you belong with me - dnf

By sourpandas

4.6K 210 206

Dream has never really been interested in girls, he never thought much into it. He had been told that when he... More



227 8 4
By sourpandas

TW: vomiting, drinking, underage drinking

"Where are we going now?"

George spoke as he sat in the back seat

"we gotta go to dream's house, to get a book i need" Quackity spoke

"Alright" He answered

George had been wondering why the two boys had been acting so strange, they seemed to want to be them keep busy all day. No one had mentioned the fact that it was his birthday, and as cliche as it sounds it kinda bummed him out. Dream and Sapnap hadn't answered him at all since they left school.

Quackity drove down the street, a very familiar one. He had been going to dreams house since he was 8. The street lights turning on as the sun was setting.

The lights in the house were turned off, George saw Quackity look down at his phone for what George could guess is it was to tell Dream we had arrived.

"Are you sure he's home?" George asked

"No idea, he said he would be" Karl lied

"Maybe we should knock?" George spoke, approaching the front door

"Just use the spare key" karl spoke

"You think Dream would be mad?" George asked

"When do you need the book?" George asked

"Tomorrow" Quackity spoke

"Well then screw it" George spoke

He grabbed the key from under the plant pot and unlocked the door. Quackity entered the house going to turn on the lights.

"SURPRISE" People screamed as George stepped inside the house

"Happy birthday!" Sapnap yelled practically tackling him

"You guys threw me a suprise party?" George spoke looking at his friends

"You didn't think we forgot did you?" Dream asked teasingly

George didn't say anything, but instead just smiled.

It seemed like half the school had come, most people didn't even know George but just came since they heard it was a party.

"George!" Dream spoke

"ComeI wanna give you something"

"What is it?" He asked

"Just open this" Dream spoke giving him a box with a ribbon placed on top

George unwrapped the ribbon that had been on the box, he opened it slowly reliving a set of glasses.

"Dream" george spoke slowly

George looked at dream, he had a small smile on his face.

"Woah are those-" Sapnap spoke from behind

"Dude what are you doing put them on" Karl spoke next to sapnap

"I can be the first thing you see with the glasses on!" Dream spoke happily

George lifted the glasses to his face, as he nervously put them on. George looked at Dream, his eyes were green. Of course he had known that before but they were so much more vibrant. He turned to the rest of his friends, at the rest of the house.

George stood silent, a smile arose on his face. He turned back to Dream, his eyes seemed teary.

"Are you about to cry?" George teased with a laugh

"No" He answered hiding his face

"How different is it? Like from how you expected it?" Quackity asked

"I don't really know how to describe it" George answered

"What color is this?" Sapnap asked, holding a yellow balloon

"Um that's green I think"

"Yellow" Sapnap corrected

"That's yellow!?"



The night had been great, George had been having the time of his life playing the little games Dream and Sapnap had planned, or just talking to his friends. His girlfriend hadnt shown yet, but George didn't give that too much attention hoping to not dawn on his mood.

"Are you enjoying your party?" Wilbur asked

"Mhm" George said with a nod

"I'm going to get another cup, do you want one?" George asked

"How many of those have you drunk?" Wilbur spoke

"Stop worrying, I'll be fine. Want one or not?"

"Uh yea sure"

"Here" George handed wilbur a red solo cup "we should probably go find the others"

"Yea, yea we should"

"DRINK, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK" A crowd of people had been circling a table, sapnap and dream seemed to be having a drinking competition

"HA FUCK YOU DREAM!" Sapnap yelled as he finished first

Dream rolled his eyes at sapnaps competitiveness

"Woah dream, letting sapnap beat you?" George spoke with a laugh

"You couldn't do any better" Dream spoke playfully

"Is that a bet?" George asked, Dream responding with a nod

"Okay, Dream lets do it"

"Fine but don't start crying when you lose" Dream joked

"What was that you were saying?" George spoke with a giant grin on his face

"Let's go, George!" Sapnap spoke giving George a high five

"Suck it Dream" Sapnap playfully spoke

"You guys are stupid" Dream laughed

"Sore loser much?" George teased

The two boys walked away from the empty shot glasses, sapnap going a different direction

"Ill be back" sapnap spoke before disapearing

"George you okay?" Dream asked, as George had came to a stop

"Ye-" George was interrupted by his own vomit spilling from his mouth to the ground

"Oh god" Dream spoke

Dream leads George to the bathroom, George puking in the toilet bowl.

"How much did you drink?" Dream asked concerned

"Not that-" Once again george was interrupted by his own vomit

"Gonna take that as a lot"

"Im fine, lets just go back out there" George tried to lift himself before stumbling back to the floor.

George had stopped puking, however still looked insanely pale. Dream came back into the bathroom with a cup in hand.

"Here drink this"

George imagined it would be water, seeing as it would be counter productive if it was alcohol so he went ahead and drank it.

"Sorry im such a wreck" George spoke out with a weak laugh

"You're not, it's fine George. Really it's fine" Dream reassured

They both sat on the bathroom tile floor, George had placed his head up against Dreams shoulder.

"You know, you have really pretty eyes" George mumbled

"Oh yea?"

"Yea...,I never knew they were green. WellI guess I did just not green like the way I saw it with the glasses. Usually they look more of a yellowish dule color." George rambled

"Thank you for those"

"For what?" Dream asked

"The glasses"

"Your welcome, George"

"You should get back to the party" George spoke "You don't have to stay here with me"

"I don't mind" Dream answered

"You know, you're really kind. Nice whatever the word is.." George spoke

"You think so?"

"Yeah.., yeah I do. You've always been so nice to me"

"That's what friends are for, to be there for eachother" Dream answered

"I feel like my dad" George spoke with a gentle laugh

"What do you mean by that?" Dream asked

"Getting drunk and making someone take care of me"

"Your not making me George, your nothing like your Dad"



"I'm glad I met you" George spoke

"I'm glad I met you too"

"I really like you Dream" George spoke as his eyes slowly shut

"I really like you too, George" Dream spoke playing with Gorgeous hair

"I'm really sorry I had to mess things up" George spoke, trying not to fall asleep "With madison and you and just everything else"

"You didn't mess anything up" Dream reassured

"Still I'm sorry, I know you always try to help me with my relationship. I don't know why but you do, even if you do hate madison" George continued

"I don't hate madison George" Dream spoke softly "i hate the way she treats"

"Sometimes I hate her too, but its whatever. Your different though, you take care of everyone sometimes more than yourself." George mumbled "Hey Dream? Can i tell you something?"

"Anything" Dream whispered

"If im being honest, I think I've always liked you. I think maybe I just never wanted to screw things up. You're really sweet to everyone. Maybe that's why I never thought I had a chance. You're nice. Too nice, I guess. Maybe I thought you were too good for me, that I was too much of a fuck up for you to like me" George muttered, letting the alcohol speak for him.

Dream looked down at George, he now laid in his lap. His eyes fully shut, he had fallen asleep. Dream thought about what he had said, but he forcefully pushed it away. 'He said it because he was drunk' was what he thought to himself.

He slowly stood up, lifting George with him as he opened the bathroom door. The music from the house instantly flooded the bathroom as he exited it. He made his way upstairs where it was quiet, slowly walking towards his own bedroom.

He laid George onto the mattress and lifted the blanket over him. "Goodnight George" He wispered as he left the room, closing the bedroom door.

The party soon came to an end, Dream going around with a giant trash bag picking up empty platters and cups from the ground.

"Is sapnap alright?" Dream asked

"He'll be fine, just drank too much like an idiot" Karl responded

"Quackity too?"

"Yep" Karl answered, Sapnap and Quackity both laying on the couch knocked out

"You need help?" Karl asked

"Yea, if you want you can help pick up the trash. The bags are over there"

Karl went over to grab a bag, seeing punz sitting by the kitchen island.

" thought you would have passed out by now" karl teased

"Nah im all good" Punz spoke

"Didn't you drink just as much as them?" Karl spoke pointing at sapnap and quackity

"their light weights" Punz spoke playfully

"Was George alright?" Punz asked "i saw you carrying him upstairs"

"I think he'll be fine, he was just pretty fucked up so i took him to lay down"

"He was drinking the entire night huh?" Punz asked with concern

Dream nodded

"Hes gonna have a hell of a hangover thats for sure" Punz spoke before finishing off his cup

"Tubbo, how did you end up drinking more than tommy?" Philza scolded

Wilbur laughed before philza turned his attention to him.

"How did tubbo get ahold of the liquor anyways?" Karl asked Dream

"Probably wilbur" Dream laughed

"Isn't Wilbur supposed to be the one taking care of him?" Karl asked

"Yeah" Dream answered

It was around 4 in the morning when Dream had decided to just leave the rest of the mess for the morning. Dream however first took his little sister to her bedroom. She had fallen asleep on the couch after helping him clean.

Dream got himself a pillow and a blanket before laying himself down onto the couch and falling asleep.

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