we are going to be going to a brunch with all of my family members.

Brunch was truly a fun time. I'm starting to think that after this week my family does love Alexis more than they love me.

I was talking to a few of my brothers about next weekend. I'm planning a date for me and Alexis to go on so grant I can ask her to be my girlfriend. We've only been on officially one date, but it just feels right.

I don't want to have to wait any longer and even though we have been talking in more of a relationship way for a few days we have both known that we like each other for way longer than that.

I have no idea what we are going to do on this date so I should probably start planning. Right now Alexis and I were up in our room just finishing packing all of our bags.

"Your laptop charger is still plugged into the wall, just so you know," I tell Alexis, I know she left it there on purpose this morning but I don't want her to end up forgetting it here.

"Oh shot, thanks." She says, I kind of assumed that she was going to forget it if I didn't say anything. "It's no problem. I'm just going to look around one more time before we head out is that good with you?" I ask her, making sure that she didn't have anything else that she wanted to do first.

"Yeah that's fine, I've done everything I needed to do while I was here." She says shrugging.

After walking throughout the entire bedroom area, kitchen area, and bathroom and seeing none of our belongings we put our bags on a cart and head back down to my car.

"So, how was this week for you?" I ask her, we've talked about a few of my family members and how she had been getting along with them but I don't know- as a whole- how she felt about them.

"I loved your family members so much. Not a single one of them was rude or mean to me and all of them were just so sweet. I loved your mom, especially." She tells me, making me happy.

It's not a 'meeting the family' thing since we weren't and still aren't technically together but it makes me happy that she gets along so well with all of them.

"I'm glad to hear that. My grandmas on both sides of the family would kill anyone who didn't make the guest feel welcome." I tell her while letting out a chuckle.

The fact that it's true is probably the worst part. Both of them are very keen on being accepting of anyone that has anything to do with the family.

"Well, I loved both of them. I definitely wouldn't be opposed to seeing them again." She softly admits, yawning at the end.

"What exactly are you tired from, you slept in today," I say in a teasing voice turning my gaze over to her. Usually, she's up at the ass crack of dawn while today she slept in until about nine in the morning.

"Very funny. You sleep until like noon every day so I would not be talking if I was you." She says teasing me back.

We are now back on campus and with our friends in Oliver and Ariana's apartments. "So, how was the date?" I hear Ariana trying to get details out of Alexis.

"So Ariana told me that you finally asked her out," Xavier says while raising an eyebrow at me. My two friends probably thought I wasn't ever actually going to do it.

"Yeah, we went on our date while we were still up by my parents," I tell them, even though they are not nearly as bad as the girls they will still ask about it.

"Have you asked her to be your girlfriend yet?" Oliver asked me in a hushed tone. "Not yet. I'm going to do it this coming weekend on another date." I explain to them. The date that I am still yet to plan.

"I am going to head out now. I have an early class and I'm tired, I'll see you later guys." Alexis says and waves at us before walking out of the apartment that we were in.

"We should probably be going too. Come on baby." Xavier says while he and Amelia walkout. "Yeah, I'm just going to take that as my cue to leave. I'll see you later man." I say giving Oliver a fist bump at the end.

I catch up to Alexis who is standing by the elevator to go down to the lobby of their apartment building. "Are you okay?" I ask her, seeing how she's swaying?

"I'm fine. I am just really tired right now." She tells me and we both step into the elevator door when it opens. We make a little bit of small talk on the way to our apartment building.

"You should get to bed, I'll talk to you tomorrow," I tell Alexis after I walked her up to her dorm. While walking back downstairs to my dorm I think about what I can do this weekend. I've never gotten the need to put this much effort into a second date before.

I'm thinking that at some point this week when I am more seriously planning for this weekend that I will talk to Ariana and Amelia about what they think I should do to officially ask her to be my girlfriend.

I don't want anything similar to what we did on our first date some I am going to have to think hard about this one.

After I finish thinking about this weekend I ended up going to bed right away.

I wake up with a groan when I hear banging on my door. What the fuck?

I open it and see Ariana and Amelia standing there. Ariana looks extremely angry. That in itself should probably make me fear for my life.

Amelia is just standing there and I see her mouth to me 'I'm sorry. That makes me even more concerned. Ariana pushes past me and sits down at the chair by my desk.

"Just come on in why don't you?" I ask her sarcastically while going back over to my bed and sitting down.

"I'm sorry. She forced me to come here with her." Amelia apologizes and I shrug. I'm not surprised that Ariana would do something like this.

"So what's up, guys?" I ask them, still not having a single clue on why they could be here right now.

"So, I heard that you are going to ask Alexis to be your girlfriend this weekend," Ariana says with a devilish smirk on her face. This is not going to be good.

"Yeah, I am, why?" I ask her, not knowing where she could be going with this one.

"Well, where are you going to do it? How are you going to do it? What exactly are you going to say?" Alexis fires a bunch of questions grilling me for details.

"Our first date was only last week so I haven t figured out all of the details yet. Is that a good enough answer for you?" I question the girls, knowing how protective the two of them and Ariana are over each other.

"I guess it is for now." Ariana let's put with a sigh and I hear another series of banging at my door. I open it and this time I see Oliver and Xavier standing there.

"Sorry about this one, but I came to get her," Oliver says while nodding his head at Ariana and pulling her up to the floor by her hands.

"I'm not done yet. I still need more details about the next date." She yells at me as Oliver continues pulling her out of my dorm. "We will head out too. By Andrew." Amelia says while waving in my direction.

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