Xiaolumi S1: Dark On Me

By Otaku_AriaSnow

92.7K 2.5K 1.6K

"Why? Why won't you rely on me more? All I said is you had to call my name and I'd be there....so why didn't... More

Fated Encounter
Sigil of Permission
Negative Karma
I Don't Want Your Sympathy
Would Anyone Care?
Getting Too Comfortable
Why Didn't You Call!? Pt I
Why Didn't You Call!? Pt II
Run As I Do
Don't Deserve Your Love
Venti's Mistake
Time You Learned A Lesson Pt.I
Time You Learned A Lesson Pt.II
Calls This Your Home
I Want To Help You
Lantern's Light
Zhongli's Tale
Morax's Blessing
Time Stands Still
Thanks & Announcements

On Your Behalf

3.3K 85 133
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: Lumine finds and fills Xiao in on what happened. Xiao has a rather clever plan.]


Finding Xiao had been surprisingly easy to do for Lumine. But maybe that was because she was with him so often and knew what to look for now beyond his traces of anemo he'd leave behind. They had stumbled upon him actually not to far from Wanshu Inn...just a few miles away near a cavern after he had dispatched some corrupted monsters. But Paimon, being well, Paimon had been less then tactful and actually by mistake had upset the young yaksha. Which in kind had upset Lumine especially after learning what she had from Zhongli earlier today. It took some convincing and insistence but the girls manages to have him permit them to follow. Xiao while happy to see her had not too thrilled she had been so close to such corruption. But to be fair the blonde mortal of well over five hundred and eighteen years old...if not possibly older hadn't known he was busy purging the malice. But allow his dear traveler to assist he did, despite his misgivings.

The cavern itself was thick with a heavy, gloomy mist and maybe due to the energy or some unknown force pieces of bedrock floated in the air with simple sandbrairer trees. Their leaves lush with the color of blood. Overhead Lumine could see a swirl of light grey clouds and mist like a whirlpool in the air. "This more like a domain then a cavern."she thought curiously as Paimon floated nervously beside her. Xiao making it very clear they had to remain calm while in here lest they too became effected by the malice of begone deities. She had seen Xiao fight multiple times and his movements were swift and strike hard like a a swooping falcon was the best way she could describe it. Witnessing the ceremony itself he used to cleanse this place of its negative karma had been a wonder to be hold too. With one last flick of his spear the moist once tainted blood splattered off to the side.

"I think that's the last of them."Lumine sighed as she wiped her own sword clean before letting it vanish back into her dimensional storage. 

"It is."Xiao confirmed as he removed his mask and turned his attention to the area of these old ruins around them. Tangled, knarred tree roots of the old trees weaved through the crumbling and moss stone walls and even parts of the ground. The dark grey rocky surface now bared the signs of the carnage and the battle that had happened. Scorch marks from pyro slimes hopping about and from blasts from an abyss mage could be seen along with holes from Xiao's spear and anemo spears. His gaze then turned to Lumine with a tinge of relief. "Good no harm came to her this time."he thought in satisfaction. 

"It's good that we came here. An unusual number of living things had fallen under the malicious influence. Had we not arrived in good time, Lumine, the consequences would have been severe."huffed Xiao. It bothered him actually as to why since this era it was rare to see this high a concentration in one spot. Then something dawned on him. "Wait, why were you in the area Lumine? I've told you its dangerous coming anywhere near. You're always behaving so rash!"

"I'm sorry but I had to find you its important."said Lumine firmly.

"Nevermind, just be more careful next time."sighed Xiao before turning serious as out of habit crossed his arms as he permitted his polearm to vanish. "Now. What is this Starsnatcher you mentioned earlier. What's the situation?"

"Well I was doing my work for the guild as always. Dispatching monsters, dealing with some treasure hoarders....the usual stuff. We were making our way to my final job for the day when we ran into —"Lumine began but Paimon had cut her off.

"Ooo~! Paimon can tell you...."Paimon began.

"Paimon!"sighed Lumine. "Fine...you tell him."

"We ran into this small group and there was this guy wearing a mask. He claimed to be an adeptus that grants wishes, but Lumine doesn't believe him even after he chased away some hillicurls."Paimon explained.

"Tsk, why would she? Lumine is not some worthless fool."he thought mentally pleased with her. Of course she wouldn't fall for such a petty, worthless fool. Lumine spent much of her free time with him and even had favor with his lord, the Geo Archon, Morax. Still this person claiming to be an adeptus infuriated him to be honest. "Hmph, an adeptus that grants wishes huh...To think that mortals fall for such blatant lies. But not you, no you're different Lumine."he firmly stated earning a smile from Lumine at his praise.

"As an adeptus, are you able to grant wishes, Xiao?"Paimon asked in curisoity.

"Paimon, why would he need such a skill? Xiao's duty is to protect Liyue, not spoil them like Childe does for Taucer."she giggled recalling her recent encounter with Childe's little brother. Those event yesterday with the harbinger had indeed repaired her friendship with the ginger haired Snezhnayan. Now they were regular sparring partners and he even some times helped her on her jobs when Xiao was too busy.  

"Agreed, why would I need of something so petty and pointless. The Liyue of yesteryear would have never been so disrespectful as to ask the adepti for boons unearned."huffed Xiao in distaste. His gaze turned to Lumine's and held it firmly. "In the past millenia, ancient Liyue's ancestral people wanted nothing more then to have the strength to protect their land they called home."

"During when Liyue was still torn by the war happening around Tevyet, yes?"Xiao nodded at Lumine's clever observation just from the few words he had given. 

"Eeehhh.....Paimon to be honest thinks an adeptus that can grant wishes is far more appealing to people nowadays...."sighed Paimon, making Lumine slap her forehead at the comment. Lumine did not look amused in the slightest to Xiao, actually she seemed a bit annoyed if her posture was anything to go by. 

"However feeble people of today may be nowadays, I care very little about it. My only concerns are with following Rex Lapis's contract and,"Xiao actually grinned as he grabbed and pulled Lumine close to him with a delighted purr leaning in to whisper into Lumine's ear. "You."

Lumine blushed at the remark before smiling as he moved away. Since the Lantern Rite Xiao had become a bit less shy about making his affections for her known. Even though for now it was subtle when they were around Paimon. When it was just them though he was growing a little bolder as his confidence grew. Lumine though frowned as she carefully and slowly twined her fingers in his hand.

"Whoopsies...Paimon spoke without thinking again didn't Paimon?"Lumine nodded, earning a look of embarrassment from her fairy companion.

"Xiao, he has a sigil of permission. He's been using it to try and exorcise the monsters instead of dispatching them."she informed firmly. "He doesn't know what you told me when we first met."

Xiao's eyes grew wide in disbelief, "Wait, truly!?"

"Yes."Lumine firmly stated holding his stunned gaze.

Xiao's expression turned serious and not in the slightest bit amused at this inform his dear Lumine had given him. "Is this why she came running to find me instead of just calling for me?"he thought with a displeased hiss. "Hmph, the fool. Exorcising demons without disposing of them — it's no wonder they all started congregating here in this cavern."he stated in displeasure. It did explain why lately he had been getting busier then usual today which was resulting in the pain increase he was slowly starting to have. "If this continues, Lumine things will spiral out of even my control...We must confiscate that sigil of permission from him."

"I really would like to teach him a lesson. I don't like that he's pretending to be an adeptus."Xiao nodded in agreement as they began to leave the cavern behind them.

"Great minds think alike! Paimon agrees, he needs to learn a lesson and not trick people."agreed Paimon firmly. "We'll teach him for trying to fool us.

"You mean for fooling you, Paimon."teased Lumine in good humor.

"Hey, stop teasing Paimon!"

Xiao said nothing as they walked out to be greeted by the deep pastel golden hues of twilight. His mind wandering on what actions they could take. This mortal playing such a dangerous fool's game had a sigil of permission. "This...will limit what I can do."he thought. However his eyes lit up briefly as an idea surfaced. There was one thing he could do that the sigil would permit. 

"It just so happens we have Xiao with us, a real adeptus. If he taught him a lesson you bet that trickster would never pretend to be an adeptus ever again!"Paimon's words made Xiao grow tense and a soft growl made the fairy look on in confusion.

"Paimon how would you like to become a meat pie!? I can't believe you're asking him to break his contract!"snapped Lumine. She was not happy at her friend's clueless and senseless remark. Xiao had told her many times while they had still been with Dainslief that slaying humans was the fastest way to worsen negative karma. But it also went against everything in his contract with Zhongli. The only exception was if a human was unfortunate enough to fall to the malice of these deceased deities. 

"No. I only slay demons and monsters — I do not kill mortals."reprimanded Xiao firmly, his tone rather cold and frigid.

"Paimon's not food and how was Paimon suppose to know!?"squeaked Paimon. "Also who said anything about killing him!"


"Is there another way Xiao, to teach him a lesson? Earlier you looked like you had an idea."Lumine asked hurrying so she was now walking beside him.

"As a matter of fact I do. It would benefit Liyue if we can convince him to stop his wicked ways. I possess an adeptal art called Dream Trawler, Lumine."he began.

"Dream Trawler?"she echoed.

"Yes. Normally I use its purpose is to remove the soul from the body so that one may cultivate oneself in a waking dream. But it can also be used to summon the spirits of others."he explained making the girls' eyes grow wide in surprise and awe. Lumine though he noticed seemed a tiny bit nervous, though he was not sure why. "Did Hu Tao prank her again with some ghost or some other senseless nonsense?"he thought. 

"Similar to how Mr.Zhongli did that 'gifting dreams and visions' to the other adepti and Ningguang?"Lumine mused.

"Yes. A ritual must be preformed for this art to be used though. Lumine will you assist me in gathering something cold, seven lamps, and a censor? Oh and see if Ganyu is willing to come help I will require an archer for the ceremony."Xiao asked.

"Sure I can. But about the archery...Childe's actually been teaching me and he says I've got the basic down at least."Lumine grinned with determination.

"Show me."he demanded swiftly stopping in his tracks.

So Lumine reached into her storage and pulled out a bow that Tartaglia had gifted her. It was nothing fancy in appearance with it being a black and gold in color. Paimon and Xiao backed away as Lumine loaded it with a single arrow and drew the string back with almost perfect posture due to all her practice. "Take aim over there."Xiao pointed towards a stone column a mile away. So Lumine took aim as the tip of her arrow began to become charged with geo energy to enforce it. "Now fire."he instructed and Lumine set the arrow loose. Sure enough the arrow whooshed straight at it dead on bull's eye. 

"Woah you actually hit it!"gaped Paimon. 

Xiao couldn't help but grin briefly both proud and amazed she had did it. "She won't have any problems with the ceremony then."he thought. "Very well, do not bother bringing Ganyu then. Head to the shrine not far from here, there you'll find the lamps and incense burner. Once you've acquired them bring them outside of Liyue Harbor where you'll find the two statues of the Yakshas near Mt. Tianheng."

"You can count on me."

Lumine as always stayed true to her word, her promise solid as stone. With his instruction the girls set out the mist flowers, lamps, and censer into their proper places. Lumine had even been flawless at performing the most important part to summon forth this man's spirit. During this she had met the soul of a crane yaksha adeptus that had died during the war, whom by now had finally passed on after seeing the Liyue of the present day. 

But back to the present hour as Lumine watched Xiao perform the final part were he sat legs crossed in a pose of mediation it seemed. His breaths deep and steady as the tattoo like mark on his arm glowed soft then a bit brighter in the dark shadows of the night.  Then his eyes shot open his pupils narrowed to dangerous slits as the moonlight reflected in his eyes. Sure enough Starsnatcher's soul appeared and he heaved himself up to his feet appeared confused. Lumine crossed her arms from where she stood in front of the man's soul.

"Where is one..."Starsnatcher looked around in a daze of confusion before spotting the not so impressed girls as the dark haired young man went to stand beside Lumine. "Huh? You two look familiar. What's with one's body? One feels light...Weightless even."

"We meet again. Guess what? You're dead."Lumine informed smoothly. 

"D-Dead!?"yelped the man in disbelief.

"As a door nail."grinned Paimon.

"Impossible! One was just lying in peaceful repose in one's room at Wanshu Inn....Wait...That must be it. As expected of an adeptus such as oneself. One must be in a dream!"mused the man.

"Ugh..."groaned Paimon in annoyance while Xiao looked equally unamused. 

Lumine's patience though had run thin and gone, an amazing accomplishment considering Xiao knew just how patient she was in reality. Especially when Xiao's karma was acting up, the pain making his mood sour as a result and his words sharper. She walked right up to him with a temper that could easily rival Cloud Retainer's own and hissed, "Oh you're not dreaming. After all, dreamers feel no pain now do they?" she raised her hand and summoned her brand new sword. It was golden with a vividly glowing cyan crystal ore blade. To Xiao he inwardly grinned, finding it fitting. A blade befitting a mortal with the radiance of a star.

"What is the meaning of this?"snapped the man at the sight of the sword now in Lumine's hands.

"I won't need my elemental powers to drill this lesson into you troublemaker. You're causing somebody I care about greatly a lot of problems."she hissed taking a step toward him making Starsnatcher step backward with her advances.

"Do you truly think one will permit such insolence in one's own dreams!?"growled the masked man. 

"Alrigh' time to go take him down a peg, Lumine."sighed Paimon.

"Enough. I'm tired of your lil' game of playing with fire....now you're about to get burned."Lumine's patience had been tossed to the wind. Instantly with the blunt end of her sword she ruthlessly started walloping at the scam artist. Paimon flinching a couple times at every hit that landed.

"Ooooh~! He's going feel that later."yelped Paimon as Lumine kicked him hard in stomach. Despite his protests she did not let up until finally was cowering and begging for mercy.

Xiao though couldn't help but feel surprised; had Lumine really been that angry at this man for his actions on his and the adepti's behalf? It seemed to be the case. Actually her temper was a little scary and reminded him a bit of a certain Goddess of Dust and two of his late comrades he looked to as family. "Lady Guizhong always did have a bad temper. But Lumine's is nothing short of a force of nature herself..."he thought staring at the now cowering man before them. 

"P-Please stop, I surrender!"whimpered the man in fright.

Lumine allowed her sword to vanish as she glared down at him her tone scolding and sharp, "So do you believe me now, dear scam artist?"

"Y-Yes! Yes I believe you just stop please!"begged the man in such a pitiful sight. "Oh how did I have the misfortune to meet you two!?"


"Oh please, great adepti spare my life. I promise I won't ever do this again!"pleaded Starsnatcher looking up at the girls. Lumine's face remained calm and cold as ice as she went over to stand beside Xiao.

"I'm no adepti, just a simple traveler. He however,"Lumine gave a soft smile as she looked at Xiao. "He is an adeptus."

"Yeah we did call your spirit here but we're not adepti. He however, like the traveler said, is an adeptus!"scolded Paimon sharply.

"I'll take it from here, Lumine."Lumine nodded as Xiao stared down the man  his tone growing sharper with each word. "You deceived the populace with quackery, masqueraded as an adeptus, exorcise demons and monsters without dispatching them, and lastly showed a callous disregard for life itself and a total disrespect for my comrades!"

"One day you will reap what you sow, for those that invite karma into their lives there is no mercy. There is no redemption!"he hissed as Lumine discretely place her hand on his shoulder. The simple gesture helping to reign in his own temper as Lumine could tell and knew Xiao was saying this so harshly due to his own experiences. 

"Ah...I-I...You are..."squeaked the man, very startled and maybe a bit frightened.

"Seems like Xiao's got him scared silly."grinned Paimon in amusement as she flew over to join Lumine and Xiao.

"Oh great and illuminated adeptus, may I ask your name?"asked the man as he got to his feet, slapping his hands together as if in prayer.

"This is the Vigiliant Yaksha, the Conquer of Demons."Lumine said smoothly, still not happy with this man.

 The man looked in shocked awe and delight as he continued to ramble on. Apparently this man, this scammer has a huge admirer of Xiao and the Yakshas. After once more making a promise to straighten up Xiao sent the man's soul from whence he came. Xiao unable to restrain himself pulled Lumine into his arms, a pleased and proud purr rumbling in her ears. The smile on his face genuine and bright like the sun at dawn as he got her to look at him.

"Were you really that upset on my behalf, Lumi?"he whispered.

"Of course. You work so hard and I can't stand it when somebody does something like that...."she hummed happily. Lumine let out a squeak as Xiao kissed her and she was more then happy to return it.

"Eeewww!!! Get a room you two!"protested Paimon. Xiao and Lumine though just ignore the fairy, content and lost in their own little world. But Lumine knew she would need to tell Xiao her days in Liyue would soon end. So reluctantly she pulled apart from him, her gaze serious.

"Is something wrong?"he asked, stroking her cheek tenderly with worry in his eyes.

"Xiao there's another reason I was looking for you. I'm leaving Liyue for Inazuma...and I want you to come with me."

To Be Continued....

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